Radioactive Tritium; Nuclear Power Industry Is Covering Up And Misleading Public About Dangers, 3 Million Fatalities 'Allowed' In 30 Years, Just In US

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Radioactive Tritium; Nuclear Power Industry Is Covering Up And Misleading Public About Dangers, 3 Million Fatalities 'Allowed' In 30 Years, Just In US

The pro nuclear mass media, nuclear industry and the governments supportive of nuclear power all claim that radioactive tritium is harmless and has no effect on health. Why is it that many studies and medical professionals are saying just the opposite? Some pro nuclear experts even go so far as to claim that Tritium does not emit carbon dioxide, but that is like saying water does not emit carbon dioxide, which is a patently absurd statement.

Many nuclear experts say that Tritium is 'natural', so by logical extension, it cannot have a negative effect. What they don't mention is that the amount of tritium naturally present in the environment was impossible to detect before the atomic age, because it was so low an amount. Now radioactive tritium levels have soared by so much in the environment, that these astronomical and radical increases are being used by scientists to track the movement of ocean currents and more. 

Is man made radioactive tritium really that harmless and innocuous, when humans and the environment for all practical intents and purposes, have never had to deal with this radioactive element before? Let's explore this subject and see what the actual scientific and medical research shows. 


One of the worst dangers of tritium is that it cannot be measured with a normal Geiger Counter, which makes it that much more hazardous. Lethal levels of tritium are totally invisible and undetectable for all practical intents and purposes. You may be swimming in a lethal amount of radioactive tritium in your local lake, river or ocean. You may drink a lethal level of tritium in your drinking water. You may get out in a rain storm and be exposed to lethal levels of tritium in the rain, without even knowing it.

You may die as a result of tritium exposure and the cancers or other diseases that it causes, but you would never be able to detect this radioactive tritium, either visually, via taste, smell or feeling. No doctor could do a test to figure out what you died of, and no one with a Geiger counter would detect anything in your body, or in any of these water sources, even with a radiation detector held right up against the water. 

Tritium emits beta particles but the energy from this man made radioactive element is so weak, that it is blocked by the mica window in front of the detector and/or it is blocked by the water it is part of.  That 'weak' beta radiation is still harmful at close range when ingested into the body however, just like all alpha radiation particle emitting radioactive elements are as well, such as plutonium for example. 

Radioactive steam or water could easily be emitted via an emergency release or a leaking pipe from a nuclear plant, as documented has been happening on many occassions in the many news links provided below. People downwind who are measuring this steam or leaking water would detect no radiation, despite it having astronomically high levels of toxic and deadly radioactive tritium in it. A special and very expensive process and radiation detector, called a scintillator is needed to even detect radioactive tritium and radioactive carbon. 

"The energy released by Tritium is around 6 KeV, making it so weak, that it cannot even penetrate the layer of dead skin cells on the outer layer of skin. However, tritium containing water is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. It is so common, it is "very common" for the average human body to contain radioactive tritium. Tritium can be potentially hazardous because it emits ionizing radiation, especially if ingested internally. "Geiger counters and ionization chambers cannot detect tritium."

"In liquid scintillation counting, the material containing radioisotopes is dissolved in an organic solvent containing an aromatic solute (the scintillant). When radioactive decay takes place, the energy of a beta particle is transferred by collision to an electron in the shell of the scintillant, exciting that electron. The electron then returns to its ground state, releasing a photon. The energy transfer can be from beta particle to solvent to scintillant, or directly to the scintillant, and usually there are multiple collisions per b particle. The number of photons emitted following each atomic disintegration is proportional to the energy of the released beta particle.

Now here is how the detection system works. The vial is lowered into a dark chamber with photoelectric detectors on each side. Each "flash" received by the detectors corresponds to one atomic disintegration. The detectors are connected, via photomultiplier tubes, to a microprocessor unit that records not only each event, but also the number of photons detected during each event (brightness of the flash). At brief intervals, such as 1/100 second, the instrument calculates the number of flashes per unit time, displaying them as counts per minute, or CPM."

"In the oxide form, tritium can generally not be detected by commonly used survey instruments. In the environment, tritium can be taken up by all hydrogen-containing molecules, distributing widely on a global scale. Tritium can be incorporated into humans through respiration, ingestion, and diffusion through skin. Its harmful effects are observed only when it is incorporated into the body."


Via AFTERSHOCK December 17, 2013 "they do have a test to determine the presence and quantity of Tritium within water. Unfortunately, it requires "liquid scintillation counting of the tritium beta particle activity…", which doubtless involves the use of advanced electronic signal processing circuitry… 


AP: ‘Tritium rain’ to result from disposal of Fukushima contaminated water? Expert: You may be interested to know radioactive rainfall occurs around nuclear plants during normal operations (VIDEO)

Because every nuclear plant, reprocessing facility and special tritium manufacturing facility is 'allowed' to legally release a certain amount of tritium into the air and water, it is highly likely that if you are downwind or downstream of one of these facilities, that you have been exposed to higher than average amounts of tritium either in rain, breathing it in the air, drinking it in your drinking water, or via milk, etc. Every nuclear facility releases radioactive tritium just as a normal every day sort of thing, both from the nuclear reactor, as well as from spent fuel pools. Tritium gas is released via the vent stack, and tritium water is released in many other ways, as proven by the many news links in this article. 

Radioactive hydrogen, H3, is otherwise known as tritium. Tritium cannot be filtered out of water, but it also cannot be detected either in rain or in drinking water with a Geiger counter. Radioactive tritium mimics water, and is absorbed by the body, just like water is. But normal drinking water is not normally radioactive. 

Radioactive man made elements also bio concentrate up the food chain, and tritium is no exception to this. All nuclear reactors release large amounts of tritium into the water and air just during normal operation. Leaking pipes in nuclear reactor also release much more concentrated amounts of tritium contaminated water into the environment, as you will discover from the news release summaries and links below.


Radioactive Tritium is a carcinogen, mutagen, teratogen and developmental toxin that is two to three times more toxic than cesium. Tritium is absorbed by breathing contaminated air or drinking water, where it becomes incorporated into DNA and disrupts the genetic code of men's and women's reproductive cells.


The current Guideline and Drinking Water Quality Standard for tritium is 7,000 Bq/Liter, which is based on the permissible ICRP dose limit of 1 mSv/year (lowered to 0.1 mSv in water). This "standard" corresponds to a risk of 350 excess fatal cancers of healthy adult males per ONE million people from just ONE year's consumption of drinking water. Now figure out what this means over a lifetime of 70 years. (They ignore the negative health effect of tritium on kids, eggs, embryos and fetuses, because that is 20 - 2,000 worse.)


There are 300 million people living in the US, so this legally allowed 'standard' would legally allow 105,000 DEATHS PER YEAR. Multiply this 105K deaths x 30 years = 3,150,000 murdered people by the peaceful use of the atom with just 'normal' tritium emissions, and ignoring all of the OTHER stuff that comes out of these nuclear plants.

Multiply this times a global population of BILLIONS of people over 30 years, and you can see how nuclear power plants become weapons of mass destruction, just through normal operation, without even any accidents or meltdowns. 

We, the people on earth, can never tolerate a 'safe' radiation limit for man made radiation. We have to put pressure on our governments to replace the obsolete "reference man" by the more sensitive "reference embryo". 

More information: Http:// and publications by Dr. Ian Fairlie (UK). Video by 

An average nuclear power plant uses 3,000,000 gallons per/min X 1440 min/day = 4,320,000,000 gallons/day. Using water treatment terminology, this would be 4.32/BGD, and all of that water is heated.


Horse November 5, 2014 "Tritium is not considered very harmful to humans unless they drink tritiated water. The effects on aquatic species are profound. Many studies were done in the seventies to see how much could be released without killing all the fish in the ultimate heatsink.

Half way thru the report see the studies done on AQUATIC SPECIES - "tritium produced measureable, dose dependent, and irreversible suppression of immune capacity in affected fish." "It appeared that there was no threshold or significant dose-rate effect for either beta or gamma rays on germ cell survival, and that tritium beta rays were more effective than cesium-137 gamma rays in germ cell killing."

"Barnacle embryos were reared in millipore cytology monitors containing approximate tritiated water (HTO) concentrations of background plus 0, 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, 10-2, 10-1, and 100 uCi/mL. After 32 days the cultures were fixed and the numbers of larvae counted. A "molting index," the percentage of larvae that molted at least once, was used to evaluate the effects of HTO on normal development. Effects were observed at concentrations as low as 7×10-6 uCi/mL, and were exponentially related to HTO concentration."


Via Nick December 17, 2013…"Tritium is a heavy isotope of hydrogen and a key component of nuclear weapons, but it decays radioactively at the rate of 5.5 percent each year and must be replenished continually. This is accomplished by recycling tritium from existing warheads and by extracting tritium from target rods irradiated in nuclear reactors…"

The nuclear weapons industry REQUIRES that tritium be created in nuclear power reactors and reprocessing facilities, in order to create nuclear bombs. Since tritium decays away, it must be replenished on a fairly consistent basis, which requires that nuclear reactors and other facilities keep producing it forever and ever, even if people no longer want the risk and hazard of a nuclear plant or other facility.

The nuclear industry will require sacrifices of animals and people to keep making heavy metal poisons and radioactive elements such as tritium, so that the nuclear obsessed boys in the military can keep playing with their radioactive toys.


March 3, 2010 “…as an isotope of hydrogen (the cell’s most ubiquitous element), tritium can be incorporated into essentially all portions of the living machinery; and it is not innocuous." R. Lowry Dobson MDPhD quoted from The Toxicity of Tritium 1979. 

Tritium Levels Soaring At Fukushima - 2 to 3 Times More Lethal Than Cesium - Indicates Active Fission; via @AGreenRoad

Journal Entry by admin on July 16, 2010
The risks of tritium, a radioactive form of hydrogen, could be underestimated because it could bind to DNA, recognizes the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) in a recent white paper. In light of this possibility, the ASN wants new investigation into hereditary effects from tritium exposure..

July 12, 2009
A May 21, 2009 report by a Canadian government agency task force has recommended stricter regulation on the release of tritium from nuclear reactors just as a slew of tritium leaks have been reported at U.S. reactors. Tritium, (a radioactive form of hydrogen), is clinically proven to cause cancer....

Journal Entry by admin on January 31, 2010
Rosalie Bertell is a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart and Ph.D. in Biometrics. She has been awarded 1986 Right Livelihood (alternative Nobel Peace Prize) -- and many other environmental and human rights awards -- for her lifelong work to protect human health against the hazards of ionizing radiation...She called for a dramatic strengthening of health protection standards regarding radioactive tritium in drinking water. The Ontario Drinking Water Advisory Council seems to have listened, for in May 2009 it advised the provincial government of Ontario to lower "permissible" levels of tritium in drinking water down from 7,000 becquerels per liter (189,000 picocuries per liter) to 20 becquerels per liter (540 picocuries per liter), a 350-fold strengthening of Ontario health protection standards, and a nearly 40-fold strengthening upon current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency drinking water standards (which allow for 20,000 picocuries per liter of tritium in drinking water).

Dr. Caldicott MD knows the medical implications of Fukushima and the ongoing dumping of radioactive Tritium (H3), also know as radioactive hydrogen, into the ocean, groundwater and air.

She reports that; "a total of 20 to 40 trillion Becquerels of tritium have now been discharged into the Pacific Ocean –a Becquerel is one disintegration of radiation per second. Tritium is radioactive hydrogen, H3. It combines with oxygen to form tritiated water HTO, which is very dangerous. It emits an electron, or beta particle which, if lodged in the body, is very energetic....Tritium combines within the DNA molecule inducing mutations. In numerous animal experiments tritium causes birth defects, cancers of various organs including brain and ovaries, and it induces testicular atrophy and mental retardation at surprisingly low doses. Tritium is organically taken up in food and is concentrated in fish, vegetables, and other food groups, and it remains radioactive for over 120 years. 

Ingestion of contaminated food causes 10 percent (of ingested tritium) to combine in the human body where it can remain for many years continuously irradiating cells."

Remember that according to this medical professional and studies she is referring to, Tritium is TWICE as lethal as radioactive Cesium. Cesium has been found to cause negative health effects at levels as low as 10 Bq/Kg in the human body, with permanent lesions on the heart and other glands and/or organs resulting from 50 Bq/Kg, and death being the next step, at any time

Canada recommended lowering their limit in drinking water to a maximum of 20 Bq/liter of radioactive tritium. Now you understand why even this dose is probably too high, when compared to radioactive cesium, especially for children, who are much more sensitive to radiation. Fetuses can be up to 2,000 times more sensitive to the same dose of radiation, and that includes radioactive tritium. 


Because fission generates huge quantities of excess neutrons, the generation of huge amounts of toxic and radioactive tritium cannot be avoided. Every nuclear reactor emits huge quantities of neutron 'rays' which change whatever they come in contact with into something radioactive. Water is used to prevent gamma, beta and alpha radiation from harming nuclear workers and the public around all nuclear reactors. 

Perry Nuclear Plant accidentally released radioactive tritium, and it has been found in one sample area next to the building. 

75% US Nuclear Plants Leaking Toxic Tritium Radiation Into Drinking Water Supply; via @AGreenRoad

TEPCO announced recently that it will discharge 33-50 times the legal limit of Tritium contamination into the Pacific Ocean..

FOIA Proof That TEPCO Has Been Regularly Dumping Highly Radioactive Water Into The Pacific Ocean; via @AGreenRoad

When neutrons from a fission reaction inside of a nuclear reactor hit the water around it, these neutrons change the water from something healthy and good, into something radioactive and deadly poisonous to all living things, including humans. The problem is that this changed water into radioactive tritium is invisible and undetectable with standard Geiger counters, making this problem that much worse.


Tritium releases happen at EVERY nuclear reactor and spent fuel pool. Leaks are common, and those leaks can contain HUGE amounts of tritium, as documented by the news stories below.

In Nuclear Power is Not the Answer to Global Warming Or Anything Else by Dr. Helen Caldicot MD, she documents that 50 TRILLION Curies of Tritium was released into Lake Ontario from a leak at Pickering 4 Station in 1996.

November 3, 2010 "Our seas should not be regarded as a convenient dustbin into which unwanted and potentially dangerous waste products can be dumped in order to externalize the costs of nuclear power production and make it appear cheaper than it actually is." 

Joseph Mangano/RPHP report on radioactivity releases from Palisades and increased death rates in the surrounding area August 19, 2013 Entergy's problem-plagued Palisades atomic reactor in Covert, MI, on the Lake Michigan shoreline Joseph Mangano, Executive Director of Radiation and Public Health Project, has published a report....

June 22, 2011 An important exposé by Jeff Donn of the Associated Press on June 21 that shows that "radioactive tritium has leaked from three-quarters of U.S. commercial nuclear power sites, often into groundwater from corroded, buried piping.

April 29, 2010 Beyond Nuclear releases "Leak First, Fix Later" which documents threats to water from the radioactive isotope tritium. 

Tritium Levels Soaring At Fukushima - 2 to 3 Times More Lethal Than Cesium - Indicates Active Fission; via @AGreenRoad

Journal Entry by admin on July 24, 2010

Journal Entry by admin on February 15, 2010
The Associated Press reports that a sample of contaminated water taken from a sump pit at Vermont Yankee atomic reactor contained 2.7 million picocuries of tritium per liter. This is closely approaching the level of tritium concentration in the reactor's cooling water supply itself....

Journal Entry by admin on October 17, 2010
The Brattleboro Reformer reports that radioactive tritium contamination has been detected at a depth of 200 to 220 feet below ground in an aquifer that was used up until Feb. 2010 for drinking water. 

Journal Entry by admin on August 18, 2011
The Associated Press has reported that tritium leaking from the Vermont Yankee atomic reactor has been detected in the Connecticut River by State of Vermont health officials. Although Vermont Yankee's tritium leaks are taking place via unmonitored and uncontrolled pathways -- a regulatory violation ...

Journal Entry by admin on October 28, 2010
Oyster Creek will soon begin pumping 25 to 50 gallons per minute from the Cape May and Cohansey aquifers to remove water contaminated with the radioactive material tritium. The spill at Oyster Creek - the nation's oldest, continuously operating nuclear plant - measured as high as 6 million picocuries per liter ...

Journal Entry by admin on December 26, 2009
The Toronto Star has reported that the Darlington nuclear power plant, site of 4 CANDU reactors , accidentally released over 50,000 gallons of water contaminated with radioactive tritium and toxic hydrazine into Lake Ontario. 

Journal Entry by admin on February 11, 2010
Long time nuclear power critic Harvey Wasserman's most recent writing focuses on Vermont Yankee's tritium leaks, and its implications for the "nuclear renaissance." A choice quote: "Indeed, a desperate national industry now pushing for massive federal subsidies to build new reactors may not survive ..

Journal Entry by admin on February 11, 2010
Republican Governor John Lynch of New Hampshire, who had previously refused to involve the State of New Hampshire as a full participant in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's 20 year license extension proceeding concerning the Vermont Yankee atomic reactor, has finally spoken out...

Journal Entry by admin on January 20, 2010

Journal Entry by admin on July 12, 2009
Safety concerns and tritium leaks at a 50-year old reactor at Chalk River,Ontario, and tritium discharges into the Ottawa River have sparked a chain reaction that has led to daily national media headlines, severe shortages of radiopharmaceuticals, and calls for the resignation..

Journal Entry by admin on November 3, 2010
Dominion Virginia Power has notified federal authorities about.. recent groundwater monitoring sample point at the plant recorded a level of 16,500 picocuries of tritium per liter ...

Journal Entry by admin on July 16, 2009
A May 21, 2009 report by a Canadian government agency task force has recommended stricter regulation on the release of tritium from nuclear reactors just as a slew of tritium leaks have been reported at U.S. reactors. Tritium, (a radioactive form of hydrogen), is clinically proven to cause cancer...

Journal Entry by admin on January 20, 2010
In a startling development, news agencies are reporting that water containing 2 million picocuries per liter of radioactive tritium -- "about 100 times the allowable federal level for drinking water and 70 times the standard for groundwater" -- has been discovered at Entergy Nuclear's Vermont Yankee.

Journal Entry by admin on July 12, 2009
In Illinois – the state with the most nuclear reactors (11) in the country Beyond Nuclear has been tracking disturbing cancer incidences and other health abnormalities - especially among children – around the Braidwood and Dresden nuclear reactors.

Journal Entry by admin on June 23, 2011
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow has reported on the risks posed to the Fort Calhoun and Cooper atomic reactors in Nebraska by the historic flooding of the Missouri River. She also reports on the A.P. exposé about 3/4ths of U.S. reactors leaking tritium...

Journal Entry by admin on January 14, 2010
U.S. Representatives Ed Markey (D-MA), John Hall (D-NY), and John Adler (D-NJ) have called upon the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to launch an investigation into the corrosion of and leakage from buried piping at the nation's nuclear power plants. 

Journal Entry by admin on April 12, 2011
As the Beyond Nuclear April 2010 report, " Leak First, Fix Later, " first revealed, radioactive leaks of tritium are pervasive and persistent at U.S. reactors. 

Journal Entry by admin on June 19, 2013
Japanese diplomat Akio Matsumura In a post at his website , Japanese diplomat Akio Matsumura (photo, left) has written an introduction to essays by Dr. Gordon Edwards (President of Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility), and Dr. Helen Caldicott (Founding President of Beyond Nuclear), about tritium..

Journal Entry by admin on February 15, 2010
Palisades is leaking tritium into groundwater and Lake Michigan. In both cases, drinking water supplies, food chains, and public health downstream are at risk.

Journal Entry by admin on January 22, 2010
The Governor of Vermont, James Douglas, has confirmed that the Vermont Attorney General, William Sorrell, is investigating the possibility that Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee vice-president of operations, Jay Thayer (pictured at left) provided false testimony under oath to the Vermont Public Service ...

As you can see, because tritium is so hard to detect and completely invisible, the nuclear industry standard seems to be to just dump radioactive tritium whenever they feel like, in whatever amount that like, and just cover it all up or hide it. After all, who is going to find out? Unless some scientist with special equipment is taking water samples, no one is going to find out. 


The NRC is staffed in the majority by 'insiders' from the nuclear industry. They see their primary interest as protecting the nuclear industry profits, while ignoring public and community health concerns and risks, which includes tritium releases, leaks, emissions, and dumping violations. 

The nuclear industry does not need to have pro nuclear industry 'insiders' in all positions at the NRC, because a democratic 'vote' by the NRC will ensure that the insiders carry the majority vote every time an issue comes up. This majority 'vote' and control of the NRC by the pro nuclear industry insiders, ensures that the nuclear industry controls the regulator through manipulation of who gets appointed by political representatives, who are in turn 'owned' through money ties by the nuclear industry. 

Even the President is 'controlled' and managed by the nuclear industry. President Obama got elected because of record monetary 'donations' from companies such as Exelon, a nuclear industry company. They have close ties and surround the President with their lobbyists and representatives. This is why Obama for the first time in many generations approved taxpayer loan guarantees entitlements, and subsidies to build new nuclear reactors; it was all about the money. He claimed to have an all of the above energy policy. The reason why is because all of the above donated money to his campaign to get him elected, so he owed them all favors and perks. 

July 11, 2011 As reported by the Associated Press , the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regularly communicates secretively with the industry it is supposed to be regulating, in order to deny the public access to company documents.

 April 19, 2010 A report by Beyond Nuclear - Leak First, Fix Later: Uncontrolled and Unmonitored Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Power Plants - looks at the epidemic of reactors leaking tritium into groundwater. The report finds that the federal regulator – the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - is ignoring problem

February 6, 2012 Last week, the Byron nuclear power plant released steam containing tritium to the environment after a transformer fire cut a reactor off from grid power. 

January 31, 2012 NRC file photo of Byron nuclear plant; although Unit 2's cooling tower is not currently releasing steam, its turbine hall is -- steam contaminated with radioactive tritium. (The NRC did nothing about this incident, thus they are protecting the nuclear industry, but NOT protecting public health.)

February 8, 2012 The Saint Paul, Minnesota Pioneer Press ran a front page article about the recent spills at Prairie Island nuclear power plant, quoting Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps responding to Xcel Energy's and the NRC's downplaying of the risks of the tritium spills..(Another example of the NRC protecting the nuclear industry, but NOT protecting public health)

January 31, 2012 (Another example of the NRC protecting the nuclear industry, but NOT protecting public health)

February 23, 2010 The Brattleboro Reformer reports that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has confirmed that a 2005 radioactive, carcinogenic leak of tritium at the Vermont Yankee atomic reactor was not reported to them until now. (Where was the NRC? Why isn't it testing the water for tritium contamination?)

June 2, 2011 CNN reports that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's enforcement of safety and environmental protection regulations is inconsistent across the U.S. CNN cited NRC's inconsistency on tritium leaks into groundwater, as at Exelon Braidwood nuclear plant in Illinois and its Oyster Creek nuclear plan ...

January 23, 2012 The decision on January 19 by federal judge Garvan Murtha, ruled that the state of Vermont cannot order the closure of its reactor, Vermont Yankee, on March 21, 2012 when its current license expires. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission had already re-licensed the plant for another 20 years.. (thus proving the NRC cannot and will not protect public health either)

Tritium has been found in DRINKING WATER all over the U.S., but NRC can't be bothered with doing anything about it.

Via Mack December 17, 2013 
2013 - Tritium found in drinking water in the following U.S. cities
"Concord, NH; Hartford, CT; Providence, RI; New York City–Niagara Falls–Syracuse, NY; Trenton–Waretown, NJ; Ashland, VA; Baltimore—Conowingo, MD; Dover, DE; Harrisburg—Pittsburgh, PA; Lynchburg, VA; Barnwell—Baxley—Columbia—Jenkinsville—Seneca, SC; Savannah, GA; Jackson—Port Gibson, MS; Chattanooga—Knoxville—Oak Ridge, TN; Dothan—Muscle Shoals—Montgomery—Scottsboro, AL; Tampa, FL; Cincinnati—Columbus—E.Liverpool—Painesville—Toledo, OH; Madison, WI; St. Paul—Welch, MN; W. Chicago—Morris, IL; Austin, TX; Little Rock, AR; New Orleans, LA; Oklahoma City, OK; Cedar Rapids, IA; Jefferson City, MO; Lincoln, NE; Topeka, KS; Bismark, ND; Denver, CO; Helena, MT; Honolulu, HI; Boise—Idaho Falls, ID; Fairbanks, AK; Richland, WA. Ashland, Virginia has the highest Tritium result in drinking water @ 3,190 pCi/l (sample date April 30, 2013) (It is close to the North Anna Nuclear plant.)"

This is not a complete list. Do a search for your town or confirm the above findings and get more specifics. Find out if radioactive tritium has been found in your local town drinking water.  Remember, it takes very special testing equipment to find tritium, and only a few highly specialized labs have this equipment and know how to use it. 

Via isogoodhumans December 18, 2013 I always wondered how the Tritium got intot he Vancouver, BC water reservoirs (no reactors for miles, Hanford is nearest and thats a state away). It was from Fukushima.

Tritium 144-185% over background


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January 15, 2010 Entergy Nuclear officials have been caught in a lie regarding leakage of radioactive tritium from buried pipes at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant in southeastern Vermont on the Massachusetts and New Hampshire borders along the Connecticut River. (Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen, mentioned in ...

January 23, 2012 The decision on January 19 by federal judge Garvan Murtha, ruled that the state of Vermont cannot order the closure of its reactor, Vermont Yankee, on March 21, 2012 when its current license expires. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission had already re-licensed the plant for another 20 years..

March 21, 2011 The Commission for Independent Information and Research on Radioactivity, known as CRIIRAD, an independent French laboratory created after the 1986 Chernobyl explosion, is reporting that radioactive contamination of spinach sampled as far away as 100 kilometers from Fukushima are at dangerously high ...

August 26, 2013 As reported at ENENews: Title: The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 

January 27, 2012 Satellite photo of Lake Michigan As shown by the map in Beyond Nuclear's "Routine Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Power Plants in the United States: What Are the Dangers?", as well as by Nuclear Awareness Project's "Great Lakes Nuclear Hot Spots" map, Lake Michigan is surrounded by risky atomic reactors...

Radioactive Tritium Rain Falling Downwind Of All Nuclear Reactors, Fukushima Rapidly Getting Worse And Worse - Dec 2013; via @AGreenRoad

75% US Nuclear Plants Leaking Toxic Tritium Radiation Into Drinking Water Supply; via @AGreenRoad

Tritium Levels Soaring At Fukushima - 2 to 3 Times More Lethal Than Cesium - Indicates Active Fission; via @AGreenRoad

Tritium Buildup Dangers Plus How To Stop The 3 Out Of Control Coriums Under Fukushima; via @AGreenRoad

Every Nuclear Reactor And Recycling/Production Facility Emits Beta/Gamma Particles, Noble Gases, Iodine 131, And/Or Tritium; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. John Gofman M.D, Ph.D -There Is No Safe Dose Of Radiation, Tritium Is Hazardous To Health; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Plants, Tritium And Radioactive Water Contamination; via @AGreenRoad


Bottom line, due to the cover ups, deception, corruption and lies that are documented above, the nuclear industry has lost the trust and confidence of the public.


The nuclear industry does not deserve another cent of public money, and deserves to be put out of business permanently. 


Radioactive Tritium; Nuclear Power Industry Is Covering Up And Misleading Public About Dangers, 3 Million Fatalities 'Allowed' In 30 Years, Just In US

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