The Ancient Story Of The Gordian Knot - A Spiritual Warriors Metaphor For How To Solve Personal And Global Issues

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The Ancient Story Of The Gordian Knot - A Spiritual Warriors Metaphor For How To Solve Personal And Global Issues

Listen to the music while reading the article.. it has a depth to it that will help untie the Gordian knot.
Via wikipedia; "Alexander cuts the Gordian Knot, by Jean-Simon Berthélemy (1743–1811)

The Gordian Knot is a legend of Phrygian Gordium associated with Alexander the Great. It is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem (disentangling an "impossible" knot) solved easily by "thinking outside the box" ("cutting the Gordian knot"):

"Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter" (Shakespeare,Henry V, Act 1 Scene 1. 45–47)


At one time the Phrygians were without a king. An oracle at Telmissus (the ancient capital of Phrygia) decreed that the next man to enter the city driving an ox-cart should become their king. A peasant farmer named Gordias drove into town on an ox-cart. His position had also been predicted earlier by an eagle landing on his cart, a sign to him from the gods, and, on entering the city, Gordias was declared king by the priests. Out of gratitude, his son Midas dedicated the ox-cart[1] to the Phrygian god Sabazios (whom the Greeks identified with Zeus) and either tied it to a post or tied its shaft with an intricate knot of cornel (Cornus mas) bark. The ox-cart[2] still stood in the palace of the former kings of Phrygia at Gordium in the fourth century BC when Alexander arrived, at which point Phrygia had been reduced to a satrapy, or province, of the Persian Empire.

Several themes of myth converged on the chariot, as Robin Lane Fox remarks:[3] Midas was connected in legend with Alexander's native Macedonia, where the lowland "Gardens of Midas" still bore his name, and the Phrygian tribes were rightly remembered as having once dwelt in Macedonia. So, in 333 BC, while wintering at Gordium, Alexander the Great attempted to untie the knot. 

When he could not find the end to the knot to unbind it, he sliced it in half with a stroke of his sword, producing the required ends (the so-called "Alexandrian solution").[4] However, another solution is presented by Aristobulus that indicates "he unfastened it quite easily by removing the pin which secured the yoke to the pole of the chariot, then pulling out the yoke itself."[5] That night there was a violent thunderstorm. Alexander's prophet Aristander took this as a sign that Zeus was pleased and would grant Alexander many victories. Once Alexander had sliced the knot with a sword-stroke, his biographers claimed in retrospect[6] that an oracle further prophesied that the one to untie the knot would become the king of Asia.[7]"

The spiritual meaning behind untying the knot is that a person becomes a 'king' who is now the ruler of all domains, but spiritually. The point to untying a Gordian knot has little or nothing to do with getting 'permission' to go conquer enemies in battle and get a personal kingdom to rule over. The story of Alexander is much like the Genesis chapter and the whole Old Testament, which points at conquest and dominion. The hardest battle in life is not conquering outer enemies, it is conquering inner enemies, demons, ghosts and then slaying the duality based mind.

The feat of untying the Gordian knot is accomplished by going beyond the mind, and into the spiritual realms, where many if not most people fear to tread. The mind is all about duality; good/bad, light/dark, up/down, right/wrong, guilt/punishment, debt/riches, enemy/friend, beautiful/ugly, inside/outside, etc, etc. The more one tries to untie the Gordian knot through the use of the mind alone, the more one realizes that it is impossible. The more one tries to use force and will, the tighter the knot draws into itself and the worse the suffering becomes on all levels.

To untie the Gordian knot that is represented by our physical reality, (which is just an illusion) one must go beyond the mind. Going beyond the mind means experiencing the spiritual truth that there is nothing but the Oneness, which is behind/above/beyond all duality and the illusion of physical matter. The Oneness is hidden in a place where most people never bother or think about looking for it. The Oneness is also the solution for all of the world's problems, which were generated by the mind, largely as a side effect that comes about as a result of the separation away from the Oneness.

What has the mind conceived and produced so far? All of the world's problems. The mind's thoughts when separated from the Oneness create duality and the illusion of separation. Thus, all creations that come from a mind stuck in the illusion of duality only adds to the problems and destruction of everything worthwhile.


How does the duality stuck mind conceive and think about solving the world's problems? By coming up with more problems, such as the following:

The way to solve the world's problems is not about dividing and conquering through superior military force or threats. The way to solve problems is not by feeling guilty and ashamed. The way to solve the world's problems is not about judging and punishing witches or people with the death penalty.

The way to solve the world's problems is not about mentally thinking about it and finding a 'logical' solution using only logic and short term thinking. The way to solve things is not about maintaining appearances or keeping up with the neighbor or some group.

The way to solve problems is not by watching mass media TV. The way to solve the world's problems is not going to happen purely with technology or scientific achievement, especially when applied to nuclear technology, weapons or energy systems.

The answer to the world's problems is not to 'grow infinitely' and to increase GDP. The answer to the world's problems is not to increase the debt via fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.

The answer to the world's problems is not to build more advanced weapons, increase the number of nuclear bombs, and building more nuclear power plants. The answer is not to join the army, become a soldier and go kill someone.

The answer is not to commit violent acts that destroy things or people. The answer is not larger farms. The answer is not to drill for more oil, gas fracking, tar sans and making bio fuels. The answer is not GMO seeds and Roundup, as well as carbon based chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and other poisons.

The answer is not nuclear medicine, chemotherapy and patented drugs that only add to the problems, while not really solving anything, at greater and greater expense. The answer is not to give more power to the 1%.

The answer is not building larger skyscrapers or exporting jobs to foreign countries or making more profits. The answer is not on the mass media, which is controlled by the 1%. The answer is not about hurrying up Armageddon and starting a nuclear war, the sooner the better.

The answer is not to have dominion over the Earth and subdue Nature by fighting it at every turn and creating pollution everywhere. 

These and other things like them are all mentally focused gyrations creating more and more duality that create a larger and larger Gordian knot. All of the above things end up causing the Gordian knot(s) to grow and become larger. As a result, the world's problems become larger and more numerous. 

The Gordian Knot is a legendary knot that became a metaphor for an intractable problem solved by a bold stroke.


The last place most people look for the worlds and personal problems is inside the heart. The last place that most people go to figure out how to create a better world is inside. People are busy running around outside, going here, going there, traveling all around the world, buying things, doing things, printing money, creating more debt, and talking about a lot of things that are all mental gyrations, which are all part of the Gordian knot and duality, which then causes more suffering for everyone.

Spirit Science's photo.


The way through all of the world's problems, and/or personal problems and all suffering, is to go inside, live from the heart, and be still, in the Oneness. By doing this, anyone can become a spiritually peaceful warrior using spiritual weapons, powers and tools. Going inside cuts the Gordian knot. Going inside and meditating to quiet the mind and the mental 'chatter' is what will make the difference. Quieting the mind and listening to the heart is what makes the difference. Anyone following a religion can do this, because it is not anti - religious. As a matter of fact, all religions have a metaphysical meaning to them, which only a few ever achieve. Seeing the metaphysical meaning and understanding the highest interpretation of any holy books, can only be accomplished by going inside.


All of the answers are inside. Going inside cuts through Gordian knot created by everything that civilization represents now. Once in the heart and experiencing the stillness, all of the answers are there, which are accessible only by going beyond the mind.  

From the stillness, ask the question before taking any action; what works for seven future generations, without causing harm?  This question works both on a personal level, and on an organizational level. 

The mind can be quieted and one can experience the peace of the sublime, and/or the bliss of the sacred Oneness. The sacred Oneness can reached and EXPERIENCED by anyone. All religions teach about Heaven being within. Heaven is not a place outside or something a person has to wait for death to experience. That Heaven or Oneness within is also the ONLY way to untie not only the personal Gordian knot, but also the global Gordian knot.


Robert Frost penned a poem call "the Road Less Traveled".

The last 3 lines of that poem are:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 
- Robert Frost
Another famous writer is quoted as saying; 
Do not go where the path may lead
Go instead where there is no path
And leave a trail. 
- Emerson
The moral taught by these writers is to not blindly follow the freeways of life where everyone else is traveling, such as the ego and mind created realities as featured on the mass media. Instead, forge your own way. Follow your heart. Follow your intuition into the woods of your own heart.

Build a trail, which can develop into A Green Road, something that will be sustainable and not harm seven future generations, so that many may follow your footsteps and build a city of light. As more and more individuals do this, they will be called the rainbow tribe, which will help heal the Earth and teach the way to live with methods that are in harmony with Nature's laws, rather than fighting them.


Ecological Wisdom
Nonviolence, Empathic Communication
Local Renewable Energy 
Grassroots Democracy, Social Justice
Local Community Based Economics
Equal Rights For All
Respect for Diversity
Personal And Global Responsibility
Preventative Natural Remedies, Holistic Health

To see how cities apply these principles, click on 

The Ten Commandments


The Lakota have a saying; 'Mitakuye Oyasin'. This saying translates into 'All my relations'. What the Lakota mean by 'all my relations' is that humans are interconnected with the web of life that includes everything and everyone. We are all one. This network of Oneness includes bacteria, viruses, insects, birds, plants, animals, trees, and even the Earth. So when praying and accessing the Higher Power, pray for the highest and best for everyone and for all life on the planet, and for 7 future generations yet to come, because that is the highest and best prayer, wish and thought. Think about and perform only actions that do no harm to any life on the planet, and does no harm to 7 future generations.

To learn what those 'non harm' ways of living are, access the index link below and learn the science of sustainable health. There are things to do, and things that should not be done. There are things to support and things to not support. 


The Ancient Story Of The Gordian Knot - A Spiritual Warriors Metaphor For How To Solve Personal And Global Issues; via @AGreenRoad

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