400,000 Tons Of High Level Nuclear Waste To Be Generated By Nuclear Plants Between 2013 And 2030, With NO Solution For Disposal

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400,000 Tons Of High Level Nuclear Waste To Be Generated By Nuclear Plants Between 2013 And 2030, With NO Solution For Disposal


Every nuclear reactor produces many tons of highly radioactive and very hot nuclear waste each year. There are 400 nuclear power plants producing this very volatile nuclear waste full time, for their entire operating life. There is no answer about how to safely store this high level, very radioactive, and very dangerous nuclear waste, so it is being stored on site, in spent fuel pools, which have almost zero protection, and are open to the air. This nuclear waste is building up, in bigger and bigger piles. Picture a house filling up to the ceiling with radioactive trash and you start getting the idea of how bad this problem is becoming. 

Why is the nuclear industry producing nuclear garbage with no answer about how to safely dispose of it and/or guard it, free from proliferation and terrorist threats? This highly dangerous nuclear garbage must be guarded for millions of years. 


Why are people paying for a few years of electricity, but they are not being told that they must then pay for millions of years to 'guard' the garbage that comes out of this nuclear fuel cycle? Who in their right mind is going to agree to pay a high price for radiation produced electricity, and then be forced to pay AGAIN, for a million years worth of storage for the garbage produced by it, via taxes? 

The pressure is growing for nuclear plants to find an answer for all of this waste, as they keep stuffing more and more spent fuel into spent fuel pools, which grow more and more dangerous over time. 


Depleted uranium is one of those radioactive garbage leftovers. There are thousands of tons of this stuff at just one location, and there are many of these 'storage sites' for DU all over the world. One of the ways they found to get rid of it and make a profit, is to sell it to the military, and then the military throws it all around the world in the form of DU dust, which equals a low level constant nuclear war. Find out more via the following links...

Depleted Uranium (DU) Dangers And Effects On The Human Body, via A Green Road Blog

Beyond Treason: The True Story of Depleted Uranium; via @AGreenRoad

Depleted Uranium - Physicians For Social Responsibility; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Chris Busby On Depleted Uranium and Veterans Suing For Compensation; via @AGreenRoad

Veterans Compensated For Exposure To Depleted Uranium Radiation/Poison; What About Everyone Else? via @AGreenRoad

Another way that the nuclear industry makes money off of their radioactive garbage is to sell it to the medical industry, which has found some interesting and very profitable uses for radioactive waste products. After nuclear fuel is burned, what is left is spent fuel, very highly radioactive and toxic garbage with no solution as to how to dispose of it. But this is what is used by the military and medical industry, all with huge amounts of money behind them. 

Consider this; why is a lethal dose of radiation good for you? Why is a lethal dose of chemicals good for you? Why is a combination of the two together any better than either one alone? The theory is that radiation and chemicals are good for you, as in the hormesis theory, but this theory has been disproven. Wouldn't you agree that if a theory is very profitable, it would be VERY hard, almost impossible even, to convince anyone in that particular industry to look at the 'real' low cost or free solutions, which have none of the negative side effects and/or consequences, especially if they threaten those huge profits?

Holistic Living, Natural Health And Green Energy


Unless the spent fuel pools are cooled with pumps and electricity, they are so hot that the water boils off and the spent fuel then burns and melts down, causing a nuclear mega disaster because it is not inside of any containment. 

MOX fuel in spent fuel pools is that much more dangerous when compared to plain uranium fuel, as Fukushima proved. Both MOX fuel containing spent fuel pools burned, at least one melted out, and the #3 reactor and/or spent fuel pool blew up at Fukushima, while the others that did not have this new MOX fuel did not do this. 

TEPCO/Fukushima Lies Exposed Around Building #4, SFP, Core. Equipment Pool, Melt Out; via @AGreenRoad

Spent Fuel Pool #4 Allegedly Being 'Unloaded' By TEPCO Nov. 2013, The Coverup Continues; via @AGreenRoad

These spent fuel pools are also a terrorist threat, because all the terrorists have to do to destroy a whole country and possibly the world, is to empty a spent fuel pool of water, and that is not hard to do. 


What the nuclear industry has found as a short term solution is to send their spent fuel to reprocessing plants. The reprocessing plants create 'new' reprocessed fuel for the nuclear plants, send it back to them, to be 'burned' again and again. How much is being produced? 

According to World Nuclear.org; between 2013 and 2030, approximately 400,000 TONS of spent fuel is going to be generated globally. 60,000 TONS of that is going to be produced within the US, and 69,000 TONS is going to be produced inside Europe. 

Reprocessing Facility               Tons Of Spent Fuel Reprocessed Per Year

1. LWR fuel France, La Hague                    1700 
2. UK, Sellafield (THORP)                           900 
3. Russia, Ozersk (Mayak)                           400 
4. Japan (Rokkasho)                                    800* start up planned in 2014
In December 2013 JNFL announced the plant would be ready for operation in October 2014.[4]

Total LWR (approx)                                 3800
UK, Sellafield (Magnox)                           1500 
5. India (PHWR, 4 plants)                           330 
Total civil capacity                                    5630


So far, so good, right? This recycling of spent fuel from these nuclear reactor power plants sounds like the perfect solution. The only problem is that the FOUR OR FIVE reprocessing plants named above are the most toxic, the most radiation polluted places on the planet, throwing out more radiation into the environment than the TMI nuclear disaster did, EACH YEAR. Each one of the places is a nuclear accident happening constantly, times 4 or 5. No wonder the background radiation levels on the planet are increasing over time. 

Of course, the nuclear industry loves to say that they recycle 99% of the waste, and what is left fits in a coffee can under the floor, with nothing dangerous at all resulting from this 'reprocessing'. For more on this greenwashing, click on the following link; 

Dr. Ivan Oelrich; Nuclear Spent Fuel Reprocessing Greenwashing via @AGreenRoad


For more information about the numerous, severe and very expensive unsolved problems with fast breeder reactors and reprocessing plants, click on the following links...

A Global Overview - How And Why Fast Breeder Reactors Never Lived Up To The Hype Or The Promises; via @AGreenRoad

LMFBR - Liquid Metal Sodium Fast Breeder Reactor Problems - Too Expensive, Too Dangerous; via @AGreenRoad

UK Sellafield Nuclear Reprocessing Plant Loses $1.2 Billion Pounds, Then Closes; via @AGreenRoad

Ozyorsk - Kyshtym - Mayak Nuclear Waste Reprocessing Center Disaster And Coverup; via @AGreenRoad

La Hague; France's Nuclear Waste Nightmare; via @AGreenRoad

Hanford; Lethal And Leaking; A Race To Armageddon; via @AGreenRoad

Hanford - Leaking Radioactive Fluids Into Columbia River Since 2002; via @AGreenRoad

Savannah River Site; Most Severely Radiation Polluted Place on Earth? via @AGreenRoad

Tokai And Rokkasho Reprocessing Plants History, Accidents And Dangers; via @AGreenRoad

Karen Silkwood, An Anti Nuclear Industry Matyr; via @AGreenRoad

via Rob Soltysik  Uranium processing facility managed and owned by Honeywell

None of these facilities could be called a success story. All of them suffered from worker injuries, deaths, cost over runs, spills, leaks, and radioactive contamination of many miles of surrounding air, water and land, which has still not been cleaned up in the cases of those that were shut down and 'decommissioned' with taxpayer, not nuclear industry dollars. 


For more details on the specific fantasies and myths around MOX or CANDU fuel, click on the following link and learn more about this highly volatile, very dangerous fuel that is now all the rage in the nuclear industry. Many nuclear reactors are being switched to burn this 'new' fuel, but the public is not being told how toxic, volatile or dangerous it is. 

MOX Plutonium Fuel Burning, Reprocessing Nuclear Waste Fantasies, Reality And Dangers; via @AGreenRoad

What is the take away?

Jeremy Rifkin gives 5 very powerful reasons why nuclear power is dead in the video above. To have a chance of changing global warming, we would need to build an additional 1,600 nuclear plants, starting this year, and build 1,600 plants each year for the next 20 years. That is not going to happen. We don't know how to get rid of nuclear waste, there is no answer. Uranium deficits start happening with existing plants within a few years. Recycling uranium doesn't work because it generates plutonium. We don't have the water to spare for the nuclear industry. France uses 40% of the water in France, threatening agriculture. Ocean fronted nuclear plants don't work, as Fukushima proved. Nuclear does not fit the new model of collaborative, scaled and renewable energy sources, via the third 'clean energy' industrial revolution. Bottom line, it is not a good business deal, no investor will put his money into it, as it is way too risky. So why do it?


Each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, from mining, to processing, to burning, to reprocessing and then storage is full of radiation releases, negative health effects, and dangers to not just local communities that they are located close to, but also the rest of the world. There is no answer for nuclear waste, bottom line, so why does the nuclear industry keep making more of, generating a problem that taxpayers will eventually be held hostage for, until they pay to do something with it, because the nuclear industry just washes their hands of and drops that radioactive garbage in the public's lap. Nuclear is a dead ender technology, with Armageddon at the end of that very dark alley. Why would anyone sane, choose to down that alley?  


400,000 Tons Of High Level Nuclear Waste To Be Generated By Nuclear Plants Between 2013 And 2030, With NO Solution For Disposal; via @AGreenRoad

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