Tiananmen Square Massacre - Lessons From 1989 Democracy Movement Crushed In Communist China, Up To 5,000 People Killed

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Tiananmen Square Massacre - Lessons From 1989 Democracy Movement Crushed In Communist China, Up To 5,000 People Killed

Tiananmen Square Massacre. The 1989 Student Democracy Uprising, Beijing China

"Tiananmen Square is the large plaza near the center of Beijing, China, named after the Tiananmen (literally, Gate of Heavenly Peace) which sits to its north, separating it from the Forbidden City. It has great cultural significance as a symbol because it was the site of several key events in Chinese history

Tank Man, or the Unknown Rebel, is the nickname of an anonymous man who became internationally famous when he was videotaped and photographed during the protests at Beijing's Tiananmen Square on June 5, 1989. Several photographs were taken of the man, who stood in front of a column of Chinese Type 59 tanks, preventing their advance. One of the most widely reproduced versions of the photograph was taken by Jeff Widener of the Associated Press from the sixth floor of the Beijing Hotel, about half a mile (800 meters) away from the scene, through a 400-millimeter lens."
Source; video description

Why is the mass media not focusing on Tiananmen Square types of democracy uprisings or the downsides of a Communist China form of government, which allows no freedom, no democracy, no choices, no voting, no dissent, no freedom of the press, no unions, no labor rights, and no environmental protection? Dissenters to the single party government rule in China are either jailed or killed. Just yelling an anti government slogan in a work place will get a six year prison sentence in China. 

Recently the US held joint military drills with Communist China, a totalitarian dictatorial country. What happened to the war on evil, godless Communism? When did it end? When did the US surrender to Communist China and let them become partners and take over all of our jobs? Could it be that Communist China is winning the war against the USA without ever firing a shot? If so, how would that work and what would it look like?

Communist China Winning War Against USA, Without A Shot Being Fired; via @AGreenRoad

It has been 25 Years since the massacre of 5,000 students in the public square, via a brutal military crackdown to a peaceful pro democracy protest. Things have only gotten worse since then in Communist China in terms of human rights, worker rights, and environmental protection. 

Why is it that this subject of Communism as an evil godless force is now a sacred cow that cannot be talked about in the US mass media? Why is Communist China shown only in positive ways on the news and in TV shows? Why is the US military doing joint military exercises with Communist China?

The mass media in the US which consists of just a few large corporations is more about misinformation, and dumbing down the public by focusing mainly on things that don't matter, plus a pro corporate, anti government agenda in all ways. Because corporations like how Communist China runs things and China makes them a lot of money illegally and immorally, corporate owned mass media TV now cowtows to a pro Communist agenda and pro Communist propaganda viewpoint. You will no longer see anyone being critical of China on main stream media channels. You will not see any major media outlet investigating any huge corporation for huge issues that affect the whole globe.  

The mass media almost all around the world is controlled by just a few people who are heads of huge corporations and who make up the world's elite. They control what is heard and seen on the mass media. There is no public 'Ministry of Propaganda' in the US as there was in Nazi Germany, but there is a well organized small group of individuals who know what they want covered and what they don't want covered in the news, movies and nightly shows, so they make sure via various techniques that they accomplish this goal, through various means.

Only certain people get air time on mass media, and they have to be corporate friendly or support the global corporate monopoly, even if they are friends with Communist China. There is the appearance of freedom of the press, but in reality, there is actually very little, especially when it comes to news and views that are not pro Communist, pro globalist corporate agenda. 

Fake Mass Media News; The Many Ways The Viewing Public Is 'Programmed' And TV Programming Is Censored; via @AGreenRoad

The best form of slavery is getting people to believe that they are free when they really are not, because mass media creates a form of mass brain washing and control that is not apparent at first glance. They do this by selecting the agenda of what can be shown on TV, radio and newspapers and what cannot be shown. In this way, people are 'steered' into believing and thinking certain things, in certain ways, which then shape, form and mold public opinion, voting patterns and actions. 

What also supports this behind the scenes control? ALEC is an organization that creates pro corporate laws in secret behind the scenes in America. These pro corporate laws are then given to lawmakers to sign, without even reading or understanding them. 

ALEC Exposed; How Corporations Buy, Corrupt, And Control The Federal And State Governments; via @AGreenRoad

Large corporate owned organizations such as Facebook, Google and Yelp are part of this ALEC organization and use the money collected from users to advance the large pro corporate agenda, which is all about taking away worker's rights, busting unions, outsourcing jobs to Communist China, and eliminating freedoms or democracy.

Facebook, Google and Yelp Joining ALEC - Climate Change Denying, Union Busting, Worker Rights Denier Organization; via @AGreenRoad

In summary, the huge corporations that control and run the  mass media, elections, politicians and are exporting jobs to Communist China have a certain view of the world, which is all about short term profits, no government interference, low or no taxes, and complete freedom to go and do whatever they want, anywhere in the world, with any dictator, Communist regime, or worse. These corporations claim to be 'people' in terms of rights that they want for themselves, but then they do not follow any of the Constitutions, laws, ethics, morals or rules that ordinary people like you or I have to live by. Just to give one example, corporations can cross borders anytime, anywhere for as long as they want. They are global citizens/people. But ordinary people are locked into one country with a passport. Corporations can hide profits overseas in a global financial market, but if ordinary citizens and people try that, they are jailed. Corporations pay no taxes, but if you try that, you are put in jail. Corporations can benefit from free labor in prison labor camps, and free land or buildings or money by the Billions given to them by governments, but you and I cannot get this as ordinary citizens.  Corporations as people live forever, as opposed to ordinary mortals like us. Corporations are a form of Super person, who follows no laws, no rules and has no morals. They do not care about communities, the environment or any future generations of your children. The only rule that they follow is; profits, at any cost.

Any whistleblower, (such as Snowden) who dares to show the dark side of this globalist corporate takeover of all countries becomes a target in many ways, and usually pays with being fired, jailed and punished in many ways.

In the US, there may not be mass shootings of dissenters and resisters to the Matrix Machine as there was in China in 1989, yet, other than Kent State.   In the US, there is still some freedom left, especially on the Internet and via individual speech rights. But how much effect does this individual 'freedom' of expression have on the general public, which mostly watches and believes everything they see on the massaged TV shows/news, or hear on the radio, or read in the newspaper?

Could resistance to this absolute power of globalist corporations in any country be viewed on a level that is roughly equivalent to the students trying to resist Communism in China, with roughly the same government, mass media and huge corporate response?

There is a solution to all of this however, at least in countries that still have multiple political parties and choices of candidates. 

First, vote in every election, because voting is still allowed in the US. It is the last bastion of freedom and there are many choices of candidates to vote for, compared to Communist China, where there is only ONE Communist party to vote for.

Second, vote only for candidates that do not take any corporate money. This will take some research and informing yourself, but that is the price and responsibility of freedom and democracy; to be an informed voter.

Third, vote only for those candidates (usually green) that work for the benefit of seven future generations, without causing harm. This whole corrupted and dark enterprise that is controlled by the 1% can be turned on dime, if everyone did just this and nothing else. No armed revolution is needed. No violent acts are necessary.  Just vote, every time, locally, regionally and on a federal level, plus spread the word about this very powerful technique. 

Remember that democracy, rights and freedoms are not free. The price of liberty, rights and democracy is voting and informing yourself about what positions candidates stand for where they get their money from, and then voting as if it mattered for seven future generations, because it does. 


Tiananmen Square Massacre - Lessons From 1989 Democracy Movement Crushed In Communist China, Up To 5,000 People Killed
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