UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars (full movie, synopsis and movie review)

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UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars (full movie, synopsis and movie review)

Highly anticipated full length documentary about the effects that the drone wars have had, focusing specifically on the 'collatoral damage', such as a 16 year old called Tariq, in the country of Pakistan. Approximately 300 children have been killed up to this point. Is it ok to kill innocent children?

Is this drone assassination program making us safer, or is it creating more terrorists at an accelerating pace, due to the anger and desire for revenge that it generates?

Is hunting allowed in any country that drones operate in? What happens to anyone legally carrying a gun and hunting wild animals in the wilderness of countries where drones operate?


A drone kill authorization is as simple as a 'signature'. A signature drone 'strike' (notice there is no mention of killing, death or assassination?) means there is no confirmed ID that a target is a terrorist; they just fit a 'signature', so that is enough to assassinate them and anyone else nearby. One of the signatures is a person carrying a gun. Another signature is multiple people in a car, driving to the border of a country, or as in the case of Tarik, just driving around in a city. If you happen to accidentally be around anyone who is part of this 'signature' you can also be 'taken out'. 

25: in, a tribal leader meeting was held, called a jurga. A gathering of elected tribal leaders is much like the city council members or mayors in the USA coming together to resolve disputes or to create laws. The tribal leaders notified the local Pakistani military that they were holding a public government meeting, open to all. They would have tribal leaders attending, and they were going to meet during broad daylight. 

Four missiles from US drones hit this meeting. All of the 40 - 44 elders at that meeting were killed. The CIA and mass media labeled all these elected tribal leaders 'terrorists', claiming that because they were not holding a bake sale, this justified killing them all. 

30: in - One year later, a senior US government official, John Brennan, said that there has not been a single collateral death, and that all drone strike assassinations had killed only terrorists. Their definition of a terrorist was any male over the age of 14, up to the age of 60 that fits the 'signature'. No intelligence or proof of anything is required to assassinate anyone. 

31: The enemy body count in Vietnam was highly flawed, just as the drone strike body count is, and for the same reasons. How are we winning the war on terror, if when we kill one person, we create ten more terrorists? How is winning any war, much less the war on terror going to be accomplished by killing people who may even be neutral or our friends, who are trying to make a positive difference?

32: This killing of 40 elected tribal leaders led to a blowback against the US, in the whole nation of Pakistan. Huge public rallies against drones all across Pakistan resulted in a 'destabilization' of foreign relations, which made the US less safe. Those huge public rallies against the drone attacks then created public denouncements by government officials in Pakistan, against those attacks. 

33: The extreme suffering of the victims families surrounding the drone attack on 40 leaders led to a legal lawsuit being filed against the CIA and US government in Pakistani court. The Pakistani high court found that drone attacks are illegal and called it a war crime, on 11/04/2013. The court concluded that CIA officials are committing the offense of murder. No further drone strikes will be tolerated. 

34: At this point, we have the Supreme Court and government of a foreign country saying that drone strikes should be stopped, as they are illegal war crimes, and the notice of this was provided to the US government and the CIA, both in public via mass media announcements in the US, and via other communication channels. 

35: The ACLU filed lawsuits on behalf of three US citizens who were killed in US drone strikes. The public all around the world is growing weary of CIA and US government announcements that this practice of assassinating even US citizens from the air, with no trial, no jury, no evidence, is legal, necessary and justified. The public believes that drone strikes are illegal terrorist actions and they want them banned completely and absolutely. These drone strikes will lead us into a world of chaos and lawlessness. 

38: The drone strike operator realizes that he saw a child killed as a result of a drone strike on a 'high value target', and that the burden of that is on him personally. The CIA and US government calls this collatoral damage, but the drone strike operator sees it up close and personal. Despite being far away, watching through a telescopic lens as a child is torn apart by a bomb is something that only a cold, hardened, heartless person can continue to do with impunity. The drone operator started asking questions; Why was he there? Why was he doing this? 

As a religious person, he went to the chaplain, and was told this was 'God's plan'. He came to the conclusion that he was not part of anything good, wholesome, healthy or contributing to the greater good. He felt like he was destroying himself. He felt like he was taking a sledge hammer to who he thought he was as a person, and breaking that person down. 

40 to 47: describes the drone attack on a family where a mother was killed and eight children were wounded, plus one adult had his leg broken. The victims report that the drone strikes are usually one missile hits, and then other one hits five to ten minutes later, to kill those that come out to help, usually relatives and family members.  The CIA claimed terrorists were killed and no one else was wounded, but according to the family, there were no other victims, just a mother and children. 

50: The more terrorists we kill by drone strikes, the larger the terrorist groups seem to grow. 

51: In a bomb attack on New York City, a Pakistani said he did what he attempted due to the drone strikes, and the number of children killed by them, and the effect that the drone strikes had on families. Another suicide bomber killed himself and 7 CIA operatives, as revenge for the drone strikes, in 2009. 

52: Christians in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan are increasingly being targeted with bombs and attacks. The Taliban says that suicide bombers are no longer being trained, there are crowds of volunteers just waiting to go and do anything, including suicide bombs, in response to the drone attacks. 

There is a huge cash, jobs and profit motive behind the drone strikes. Every member of Congress wants contracts put out by the military for their district, and the Pentagon makes sure that these contracts are spread out all over the US, so everyone will support a larger and larger military budget each year. 

Boeing has received 1.8 Billion in contracts for drones so far. 

Northrup Grumman has received over 10 Billion. 

General Atomics has received 6.6 Billion

Raytheon has received 6oo million

52: There are now 50 countries using drones. If we can assassinate people that are viewed as 'threats' to our country, why can't they fly their drones over the US or even Israel, and 'strike' people who are threats to that country? Why can't other countries attack other countries, including the US? Why couldn't a drone carry a dirty radioactive bomb into a US city from a country that hates the US for drone bombing in their country, despite repeated demands and court orders to stop it? 

The US and Israel would not allow one single drone to fly over their country, under any circumstances.

53: The decisions made in the last few years will come back to haunt the US. Drones are an excuse to not think seriously about or have any meaningful debates around foreign policy issues and the use of violence, specifically assassinations. 

54; Advisor to Patreus says that they have seen community based programs have much more positive effect than drones do. What we need to do is demilitarize US foreign policy around terrorists. Terrorists are a minor law enforcement problem, to be handled by the courts, not a war and military bombing problem. The evidence is that the military is the worst solution in regards to terrorism, but Washington is full of lobbyists pushing violence and spending tons of money on weapons, bombing and drones, as well as other secret operations involving dark money. 

55: There is a better way to deal with terrorists, by drying up the swamp. It involves helping people, instead of killing people. If you get rid of the environment that creates terrorists, you get less or no terrorists. What are these solutions? A roof over their head, food to eat, clean water, schools, lifting them out poverty, giving them meaningful alternatives to terrorism, and a stopping of drone attacks. (Peace Corp types of things)

56: The US drone strikes and Pakistani military operations are pushing the tribal area residents over to the terrorist extremist point of view. The drone attacks have not succeeded.

57: Drone operator and victims speak. Drone operater says he wanted to do good, to make a positive difference, to be a hero. I swore an oath and I gave my word. The only thing in the world that is worth anything is your word. I had to get away as quickly as possible. 


It is clear that drone assassinations are having the opposite of the intended effect, to reduce the risk to the US by terrorists and terror attacks. The picture that comes to mind is a person hacking at the leaves of weeds. In response, the weeds produce even more flowers and many more seeds. Instead of going to the root of the problem and dealing with the issue via law enforcement, community action and political means, the military has taken over and is applying a nuclear bomb to a problem that is not worthy of any weapons at all. If a terrorist commits a crime, put him or her in jail, whether in a foreign country or here in the US. Fear of terrorism is not excuse for assassinating people, including US citizens. 


UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars (full movie, synopsis and movie review); via @AGreenRoad

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