What Is A Global Tipping Point? 2014 - List Of Positive Or Neutral Global Tipping Points

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What Is A Global Tipping Point? 2014 - List Of Positive Or Neutral Global Tipping Points

What is a global social tipping point? How many different kinds of these neutral or positive tipping points are there? What effect are these neutral or positive tipping points having? This article will answer all of these questions and list a number of neutral and positive tipping points. 

Let's start by defining what a global social tipping point is physically and on other levels. 


Wikipedia; "In sociology, a tipping point is a point in time when a group —or a large number of group members— rapidly and dramatically changes its behavior by widely adopting a previously rare practice.  (AGRP: social tipping points create either negative or positive environmental tipping points, depending on what the focus is.)

The phrase was first used in sociology by Morton Grodzins when he adopted the phrase from physics where it referred to the adding a small amount of weight to a balanced object until the additional weight caused the object to suddenly and completely topple, or tip. Grodzins studied integrating American neighborhoods in the early 1960s. He discovered that most of the white families remained in the neighborhood as long as the comparative number of black families remained very small. But, at a certain point, when "one too many" black families arrived, the remaining white families would move out en masse in a process known as white flight. He called that moment the "tipping point".

The idea was expanded and built upon by Nobel Prize-winner Thomas Schelling in 1972. A similar idea underlies Mark Granovetter's threshold model of collective behavior.

The phrase has extended beyond its original meaning and been applied to any process in which, beyond a certain point, the rate of the process increases dramatically. It has been applied in many fields, from economics to human ecology[1] to epidemiology. It can also be compared to phase transition in physics or the propagation of populations in an unbalanced ecosystem."

Tipping point is not the only phrase from physics that has been in other fields as a metaphor for human behavior. Critical mass from nuclear physics is another.

Mathematically, the angle of repose may be seen as a bifurcation. In control theory, the concept of positive feedback describes the same phenomenon, with the problem of balancing an inverted pendulum being the classic embodiment."


Social Tipping Points In popular Culture

The term was popularized in application to daily life by Malcolm Gladwell's 2000 bestselling book; The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.

Domino Effect

Dominoes are standing. 
One domino can have an effect on many events

"The domino effect is a chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then causes another similar change, and so on in linear sequence. The term is best known as a mechanical effect, and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes. It typically refers to a linked sequence of events where the time between successive events is relatively small. It can be used literally (an observed series of actual collisions) or metaphorically (causal linkages within systems such as global finance or politics)." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domino_effect

Benjamin Franklin; For Want Of A Nail, The War Was Lost Story

Gladwell's audio book available at; http://youtu.be/H-B9ZMOyQ_0


Gladwell defines a tipping point as "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point." The book seeks to explain and describe the "mysterious" sociological changes that mark everyday life. As Gladwell states, "Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do." The examples of such changes in his book include the rise in popularity and sales of Hush Puppies shoes in the mid-1990s and the steep drop in the New York City crime rate after 1990.

Some of Malcolm Gladwell's analysis as to why the phenomenon of the "tipping point" occurs (particularly in relation to his idea of the "law of the few") and its unpredictable elements[16] is based on the 1967 small-world experiment by social psychologist Stanley Milgram. Milgram distributed letters to 160 students in Nebraska, with instructions that they be sent to a stockbroker in Boston (not personally known to them) by passing the letters to anyone else that they believed to be socially closer to the target. The study found that it took an average of six links to deliver each letter. Of particular interest to Gladwell was the finding that just three friends of the stockbroker provided the final link for half of the letters that arrived successfully.[17] This gave rise to Gladwell's theory that certain types of people are key to the dissemination of information.

In 2003, Duncan Watts, a network theory physicist at Columbia University, repeated the Milgram study by using a web site to recruit 61,000 people to send messages to 18 targets worldwide.[18] He successfully reproduced Milgram's results (the average length of the chain was approximately six links). However, when he examined the pathways taken, he found that "hubs" (highly connected people) were not crucial. Only 5% of the e-mail messages had passed through one of the hubs. This casts doubt on Gladwell's assertion that specific types of people are responsible for bringing about large levels of change.

Watts pointed out that if it were as simple as finding the individuals that can disseminate information prior to a marketing campaign, advertising agencies would presumably have a far higher success rate than they do. He also stated that Gladwell's theory does not square with much of his research into human social dynamics performed in the last ten years.[19]

Economist Steven Levitt and Malcolm Gladwell have a running dispute about whether the fall in New York City's crime rate can be attributed to the actions of the police department and the "Fixing Broken Windows" effect (as claimed in The Tipping Point). In his book Freakonomics, Levitt attributes the decrease in crime to two primary factors: 1) a drastic increase in the number of police officers trained and deployed on the streets as well the hiring of Raymond W. Kelly as police commissioner (owing to efforts made by former mayor David Dinkins) and 2) a decrease in the number of unwanted children because of Roe v. Wade, causing crime to drop nationally, in all major cities, "Even in Los Angeles, a city notorious for bad policing."



A positive tipping point is the Science of Sustainable Health as featured and presented by AGRP.  This science is defined as living in a way that does not cause harm to the present or to seven future generations. If applied correctly, this science will create not only a social tipping point, a spiritual tipping point, an economic tipping point, as well as a positive environmental tipping point. The lack of awareness and the lack of information about the Science of Sustainable Health automatically creates negative tipping points, such as global warming, etc. 

It is only by stopping and considering the impact of our laws, actions and business decisions on seven future generations and having debates as well as discussions about this, that this definition can be fleshed out and given meat. The net outcome of debating the effects of any particular action, investment, or business decision results in many more positive tipping points being created than negative ones. 

Dr. Goodheart Teaches How To Make Stone Soup That Will Feed Seven Future Generations

American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 40,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?; via @AGreenRoad

Science can help point and lead the way towards sustainable ways of living, but ONLY if it is true science, because science does not lie or make up false things for profit or power reasons. Nuclear scientists and their findings as expressed through IAEA, UNSCEAR, ICRP are examples of how science can mislead and misinform, thus creating a massive negative feedback loop and a negative tipping point. Science without debate, heart, compassion, empathy, a 7 future generations focus and no intuitive sense is blind and suicidal. 


It only takes a small number of people start a change that can transform an entire nation and from there, the entire world. Being a change leader is difficult because it means running into resistance, ridicule, and more, but once the initial stages of resistance are moved through via the science of change management, a critical mass is reached and the change enters the mainstream. 

Champions Of Sustainability With Money Are Needed To Kick Start A New Green Paradigm; via @AGreenRoad 

Most people fear change worse than death. Opening to and not resisting positive, sustainable change is an important and positive tipping point. That change may involve inner and/or outer changes and paradigm shifts in beliefs, religion, spiritual viewpoint, or reality. One of the many blocks to positive tipping points and the change that is required for this to happen is called normalcy bias or denial.

Each person and each heart within a person is a tipping point that can and does make miracles happen on a daily basis, depending on the choices made in the moment. Make choices that do no harm for seven future generations on a daily basis; that creates a very powerful tipping point. Teach others how to do the same both by example and by words. For an example of how quickly this can have an effect, click on the following link



The positive tipping point here is that more and more people are gaining the POWER to vote. 

Many people do not vote, because they feel it will not make a difference, thus creative a self fulfilling prophecy and a negative tipping point, where the 1% take control, with top down, destructive short term profit goals and mechanisms that express absolute power over the 99%. 

The positive tipping point is that more and more people are leaving the 1% controlled Dualopoly, and registering either as Independent or other party affiliations. From there, voting only for candidates that are pro local control, bottoms up democracy creates a positive tipping point locally, regionally, nationally and then internationally. 

13 Reasons Why People Don't Vote; Plus 13 Reasons Why You Should Vote; via @AGreenRoad

The Power Of Voting

7 Future Generations Oriented Foundations

The main counter balance to all of the top down propaganda flow that comes out of hundreds of foundations supported and paid for by the 1%, that then creates beliefs and actions that are contrary to the interests of the general citizen consists of an educational, consciousness raising program, such as this one. A number of foundations could be set up with a huge endowment to counterbalance the negative impact of the foundations supporting an illusion on the negative side. 


There are now less dictatorships and despots or kinds ruling over nations than at any previous time in history. This all by itself is a positive tipping point that creates a new normal, where people expect and create a new way of living based on greater freedom, more rights, etc, through non violent means and methods, expressed from the bottom up, rather than from the top down and the 1% control.

Changing a regime from a dictatorship to a democracy through VOTING and non violent actions of all kinds, including such things as boycotting, striking, disinvestment, non violent civil disobedience, marches, rallies, meetings, and more, are all examples of what has been happening over a longer period of time throughout human history.

Wikipedia; "Regime changes belong to that paradoxical class of events which are inevitable but not predictable. Other examples are bank runs, currency inflations, strikes, migrations, riots, and revolutions (peaceful and violent). In retrospect, such events are explainable, even over determined. In prospect, however, their timing and character are impossible to anticipate. Such events seem to come closer and closer but do not occur, even when all the conditions are ripe—until suddenly they do.[3]

Journalists and academics have applied the phrase to dramatic changes in governments, such as during the Arab Spring[2] The concept of at tipping point is described in an article in an academic journal, the Journal of Democracy, entitled China at the Tipping Point?: Foreseeing the unForeseeable:


Peaceful revolution is possible as well through a massive uprising that is spontaneous and uncontrolled, after things reach a mysterious although somewhat predictable negative tipping point, when people have had enough to get up off their couches and get out on the street along with hundreds of thousands of other people.

A peaceful candlelight vigil can turn into a ten thousand person gathering, and the next day, it turns into 100,000, and the next day, 500,000, and then the peaceful revolution is on; as those people go take their country back and throw out the despots and other tyrannical forces.

The Occupy movement was the beginning of a very large peaceful revolution, but it was aborted and squashed by the 1%, acting through President Obama and both political parties in  a top down manner.

The Singing Revolution Film; How Estonia Gained It's Freedom By Singing A Revolution


Elders have been part of all tribes and forms of government since humans started living together in organized groups. Elders make up a potential positive tipping point, if they know how to apply and interpret the concept of seven future generation type thinking, combined with in internalized sense of the sacred and intuition.

In some American Indians tribes for example, a wise elder women council elected and put in power a male chief who would then represent the tribe at the Iroquois Confederacy, a forefather to the US Congress. 

Elder Wisdom Council; What Is It? How Does It Work?

Tribal chiefs would discuss laws and agreements, as well as how those agreements and laws would affect seven future generations, before they voted.

American Indian Prophecies and Living As Soul on Earth; via @AGreenRoad

Most people are voting against their own interests, by wasting their votes on corporate 'financed' political candidates.

FEMALE Wise Elders Council Held All Power

If a representative was not acting in a way that protected and held sacred the environment and held in trust the miraculous sacred resources and living things given to this generation, the wise women council could immediately fire and replace the elected chief. 

Voting is a sacred duty, and a powerful form of government, but only if the vote of each individual is applied in the same way that a wise woman council would apply this power, otherwise it is a power that will create negative tipping points, as is happening now. 

Those governments that have a way to fire a government official for violating environmental or future generations 'rights' are creating a positive tipping point, while those that do not have this, are creative a negative tipping point which allows the 1% to take over and destroy all life and the environment.


Democracy works best when power is not concentrated in the hands of any one specific party, any particular ISM,  religion, belief system, or profit motivated system. The more that the power is spread out and divided among many different and diverse people, the better it will work, even if it looks chaotic. For example, Germany has a system of government where ALL political parties are represented, so no vote is wasted. The only way government can function is to form coalitions, and power is spread among many different interests, rather than being concentrated only the hands of a few people.

Democracy Cannot Exist With Wealth Concentrated In Hands Of Just A Few People

Direct Democracy Versus Representative Democracy And Other Forms Of Government


A democracy works best if every vote counts and workers are represented through unions, who influence the governmental planning process. 

PBS; New York Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - The Reason For Worker Rights, Unions, Voting Women, Safety Laws, And More; via @AGreenRoad

Iceland Bailed Out Workers And Unions, Not Too Big To Fail Banksters; via @AGreenRoad

Are Unions Evil Socialist Plots That Must Be Made Extinct, Or The Best Thing Going? via @AGreenRoad

The best form of government is one that considers seven future generations and the impact that any law will have on them before voting. Politicians need to vote for laws, policies and rules that do no harm to seven future generations, after extensive debate about this subject. This one factor and required piece for sustainability is missing in almost all governments globally from a local to an international level.

The Positive Tipping Power Of The Middle

Once a civilized system that teaches the science of sustainable health is set up to take all people's votes and translate them into representation, it results in the power of the middle.

Because extreme beliefs are tempered on both ends, the power of the middle takes over. Extremes make up a minority of any system of government where everyone is represented equally. In any civilized system, the real power is in the middle between the extremes.

This also assumes that there is a healthy and diverse media, not owned and controlled by any one small or extremist group. Democracy is based on an informed voting public, which again points at the power of the middle. 

The most important ingredient within the power of the middle is educating the public about the science of sustainable health, via a free, healthy, and investigative reporter populated press, plus a free education system and the Internet. Ideally, all of these information spreading channels focus on what works for seven future generations without causing them harm, no matter what the belief system, religion or political party.

American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 40,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?; via @AGreenRoad

Sacred Commons Wisdom Versus Intelligence When It Comes To Nuclearism, Global Corporatism And 1% 'Rulership'

The power of the middle only works if the press is truly free and diverse opinions of all kinds are allowed to be expressed and investigative journalism plus lawsuits are allowed to reign, report and illuminate the dark recesses of any system, in order to move it towards a more sustainable way of being that works for seven future generations, without causing harm. Ideally, wise elders are featured regularly on the mass media, in order to teach the masses about what really matters and guide everyone into a sustainable future.


Bill Nye, The Science Guy; What Does A Truly Fair Climate Change Debate Look Like? via @AGreenRoad


The power of the middle and freedom only exists or works if the press of a particular country is truly free. What is freedom of the press? When diverse opinions of all kinds are allowed to be expressed in a way that is not influenced by the global top down corporate system, that is true freedom.

When investigative journalism plus lawsuits are allowed to reign, report and illuminate the dark recesses of any system, in order to move it towards a more sustainable way of being that works for seven future generations, without causing harm, that is a truly free press. At present, this freedom only exists in the alternative citizen reporting network online and in a few alternative media stations such as Democracy Now, but they can and do serve as positive tipping points.

Green Social Media And Citizen News Reporting Activism Toolkit; via @AGreenRoad


Freedom of speech is still present in certain countries in some form or another. Ideally speaking, freedom of speech comes together with a free and open press, not controlled by a few huge globalist corporations or a dictator. A good way to measure freedom of the press is if the press regularly is critical and disagrees with stands taken by huge corporations, and/or by the political leaders, or by the major religions.

Another way to tell if there is TRUE freedom of the press is if there are many investigative journalists employed at a given news outlet, whether that is TV, newspaper, magazine, radio, or Internet, and that they are given assignments to investigate and report on the largest corporations, monopolies and their associated politicians that they own. In other words, there are no 'sacred cows' that cannot be reported on or investigated and exposed.

Bernie Sanders on Why Big Corporate Owned Media Shouldn’t Get Bigger; via @AGreenRoad

Ideally, what governs any news reporting organization, reporter or investigative journalist is a focus on what works for seven future generations, without causing harm. 


When any one voice gains more control or power in the mass media, or in the venue of political power, or in the venue of financial leverage, and that one voice is reported over and over, to the exclusion of all other voices, then diversity is lost.

It is critical that all voices are heard equally, so that people can FEEL, hear and see a variety of opinions, viewpoints, and expressions, encompassing the whole evolution of humans from beginning to the apex, which teaches what works for seven future generations, without causing harm. 

The Ten Green Commandments And 12 Key Sustainable Values

However, unless there is a focus on what works for seven future generations without causing harm, all that results is chaotic noise and huge egos that try to gain more and more power and control. Operating from the heart and with love is another important piece of the puzzle. Many smart people operate totally from their heads. They have no love, no compassion, no empathy for anyone or anything. Without love, life is not worth living. Without love, one cannot take actions that protect seven future generations. Without love, one cannot sacrifice and give selflessly on the alter of life for the benefit of children yet to come. Love is also twisted to serve purely selfish and ego driven needs. 


The following article consistst of a list of countries and nations with no nuclear power plants or reprocessing facilities. This list needs to grow. Unless humanity gets rid of nuclear power, it has almost no chance for a bright and healthy future. So far, nuclear power is shrinking, and as of 2012, is down from 17% of global power many years ago, to 4.5% in 2012. 

List Of Countries And Nations With NO Nuclear Power Plants Is Growing; Decline of Nuclear Power; via @AGreenRoad

2014 - Global Decline Of Nuclear Energy - New Renewable Energy Production Outpaces Nuclear; via @AGreenRoad


Ancient Stories, Success, Motivation, Activism, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Interfaith, Consciousness, Near Death, Miracles, Healing, Auras, Reincarnation


Any goal is worth striving for, as long as it includes the consideration of and definition of what works for seven future generations, without causing harm. The goal will define and describe itself, as the focus stays on this most important and critical point. Much or most of what human civilization is currently doing does NOT meet that definition, so huge changes are required to fit civilization into working in harmony with Nature, instead of fighting it. The laws of Nature cannot be violated, anymore than the spiritual laws can be violated. When a law is broken, there are consequences, which are expressed and can be seen, felt and experienced.

Rainbow Warriors Global Village Tribe Sacred Commons Wisdom Versus Intelligence, High IQ, And Advanced College Degrees


Setting goals can be very simple. Here are two examples of communities that set a goal of achieving zero carbon self generated sustainable energy, and they accomplished it within 5 years on average. Any other community can do this. Individuals can do this. Nations can also do this, by setting the goal and then taking massive action, which generates huge numbers of jobs. 

Feldheim And Schonau - Two Examples Of Communities Generating 100% Zero Carbon Self Sustainable Power


SMART goals include learning the laws of Nature and the laws of the spiritual world, then working in harmony with them. Those laws also fit into and guide humanity towards what works best for seven future generations, without causing harm. The universe has been designed and set up to create a sustainable way of living, no matter what cycle the Earth is going through.

These universal laws can only be broken for so long before the corrections are made in a variety of ways. Here is another example of how the answers are all there, if seven future generations are focused on, instead of just profits.  The following articles and videos point the way towards a sustainable health system, instead of the short sighted, profit minded, dis-ease and symptom management system in the US today. 

Dr. Joel Wallach - Dead Doctor's Don't Lie; via @AGreenRoad

[PBS] The Mystery of Chi Energy, Known As The Life Force And Chinese Healing System - Bill Moyers

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures; via A Green Road

Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Environment And Renewable Energy

Creating A Sustainable And Sacred Reality

Everyone creates their our own reality both individually and collectively in a group, as well as on a global basis, via a common group/religion/political/family/tribe way of thinking, and layered on top of that, a universal consciousness 'net' or blanket that everyone is a part of. Every life is a thread in the blanket of life. Every species is connected in many ways to all other species via cross thread weaves and knots. Losing species is like unraveling the blanket of life and creating holes in the blanket.. Ideally our focus should be on protecting species and all life on the planet, which is sacred and miraculous. We are surrounded by the sacred and miraculous.

The 4 Agreements; Heaven On Earth, Unconditional Love, Happiness, Bliss

We are having our way with reality. We can do anything we can think about and conceive, both negatively and positively. A positive tipping point is created anytime an individual or group focuses and chooses a positive, sustainable goal and then achieves it, using the science of sustainable health. Of course, this means focusing on what works for seven future generations without causing harm. 

How To Form A Sacred Circle Study Group


Anything that can reduce fear and create more love is a powerful positive tipping point. Fear tends to create what it focuses on. Love does the same. In some cases it helps to become more aware of what to REALLY be afraid of, but then act to diminish or get rid of what is causing the fear in the first place. 

Meditation Plus Intuition; How Can These Tools Help Solve The World's Most Pressing Problems? via @AGreenRoad

For example, having a fear of nuclear power and radiation is rational, just like the fear of falling off a cliff, when one is right on the edge of a cliff and has no rope, no handholds, and no fence to protect one against falling. Rather then denying the fear and pretending radiation is 'safe', it is better to act to eliminate all sources of radiation, including nuclear bombs and nuclear power plants for example.

Nuclear does not fit the definition of something that does no harm for seven future generations. Thus, nuclear anything can not be a part of the future of humanity, if the global village wants to survive much longer and/or thrive in the future.  


There is a big difference between being with awareness and a high state of consciousness, (operating in a way that does no harm for seven future generations) and just doing, thinking, and then having nothing more than ego based values, such as power, money, sex and/or other addictions.

'Being' in the highest definition of this word involves truly knowing oneself. If one does not know oneself, there is little or no inspiration, no passion, no life purpose. There is also no TRUE commitment, sacrifice, or sustainable action. Beingness is an inside job, not an outer pretense or having the appearance of something valuable.

Beingness then generates inspiration, values, imagination, and a commitment that is willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to accomplish a sustainable goal; something that benefits seven future generations, without causing harm. On a spiritual level, this is known as the metaphysical level, where everyone is One, and all religions, all beliefs are seen from a universal perspective, described in the linked article.

Four Ways To Interpret Any Holy Book Such As The Bible, Vedas, Koran

When a person or organization can reach a high state of inner centered Beingness, such as a metaphysical level of understanding everything, while acting with conscious, intentional, sustainable, aware actions, that groups' power is magnified and forms a localized positive tipping point, which can activate much larger, more numerous positive tipping points that grow from this point, like a tree with many branches which then bear delicious fruit.


When a person lives TRUE inner values based on BEING rather than doing, that person will start to feel and grow into a deeper and deeper, more centered love connection with everyone and everything in the universe that eventually leads to a state of Oneness. This state of consciousness can only be described as having an awareness of the totality of the blanket of life and the infinity beyond it. There is no separation in this place. There are not two of anything, just ONE consciousness, one state of Beingness.

Ten Key Green Values, How The Green Movement Continues To Grow In Double Digits; Help It Grow With Your Vote; via @AGreenRoad

To live true sustainable values that are in harmony with the laws of the universe, Spirit and Nature, a person has to know what those laws are in the first place. A person also has to meet their most basic needs first, because the pyramid of needs trumps values for everyone. Limiting beliefs and unconscious programming, and fears will also prevent values from being expressed, or limit their expression.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a good subject for study, to begin to master this subject. Civilization is in part a positive tipping point that is designed to meet all of people's basic needs, so that everyone can concentrate on self actualization, which is the highest, most positive and best personal tipping point possible.

Beyond Maslow's Hierarchy; From Survival To Self Transcendence via @AGreenRoad

Applying Ancient, Universal Archetypes To Modern Day Civilization And Self Actualization; via @AGreenRoad

The highest form of self actualization is thinking about, debating, talking about, teaching and acting in a way that benefits seven future generations, without causing harm. This way of living and being is the norm and has been the norm for eons of time in aborigine cultures. Aborigines have much to teach 'civilized' cultures about how to live in a way that does not harm seven future generations.


Any unmet needs, addictions and fears will prevent the law of attraction from working. A positive tipping point can be created by moving through fears, working on addictions, and meeting unmet needs via various methods. No one can give what they do not have.

Each family does their best, but passes on dysfunction or addictions. The lizard brain stores negative programming, beliefs, emotions, which then forms negative tipping points out in the world. Getting those negative inner and unconscious patterns out, and substituting positive patterns, will create a huge positive tipping point, which then expresses itself outwards into the world.

Untying The Gordian Knot - A Spiritual Warriors Metaphor For How To Solve Personal And Global Issues; via @AGreenRoad

The highest form of using the law of attraction is to use it for attracting what works for seven future generations, without causing harm, and not for personal gain, power, money, etc.


What creates the highest form of happiness is wrapped up in love and giving. What creates the highest form of love is a focus on what works for seven future generations, without causing harm. Temporary happiness can be achieved through many things; drugs, sex, shopping, gambling, power, possessions, ambition, violence, greed, war, etc. But as time passes, ego requires more and more, until the point is reached where a person realizes that true happiness cannot be attained with any of these things and surrenders to what is, instead of what one thinks or believes.

The only true way to find permanent happiness is within, not without. Happiness in it's highest form is not a state of temporary emotion, but a state of being, which includes love, being in the moment, as well as considering and acting from a place that considers seven future generations, without causing harm. It matters not whether one believes in a religion, science, an ism, or a tradition, as long as those fit into a sustainable reality that is in harmony with both Nature's laws, spiritual laws, and what works for seven future generations, without causing harm. 

How To Not Become A Victim Of Negative Emotions; Become A Master Of Your Emotions, Using The Science Of Sustainable Health And Success

There are many ways to accomplish happiness, through a large variety of spiritual paths. Top point at just one example, the Dalai Lama teaches how to avoid suffering and accomplish happiness..

Dalai Lama - Greatest Single Danger Facing Humankind Is Threat Of Nuclear Destruction

Happiness is ideally combined with intuition, to create a personal tipping point within. When that inner personal sense of self actualization and passion is expressed through a variety of intelligences, that creates a very powerful tipping point. On a national level, happiness is the ideal thing to be measured, rather than GDP. Here is an example of one nation doing just that, and it seems to be working out just fine. 

Gross National Happiness - Bhutan; via A Green Road


Everyone has intuition. The sense of intuition forms a personal as well as a group tipping point that guides not only each person, but also all of humanity towards a sustainable future. When intuition is combined with debating what works for seven future generations, without causing harm, it is a very powerful combination.

How Meditation Plus Intuition Can Help Solve The World's Most Pressing Problems via @AGreenRoad


Humanity is evolving and creating a higher vibration which in itself creates a tipping point. As a higher form of consciousness develops, the tipping point is also created. At some point, the hundredth monkey effect is triggered, and the speed of that evolution can take a quantum leap with almost no effort. Much like a wave is developed over time with the pressure of an invisible wind acting on an almost infinite ocean, consciousness grows. At some point, the wave which was created over a long period of time and with a great build up of energy, hits a shoreline and breaks with great energy and motion that becomes visible, as a moving tipping point.

Humanity Has A Bright Future And Destiny; Here Is How You Can Help Make It Happen

In the same way, consciousness develops in humanity overall. Consciousness is made up of many pieces and parts, both inner and outer. An important piece is to stay focused on what works for seven future generations, without causing harm, as all aborigine tribes have been doing for eons of time. The vibration on a consciousness level is increasing with more and more speed, as more people become aware of this aspect and go within. Pursuit of higher states of spiritual awareness and Being in whatever form or manner is part of this tipping point. Pursuit of interfaith relations is part of this tipping point. Pursuit of better relations between cultures, races, religions, or belief systems and finding universal points of agreement is part of this tipping point.

Creating Heaven On Earth With Mastermind; Inspirational Video For Wealth, Health, Relationship, Life; via A Green Road

Dr. Emoto On Vibrations, Water, Energy, Consciousness And Healing; via A Green Road


The sense of faith and hope that everyone has within, is combined with intuition, multiple intelligences, and a sense of purpose, plus a connection via the heart into the greater Reality that makes up the blanket of life. All of these things can provide an inner tipping point that then gets expressed outwardly via positive actions. Ideally, in their highest and best forms, all of these attributes are combined with what works for seven future generations, without causing harm, to create a very powerful tipping point that can include everyone, rather than just a small group acting for and by itself. There is only one Earth, and one sustainable future choice.

Saying no to unsustainable future choices and turning them off is just as important as saying yes to sustainable future possibilities. When you see a non sustainable future choice, that is just as important as seeing a sustainable future option open up. Pursue both at the same time.

Humanity Has A Bright Future And Destiny; Here Is How You Can Help Make It Happen

Close the doors on non sustainable futures, such as carbon fuels, harmful chemicals, poisons, and nuclear power in whatever way you can, both personally, at work, in groups and in religion. At the same time, open the doors and pursue the sustainable options that benefit seven future generations and teach this to those around you. This combination of actions creates a powerful tipping point, both personally and collectively. 


Humanity may not make it, and life on the planet may not make it, due to unsustainable choices made already. However, it may also not be too late. No one knows absolutely for certain until and unless an Armageddon actually happens. Until then, it is worth staying in a sense of gratitude, because each moment of life is a gift, which is why it is called the present. Gratitude all by itself creates a powerful tipping point.

When we are grateful, we attract more positive, life affirming things into our lives. As we are grateful for the sacred miraculous life we have been given, we tend to gain more appreciation, respect and knowledge about how fragile it is. We also tend to learn and become more aware of our actions and the consequences of our actions on both the world around us and the effect we are having on seven future generations.

A Gift Economy; What Is It? How Does It Work? What Is The Commons?
How To Not Become A Victim Of Negative Emotions; Become A Master Of Your Emotions, Using The Science Of Sustainable Health And Success

The highest and best form of gratitude is living life in a way that respects, honors and protects the planet and all living things on it, so that seven future generations can enjoy it just like we are currently, or in a way that will be better for them, than it is for us. Since this is the opposite of what is currently happening, (see 45 negative tipping points article) there is a huge gap between how we are living today and how we need to live in order to protect seven future generations of our children, and not cause them harm. 


There is a way to use expectation and accomplishment in a way that does not disappoint. Having false and unrealistic expectations on a daily basis can create negative tipping points. But when the motivation for doing things comes from a sustainable, heart based passion, and it fits into a sustainable way of living that benefits seven future generations, then a healthy and sustainable sense of accomplishment and expectation is going to be rewarded with a supportive positive tipping point both in the universal field, a Higher Power, and other people.  Not everyone will realize or understand what it is you are doing or why you have such a deep seated feeling of peace, love and expectation. 

When your sights are not set on the material rewards, trophies, awards, titles or physical benefits, but more on the joy and passion of the process, only when it is in harmony with the science of sustainable health, that is a positive tipping point. Winning is not the point. When a group harnesses this power, it is also a positive tipping point. 

The Ancient Story Of The Gordian Knot - A Spiritual Warriors Metaphor For How To Solve Personal And Global Issues; via @AGreenRoad


A single pointed focus is the key. Focus on one thing at a time until a result is accomplished, rather than many things and never getting anything done. The most powerful and sustainable focus is whatever fits into the definition of what works for seven future generations without causing harm. This focus alone is most important, and it creates a positive tipping point, all by itself.

What Is The Best Use Of Money? What Is The Best Investment? Where Can Money Best Be Donated?

The Great Plan Of Peace

How To Form A Sacred Circle Study Group


Prayer harnesses many forces and beings in other dimensions that we are not even aware of, which then can create a positive tipping point either personally or for all of humanity. Pray when you have nothing else to do, or when you are bored.

Introduction To Non Denominational Interfaith Prayer Partnering; How It Works And Why It Is Necessary


American Indian Prophecies and Living As Soul on Earth; via @AGreenRoad


Multiple Intelligence Theory; Leading to Self Actualized Human Beings; via A Green Road


It is not about left or right, rich or poor, intelligent or not, race, religions, color of skin, language or who is more athletic, who owns more stuff, who has more money or power, or whether one belongs to the right group. These things and many more are all artificial mind created separations that put people into boxes and trap them in an ego created reality. The greater Reality is the Oneness and the Consciousness that everyone and everything is a part of. Every person, every animal, every plant is like a ray coming from a common Source. Every living thing returns to that mysterious, indescribable source when one passes over. Each religion applies a name to this Source of all Being. Scientists study the outward expression of this Oneness, but the source is inside, in the heart of all life.

Applying Ancient, Universal Archetypes To Modern Day Civilization And Self Actualization; via @AGreenRoad

Being aware of this Oneness is part of what creates a tipping point that ripples outward, via an invisible wave, just like ripples in a pond. Developing a greater sense or deeper awareness of this Oneness is also critical in furthering the Science of Sustainable Health, and developing a better understanding of what works for seven future generations, without causing harm. Whether one focuses on love, light, peace, truth, knowledge or anything else, it matters little, because all of them lead to the Source, and to what works in a sustainable fashion. 


Freedom is a powerful tipping point. But real freedom is not just an meaningless word on a page, but a real sense of freedom encompassing many different aspects. The lack of freedom can also be expressed through many aspects, laws and more.

The Singing Revolution Film; How Estonia Gained It's Freedom By Singing A Revolution

Freedom by itself is a powerful tipping point, especially when combined with other aspects, such as diversity, freedom of the press, investigative journalism, more equality of income rather than less, true bottoms up representation in political venue, legal freedom to pursue consequences for harm done, freedom of juries to pursue true justice in court system, freedom to pursue career that matches passion and multiple intelligence's, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to organize workplace workers, freedom to buy and sell, etc.

Many States And Countries Have Deregulated Energy Suppliers; Switch To A 100% Green Carbon Free, Nuclear Free Energy Supplier

Freedom in it's highest and best form encompasses and considers the effect of all decisions, laws, processes and rules according to their impact on seven future generations, with a goal of not causing harm.

Freedom is not really freedom if it means that future generations are harmed.  


Momentum is a tipping point all by itself. Like a ball rolling downhill, gathering speed and energy as it goes, so do sustainable actions and laws. When a family or city sets a goal of becoming 100% zero carbon powered for example, it creates a momentum that then creates a ripple effect to spread outwards, via a free press.

Benjamin Franklin; For Want Of A Nail, The War Was Lost Story

Each person choosing to commit to a more sustainable lifestyle, diet and workplace creates momentum, which then creates a tipping point. This is why every action is important, no matter what it is. Recycling, re using, eliminating all garbage, using less, buying local, using only 100% zero carbon energy sources, and reducing carbon footprint to zero are all things that create momentum globally.


People make decisions based on feelings, not on logic. Living a sustainable lifestyle FEELS good, and it makes sense logically. The old American dream was living the life of a king. But a king lives a life that is not sustainable or healthy. If everyone on Earth tries to live a king's lifestyle by owning many huge mansions, yachts, and jetting all over the globe in a private jet, in order to attain a temporary happiness, planet Earth will not last much longer and still be habitable as a planet with living things on it.

Positive emotions in the highest and best sense of this definition are provided by the nation of Bhutan, which measures GDH, gross domestic happiness instead of GDP, or gross domestic production. The happiness of citizens overall is a much better and more sustainable measurement than the growth of the economy. The only thing that grows forever without any let up is cancer. Currently, humanity is acting more like a cancer on planet Earth than anything else. But if the health measurement of nations were switched to GDH, the focus would be on happiness as an end product, rather than on constant growth, and who cares if the whole population is depressed, unhappy, homeless or starving?

Combining the GDG with a focus on what works for seven future generations without causing harm is the ideal and highest form of strategic long term thinking.


Despite the seeming appearance of everything falling apart and going to Hell in a handbasket, it is important to never give up and to keep on doing what is right. Even if one person does the right thing, that is the example that everyone else can follow if and when the time comes that people realize the truth and necessity of that way of living. The Science Of Sustainable Health is something unknown, unpracticed, unvalued and unappreciated currently. Even if only ONE person is holding the space for this, that is important and critical work.

198 Methods Of Non Violent Direct Action, Civil Disobedience, Non Violent Communication And Examples Of Successes In US, Estonia, India, Poland And Many More

In the final analysis, nothing else will matter and everything else is less important. If people do not learn and practice living in a sustainable manner, that automatically means what they are doing is unsustainable and it will eventually fail or collapse, probably catastrophically. Why do most people live in an unsustainable manner, and do the same things that do not work or bring happiness?

Even if a civilization collapse can be predicted with exact certainty at a given date due to the consequences of certain actions that are unsustainable, it is still important to not give up, and persist in doing the right, sustainable thing, as much as possible under the circumstances.

The problem with civilization is that most of what it does, builds, teaches and considers valuable is based on a foundation that is unsustainable. The consequences of unsustainable doing, teaching and building will result in a dead end for all of humanity and possibly all life on the planet. In a way, modern civilization is slowly committing suicide on a global level, while it is pretending to be something great and noble.

At the same time, there is a birth happening, consisting of a birth of consciousness, a way of thinking, acting and doing that is sustainable and in harmony with Nature's laws, spiritual laws, and benefiting seven future generations, without causing harm. Each one of these branches is growing. Eventually one branch will die or be pruned back, and the other will be the only one left. This is one reason why it is critical to be living in a sustainable manner. When the dying or pruning happens, those who are living close to Nature and in harmony with it will be the only ones left with anything worth learning. Those who persist and live in a sustainable way are creating the tipping points that will be required in the future. 


What is the power of positive thinking? Positive thinking is one of many positive tipping points, especially when it is harnessed together with acting in a way that benefits seven future generations. 

Retraining the way you think and feel, you will reach a positive tipping point personally. If and when this same concept and power is harnessed in a group dynamic, that makes it even more powerful. An example is the creation of a paradigm shifting housing form; straw bale housing, etc..

Earthship Biotecture Community; Green Housing - via A Green Road http://agreenroad.blogspot.com/2012/10/earthship-biotecture-community-green.html


There are two ways to live. One way is the logical, scientific, heartless, ego based way that is totally in the head, not in the 'flow' and being governed by blind ambition, lust, greed and/or animal based willpower. It is the equivalent of the horse being in charge of where to go and what to do when there is a carriage full of passengers, a driver and a couple of horses.

The other way to live is heart centered, living in the moment, governed by an inner eye wisdom, intuitive, heart based happiness, rather than what the head and blind ego desire wants. When a person accomplishes living in a way that is in harmony with Nature, spiritual laws and according to the dictates of the inner wisdom, then one is in the flow, moment by moment. There are two channels in this life, consisting of love and gratitude. The love connects one to all other life on the planet, as it flows down from and connects one to the Source of all. In return, gratitude then flows back up to the Source, from the life that is present in the Oneness.

Almost anyone can practice this by imagining love flowing up from the ground, through the body and out of the top of the head with the in breath. Then with the out breath, gratitude goes into the head from the Source and down through the body into the Earth. Walking then becomes a meditation of love and gratitude, alternating in harmony with the breath, with Nature and with the Source. As one practices this, the focus is one of being in the flow of positive love and gratitude, rather than on negative mental thoughts, negative emotions and negative things.

Being in the flow is the result and as a result of being in the flow, a tipping point is created. 


Now the focus is much easier, because negative thoughts are not in the way, blocking access to actions that create positive feedback loops for seven future generations, while not causing harm. If it does not feel necessary, kind, loving and heart based, don't do it. If it will cause harm to this or seven future generations, don't do it. Choices create a positive tipping point. Choosing organic food and locally grown food creates the demand for that product, which then creates the organic local farmer who raises and grows this food for those who are asking for it, via their choices.

Choosing fair trade goods rather than those manufactured by slave trade global corporations creates the demand for those sustainable goods, which in turns grows that sustainable industry. Each and every seemingly SMALL choice made by each individual matters, because it is a free will choice. There is a huge, miracle producing tipping point in each and every single choice each individual makes, because free will is such a huge gift and responsibility, but also because it has such weight and power when many people are all choosing together to choose sustainable things that are in harmony with Nature and spiritual laws. 


Gain the momentum on wanted, positive tipping point things, and stay out of specifics with things that are not wanted. To be more specific, the Source loves everyone, including those who are destroying everything. It is better to focus on growing the positive, life affirming, sustainable, loving, kind, peaceful things in our life, rather than spending time fighting or trying to resist the things we do not want in our life while being angry, miserable and depressed.

Find a general stance when possible for negative things, but keep it positive.  In other words, it is ok to be against nuclear power, but work FOR generating 100% renewable energy and voting candidates in that support this. Spend most of your time and energy accomplishing positive goals both in your own life and in a larger sphere, rather than on spending most of your time being anti-nuclear or anti carbon while at the same time consuming and paying for electricity that comes from a mostly nuclear and carbon source. Act in positive specific ways that support your sustainable way of living by getting off the grid, or switching to a 100% carbon free renewable energy source such wind, solar, geothermal, etc. 


A quiet mind is a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind leads to a quiet peaceful heart and lifestyle. A quiet, peaceful, centered and happy heart leads to a sustainable living style, which is in harmony with Nature's and spiritual laws. This in turn leads to the potential of acting only in ways that benefit seven future generations, while harming none. Fear and anger leads to projecting those emotions and fears onto other people, which then leads to violence and wars.

Having no thoughts in the mind for 30 minutes is one definition for enlightenment. Most people think that death results if there are no thoughts, but the opposite is actually the case. Practice having or looking for no thoughts in the mind. At first, this type of meditation will be the most difficult to do, because having thoughts and being in the mind, and thinking one IS mind, is how civilization teaches people to be. But this is only reality, not Reality. Reality consists of NO thought, while staying in the heart, and acting from intuition.

Reality is also based on acting in harmony with Nature's laws, spiritual laws and considering the effect on seven future generations, while doing no harm. 


Because civilization is currently practicing and teaching reality, which is almost completely upside down and backwards of where humanity must go if it is to survive, it also causes harm in many directions, ways and to all future generations, as well as the present one. When a person learns about this reality through greater awareness of how civilization is breaking all of Nature's laws, all of the spiritual laws and as a result is causing great harm and many deaths plus suffering generally, it causes anger and a desire for revenge or violence to arise.

But acting in a violent way and committing acts of violence is not the answer either, because that too is violating higher spiritual laws of doing no harm. In response, the highest and best response is forgiveness, while offering love and communication about the Science Of Sustainable Health.. The response depends on the situation. In all cases forgiveness is called for as an answer to those causing harm or death.

If a person is not willing to forgive, then a good first step is to pray for the willingness to be willing to forgive. Any step in this direction is a good step, because forgiveness is the only way that exists to lead the way out of the dark violent ways that generate nothing more than larger and larger cycles of violence, hatred and revenge.

For addictions, a 12 step group is a sustainable answer. For those who suffer from PTSD due to abuse and violence and who then act that out on others, deprogramming the lizard brain and counseling is a solution. Quieting the mind and opening the heart through art, music, dance and poetry is all worth pursuit. Instead of growing the military budget, grow the arts budget. If Hitler had been accepted into the arts school he really wanted, we may have avoided WWII. Instead, Hitler was not accepted into art school and pursued war instead. The consequences of mind instead of heart based actions are severe and can have global consequences.


The current civilization status relies on force, pressure, intimidation, mind games, power plays, fiat currencies, large standing armies and constant never ending violence in many ways, forms and expressions. All of these things are unsustainable, upside down and backwards, because they are based on reality, which is in the head, not in the heart.

War Has Been Abolished And Is Now Illegal; International Peace Quotes, Songs And Stories

Peace, War, Human Rights, Justice, Prisons, And Violence Prevention

The heart considers only Reality, which operates by different mechanisms, such as compassion, empathy, giving, sharing and selfless actions of sacrifice for others. Because the current civilization structure, education system, and power arrangement does not value or teach or value this for the most part, civilization is upside down and backwards when it comes to creating a sustainable structure that works for seven future generations without causing harm.

The US for example has a huge Dept of War, 18 spy agencies, all dedicated to violence, revenge, hatred, fear and anger. There is no Dept. Of Peace at all in the USA, despite the urging of many people over many years. The US budget throws about 60% of total resources towards the Dept. of War, and nothing into actual, real, meaningful, sustainable, lasting peace creating processes, through a Dept. of Peace. As a result, the US is upside down and backwards when it comes to having and teaching the Science Of Sustainable Health.


The total budget for a Dept. Of Peace in the USA is (0) ZERO Dollars. At the same time, the Dept Of War(s) are funded to the tune of $1.3 TRILLION Dollars per year in the USA alone. This is symbolic for how much people value peace, and the value that they assign to wars. However, this value can be changed.


The awareness is growing about how the 1% and transnational corporations are taking the place of dictators and kings, and instituting their top down control system through free trade agreements and other methods such as ALEC. The resistance to this taking of power and wealth, which creates an income disparity, a power disparity and a loss of freedoms and democracy, is growing globally, and is reaching positive local and regional tipping points, where this top down system is rejected and blocked from entering. New bottoms up power structures are being created, one community, one neighborhood at a time. 

Sonoma County Clean Power - One Of First In Nation To Offer 100% Zero Carbon, Zero Nuclear Local Energy Option To Customers

The positive tipping point being expressed by the rainbow tribe is changing the 1% top down corporatocracy, via blind Capitalism and/or Communism into a healthier more sharing type of system via high taxes on the 1%, on the order of 95%. (See negative tipping points article for more explanation and examples.) This kind of tax has been levied before, and it worked to pay off all war debts, which the 1% create anyway. 

The positive tipping point being expressed individually, locally and via several nations around the world, is to live locally, self sufficiently, and in a way that uses only 100% zero carbon, zero nuclear fuel/energy, while creating zero waste or chemicals that end up going to the dump or polluting the environment.  

Environment, Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Zero Point And Renewable Energy


Acceptance Of New Technology

"The concept has also been applied to the popular acceptance of new technologies, for example being used to explain the success of VHS over Betamax."

AGRP; (The transition from using only incandescent light bulbs and then switching them all out to LED lights is another example of a very positive tipping point, which if done by every person on the planet, will create a huge tipping point, all by itself.)

Resisting the new technology (such as buying and installing LED lights) that can help speed up and accelerate a paradigm shift to a zero carbon, zero chemical, zero waste lifestyle is what increases the power and speed of the negative tipping points created by not making this free will choice.  Multiplied by billions of people on the planet, even a minor, small choice like this has enormous effects. 


The Internet is an artificial, human created 'net' which expresses part of the collective knowledge, wisdom, and information that humans have been able to accumulate and gather internally from the beginning of human intelligence up to now. It is also a form of communication network that allows any two people anywhere on the planet to communicate instantly, via video if the technology is used. 

The Internet is also a free and open (up to now) media channel that allows all manner of investigations, reports, news, and opinions as well as debates that are often not allowed on the mass media. A new form of gifting economy is emerging as well, in the form of free products or services, which rely on donations, rather than a set retail price. AGRP is another example of this in action, as no fee is charged for any information offered on AGRP; only donations are suggested.

How To Gain Access To Over 6,500 Free Open Source Software Packages - Business And Personal; via @AGreenRoad

Spiritually, the Internet represents a technological view of the next step in evolution, which is bringing Heaven to Earth. Heaven is a state of Being that allows instant communication with anyone, anywhere, in multiple dimensions. Heaven is also a place where all needs are met, for free. Heaven is also a place where people act only from Agape love, not fear, hatred, jealousy, anger or other ego based emotions. Heaven is a place where only actions are taken that benefit seven future generations. We are moving to a positive tipping point where Heaven will come to Earth in whatever way individuals understand or interpet this. 


100% Zero Carbon Energy Sources

The only chance that humanity is on the energy side of things, is switching to 100% zero carbon energy sources. Many individuals, groups, towns and even a few nations have accomplished this goal. It is possible to do once a goal is set. The blocks to accomplishing this are numerous in certain nations, but this goal can be achieved by doing nothing more than copying those who have led the way and are serving as a positive tipping point, sometimes at a cost of great personal sacrifice. 

2014 - List Of Countries Powered 100% By Renewable Energy, Or Close To It

New Renewable Energy Sources Are So Successful, ALEC, Carbon And Nuclear 'Owned' Utilities Now Preventing Them From Connecting To Grid

Beware of those promising 'clean energy' and greenwashing coal, oil, gas, biofuels and nuclear, which are all creative very negative life destroying tipping points.

(Nuclear energy is NOT zero carbon, and actually does more harm than most carbon fuels in terms of global warming and other negative effects.)


FREE Solar Power Can Generate Enough Energy To Replace All Power Stations Globally ; 100% of New Power In USA Added To Grid In March 2013 Came From Solar Power; via @AGreenRoad


Zero Fuel Cost, Zero Emissions, Self Charging Vehicle Examples - Grid Energy Storage And Income Source


US Offshore Wind Energy; 4 X The Energy Potential Of ALL Existing Power Plants In US Today; via @AGreenRoad


How Solar, Geothermal, Hydrogen And Photovoltaics Create Jobs In A Community; via @AGreenRoad

100% Zero Carbon Hydrogen Powered House, Car and Cooking Stove; via @AGreenRoad


Green, Zero Carbon Sustainable Geothermal Energy Could Supply ALL Power Needs Of The USA; via @AGreenRoad

Sonoma County California Is Powered By A 100% Clean, Green, Zero Carbon Geothermal Power Plant; via @AGreenRoad


Fuel Cells Can Produce Zero Carbon Electricity By Burning Stored Hydrogen Gas; via @AGreenRoad


Tesla 100% Electric Car Beats BMW M5 in Drag Race 0 To 100 MPH; via @AGreenRoad

Zero Fuel Cost, Zero Emissions, Self Charging Vehicle Examples - Grid Energy Storage And Income Source



A growth in consciousness also means developing an awareness that there is a common root inside all belief systems and religions.  Developing this awareness via interfaith relations is a simple first step and helps create this tipping point.

Four Ways To Interpret Any Holy Book Such As The Bible, Vedas, Koran

Spiritual Awakening

Any religion has an offering and can serve as a positive tipping point into another dimension. Opening to something beyond the physical body creates a large and positive personal tipping point. Each religion and spiritual belief system points inside and offers a beginning point for those who are open and ready. This surrender process involves giving up our beliefs, ideas, defenses and thinking that we know everything, from an ego point of view.

Follow where you are led, into any positive, life affirming religion or spiritual path. Disciplining the monkey mind is one aspect of harnessing a positive tipping point personally, which then has the capacity to ripple out, via that larger Higher Power force working through us, to accomplish the impossible. That Higher Power.

The Higher Power expresses itself through all religions, all spiritual belief systems, so pick what fits you best. The choices are growing through more and more varieties of religions, and spiritual paths. If one path does not work for you, switch to one that 'fits' you better. This in itself is a positive tipping point, showing how life offers an infinite choice of options and choices even within the spiritual growth or evolution process that all humans beings are part of. 

Whether one follows the literal Christ in the Bible, or one is more aligned with the metaphysical Christ Consciousness, the process is the same, just located in different places on the spiral of spiritual evolution. Everyone must grow, just like a baby grows into a child and then an adult. To be born spiritually, involves being born again, into another kind of life that is inner centered, rather than outer oriented. 

The spiritual path can involve just one religion, or many. It can involve many belief systems, or just one. Wherever your path leads you, follow it, even if it leads off into the woods and meditating in a cave in India, practicing Zen or Shintoism in Japan or being a Sikh muslim. Follow the path less traveled, if that is YOUR path. Listen to your heart and let it lead you, rather than for example, a strong leader, tradition, dogma or blind belief.

The One Universal Law Contained In All Religions And Belief Systems And Four Powers You Can Harness To Perform Miracles

For more;

Spiritual, Interfaith, Consciousness; How To Create Heaven On Earth


Suffering is actually a positive tipping point because it is only with suffering that people are willing to consider change, or to consider moving into a new paradigm, or to give up what they have as a sacrifice.  

Beyond suffering or in the middle of it, the most important thing to focus on is what the gift is inside of that suffering. Once the gift is discovered, that person will then grow spiritually, via an expansion of consciousness. Spiritual growth may actually be enhanced by suffering created by all of the negative things going on in our personal, national and spiritual arenas of life. Spiritual growth is under our control and can happen at any time, by our free will choice. Spiritual growth is a natural process, just like curiosity in a child, but it can and is being sped up with more and more suffering on all levels, created through negative tipping points. 

Spiritual, Interfaith, Consciousness


The greatest hope that humanity  and the best and largest tipping point is on a consciousness level. Some people believe that a consciousness tipping point will be reached at some point, and that the 100th monkey effect, which was never presented as an actual fact, but as an example of a social tipping point, will take hold. Some predict that Heaven will come to Earth. No one can predict if or even when this tipping point will be reached, but the cultural creative and rainbow tribe movement is a very real example of it happening and moving in that direction in the world today. 

"....there was some question about whether the (100th monkey) study was authentic. Ken presented the story as a legend, or phenomenon; the concepts of morphogenetic fields and critical mass are very true and the story serves to illustrate them."

Humanity Has A Bright, Green, Sustainable Future And Destiny; Here Is How You Can Help Make Solution Happen

Consciousness is in part made up of free will and choice. On a personal and individual level, every person has free will. This free will and the power of choice make up a tipping point. Making a choice to grow in consciousness and inner awareness is a powerful tipping point that has an effect all out of proportion to the seemingly small and inconsequential decision being made, often on a daily or minute by minute basis. The inner awareness can be as simple as growing in awareness around the power and existence of love, which is completely invisible and undetectable by physical means.

When something reaches critical mass, whether that is the use of LED lighting, or solar power, or a way of living that is more in line with Nature's forces, changes happen after that in the larger society in much faster and easier ways as that is integrated into the mainstream way of life, becoming a 'norm'.

The leaders who first tried to be vegetarians had to fight hard and endure many hardships, but now it is mainstream, because a critical mass was reached, of around 10% of the population becoming vegetarian. Vegetarian choices are being offered in many mainstream large grocery stores, restaurant chains, etc. 


All real and meaningful change happens first within, and then appears in the physical. Any paradigm shift in consciousness or awareness happens on the inside first. The paradigm shifting process can be accelerated by using tools such as the media, schools, meditation, or other practices.

American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 40,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?; via @AGreenRoad


Sustainability Taxes, Laws And Regulations

Passing laws or regulations such a carbon tax are an example of a positive tipping point that can potentially accelerate humanity towards a 100% zero carbon way of living on a global basis. The EPA is an example of a government body that has the force of law behind it being formed in order to move towards a more sustainable way of doing business and treating the environment as if it is sacred and to be held in trust for 7 future generations, instead of being spoiled, polluted or extracted for short term profits. 

Law, taxes and regulations that mandate certain and very specific ways of living or doing business in a 100% zero carbon, chemical free and sustainable lifestyle are or  can be potentially be rammed through and forced on people. Without education to go along with it, the resistance and kickback created is more than likely not worth it. 

Without understanding WHY these laws need to exist, the reason for them will not be understood, much like there is enormous resistance to the carbon tax presently. The idea is sound and it makes sense in the grand scheme of things, but the average person has no clue what it means, how it works, why it is important or how it fits into where humanity has to go. The result is a massive resistance to the concept, to the laws created around it, and an active emotional negative reaction to the law itself, which sets up a counter negative tipping point that prevents sustainable solutions. 

President Obama Promotes Nuclear Industry With Carbon Credits, Despite Global Warming Effects Of Nuclear Power via @AGreenRoad


Lawsuits are also a method to create the pressure that moves business towards a more sustainable tipping point. Non sustainable businesses that cause harm to this or future generations should be sued and deserve to go out of business. 

How Can A Radiation Exposure Victim Get 10 Million Dollars As Compensation For Health And Property Damage? via @AGreenRoad


Can you imagine having a passport for a planet, instead of a nation? Corporations have these passports and they claim to be 'people'. Why can't average people have passports like this? Historically, no one had to have passports to move from one part of the planet to another part. Aboriginal people did not require passports. People migrated from one country to another, moved across continents and traveled where they felt like in the hundreds of thousands to millions of years of human history. It was only with the introduction of religion and civilization that controls and limits such as passports came into being.  

Borders are nothing more than an ego based creation to try and control the 99%. Corporations do not care about borders and take no notice of them. Why are corporations allowed to be global citizens, but individuals are not allowed to be? Why are corporations allowed to hide their profits in foreign banks, but individuals cannot do that? Why are corporations allowed to extract profits from the labor of people, but then not share those profits with the nation and people who generated it, through fair living wages, benefits, safety laws, environmental laws, and taxes?

Why do we need special paperwork and permission to go to any part of the planet? We are all part of a small rainbow tribe living in a tiny global village. The Earth is just a dust mote floating in the vast mystery of space.  Why limit where people can go and live or work on this tiny dust mote?  Eliminating borders is a positive tipping point that has been happening slowly and gradually over time as humanity evolves.


The European Union is one example of how this works in real life.

The American Indian government on the North American continent is another example, as it stretched from Alaska all the way the tip of Southern America.

A Border Free World Exists; Consciousness, Internet, Water, Air, Space; How About Getting Rid Of All Borders? One Global Village, One Heart, One Consciousness, One Future

The United States, which is made up of many states, is another example of this principle in action. The next logical step is to create a bottom up controlled American Union, and then a Global Union, again controlled from the bottom up, not be the 1% top down system that exists now. This in now way is suggesting that the 1% be allowed to create a further stranglehold via their plan for a world government. 


The answer to all of the problems caused by excessive CO2 emissions and the pollution caused by burning 1 cubic mile of carbon products per year, is to switch as fast as possible to zero carbon, renewable energy sources, such as wind, water, geothermal, tides, waves, hydrogen, solar, and free energy systems. For more information about how all of these can easily provide all of the energy we need, with no problem whatsoever, click on the following link. 

Environment, Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Zero Point And Renewable Energy



Income inequality creates and raises all kinds of issues in any society. Measuring a person's, animal, or environmental value only by how much they are worth or earn creates distortions and abuses in any ism that it is present in, whether that is Socialism, Libertarianism, Communism or Capitalism. As income inequality grows, so do the problems caused by that, including poverty, homelessness, drug abuse, etc. 

Switzerland - 16 Tons Of Gold Dumped In Town Square - Swiss Debating Unconditional Income For All Law; via @AGreenRoad

In most civilized countries, income equality is growing, but in the US the income inequality is growing strongly. The US has not raised it's minimum wage in many years, and it is more and more difficult to make ends meet for more and more people. 


Gross National Happiness - Bhutan; via A Green Road


Canada is one example of a country that has a public bank, and it charged 0 percent interest on money loaned to the Canadian government until 1971. Public banking exists in the US in the form of cooperatives, which are called credit unions, in which each person owns a share and gets a vote. In contrast to Canada, the US has the Federal Reserve, which is a privately owned bank, operating as a for profit enterprise.



Everyone deserves a job that harnesses their passion, intelligence and skill.

All jobs today are green jobs, or they should be eliminated. How can the job that you are doing be made into a green job?

GREEN NEW DEAL; How To End Global Unemployment; via A Green Road 

No employer worth working for wants unhappy employees who hate their jobs. The consequences to the company are not worth the price being paid. The world is also moving towards a place where slavery and private prisons are not allowed.


Peace is a positive tipping point. Every nation should have a Dept. Of Peace, while abolishing the Dept Of War. Whatever we focus on grows. If a nation keeps focusing on fear and violence, that will grow, which then creates negative tipping points, such as a global nuclear war or MAD.

The opposite is also true. Funding peace education, peace movements, peaceful conflict resolution and peaceful ways of living together internationally will create more of those positive tipping points.


The End Of All Wars; Kellogg–Briand Pact Abolished And Outlawed All Warmongering


Mahatma Gandhi - His Life, Truth, Peace, Non Violence Teachings And Successes; via A Green Road

Peace, War, Human Rights, Justice, Prisons, And Violence Prevention

100 Nations Have Signed, Banning Cluster Bomb; Illegal Weapon Of MASS Destruction, But Not The USA!; via @AGreenRoad

The global military needs to transform itself into a force that serves seven future generations. All standing armies need to be eliminated, globally, and all weapons of mass destruction need to be destroyed or dismantled. 

Peace, War, Human Rights, Justice, Prisons, And Violence Prevention



To counter the increase in methane emissions, clear cutting forests, and fresh water use, eat less meat and dairy products, or become vegetarian, or vegan.

What Is The Most Sustainable, Healthy Diet That Prevents 100% of Dental Decay And Most Diseases? Dr. Price, Dr Pottenger MD

The most important conclusion and sustainable solution: Eat much less meat and dairy products. This is one of the most effective ways to reduce our personal carbon footprint and to generally reduce our personal negative impact on the environment, and will eventually lead to a positive, sustainable tipping point.


Finally a quote from Albert Einstein (Nobel prize 1921): Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.


Considering that there are unlimited and infinite numbers of stars and planets that can sustain life, is there any doubt that there is life in the universe somewhere? Further than that, what are the odds of one of those planets being far more advanced than we are, and having the capability to travel here and either visit or live in an area not accessible to humans? How much further would one have to to consider that contact has been made by one or more of these races, and that they can make a difference in terms of the future of humankind and serving as a positive tipping point? 

UFO (Aliens) Delegation (W56) Contact And Befriend Italian Group; Free Full Length Movie; via @AGreenRoad


What Is A Global Tipping Point? 2014 - List Of Positive Or Neutral Global Tipping Points

A list of negative environmental and social tipping points is available at the link below. 

2014 - List of 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points; via @AGreenRoad

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