Dark Legacy Movie; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member/CIA

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Dark Legacy Movie; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member/CIA

Dark Legacy Movie; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member/CIA


In the video above, Dark Legacy, the evidence is followed back to the sources, and clues are woven together to show how and why Kennedy may have been assassinated. Do you remember where you were on that day? Do you remember the shock and horror, as well as the deep feeling of sandness or grief? The feeling of having something HUGE and positive forcibly taken away was very real, correct? So what was taken away that day?

This article explores and details what was taken away from you and all American people on that day, and how that taking continues today.. The music stopped playing the day Kennedy died.

via Wikipedia; "President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, at 12:30 pm Central Standard Time on Friday November 22, 1963, while on a political trip to Texas to smooth over frictions in the Democratic Party between liberals Ralph Yarborough and Don Yarborough (no relation) and conservative John Connally.[235] He was shot once in the throat,[236]once in the upper back, with the fatal shot hitting him in the (front of the) head.[236]

Kennedy was taken to Parkland Hospital for emergency medical treatment, but pronounced dead at 1:00 pm. Only 46, President Kennedy died younger than any U.S. president to date. Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository from which the shots were suspected to have been fired, was arrested for the murder of a local police officer, and was subsequently charged with the assassination of Kennedy. He denied shooting anyone, claiming he was a patsy,[237][238] but was killed by Jack Ruby on November 24, before he could be tried. Ruby was then arrested and convicted for the murder of Oswald. Ruby successfully appealed his conviction and death sentence but became ill and died of cancer on January 3, 1967, while the date for his new trial was being set.

President Johnson created the Warren Commission—chaired by Chief Justice Earl Warren—to investigate the assassination, which concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin. The results of this investigation are disputed by many.[239] The assassination proved to be an important moment in U.S. history because of its impact on the nation and the ensuing political repercussions. A 2004 Fox News poll found that 66% of Americans thought there had been a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy, while 74% thought there had been a cover-up.[240] AGallup Poll in mid-November 2013, showed 61% believed in a conspiracy, and only 30% thought Oswald did it alone.[241]

At his commencement address at American University in Washington, D.C., "to discuss a topic on which too often ignorance abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived—yet it is the most important topic on earth: world peace ... I speak of peace because of the new face of war...in an age when a singular nuclear weapon contains ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied forces in the Second World War ... an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and air and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn ... I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men ... world peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor—it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance ... our problems are man-made—therefore they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants."[139] The president also made two announcements—that the Soviets had expressed a desire to negotiate a nuclear test ban treaty and that the U.S had postponed planned atmospheric tests.[140]

Federal and military death penalty

As President, Kennedy oversaw the last federal execution prior to Furman v. Georgia, a 1972 case that led to a moratorium on federal executions.[188] Victor Feguer was sentenced to death by a federal court in Iowa and was executed on March 15, 1963.[189] Kennedy commuted a death sentence imposed by a military court on seaman Jimmie Henderson on February 12, 1962, changing the penalty to life in prison.[190]

On March 22, 1962, Kennedy signed into law HR5143 (PL87-423), abolishing the mandatory death penalty for first degree murder in the District of Columbia, the only remaining jurisdiction in the United States with such a penalty.[191] The death penalty has not been applied in the District of Columbia since 1957, and has now been abolished.[192]"


What most people don't know is that the 'official' police investigation into the assassination of the President stopped on the same day that Oswald was killed. Three days after the killing of both of these people, the police dropped the whole case. Oswald denied killing the President, and was never given any lawyer during his time in jail. There were 70 police in the building and Jack Ruby could just walk up to Oswald and shoot him from the FRONT, despite this being the biggest case in the history of the United States. 


President Kennedy was NOT a member of the Skull And Bones Order. He was one president who did not belong to this secret order. "John F Kennedy said this; “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society, and we as people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings”.

Both of the Bush Presidents were members of the Skull And Bones order.

An Introduction to the secrets of Skull and Bones, the mysterious organization portrayed in the newly Oscar nominated film The Good Shepherd.


More information about the Skull and Bones order.....(a death worshiping organization)

Wikipedia; "Among prominent alumni are former President and Supreme Court Justice William Howard Taft(a founder's son); former Presidents George H. W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush; Supreme Court Justices Morrison R. Waite and Potter Stewart;[19] James Jesus Angleton, "mother of the Central Intelligence Agency"; Henry Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War (1940-1945);U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett, who directed the Korean War; and Henry Luce, founder and publisher of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated magazines. John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State and former U.S. Senator; Stephen A. Schwarzman, founder of Blackstone Group; Austan Goolsbee,[20] Chairman of Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers; Harold Stanley, co-founder of Morgan Stanley; and Frederick W. Smith, founder of FedEx, are all reported to be members."

Where else have we seen the death head, skull and bones insignia? In Nazi Germany the death camps guards had the insignia of skulls and crossed bones, and were well known for mercilessness and brutality, while giving the appearance on the surface of following the law. 

via name999April 24, 2014 (The Last Nazi, The Life And Times of Dr. Joseph Mengele by Gerald Astor, pg 34 - "An SS thug named Theodor Eicke was commissioned as the first inspector of the KZs. He instilled a twisted esprit de corps. Recruits to the staff underwent a series of humiliations and physical hazings. Eicke forced them to watch floggings and tortures of prisoners. Any sign of compassion or revulsion was considered a dereliction of duty. He created a new insignia, the Totenkopfverband, the skull and crossed bones. KZ guardians proudly labeled themselves members of Death's Head units. Eicke and his cadre trained the men to accept merciless treatment of prisoners as evidence of high devotion to the cause. The guards, though, were also taught that however brutally they behaved their acts should bear a surface legality. Discipline and professionalism were to be hallmarks of KZ warders."

Project Paper Clip; USA Imported And Hired Hundreds Of Nazi War Criminals To Develop Nuclear Industry; via @AGreenRoad

Per Muckraker; "In the early 50’s, Skull And Bones Robert Lovett replaces George Marshall as Secretary of Defense. And Skull And Bones Averell Harriman is named director of the Mutual Security Agency. Harriman’s business partners were Allen Dulles (CIA) and John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State) both Council on Foreign Relations incorporators. One of Harriman’s senior banking partners was Prescott Bush (Skull And Bones) grandfather of George W. Bush (Skull And Bones).

Averell Harriman under his Mutual Security Agency appointed CFR member Gordon Gray to head the Psychological Strategy Board. Gordon Gray was incredible powerful. His brother, Bowman Gray Jr. (naval intelligence) "founder of operational intelligence" was the chairman of R. J. Reynolds tobacco. Gordon Gray was a political ally of Prescott Bush. When the U-2 was flying over the Soviet Union, Gray was one of only three people in the Whitehouse who knew of the operation. Gordon Gray was the intelligence operative providing a "layer of deniability" to protect presidents when assassination or elimination of opposition was on the table. Gordon Gray was instrumental in recruiting Earl Warren to head the Commission investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy … the desired result was a massive cover-up.

Gordon Gray groomed his son C. Boyden Gray to follow in his cagy footsteps. C. Gordon Gray went to work … clerking for Chief Justice Earl Warren. C. Gordon Gray today is the point man for the executioner of the U.S. Constitution. Chief Justice Earl Warren put the Constitution on it’s death bed and Junior Roberts … like Nurse Ratchett intends to extinguish it. C. Gray worked for the biggest cover-up artist in history Earl Warren.. If you believe Earl Warren you will support and believe John Roberts Jr.


In a recent documentary about the assassination, PBS featured an expert in forensics. The movie documented that there was only one shooter and that only two shots hit anyone. They avoided the subject of how quickly these 3 shots were fired, or where the missing third bullet went completely. They also avoided all mention of the lack of a anyone trained in doing an autopsy, or the 'loss' of those autopsy records. They also did not go into WHY a mobster would then kill Oswald, within two days.  

Who paid for this Cold Case movie to be made? 

Who paid for the forensic guy to do all of this expensive work? Why would it take a focus that looked exactly like it was getting ready to defend someone legally in court from a murder charge? 

That movie called Cold Case cost a LOT of money to be made in the way it was made. That was not a couple of volunteers doing this. This was very well planned out, executed and limited to ONLY those items that would prove a very specific point of view; which is that there was no conspiracy, just a lone nut job called Oswald. Lots of money behind the scenes means strings are attached. Who paid the money to make, edit and polish this movie?

The movie made the point that the 2nd assassination commission found that there was a conspiracy, as proven by three or four bullets theory. This theory was disproven by Cold Case. However, the Cold Case movie made no mention of the CIA obstruction, cover up and denial of any involvement with Oswald, which would have taken the investigation in a completely different direction. Don't you agree that this is strange and actually points towards the CIA, just because they omitted all mention of this important detail?  

Bottom line, it really does not matter if there were 3, 4 or more bullets from a lone or multiple gunmen. It does not matter whether it was Oswald or not. It does not matter whether all shots were fired from the library. The important items are all outside of these items of interest. It really did not matter about 2 shots versus 3 or 4 or a hail of bullets. It did not matter whether it was one shooter, two or even a dozen shooters all lined up along that street. It does not matter what kind of gun was used, at least not much. 

Oswald was set up to take the fall, whether he actually did it or not. He was also ready to talk in court and be represented by a lawyer, (despite an open and shut case), so he had to be taken out as well. It did not make sense that a mobster would kill Oswald, unless the mobster was ordered to. Oswald probably would have gotten the death penalty with all of the evidence they had, so why risk a certain jail sentence for nothing? Kennedy was dead set against the mob and took on the mob, criminals and dark forces at every opportunity. He made a lot of enemies in high places. 

The mobster who killed Oswald could be counted on to keep quiet, guaranteed, either due to favors owed, money paid, or family at risk and taken care. This is how the mob works. It does not make sense that the mob would love Kennedy enough to kill his killer. If anything, the mob should hate Kennedy, because he was a mob power breaker.  But it does make a lot of sense that someone would use the mob, and order one them to do a hit on the patsy, in order to cover up the real assassins.

The assassination makes sense if the leaders behind the scene who organized the 'hit' wanted to stay out of sight. If one follows the money, it always leads to the source. What was the motivation for taking Kennedy out? Money and power. 

Presidents do not get assassinated by a lone nut job with a very weird military rifle.  This military rifle toting assassination expert hit a guy going 40 miles an hour and fired 3 shots in . This particular rifle was not even capable of doing that, according to Cold Case. But even that fact does not matter, no matter what the answer is.

Cold Case talks about the timing of shots. According to the first commission, "The President's back wound occurred between frames 210 and 225, and that the head wound occurred at frame 313. (15)" There is an 18.3 frame-per-second average rate of speed at which film was exposed in Zapruder's camera.

The only problem is that "Governor Connally first reacts to his wounds at frames 234 or 238, 0.5 to 1.5 seconds after the President (who the (14) Commission found was struck between frames 210-225) and, therefore, could not have been hit by the same bullet. 

There is a 2.3 second minimum firing time for a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, and because it is a cheap gun, it often jams and has a bolt that is not easy to operate, making it much longer in the hands of someone who is not had years of practice with it. According to the report, Oswald, ordered the gun and just shot it perfectly the first time he used it, at a moving target.  That is highly unlikely. 

Was Kennedy threatening the existing money and power structure? Yes. Who was threatened by Kennedy? Who had the absolute power? Who had the motivation and means to pull this off? Who was Kennedy an enemy to, that deserved to be taken out?


In this movie documentary made in 2011, only the first Warren Commission is even mentioned, and the movie firmly states that the Warren Commission found that there was NO CONSPIRACY. It never mentions the 2nd Assassination Commission which found that there WAS a conspiracy and that the CIA was blocking all attempts at getting at the truth. The movie concludes that lone nutty gunmen killed both John F Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy.  This movie also seems to have a very peculiar spin to it. Who paid for this movie? Who directed it, and what was their motive behind making it? Why avoid all mention of the 2nd Commission and it's conclusions?


President Bush Sr. ignores the 2nd Warren Commission Report as well. Why would he ignore it completely, and just focus on the 1st one?

Why does it look like there is a picture of President Bush in front of the book repository along with FBI and CIA agents on the same day that the assassination happened?

Why can't he 'remember' where he was that day? 


Why would the Secret Service be pulled off the President's vehicle right before they got to this street? Who ordered this?

Why was the Secret Service not allowed to 'prep' the route before hand, as they do for EVERY President, on every route, before and after this? 
Who ordered this lack of prep work? 

Why was Oswald not pulled in and questioned? 
He was a known risk. This is also part of the prep work that was not done.

Why was Oswald never given a lawyer or interviewed on tape?

Pictures show Oswald could not have done it, published by major magazine.

Why was the Secret Service ordered off the car that Kennedy was in, right before the killing?

Why was the police wedge formation scrapped, but ONLY for this parade, and none of the others that Kennedy was in before this?

Kennedy's head was filled with metal fragments, proving he was hit with a dumb dumb, hollow core bullet. But the gun used cannot use that kind of bullet as it is a Geneva Convention weapon, for which no hollow core bullets are made, only solid metal jacket bullets.

Jesse Ventura and another very good shot tried to replicate the accuracy, number of shots and speed of shots that the Oswald Commission said happened, but could not replicate it, under any circumstances. 

The bullet found on the stretcher has to be fake. Why? Bullet fragments left in John Connely and in Kennedy do not match the bullet found on the stretcher. 

After the shooting, why would an assassin leave bullets right out in the open, next to an open window and leave the gun behind as evidence as well? This does not make any sense. The shooter was so good, he hit a bulls eye twice on a moving target that was going 40 miles per hour, at an angle away from him. Anyone that good is also going to get rid of bullets and gun, in a place where no one can link him to the crime. 

Why was the local hospital doctor not allowed to do the autopsy, as required by law?

Who ordered the Kennedy body to be removed from the hospital, by force if necessary?

Why were 2 MILITARY doctors chosen to do the autopsy, who had absolutely no training or experience in autopsies? They were so BAD, they missed what was really important. They did not even look at the clothes and left no records.

Who chose this doctor, or these doctors?
Someone ORDERED those totally incompetent guys to do that autopsy. Who was that? This is inexcusable for a PRESIDENT of the United States. This might be possible in a third world country with no medical system, but to have this happen in the US, is beyond credible.

Why was Bush in town? What was he doing and who did he meet with?

Why was the casket switched on the plane and who did this?

Who did the surgery on the right front side of the head before the autopsy was done?

Who ordered that this be done?

Who gave the order for the mobster to 'hit' Oswald? Did this mobster have family, and where are they now? What are they doing?

How and why did Gordon Grey choose Earl Warren as the head of the Warren Commission and then end up clerking for him as Supreme Court Justice?


Why did the SECOND commission investigating this assassination come up with a completely different conclusion, that there was a conspiracy behind this murder, and that the CIA blocked all attempts to get at the truth, but then the SECOND COMMISSION went no further than this? 

Jesse Ventura goes into other unanswered questions that were never answered, and evidence that points at a conspiracy at the highest levels, including a smoking cannon memo from Hoover that came out the day after Oswald was killed. 

President Eisenhower - Farewell Warning About Military Industrial Complex; via @AGreenRoad

Could Oswald have pulled off this 'hit'? He certainly did not pull this assassination off by himself, no matter if all the bullets came from the library or not. The evidence, plus the coverup after the 'hit', all points to a high level, inside the US government source that has still not been revealed to this day, at least not in public.

Of course, murder, especially assassination, is still a crime and there is no statute of limitation on it. The people involved can still be brought to justice, so the cover up of this 'hit' has to continue, at all costs, at least until all involved are dead. Oswald would have become a whistleblower, but whistleblowers are not allowed to live long enough to talk, if it leads back to the 1% and exposes their crimes. 

How Whistleblowers Are Punished And Arch Criminals Get Away Scot Free; via @AGreenRoad

18 people who were witnesses or who had information related to this assassination all died, including the ONE person who interviewed Jack Ruby. She said she would bust this case wide open as a journalist, but she committed 'suicide' and her notes were stolen and never published. She was found in a show bed in her apartment. She had a book on the bed, but no reading glasses, and neighbors had said she had finished the books weeks before that. Allegedly, she had taken an overdose of drugs, but never vomited.


Lydon Johnson was still in power when Bobby Kennedy was also assassinated on June 5 1968, about five years after his brother. There seem to be CIA links behind that murder as well, according to the following article in the Guardian. What are the odds that two nutty lone gunmen killed two Kennedy's who just got elected into office, completely at random, and in fairly quick succession? Would you agree that the odds of it happening that way are about 1 billion to 1? In other words, the odds are way, way against this happening. 

Could this be an organized attempt at keeping Bobby Kennedy from being President? He was going to win against Nixon. As president, Bobby would have had the power to go after and find the killers. Could it be that the people behind the throne did not want the curtain pulled back on their crimes?

In addition, the Kennedy's have a habit of representing the people, and not the 1%, which is the same thing that got John Kennedy taken out. The pattern seems to be there. No presidents are successfully assassinated in modern times, other than those who represent the people and are opposed to the 1%. Those who replace them undo what they tried to do on behalf of the people, and then reverse course, giving the 1% what they want. Why isn't this proof of darker forces at work? It certainly fits the motives and coverup of CIA involvement. 


Secret societies have no place in American society. A free nation cannot be free if there is money and absolute power behind the scenes pulling the strings of politicians and presidents, while at the same time corrupting democracy. President Kennedy was going to dismantle the military industrial complex along with the CIA.

The the headquarters of the CIA are where the overthrow of democratically elected leaders in countries all around the world is planned. This is the power and nerve center of the people who pull strings and kill people behind the scenes.  The CIA has also been involved in nice clean, fun and legal things like drug running, selling arms, rendering Guantanamo prisoners to torture prisons, assassinating foreign government leaders, leading the war in Afghanistan and more.

JFK's Speech About The Danger Of Secret Societies And Huge Monopolies; via @AGreenRoad

Some books and many experts say that it was the mob or it was the Soviets, or the Cubans, who pulled this off. But when the 2nd commission "issued its final report, it concluded that Kennedy was very likely assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. However, the Committee noted that it believed that the conspiracy did not include the governments of the Soviet Union or Cuba. The Committee also stated it did not believe the conspiracy was organized by any organized crime group, nor any anti-Castro group, but that it could not rule out individual members of any of these two groups acting together."

President Kennedy Dismantling CIA

Before he was assassinated, President Kennedy was attempting to dismantle the CIA and get rid of all nuclear weapons, plus put in place a gold standard. He was truly acting FOR THE PEOPLE. All of this was a direct threat to the secret 1% society that was (and still is) controlling the whole world via wars, fiat currencies owned by private corporations like the Federal Reserve, buying politicians off, starting faux wars, and then financing all wars as war profiteers. The CIA was (and still is) behind the corrupting and overthrowing of governments from behind the scenes, so it had to be protected at all costs as well.

Bill Moyers; How To Buy Your Own Election And Politicians With Dark Money; via @AGreenRoad

President Kennedy Dismantling All Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons  and the 5 trillion dollar industry behind it had to be protected. The military industrial complex was not going to allow one person to dismantle it and get rid of all nuclear weapons. There was just too much money to be made and too much ABSOLUTE power to just let it all go. Doesn't it make sense, that Kennedy had to go, from this absolute power and money viewpoint?

Project Paper Clip; USA Imported And Hired Hundreds Of Nazi War Criminals To Develop Nuclear Industry; via @AGreenRoad

Is is a well established fact that the CIA was directly involved in importing Nazi war criminals from Nazi Germany. They gave birth to and supported the birth and growth of the nuclear industry, through secrecy, deception, lies, and pro nuclear propaganda.

Now Kennedy wants to get rid of all of that. If you were inside this industry, with a history of Nazi involvement and deception, along with a massive power and greed complex, what would you do to protect this 5 Trillion dollar industry from a threat by one person, who could easily be 'rubbed out'? 

President Kennedy Bringing Back Gold Standard

Kennedy was also going to put the gold standard back in and get rid of fractional reserve banking, plus get rid of fiat currency and dismantle the Federal Reserve. The people who own this private, for profit corporation make up the head of the snake that runs this country and the rest of the world, by extension.  All of this was a direct threat to the 1% controlling everything and everyone.

Kennedy was the last president to be elected via a popular vote without huge amounts of money from corporations involved in selecting and making sure that the 'right' corporate friendly candidate gets to be the President. Of course, because big money is involved, the person who is elected now 'owes' the source of the money favors and positions in government. The public now has very little or no influence left in the process, because almost all politicians in the Dualopoly are financed by these huge corporations for the most part.

These huge globalist corporations control politicians from behind the scenes, via mass media coverage, campaign financing, black box electronic voting machines, plus various regional techniques such as gerrymandering and blocking all third parties from even having a chance.

Unless US citizens vote only for political candidates that receive no corporate funding at all, there is no hope of improving anything in the future, because at this point, both of the Dualopoly parties are almost 100% controlled by the 1% that pulls the strings of power from behind the scenes, under the cover of darkness and in secrecy, where many dark things happen. 

The US Is STILL The Greatest Nation On Earth, Right? via @AGreenRoad

Because President Kennedy was NOT a member of this 1%, and because he was a direct threat to this group, in so many ways, both financially and in terms of secret power behind the throne, he was taken out. Even if the documentary movie about Kennedy was wrong in some of the details, wouldn't you agree that in essence this is what happened?


In the 2nd commission that was investigating Kennedys death, they found that the CIA was tied to other assassinations. Wikipedia; "The HSCA was a followup to the Hart-Schweiker and Church Committee hearings that had revealed CIA ties to other assassinations and assassination attempts.....The Chief Counsel of the Committee later changed his views that the CIA was being cooperative and forthcoming with the investigation when he learned that the CIA's special liaison to the Committee researchers, George Joannides, was actually involved with some of the organizations that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved with in the months leading up to the assassination, including an anti-Castro group, the DRE, which was linked to the CIA, where the liaison, Joannides, worked in 1963. Chief Counsel Blakey later stated that Joannides, instead, should have been interviewed by the Committee, rather than serving as a gatekeeper to the CIA's evidence and files regarding the assassination. He further disregarded and suspected all the CIA's statements and representations to the Committee, accusing it of obstruction of justice[4]

In 2003, Robert Blakey, staff director and chief counsel for the Committee, issued a statement on the Central Intelligence Agency:

...I no longer believe that we were able to conduct an appropriate investigation of the [Central Intelligence] Agency and its relationship to Oswald.... We now know that the Agency withheld from the Warren Commission the CIA-Mafia plots to kill Castro. Had the commission known of the plots, it would have followed a different path in its investigation. The Agency unilaterally deprived the commission of a chance to obtain the full truth, which will now never be known. Significantly, the Warren Commission's conclusion that the agencies of the government co-operated with it is, in retrospect, not the truth. We also now know that the Agency set up a process that could only have been designed to frustrate the ability of the committee in 1976-79 to obtain any information that might adversely affect the Agency. Many have told me that the culture of the Agency is one of prevarication and dissimulation and that you cannot trust it or its people. Period. End of story. I am now in that camp.[16]"
It is known that Oswald had definite links to the CIA, and that he had a 'handler' inside the CIA. The handler was never interviewed or questioned. Why not?  The CIA was directly involved in covering up the trail of evidence leading right back into the CIA and the US government in the SECOND attempt at uncovering the truth. The Guardian article also points at a CIA connection.

CIA Used To Assassinate Foreign Democratically Elected Leaders And Install US Friendly Dictators
That takes a lot of influence and power behind the scenes, wouldn't you agree? Who would have that kind of power and influence?


What is the common thread with this death and the other two Kennedy assassinations? 

Bobby Kennedy, 'Evidence of Murder' Movie - Links to John Kennedy Assassination

John F. Kennedy Jr. Plane Crash and Death; Was It Accidental Or Something Else? via @AGreenRoad

Would it be that these deaths force us to ask the question; what kind of country is this, where people who are representing the common man and are running for office or who are in office can be assassinated?


Why was there such a feeling of loss on a VERY deep level when John F Kennedy was lost, no matter how it happened, whether it was one magic bullet, 3 bullets or a dozen assassins? Could it be that when John Kennedy was lost, everyone felt the death of a piece of a LARGE piece of the soul of America? 

The Kennedy's represent the truly selfless service, common man, bottoms up, democratic values that reside in the hearts, minds and souls of most people, not just in America, but all around the world. When a person is lost who represents the common man, such as the three Kennedy's did, what is the consequence?

The Kennedy's represented the symbolic and brightest REAL hope for a sustainable future of humanity. Their goal was a cessation of all war, the destruction of all nuclear weapons and the bringing back of the gold standard, plus elimination of fiat currency. All of these things would have benefited the average citizen of the United States. None of those things happened.

The opposite of what the Kennedy's stood for came into force and took power right after their lives were snuffed out. The loss of the Kennedy's is not just a symbolic loss. This loss of peace, of goodness, of representing all people is something that still affects all Americans, and indeed people all around the world.


The loss of one Kennedy after another is symbolic of evil triumphing over good, darkness winning against light, deception and secrecy asserting itself over freedom, openness and transparency, war winning over peace, violence succeeding over kindness, bullets snuffing out life, hate plus fear winning over love, absolute power winning over justice, and the 1% controlling the 99%. 

Why is it that the public polls consistently say that America is going in the wrong direction? Could it be that when multiple good, kind hearted leaders and noble princes are killed, and despotic ones take over who are all about the money, and not about the people's business, then that has a huge impact, on everyone's lives, not just in the US, but also globally? The US is supposed to be the beacon on the hill.. Does the statue of Liberty saying still stand for what the Kennedy's represented? 

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Assassinations cannot kill the spirit. The truth cannot be covered up forever. Killing cannot put out out the flame of love in the hearts of humanity. Violence will not bring in peace and harmony. Bullets are not the answer for disagreements or differences of opinion and religion.

Money cannot be substituted for happiness. Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. These may be some of the many lessons that the sacrifices offered by the lives of the Kennedy's present to us. 


Dark Legacy Movie; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member/CIA
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