Mentally Ill And Homeless Being Pressed Into Servitude At Fukushima, End Up With No Pay Or In Debt To Gangsters

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Mentally Ill And Homeless Being Pressed Into Servitude At Fukushima, End Up With No Pay Or In Debt To Gangsters


UN Official ‘Astounded’: Homeless are taken to work in Fukushima, ready to die — Pastor: “At end of month, they’re left with no pay” — Police: They end up in debt to employers after food and housing fees deducted 

Reuters, Dec. 29, 2013: SPECIAL REPORT- Japan’s homeless recruited for murky Fukushima clean-up [...] Some say better homeless than going into debt by working [...] Gangsters run Fukushima labour brokers [...] Sendai, the biggest city in the disaster zone, has emerged as a hiring hub for homeless men. Many work [...] cleaning up radioactive hotspots [...] Seiji Sasa, 67 [recruits] homeless men at the Sendai train station to work in the nuclear cleanup. [...] homeless men ended up in debt after fees for food and housing were deducted, police say. [...] a shelter funded by the city [...] sent other homeless men to work for him [...] 55-year-old homeless [...] worker’s paystub, reviewed by Reuters, showed charges for food, accommodation and laundry were docked from his monthly pay equivalent to about $1,500, leaving him with $10 [...] The problem of workers running themselves into debt is widespread.

Kenichi Sayama, general manager at subcontractor Fujisai: “If you don’t get involved (with gangs), you’re not going to get enough workers [...] The construction industry is 90 percent run by gangs.”

Yasuhiro Aoki, Baptist pastor and homeless advocate: “Many homeless people are just put into dormitories, and the fees for lodging and food are automatically docked from their wages [...] Then at the end of the month, they’re left with no pay at all.”

Shizuya Nishiyama, 57 years old: He now sleeps on a cardboard box in Sendai Station [...] [For decontamination work, an employer] offered him $90 a day [...] he was made to pay as much as $50 a day for food and lodging. He also was not paid on the days he was unable to work [but] would still be charged for room and board. He decided he was better off living on the street than going into debt. “We’re an easy target for recruiters [...] if we haven’t eaten, they offer to find us a job.”

Mr. Anand Grover, Esq., United Nations Special Rapporteur, published Oct. 24, 2013: (at 15:30 in) “These workers told me, ‘Do you know we are actually living in a shanty town?’ I can show you the photographs — literally on the pavement, in the non-used pavement between the railway station there were plastic huts where people were living, in Japan, in Tokyo — not Bombay. It actually astounded me that these things were happening. Then they told me that people come take them, give them ‘X’ amount of money [...] They’re ready to go into the fire and die. Other people are not ready to do it.”

RT News: Homeless men are being recruited for one of the most unwanted jobs in the industrialized world - clearing of radioactive fallout at the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl - the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, a special report has claimed.

Forbes: “This is outrageous” — Homeless people are being sold to companies and put to work on Fukushima radiation – Gov’t-funded shelter supplying gangsters with workers (VIDEOS)

TV: Mentally disabled are working at Fukushima Daiichi, says journalist — Many men forced to go to plant — Homeless treated like ‘disposable people’ (VIDEO)


Atomic mafia ‘cleans up’ Fukushima, neglects basic workers' rights
November 20, 2013 Russia Today
A former Fukushima worker said that they were given no insurance for health risks, no radiation meters even. At first they were promised a lot of money, even offered a long-term contract but they were kicked out when they received a large radiation doze. They could have exposed themselves to large doses without even knowing it.
According to government data, there are 25 percent more openings for jobs at Fukushima than applicants. These gaps are often filled by the homeless and the desperately unemployed. Many of the workers were brought into Fukushima by Japan's organized crime syndicates. It may take another 40 years to completely liquidate the aftermath of the disaster, the lives of millions could be affected.

Fukushima Workers 'Allowed' 250 mSv/yr, Compared To 20 mSv/yr For US Nuclear Industry Workers; via @AGreenRoad

Documentary Movie; "Nuclear Ginza" - Japanese Nuclear Industry Horrors; via @AGreenRoad

What is the take away? It is three years into this mega nuclear disaster and things are still going downhill in a number of ways in this out of control mega nuclear disaster emergency called Fukushima.

The melted out coriums have still not been found. The radiation underground in the water that flows past the coriums is steadily increasing to astronomical levels. All of this water goes into the Pacific ocean. The 'temporary' high level liquid nuclear waste storage tanks are leaking, and the latest leak was not discovered for a month. Why? Because TEPCO stopped doing 'patrols' of the thousand or so tanks on site. The number of temporary tanks not really increased since 2012, so where is all of the highly radioactive water going now?

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Chris Busby; Consequences of Burning Radioactive Waste In Japan; via @AGreenRoad

Japan is also burning Fukushima generated nuclear waste all over the country, and moving people back into highly radiation contaminated areas. So it is not just the nuclear workers and homeless that are going to be suffering, it will be all Japanese citizens and potentially tourists as well. Bottom line, the nuclear industry is working together with the government to make sure everyone in Japan is exposed to enough radiation, so that down the road, no one can sue for damages, because there won't be any 'clean' areas left to compare to. When people get cancer or other diseases associated with radiation, they will suffer and die, with no one held accountable. As usual, the nuclear industry is being paid to fail, yet again.

The conclusion? Things are going from bad to MUCH WORSE in Japan. The Fukushima mega nuclear disaster is just starting. This nuclear disaster is not going to end well, even if they start doing the rights things now (highly unlikely), due to the incubation times of cancers and other diseases caused by low dose radiation. The homeless and mentally are being discarded on a human trash heap, left to suffer and die with no help or support.

One interesting item before this article ends;

"P. Flor-Henry reported that the observed depressive status-displays and clinical syndromes such as schizophrenia and CFS, that prevail amongst a high percentage of the liquidators, are accompanied by organic changes in the brain ………. They believe this indicates that various neurological and psychiatric illnesses can be caused by exposure to radiation levels between 0.15 and 0.5 Sievert..Flor-Henry also reported that similar clinical syndromes, which are accompanied by EEG changes in the left cerebrum, have also been observed amongst liquidators suffering from acute radiation syndrome.. It is possible to prove that cerebral changes in Chernobyl liquidators and veterans of the first Gulf War, as well as the war in Bosnia, are very similar. Flor-Henry attributes this to the use of projectiles containing uranium ………”


Dr Chris Busby health effects of radiation

As if the public, nuclear workers, mentally ill and homeless did not have enough to worry about, mental illness is just another negative effect of exposure to low dose radiation. AGRP predicts that a public and mental health disaster is the next thing coming up for Japan. But they have that covered too, because pro nuclear apologist computer models can 'fix' any mega disaster and make it appear to be just a minor blip on the radar screen.. Look, it's mega nuclear disaster; no it's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's only 10% of Chernobyl, because the computer says so. 


Mentally Ill And Homeless Being Pressed Into Servitude At Fukushima, End Up With No Pay Or In Debt To Gangsters; via @AGreenRoad

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What is Needed? Top Down Champions Of Sustainability With $; via @AGreenRoad


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