2014 - List of 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points

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2014 - List of 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points

Before starting to read this article, prepare yourself for an emotional reaction, because that is a natural response to seeing, hearing or reading information information about 45 tipping points. The information found here can easily be emotionally overwhelming. 

Be prepared to feel one or more uncomfortable emotions come up. Be prepared to deal with these emotions. It is common when confronted with this information, to feel grief, loss, fear, anger, rage, guilt, sadness or any other range or mixtures of emotions. The most common reaction once these emotions come up is to walk away from this information, while avoiding it in the future, and that is called denial. This denial reaction is normal. Give yourself permission to go into denial, but also give yourself permission to come back to this later, when you are ready. Denial is a defense mechanism that serves to protect us from something we are not prepared to handle and cannot cope with now. Why is this normal? 

When most people feel painful or uncomfortable emotions, they interpret those emotions as being dangerous and threatening, so they assume the mental position just the same as if they were the victim of an attack by a lion for example. A sudden shock or fright triggers the flight, fight or freeze response in animals. Humans are just like animals in this regard and have the same reactions. When uncomfortable emotions are triggered, people most commonly go into fight, flight or shock responses.

Flight equals fear and running away from the emotion triggering information, avoiding it and the person associated with it, like the plague.

Fight equals anger, which means justification for attacking the person providing the anger producing information, and blaming them personally somehow. In some cases, people have been killed due to offering information that is labeled in various negative ways. If information threatens the profit of an industry, anger, attack and revenge is a common response. 

Freeze equals shock and/or being stuck in whatever emotion is produced. That emotion and/or shock can become so overwhelming that life is affected in a negative way. It is not uncommon for people to get so depressed that they literally cannot sleep, eat, or work. Many people when confronted with this information go into a fatalism mode.. We are all going to die, so why should I go to work, pay taxes, or even live anymore. It would be like a zebra being attacked by a lion just standing still and letting the lion eat them, without trying to run away or fight at all. 

Again, all of the above emotional reactions are normal, but the emotions themselves can be moved through fairly rapidly. It important to understand that no one has to become a victim of their emotions. We do not have to let emotions take control of us or our lives.  

The first step is that we first become aware that they are happening. 

The second step is to experience the emotion(s) fully, without judgement, resistance or victim mentality. 

Third. we need to know we can move through these emotions without becoming trapped victims of those emotions, no matter what they are or how intense they get. The article below may trigger grief, and the following link will lead to an article and video that will assist with that emotion.

The Five Stages Of Grief In Response To Trauma, Abuse, Disasters Such as Fukushima, or Loss; via @AGreenRoad

Many people's reaction to this information is that they believe it cannot be true. So the average person's response when hearing something really different like this, is to deny it completely, and then label it all a conspiracy theory, made up by wild eyed fanatics intent on deceiving innocent people. 

After all, the world seems to still be operating normally, so none of this information can be true. Mass media TV confirms this reaction, and labels all scientists as fakers. You might be interested in learning where they get their funding from, via the link below...

Top 100 Global Warming Denialist Groups Are ALL Funded By HUGE Corporations; via @AGreenRoad

The denial reaction is also called the normalcy bias or cognitive dissonance. Learn more about how and why normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance are both also entirely normal and expected, and what do to about it, via the following links....

Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad 

Cognitive Dissonance And The Nuclear Industry; How Reality Refuses To Intrude; via @AGreenRoad

Remember while reading or watching the information below, that it can be very stressful, so it important to not get stressed any more than you have to. A very simple technique that can be used is to be aware of your breathing. Are you breathing shallow or deep? During stress, our breath tends to get shallow.. Focus on your breath and do some deep diaphram breathing while you are reading and watching the videos below. Your stomach should be moving in and out in a visible way. This will help counter any stress response, and help you keep more calm and centered. Put your hand on your stomach to help you monitor your deep breathing. 

A more advanced technique to move through emotions after reading this article or pieces of it, is to sit in a quiet place, with your hands on your lap, but not crossed. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Now imagine a waterfall scene in a tropical paradise and you are walking underneath the waterfall. Let the water wash over you, and as this warm water flows over you, imagine it carrying away the uncomfortable emotions, but feel them fully as they move through, without any resistance to them. If you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like shouting, shout, and let it all go...

Another technique you can use to move through emotions is to either walk or sit still as above and with each breath in, imagine breathing in love from above and have it move through your body into the ground, charging and washing every cell in your body with love energy. With each breath out, imagine gratitude rising out of the ground, moving through you and up through the top of your head, in the same way as the love did. Focus on deep breathing, and keep the flow going, back and forth. Walking helps get the rhythm going and is very balancing all by itself. Combining walking with this exercise makes it work that much better. The love and gratitude flowing back and forth, will help move the uncomfortable emotional energy through and out of the body. 

Now that you have some techniques to handle emotions, move energy and not become a victim of your emotions, let's dive into the 45 negative tipping points, ok? If you just read one or two at a time, that is ok. Don't feel like you have to read this whole thing and then digest it. Do only what you feel comfortable with and come back to it later, and bite off another chunk. You can eat an elephant, but just do it one bite at a time, at a comfortable pace...

What is a negative tipping point? How many types of tipping points are there? What effect are these negative trends and/or tipping points having? Are there positive tipping points? This article will answer all of these questions and list a large number of tipping points on the negative side in different categories. At the end of the article is a link to the tipping points that exist on the positive side, so realize and understand that there are two sides to this, not just one.

Let's start by defining what a global tipping point is and then go into some environmental tipping points, before getting into some other categories.


Wikipedia; "A climate tipping point is a somewhat ill-defined concept of a point when global climate (or other events) change from one stable state to another stable state, in a similar manner to a wine glass tipping over. After the tipping point has been passed, a transition to a new state occurs. The tipping event may be irreversible, comparable to wine spilling from the glass: standing up the glass will not put the wine back.

Are the following tipping points natural or human caused? 

Climate Model Indications and the Observed Climate

Observations vs. Model
Simulated global temperature in experiments that include human influences (pink line), and model experiments that included only natural factors (blue line). The black line is observed temperature change.
Global climate models clearly show the effect of human-induced changes on global temperatures. The blue band shows how global temperatures would have changed due to natural forces only (without human influence). The pink band shows model projections of the effects of human and natural forces combined. The black line shows actual observed global average temperatures. The close match between the black line and the pink band indicates that observed warming over the last half-century cannot be explained by natural factors alone, and is instead caused primarily by human factors.

Are Changes Due To 'Natural' Energy from the Sun, Or Man Made Changes? 

Solar Variability
Global surface temperature (top, blue) and the Sun's energy received at the top of Earth's atmosphere (red, bottom). Solar energy has been measured by satellites since 1978.
The amount of solar energy received at the top of our atmosphere has followed its natural 11-year cycle of small ups and downs, but with no net increase. Over the same period, global temperature has risen markedly. This indicates that it is extremely unlikely that solar influence has been a significant driver of global temperature change over several decades.

According to sun cycle scientists, the world should actually be entering an Ice Age right about now and temperatures should be dropping globally, but as you can see from the graph to the left, global surface temperatures are rising instead, which shows the effect of human activities on the climate. What would the temperatures be now if the sun were adding a warming effect, on top of what humans are doing? 

Close To 14,000 Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers Support Global Warming, Only 24 Don't

For those who still passionately believe that all of the global warming and/or climate change is 'natural', or that man made global warming does not exist, it may be helpful to click on the following link and read about how and why the mass media airs mainly material provided by 100 global warming denialist groups, before continuing on with the global tipping points section that follows.

Top 100 Global Warming Denialist Groups Are ALL Funded By HUGE Corporations; via @AGreenRoad

Source; http://ecowatch.com/2013/09/17/lies-from-climate-change-denying-heartland-institute/

Of course, theoretically, anyone could write up anything and get it published. What is the actual data showing, and does it match the reports that are published in the peer reviewed publications? Let's dive into the data and see what it looks like....


Global warming proceeds by changing the composition of gases in the Earth's atmosphere and oceans by the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. As warming proceeds, it brings about changes to the natural environment which may result in other changes. For example, warming may begin to melt the Greenland ice sheet and/or West Antarctic Ice Sheet. At some level of temperature rise, the melt of the entire ice sheet will become inevitable; but the ice sheet itself may persist for millennia. 

A tipping point may be passed without any immediately obvious consequences, nor any acceleration of the warming process. Carbon dioxide as of May 2012 makes up 396.18 ppm of Earth's atmosphere[1] and monitoring stations in the Arctic spring 2012 measuring more than 400 ppm of the heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere.[2] 

James E. Hansen said that this tipping point had already been reached as of April 2008 when the CO2 level was 385 ppm. (Hansen states 350 ppm as the upper limit.) "Further global warming of 1°C defines a critical threshold. Beyond that we will likely see changes that make Earth a different planet than the one we know."[3] He has further suggested potential projections of runaway climate change on Earth creating more Venus-like conditions in his book Storms of My Grandchildren.

Scientists and other specialists continue to express concern about global warming and irreversible tipping points. They have used metaphors such as "the door is closing"and warned of global food and water shortages, hundreds of millions of people being displaced by rising sea levels, famine, unhealthy and unlivable conditions, and storms becoming ever more frequent and severe worldwide.[4]

Others have tried systematically to short-list large scale components of the Earth system that may be subject to tipping points, defining tipping points as a variety of phenomena, including the onset of positive feedback, hysteresis effects, and the possible effect of statistical noise at critical points.[5]

Guy McPherson has published a report based on pulling together many scientific studies from around the world. In that report, he states that there are now 19 negative, self feeding, self reinforcing loops that are worsening climate changes and global warming, all by themselves, without any further human input or action.

In the following video, Guy McPherson and Michio Kaku explain what these self reinforcing, self building runaway negative tipping points mean for the future of humanity, and it is not good. They both basically agree that humanity is heading for extinction. (Remember to keep breathing deeply.)

Now that we understand what a global tipping point is, and Guy gave us some examples, let's dive in and explore more specific global tipping points and look at some graphs that provide evidence. You may be shocked at what you see, hear and read, because the mass media is saying almost exactly the opposite. Keep an open mind, and look at the scientific evidence, because it is overwhelming on just one side of things, so it will not be hard for a person with common sense to see and then realize what is going on. At the end of the tipping points, you may start to understand why 97% of all scientists agree that man made global warming does exist and that the consequences of this and other tipping points are going to be severe.

Dr. Michio Kaku discusses possible mass extinction, including humans. He says evolution means survival of the fittest, and it wouldn't take much to dislodge humans from the top of the food chain. We depend on just a few crops, and if a blight wiped out these crops, it would wipe out large numbers of people. 18,000 species are threatened with extinction, and there may come a day, when tigers and bears as well as well as other animals are no longer in zoos, due to being extinct. 

As Paul Harvey says; "What is the rest of the story?" How did these guys come up with something that sounds so out there, many people would label them conspiracy theorists and not even listen any further, because it brings up so many threatening emotions.


Arctic Temperature  

Climate change in the Arctic image shows where average air temperatures (October 2010-September 2011) were up to 3 degrees Celsius above (red) or below (blue) the long-term average (1981-2010). Source; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipping_point_(climatology)

Watch this very short 15 second video to see the temperature changes happening globally.

This visualization shows how global temperatures have risen from 1950 through the end of 2013. NASA scientists say 2013 tied for the seventh warmest of any year since 1880, continuing a long-term trend of rising global temperatures. With the exception of 1998, the 10 warmest years in the 133-year record all have occurred since 2000, with 2010 and 2005 ranking as the hottest years on record.Temperatures in some regions have swung by as much as 4 degrees Celsius in the past 60 years alone.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, which analyzes global surface temperatures on an ongoing basis, released an updated report Tuesday, Jan. 21, on temperatures around the globe in 2013. The comparison shows how Earth continues to experience warmer temperatures than several decades ago. The visualization shows a running five-year average global temperature, as compared to a baseline average global temperature from 1951-1980. This video is public domain and can be downloaded at:http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/goto?4135

Some people may say that a few degrees is nothing to worry about. Who cares about a few degrees? Imagine for a moment that the human body is like the Earth.. The human body needs a constant temperature of 98.5 degrees F. to function correctly and stay in balance. If the body gets a fever of only 4 - 5 degrees, it can be life threatening and result in death. The Earth is the same way. Only a 4 - 5 degree rise  in temperature can result in the death of the Earth and all living things on it. Some areas have already gotten that level of temperature rise, according to NASA measurements, so this is VERY SERIOUS, and threatening all life on the planet. 

Boreal Forest Dieback 

Boreal forests are dying, and are being replaced by shrubs which do not soak up as much CO2.  

Boreal Forest Burning 

"Northern hemisphere forest and bog fires are growing, particularly in Russia (NASA, August 2012). This is also happening across the the northern hemisphere (Nature Communications, July 2013). The New York Times reports hotter, drier conditions leading to huge fires in western North America as the “new normal” in their 1 July 2013 issue. A paper in the 22 July 2013 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicates boreal forests are burning at a rate exceeding that of the last 10,000 years."

Amazon Rainforest Dieback 

Due to drought, the Amazon rainforest is now generating more CO2 than the US generates by burning carbon fuels. In addition, rainforests are being clearcut for cattle grazing and planting monoculture palm tree plantations.

Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Cover 

There has been an overall loss and thinning of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice

Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets 

There has been an overall melting and thinning of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets

Antarctic Glaciers

The biggest glaciers in West Antarctica are hemorrhaging ice without any way to stem the loss, according to two independent studies. The unstoppable retreat is the likely start of a long-feared domino effect that could cause the entire ice sheet to melt, whether or not greenhouse gas emissions decline.


Monsoons have been disrupted via Indian and West African formation of Atlantic deep water near the Arctic ocean, which is a component process of the thermohaline circulation


There has been a gradual and measurable loss of permafrost, leading to Arctic methane release[6] and clathrate gun effect.

Methane Gas And Clathrate Ice 

The methane gas and clathrate ice melting trends are accelerating globally. There are huge frozen methane gas deposits that have been fairly stable up to now.

For more details, click on the links below...

Melting Trends Accelerating, Multiple Tipping Points Breached; via @AGreenRoad

Methane Gas Levels Rising Catastrophically Fast, Abrupt Climate Change Now Initiating; via @AGreenRoad

Global Ocean/Sea Level

According to Worldwatch, "Global mean sea level has risen by 212.6 millimeters (mm) since 1880. 1 (See Figure 1.) The rate of increase is accelerating. 2 (See Figure 2.) Overall, the global mean sea level has risen 1.65 mm per year since 1880. But average sea level rise from 1993 to 2009 was almost double that long-term rate, at 3.2 mm per year. This apparent acceleration is a matter of concern because some 10 percent of the world lives along a coast; as sea level continues to rise, these people will be threatened by further inundation by the sea and stronger storm surges."
NASA And Dr John Church Explain Ocean Level Rise; via @AGreenRoad

National Geographic Predicts 6 Feet Of Sea Level Rise By 2100, Possibly 250 Feet Longer Term; via @AGreenRoad

According to NOAA; "Global mean sea level has been rising at an average rate of approximately 1.7 mm/year over the past 100 years (measured from tide gauge observations), which is significantly larger than the rate averaged over the last several thousand years. Since 1993, global sea level has risen at an accelerating rate of around 3.5 mm/year. Much of the sea level rise to date is a result of increasing heat of the ocean causing it to expand.
Sea Level Rise

U.S. Surface Temperature 

Surface temperatures averaged across the U.S. have also risen. While the U.S. temperature makes up only part of the global temperature, the rise over a large area is not inconsistent with expectations in a warming planet. Because the U.S. is just a fraction of the planet, it is subject to more year-to-year variability than the planet as a whole. This is evident in the U.S. temperature trace.

Annual averages of global sea level. Red: sea-level since 1870; Blue: tide gauge data; Black: based on satellite observations. The inset shows global mean sea level rise since 1993 - a period over which sea level rise has accelerated. https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/indicators/

More information: Coastal Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise (USGCRP)

Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis

Global Surface Temperature 

Global average temperature is one of the most-cited indicators of global climate change, and shows an increase of approximately 1.4°F since the early 20th Century. The global surface temperature is based on air temperature data over land and sea-surface temperatures observed from ships, buoys and satellites. There is a clear long-term global warming trend, while each individual year does not always show a temperature increase relative to the previous year, and some years show greater changes than others. These year-to-year fluctuations in temperature are due to natural processes, such as the effects of El Ninos, La Ninas, and the eruption of large volcanoes. Notably, the 20 warmest years have all occurred since 1981, and the 10 warmest have all occurred in the past 12 years.

Global CO2 Emissions

CO2 emissions are increasing globally. Humanity is emitting 11 BILLION TONS of CO2 per year;  this is equal to approximately 1 cubic mile of carbon fuel being burned each year, and the amount is increasing each year. The amount of carbon fuels being burned each year is the equavalent to between 1 million years of carbon fuel production time. Volcano CO2 emissions are a small fraction of what humans are producing. 

As Oxygen Levels Drop And CO2 Levels Rise, Human Intelligence Drops, Reaction Times Slow, Health Deteriorates; via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Disease And Death Of Plants and Trees Globally; via @AGreenRoad

The growth in use of carbon fuels globally is leading to an overall increase in CO2, which accelerates the negative feedback loops. 

Global CO2 Gas Level 

Co2 is an acid gas, just like the gas from sulfuric acid for example. Levels of this acid gas are increasing at faster and faster rate. The tipping point is 350 ppm, which was reached in 2013. The record of CO2 levels are shown in the graph below for the last 850,000 years, and projections going forward are the dots in green and yellow. 
CO2 Changes
NOAA reports on; "Carbon dioxide concentration (parts per million) for the last 800,000 years, measured from trapped bubbles of air in an Antarctic ice core. The 2008 observed value is from the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii and projections are based upon future emission scenarios.

Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Disease And Death Of Plants and Trees Globally; via @AGreenRoad

Methane Gas Levels Rising Catastrophically Fast, Abrupt Climate Change Now Initiating; via @AGreenRoad

Land Loss, Soil Erosion 

2 million hectares per year = 4.94 million acres/year are lost each year on a global basis. As forests are clearcut or sprayed with things like Agent Orange during war, topsoil is washed away and the forest can no longer grow back eventually. This process accelerates the negative feedback loops. 


1.6 million hectares per year of forests are lost each year = 3.95 million acres/year of forests are lost globally. This tipping point also accelerates the increase in CO2, and accelerates the reduction in oxygen levels, plus it accelerates the rate of loss of species per day, since forests are the richest source of life on the planet. Loss of forests also accelerates land loss and soil erosion.

One hectare (2.47 acres) of rainforest may contain over 750 types of trees and 1500 species of higher plants. (Is it really worth this price, to chop down the rainforest and then replace it with grazing land for McDonalds, so people can eat more hamburgers, or to create more palm oil plantations?

Some 46-58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year—equivalent to 36 football fields every minute.

Forests help moderate local climate and reduce both severity of storms, droughts and weather events, due to numerous positive feedback loops such as absorbing rainfall, deepening of topsoil, absorption of heat, release of negative ions, absorption of positive ions, increase of carbon absorption, and many more..

According to National Geographic; "More than half of Earth’s rain forests have already been lost forever to the insatiable human demand for wood and arable land. Rain forests that once grew over 14 percent of the land on Earth now cover only about 6 percent. And if current deforestation rates continue, these critical habitats could disappear from the planet completely within the next hundred years."

Deforestation increases the amount of CO2, dust, and other trace global warming gases in the atmosphere. When a forest is cut and replaced by cropland and pastures, the carbon that was stored in the tree trunks (wood is about 50% carbon) joins with oxygen and is released into the atmosphere as CO2. Climate is affected in a negative manner when forests are clearcut, because forests moderate both temperature and humidity swings.

Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Disease And Death Of Plants and Trees Globally; via @AGreenRoad

The loss of forests has a great effect on the global carbon cycle. From 1850 to 1990, deforestation worldwide (including that in the United States) released 122 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere, with the current rate being between 1.6 billion metric tons per year (Skole et al. 1998). In comparison, all of the fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) burned during a year release about 6 billion tons per year. 

Releasing CO2 into the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect, and may raise global temperatures (see Climate Change fact sheet). The role of fossil fuel burned by cars and by industry is well known, but tropical deforestation releases about 25% of the amount released by fossil fuel burning. Tropical deforestation, therefore, contributes a significant part of the increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.

Frequency and Severity Of Extreme Weather Events

Larger and more frequent storms are happening all around the world, on more frequent basis; 200 year events are now happening much more frequently, and in much larger size, and intensity.  "There is observational evidence for an increase of intense tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic since about 1970, correlated with increases of tropical sea surface temperatures."

The Pew Center has put out the following graph, showing a huge increase in the FREQUENCY of North Atlantic tropical storms. But what is NOT shown, is that the INTENSITY and SEVERITY of these storms has also increased. As more trees are blown over or killed due to massive storms, the global warming effect is amplified. The damage caused by larger storms causes an increase in crop losses and financial damages, as well as a risk of catastrophic nuclear plant failures, which then leads to permanent losses of tens of thousands of miles of habitable land and resources.

Crop Losses Due To Storms 

Crop losses are increasing globally due to more frequent and severe droughts, storms and climate changes. NOAA chart illustrates the trend below.

Extreme Weather/Temperatures 

One way climate changes can be assessed is by measuring the frequency of events considered "extreme" (among the most rare of temperature, precipitation and storm intensity values). The Climate Extremes Index (CEI) value for the contiguous United States is an objective way to determine whether extreme events are on the rise. The figure to the left shows the the number of extreme climate events (those which place among the most unusual of the historical record) has been rising over the last four decades.

Glacier Volume

Warming temperatures lead to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets. The total volume of glaciers on Earth is declining sharply. Glaciers have been retreating worldwide for at least the last century; the rate of retreat has increased in the past decade. Only a few glaciers are actually advancing (in locations that were well below freezing, and where increased precipitation has outpaced melting). The progressive disappearance of glaciers has implications not only for a rising global sea level, but also for water supplies in certain regions of Asia and South America.
Glacial Decrease
Cumulative decline (in cubic miles) in glacier ice worldwide. More information: Global Climate Change Impacts in the U.S.

Almost all glaciers around the world are receding, faster and faster. The speed of glaciers is doubling and tripling as the water melt lubricates the glacier from underneath. The tipping point was reached many years ago, when they started all receding. There is a 40 year lag so this trend will only continue to accelerate, barring a massive volcanic explosion or nuclear war, which creates a nuclear winter.  If all glaciers melt, it will raise ocean levels by 2 to 3 feet total.

Many glaciers feed rivers that are in turn used as a renewable energy source to produce electricity from turbines in dams. As glaciers disappear, rivers will dry up, thus taking away this source of energy, which must then be replaced. The lack of water will impact agriculture, city water drinking and sewage treatment facilities, plus more.

Even the Antarctic glaciers are accelerating in their melting, so this tipping point is global, not local or regional. 

Polar Snow Reflection 

The white color of the snow at the polar ice caps reflects heat back into space. Due to man made activities, snow/ice color is changing and as a result, those areas affected are absorbing more heat, thus accelerating global warming. Greenland ice is slowing turning black as algae and dust gathers on the surface, which then accelerates melting and produces higher temperatures.

Glaciers are a very small part of the total ice mass, but most glaciers are melting back. As the glaciers melt back, they expose the darker layers of dust, soil and rocks on the surface, which absorb more heat.  The reduction of snow/ice heat reflection is happening on a larger scale, via different mechanisms on both of the polar ice caps.

Greenland ice is darkening. (The Cryosphere, June 2012).

More open water due to reductions of ice and snow at the polar ice caps means that there is more and more darker color than the white snow. More dark colors results in more solar heat being absorbed, which then accelerates global warming.

Antarctic Permafrost is melting at accelerated rate

Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover  

Northern Hemisphere average annual snow cover has declined in recent decades. This pattern is consistent with warmer global temperatures. Some of the largest declines have been observed in the spring and summer months.

Global Upper Ocean Heat Content

While ocean heat content varies significantly from place to place and from year-to-year (as a result of changing ocean currents and natural variability), there is a strong trend during the period of reliable measurements. Increasing heat content in the ocean is also consistent with sea level rise, which is occurring mostly as a result of thermal expansion of the ocean water as it warms.
Ocean Heat Content
Time series of seasonal (red dots) and annual average (black line) of global upper ocean heat content for the 0-700m layer since 1955. More information: BAMS State of the Climate

Global Lower Ocean Heat Content 

A new study of ocean warming has just been published in Geophysical Research Letters by Balmaseda, Trenberth, and Källén (2013). There are several important conclusions which can be drawn from this paper.

Global warming has accelerated, with more overall global warming in the past 15 years than the prior 15 years. This is because about 90% of overall global warming goes into heating the oceans, and the oceans have been warming dramatically.

As suspected, much of the 'missing heat' Kevin Trenberth previously talked about has been found in the deep oceans. Consistent with the results of Nuccitelli et al. (2012), this study finds that 30% of the ocean warming over the past decade has occurred in the deeper oceans below 700 meters, which they note is unprecedented over at least the past half century.

Global Thermohaline Circulation

The slow current that is made up of cold salty water sinking down at the poles and then traveling along the bottoms of the oceans to rise up again at or near the equators is called the thermohaline circulation. Both the northern and southern hemisphere currents have slowed by around 30%. One study found that 10 out of 12 vertical currents had stopped in 2005, and the two remaining ones were very weak. Another study in the Antarctic is finding that some areas the vertical circulation has stopped entirely.  

Northern Circulation Slowed By 30% since 1957

Wikipedia; "In 2005, British researchers noticed that the net flow of the northern Gulf Stream had decreased by about 30% since 1957. Coincidentally, scientists at Woods Hole had been measuring the freshening of the North Atlantic as Earth becomes warmer. Their findings suggested that precipitation increases in the high northern latitudes, and polar ice melts as a consequence. By flooding the northern seas with lots of extra fresh water, global warming could, in theory, divert the Gulf Stream waters that usually flow northward past England and Norway, and cause them to instead circulate toward the equator. If this were to happen, Europe's climate would be seriously impacted.

Southern Hemisphere Current Slows By 33%, And Ocean Heats Up

DailyKos; "The decline of the ventilation rate of Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) and Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) along the Prime Meridian is in the order of 15–21%; the Warm Deep Water (WDW) ventilation rate declined much faster by 33%.

The decline in Antarctic bottom water formation, combined with the southward expansion of warm subtropical water in the south Pacific and south Indian oceans has led to the rapid heating of intermediate and deep ocean water in the southern hemisphere.
Figure: Ocean Heat Content - 
0 to 300 meters (grey), 
700 m (blue), 
total depth (violet) 
from ORAS4.  

The time series show monthly anomalies smoothed with a 12-month running mean, with respect to the 1958–1965 base period. 

Wikipedia; "A thermohaline circulation shutdown could have other major consequences apart from cooling of Europe, such as an increase in major floods and storms, a collapse of plankton stocks, warming or rainfall changes in the tropics or Alaska and Antarctica (including those from intensified El Niño effect), more frequent and intense El Niño events, or an oceanic anoxic event (oxygen (O
2) below surface levels of the stagnant oceans becomes completely depleted — a probable cause of past mass extinction events)."

The Antarctic floating ice is also showing a very small increase in total size (about 1%), while at the same time, getting thinner and melting from underneath due to warmer ocean water shown above. Scientists are seeing things happening that have never happened before and are trying to figure it out and make predictions.. but that is hard when you have no history to base it on.  

The currents that transfer heat to the poles are slowing down or stopping, and the ocean is warming up overall. 

Oxygen Production From Ocean Algae

Stable oxygen production from ocean algae - oxygen levels have dropped by 40% from this source, tipping point reached many years ago, through use of 1 cubic mile of carbon products and the massive amount of radioactive carbon 14 and 1,200 other sources of man made radioactive elements released by the nuclear energy industry per year. Oxygen levels are dropping globally, and have been reduced by close to 20% from normal levels. Loss of oxygen in oceans and lakes results in dead zones where nothing can live except toxic jellyfish. Also see ocean circulation tipping point section. 

Low Dose Radiation Causes Oxygen Depletion Globally, Kills Trees, Corals, Fish, Algae; via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Disease And Death Of Plants and Trees Globally; via @AGreenRoad

Oxygen Production From Forests

Oxygen levels are dropping globally. Oxygen levels have been reduced by close to 20% from normal levels. "
The U.S. Forest Service estimates that global forests have removed 8.8 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere between 1990 and 2007 – this represents about 1/3 of all global fossil fuel emissions." The amount of oxygen being produced by forests is shrinking, due to radioactive Carbon being emitted by nuclear power plants, global warming, clearcutting, desertification and replacement by housing or other agricultural use.  For more information, click on link below.

As CO2 Levels Rise, Human Intelligence Drops, Reaction Times Slow, Health Deteriorates; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming; via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Disease And Death Of Plants and Trees Globally; via @AGreenRoad

Ocean And Fresh Water Dead Zones 

Due to loss of oxygen in sea water, ocean and fresh water dead zones are growing in number, frequency and size, all around the world's oceans, but also on land in fresh water lakes. It is estimated that are now 7,500 square miles of dead zones in the oceans globally. Nothing can live in a dead zone, and of course, this means humans cannot eat or gather any food from such an area. This summer, a 377,000-square-kilometer (145,000-square-mile) dead zone appeared in the Baltic Sea.

In 2008, scientists reported that new dead zones have been popping up at an alarming rate for the past 50 years. There are now more than 400 coastal dead zones around the world.. Since 1960, the area of the global ocean without enough oxygen for animals to survive (less than 70 micromoles per kilogram to be exact) expanded by 4.5 million square kilometers (1.7 million square miles). That’s an area about half the size of the United States.

2014 - Dead Zones In World's Oceans And Large Lakes Report

The Deep Pacific Ocean Is Broken/Dead; Devoid Of Life For Thousands Of Miles, Where It Used To Be Filled With Life; via @AGreenRoad

Ocean Circulation System 

The circulation system in the ocean is slowing down. "Warm ocean waters are more stable, thereby slowing down the “ocean’s thermohaline ‘conveyor belt’ circulation system that…overturns surface layers of the water into the deep and vice versa…” The result is less oxygen carried from the surface layers of the water (which is in intimate contact with air) into the deeper layers (NASA, 2009). This leads to further oxygen depletion of the region between the surface and the deep ocean, the oxygen-minimum zone or OMZ (Chameides, 2010). 

In addition, the slowing down of the ocean’s circulation system also brings fewer nutrients from the deep layers into the ocean surface. With fewer nutrients available in the surface layers, oxygen-producing phytoplankton that drift in the ocean surface may be grossly affected. In fact, the declining numbers of phytoplankton species (which dropped by 40 percent from 1950 to 2010) noted in a study published July 29 in Nature was attributed to this nutrient deprivation (Morello, 2010). Phytoplankton organisms produce half of the world’s oxygen output (the other half is produced by plants on land). Hence, with decreasing numbers of these oxygen producers, the level of oxygen in the ocean (and the atmosphere as well) is bound to decline further. 

Coral Reefs 

A large percentage of the corals globally have been lost. The process is accelerating, and getting worse as oceans warm up and become more acid. Many species rely on the corals to survive. 

"Coral reefs are in decline due to an increasing array of threats—primarily from global climate change, unsustainable fishing impacts, and land-based pollution. According to theStatus of Coral Reefs of the World: 2008, 19 percent of the world's reefs are effectively lost, 15 percent are seriously threatened with loss in the next 10-20 years, and (another) 20 percent are under threat of loss in the next 20-40 years. [d] The decline and loss of coral reefs have significant social, cultural, economic, and ecological impacts on people and communities in the US and around the world. However, with effective leadership and management, healthy, resilient reef ecosystems can continue to provide these valuable services to current and future generations.

While it is difficult to put a dollar value on some of the benefits coral ecosystems provide, one recent estimate gave the total net benefit of the world's coral reef ecosystems to be $29.8 billion/year. [a] For example, the economic importance of Hawaii's coral reefs, when combining recreational, amenity, fishery, and biodiversity values, were estimated to have direct economic benefits of $360 million/year[b]"

Ocean Fisheries

Many of the world's fisheries are collapsing and more have collapsed already.

2014 - Global Ocean Fishery Tipping Point Report; via @AGreenRoad


The ocean trash gyres in all of the world's oceans are growing in size and toxicity, combining plastics, radioactivity, chemicals, and heavy metals. In turn, many species of animals are dying or suffering other consequences from eating plastic and other garbage items as well. The constantly growing mountains of trash in many city dumps, are an example of this tipping point having been passed. 

6 Global Garbage Patches, North Atlantic, Indian and North Pacific Garbage Gyres Described

Nuclear Waste Ocean Dumping Documentary Movie via @AGreenRoad

Locations And Amounts Of Radioactive Waste Dumped In Oceans; via @AGreenRoad

Dead Zones 

Ocean dead zones are increasing globally, but also include increasing areas of desertification, acidification, radiation, chemicals, trash and more are creating larger and larger dead zones where nothing can live. As these dead zones expand in all areas of the world, it accelerates and feed back into other tipping points, making them worse.

2014 - 405 Dead Zones Worldwide, Increase From 146 in 2003


Carbon Fuel Use

The peak oil tipping point has been reached in many ways, as described here. Externalities associated with the use of carbon fuel are now accelerating. The first tipping point indicating peak oil has been reached, is that the price to manufacture a barrel of oil is $100, and it takes an equal amount of energy to take out of ground what is received as a final product, where this used to be a 20 to 1 ratio.

Globally, oil is being burned a rate of 1 million years per 1 year of global fossil fuel use, and that tipping point was reached very soon after oil was discovered and started being extracted and burned, so humanity is on the downside of this tipping point in terms of sustainable use. What took Nature 5 million years to create, humans burn it in 5 years.

Humanity is burning the equivalent of 1 cubic mile of oil per year. This rate of use is unsustainable and will create a life extinction event, if it has not happened already, just due to acidification, and/or global warming and all of the other tipping points that this triggers.

Peak Oil - Are We Over The Peak, And If So, What Happens Next? via @AGreenRoad

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert Discuss Sinkholes of Stupid, Empires Of Radioactive Fracking Idiocracy Plus Peak Oil; via @AGreenRoad

Ocean Acidification 

The world's oceans are becoming more and more acid, resulting in negative changes overall, mostly due to the unsustainable use of carbon fuels, such as coal, oil, gas, wood, and bio fuels. 

Acid Test; The Global Challenge Of Ocean Acidification; via @AGreenRoad

Acid Oceans; Why Should We Care? via @AGreenRoad

NOAA - A Simple Explanation of Ocean Acidification; via @AGreenRoad

Global Acidification 

The world's ocean's, rivers, rain, lakes, soil, and all living things (including humans) are becoming more and more acid due to the almost total reliance of civilization on carbon fuels, such as coal, oil, gas, wood, and bio fuels, plus acid food products... Acid end products are created by CO2, which is an acid gas. See ocean acidification article links above. The oceans, the air, the ground and all living things that depend on living in an acidic environment created by producing more and more CO2 and other acid gases and liquids. Acid rain is well known and documented, but humanity continues to pour very acid gases and liquids into the environment, thus shifting the pH of the oceans, land masses and all living things.

Health is alkaline, disease is acid for almost all living things. This tipping point was reached when forests started dying of acid rain. Today, the shells and bones of animals and humans are deteriorating and will eventually not be possible to even form, due to the amount of acid being absorbed and produced in all ways. 


Fiat Currencies 

Fiat currencies are based on debt financing and bubble creation. This tipping point was reached in the early 1900's when gold was confiscated in US. The final nail in the coffin was 1971, evidenced by taking the US off the gold standard. Most countries followed the US example. The focus on one bottom line, fiat currencies, debt growth, fractional reserve banking, (instead of focusing on three to five sustainable bottom lines) is accelerating the problem of global warming and destruction of the environment.

FDR Confiscated All Gold And Silver In 1933, Created US Private For Profit Fiat Currency and Fractional Reserve Banking System

Punk Economics: Banking Scam In Greece, Italy, Germany, And The USA

Gross Domestic Product - GDP 

Using unlimited growth as economic model to base everything on, is unsustainable. The theory of infinite growth on a finite planet, with finite resources is the definition of an out of control cancer. This tipping point was reached many years ago, possibly at the establishment of this measurement statistic. Economic crashes and contractions are inevitable with this faux economic science. The alternative and solution is to measure the Gross National Happiness GNH, as described below. 

Usury - (coming soon)

Debt - (coming soon)


Public Commons 

The loss of public commons and growth of privatization of water, soil, forests, and other public resources is accelerating, to the detriment of the public and a sustainable future. Governments are almost universally financed by private for profit banks, and interest payments make up an increasing share of the public debt, thereby squeezing out commons social programs.


Species Loss/Extinctions 

Species loss is accelerating -  and now stands at 137 species PER DAY being lost permanently, forever.

Experts estimates that we are losing 137 plant, animal and insect species every single day due to rainforest deforestation. That equates to 50,000 species a year.

Our planet is now in the midst of its sixth mass extinction of plants and animals — the sixth wave of extinctions in the past half-billion years. We’re currently experiencing the worst rate of species die-offs since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

WWF; "The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.* These experts calculate that between 0.01 and 0.1% of all species will become extinct each year. If the low estimate of the number of species out there is true - i.e. that there are around 2 million different species on our planet** - then that means between 200 and 2,000 extinctions occur every year. But if the upper estimate of species numbers is true - that there are 100 million different species co-existing with us on our planet - then between 10,000 and 100,000 species are becoming extinct each year."

Worldwatch reports; "The world is on the brink of a massive extinction event, according to the United Nations. Rapid releases of greenhouse gas emissions are changing habitats at a rate faster than many of the world's species can  tolerate. "Indeed the world is currently facing a sixth wave of extinctions, mainly as a result of human impacts," said Achim Steiner, executive director of the U.N. Environment Programme in a statement

A study earlier this year in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science said the current extinction period, known as the Holocene extinction event, may be the greatest event in the Earth's history and the first due to human actions. Unlike previous events, however, extinctions are happening over the course of decades rather than centuries. Recent studies suggest that a quarter of the world's species may go extinct by 2050."


Global Population 

The current population of Earth is 7.2 Billion and increasing. The carrying capacity of Earth has been exceeded by 50% to 150% with present lifestyles and dietary habits. The tipping point was reached about 50 years ago. Without immediate and massive changes, the negative effects from living a non sustainable lifestyle will eventually cause the catastrophic collapse of civilization and/or an extinction level event. See Carrington Event, nuclear war, global warming, acidification.

Wikipedia; "Lester Brown of the Earth Policy Institute, has said: "It would take 1.5 Earths to sustain our present level of consumption. Environmentally, the world is in an overshoot mode."[12]Brown, L. R. (2011). World on the Edge. Earth Policy Institute. Norton. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-393-08029-2."

Population Dynamics - Domino Theory And The Butterfly Effect;  Why All Civilizations Fall Eventually; via @AGreenRoad

Methane Generation From Animal Source 

Animals generate methane gas as they digest vegetable matter. Methane gas has 20 times more global warming effect than the same amount of C02. As people eat more meat due to mass media advertising that boosts sales, methane gas generation from this source increases. Due to clear cutting forests to make room for cattle, this negative global warming methane generation and increase in C02 cycle feeds itself and accelerates.

Agriculture. Domestic livestock such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and camels produce large amounts of CH4 as part of their normal digestive process. Also, when animals' manure is stored or managed in lagoons or holding tanks, CH4 is produced. Because humans raise these animals for food, the emissions are considered human-related. Globally, the agriculture sector is the primary source of CH4 emissions. For more information, see the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks Agriculture chapter.

Methane production, per cow, per day average in litres per day; 374 L/day to 411 L/day
One way to handle the problem is through anaerobic digestion of manure stored in closed vessels. The captured methane can be used to generate heat and electricity. The 7,000+ dairy and swine operations in the U.S. could generate enough electricity to power nearly 600,000 homes annually, preventing the release of 1.3 million tons of methane into the atmosphere (see EPA report [PDF]). As an added benefit, the digested manure can be used as a fertilizer. (Raw manure also is used as fertilizer, but has a much stronger odor.) Since producing synthetic fertilizer burns a lot of fossil fuel energy, fertilizing with manure is a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as save money. - See more at: http://blogs.edf.org/climate411/2007/09/10/livestock_methane/#sthash.1sPSfiYE.dpuf

Methane Sources Study

The AES Corporation formed a joint venture with AgCert International plc, called AES AgriVerde, to deploy AgCert’s GHG emissions-reduction technology in selected countries inAsia, Europe, and North Africa. By 2012, AES AgriVerde intends to create an annual production volume of 20 million metric tons of GHG emissions reductions through the reduction of methane. AES AgriVerde will capture methane from agricultural and animal waste products and either destroy it or use it to generate electricity or heat, reducing net GHG emissions from the manure management process by approximately 95 percent.

Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC), in La Crosse, Wisconsin, is expanding its Evergreen Renewable Energy Program℠ and is on track to reach 10 percent renewable generation by 2015. DPC has 17 MW of wind generation and 22 MW of hydroelectric power and owns a 10.4-MW landfill gas-to-energy plant. In addition, DPC’s animal waste-to-energy program utilizes manure from dairy and swine farms within the DPC system to produce methane for conversion to electricity. Currently, 3 MW of “cow power” are online, and DPC has plans to bring as much as 25 MW of additional capacity online over five years.


A study by the UK government and published by Act For Change found "that farming has a major impact on global warming. Since farming is basically serving the consumer's demand for food, we should look at our nourishment. With increased prosperity, people are consuming more meat and dairy products every year. Global meat production is projected to more than double from 229 million tonnes in 1999/2001 to 465 million tonnes in 2050, while milk output is set to climb from 580 to 1043 million tonnes.

A Japanese study showed that producing a kilogram of beef leads to the emission of greenhouse gases with a global warming potential equivalent to 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2). It also releases fertilising compounds equivalent to 340 grams of sulphur dioxide and 59 grams of phosphate, and consumes 169 megajoules of energy (Animal Science Journal, DOI: 10.1111/j.1740-0929.2007.00457.x). In other words, a kilogram of beef is responsible for the equivalent of the amount of CO2 emitted by the average European car every 250 kilometres, and burns enough energy to light a 100-watt bulb for nearly 20 days (New Scientist magazine, 18 July 2007, page 15 ).

The following tables indicates the CO2 production in kg CO2 equivalents per kg of meat depending on the animal:
1 kg of meat from produces kg CO2e 
Source: Environmental Impacts on Food Production and Consumption. 

The FAO report found that current production levels of meat contribute between 14 and 22 percent of the 36 billion tons of "CO2-equivalent" greenhouse gases the world produces every year. It turns out that producing half a pound of hamburger for someone's lunch a patty of meat the size of two decks of cards releases as much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as driving a 3,000-pound car nearly 10 miles.

The meat raising industry produces as much global warming gases as does the transportation industry, at around 17% of the total C02e emitted, and that is without chopping down any rainforest to make room for grazing cattle.

World Hunger/Starvation/Deaths  

10 million people die every year of chronic hunger and hunger-related diseases. Only eight percent are the victims of hunger caused by high-profile earthquakes, floods, droughts and wars.

Percent of world population considered to be starving - 33%

"The number of undernourished people decreased nearly 30 percent in Asia and the Pacific, from 739 million to 563 million, largely due to socio-economic progress in many countries in the region. The prevalence of undernourishment in the region decreased from 23.7 percent to 13.9 percent.

Latin America and the Caribbean also made progress, falling from 65 million hungry in 1990-1992 to 49 million in 2010-2012, while the prevalence of undernourishment dipped from 14.6 percent to 8.3 percent. But the rate of progress has slowed recently.

The number of hungry grew in Africa over the period, from 175 million to 239 million, with nearly 20 million added in the last few years. Nearly one in four are hungry. And in sub-Saharan Africa, the modest progress achieved in recent years up to 2007 was reversed, with hunger rising 2 percent per year since then.

Developed regions also saw the number of hungry rise, from 13 million in 2004-2006 to 16 million in 2010-2012, reversing a steady decrease in previous years from 20 million in 1990-1992 (FAO 2012)."
Global warming and the resultant climate changes are threatening national security around the world, for all nations. More extreme weather, loss of potable water, loss of housing, loss of food supplies, disruption of governments, and more, are all tipping points that could trigger nuclear wars, terrorist acts, and general chaos. 

According to the National Security and Threat Of Climate Change Report; The Military Advisory Board, (which is made of military top brass) recommends that; "national security consequences of climate change should be fully integrated into national security and national defense strategies. As military leaders, we know we cannot wait for certainty. Failing to act because a warning isn’t precise enough is unacceptable. The intelligence community should incorporate climate consequences into its National Intelligence Estimate. The National Security Strategy should directly address the threat of climate change to our national security interests.

What is not mentioned is that the military is the second largest contributor to global warming, and is the biggest contributor of low level radiation pollution in the world, through uranium mining, DU weapons, nuclear power plants that create the nuclear bomb materials and recycling facilities required to process the spent fuel into MOX and military grade plutonium for weapons use. 


Business Management Courses 

Most businesses and organizations rely on short term planning for making a profit this quarter only. Most business colleges teach business management degree graduates that future planning consists of no more than one year, possibly two. In most of the business management degree courses, the subject of planning for seven future generations, triple bottom line, B corporations, Cooperatives or Benefit Corporations structures that take the environment into account are never even mentioned. The net impact of sending business management degree and certificate program graduates out into the world to do business with a short sighted mind set also drives negative global warming and climate destruction cycles.

Nuclear courses at colleges and universities are more about perpetuating myths than teaching science, due to influence of the nuclear industry on the colleges. 

Scientific Nuclear Fraud At Major Universities; Uncovered And Analyzed; via @AGreenRoad

Most schools are still teaching the old obsolete factory worker model of education which is all about fitting in, repeating back facts that have little or nothing to do with what is really going on, and may actually consist of revisionist history.

Schools are still teaching that Columbus 'discovered' America, and that the US is the greatest nation on Earth in every possible way. Yes, the US is a melting pot of many cultures, but it is not number 1 in a good way in so many categories when compared to other civilized countries. 

American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 40,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?; via @AGreenRoad

19 To 100 Million Native American' Indians Exterminated By 'Settlers'; via @AGreenRoad

The US Is STILL The Greatest Nation On Earth, Right? via @AGreenRoad


Global Warming Organizations 

100 global warming denialist groups are funded by just a few huge corporations. These few corporations have a vested and biased interest in promoting destructive carbon based and nuclear fuels. Carbon and nuclear fuels are the DIRECT and indirect cause of global warming plus climate changes, in addition to causing other negative trends and consequences. Those corporations have a motive to get everyone to ignore or to not believe any of the negative trends and tipping points. Definitely, the largest corporations want business to continue exactly as it is today, with them in almost complete control of everything globally, and creating global warming pollution that they blame on 'natural' processes. 

Top 100 Global Warming Denialist Groups Are ALL Funded By HUGE Corporations; via @AGreenRoad

Mass Media Tipping Points 

What is seen on the US mass media for the most part, consists of the carefully pro corporate message created by 100 global warming denialist groups along with the 'rules' of sacred cows that cannot be reported on due to negative effects on fellow corporations.

Due to massive advertising budgets and/or affiliations, direct ownership, associations or other techniques, global warming, tipping points, and the destructive effects of global corporations and the modern civilized lifestyle is not discussed or explained. The net impact and effect of further mass media consolidation among fewer and fewer and larger corporations, is that it accelerates global warming, climate change and environmental destruction. Investigative journalism for the most part, no longer exists and investigative journalists and news coverage no longer exist, especially in the direction around the negative impact that the 1% and globalist, monopolistic corporations are having on the world. Equal time for opposing viewpoints rules have been abolished. 

Bernie Sanders on Why Big Media Shouldn’t Get Bigger; via A Green Road

Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism; via A Green Road


Huge globalistic and monopolistic corporations are pouring huge amounts of money into creating and maintaining foundations, agencies and groups that feature 'experts', speakers and/or written 'educational' material about a version of fake reality (illusion/myths) that supports a monopolistic 1% top down control and power structure, while dismantling and destroying the bottoms up democractic government process, mainly through educational institutions, paid off politicians and mass media. 

Large organizations, including non profits and churches, tend to attract, be corrupted, influenced by or be taken over by the 1% interests through the mechanisms of money, power and influence. 



Wages in the US stagnated many years ago. The negative tipping point was reached in the 80's; things have been going downhill since then in the US as far as wages and amount earned per hour by the 99%. Hourly wages are increasing in developing or 'third world' countries due to export of jobs from developed countries, but without environmental, union, safety, or employee rights benefits, resulting in massive global warming plus environmental destruction effects. 

At the same time, the minimum wage has not been increased in many years in the US, union jobs are disappearing and the inflation rates plus costs of living keep going up. The poor live in the worst, least energy efficient housing, drive the worst gas mileage cars, and consume the highest rate of junk food. All of these things plus more accelerate the negative global warming trends and feedback loops. 

Roseanne owns state rep on fair wages, taxes, labor rights, and plight of the middle class; via @AGreenRoad

The Entitlement Generation; Who Are They Really? via A Green Road

Income Inequality 

Income inequality is growing in the US and in many other countries. This inequality growth drives global warming and environmental destruction for many reasons.  

The One Percent Movie; via A Green Road

According to a new study sponsored by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, we only have a few decades left before everything we know and hold dear collapses. The report, written by applied mathematician Safa Motesharrei of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center along with a team of natural and social scientists, explains that modern civilization is doomed. And there's not just one particular group to blame, but the entire fundamental structure and nature of our society.

Analyzing five risk factors for societal collapse (population, climate, water, agriculture and energy), the report says that the sudden downfall of complicated societal structures can follow when these factors converge to form two important criteria. Motesharrei's report says that all societal collapses over the past 5,000 years have involved both "the stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity" and "the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or "Commoners") [poor]." This "Elite" population restricts the flow of resources accessible to the "Masses", accumulating a surplus for themselves that is high enough to strain natural resources. Eventually this situation will inevitably result in the destruction of society.

Elite power, the report suggests, will buffer "detrimental effects of the environmental collapse until much later than the Commoners," allowing the privileged to "continue 'business as usual' despite the impending catastrophe."


Control Of Government By 1%

Control of governments and associated regulatory agencies by heads of multinational corporations (the 1%), is increasing globally. The tipping point was reached many years ago. The trend is getting worse, not better, on a global level, in all countries, with just a few exceptions, such as Bhutan.

Catherine Austin Fitts On A Tapeworm Economy, How The 1% Strangle USA; via A Green Road

How Corporations Control Governments, Media, Politicians; Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man; via A Green Road Blog

How Pro Nuclear And Anti 99% Corporations Control Eco Environmental Organizations Like Greenpeace, Sierra Club, 350.org via @AGreenRoad

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%, Whistleblowers, And Solutions 

Competing Branches Of Power And Regulators Corrupted Or Taken Over By Corporations

Democracy and 'regulation' of industry, government or churches works best when power is not corrupted by money, influence, promises of jobs, or concentrated in the hands of any one specific party, any particular ISM,  religion, belief system, or even by a profit motivated system. The more that the power is spread out and divided among many different and diverse people, the better democracy will work, even if it looks chaotic at first glance.

A democracy works best if every vote counts. If a person knows that their vote will elect a politician who will represent their interest, and the only difference is how many votes and percent control of Congress or the Senate is involved, that will end up creating a coalition government by definition, with power spread out among many political groups, but EVERYONE is represented.

In the US, the winner takes all, so many people have given up voting because they do not feel that third parties have any hope of ever winning. In Germany every vote counts, because it elects a representative, who then gets a certain percentage of votes, and that percentage of votes gives them that much power.

Corporate influence has tipped the balance towards their special very narrow interest of profits, and that money reason ends up being the primary influence in all branches of power, including also regulators, courts and the mass media. Sadly, the separation of powers theory no longer applies, or it applies very little in the US. 


Indigenous claims against extractive projects contest a world system based on predation and usurpation. In Guatemala, just as in the US, mining is managed by long-standing political elites and inscribed in the colonial genealogy of power. In many instances, the entrepreneurs promoting mining today are the scions of the same oligarchical families that have controlled Indigenous land and peoples for centuries (Casaús 2007). The political economy of extractivism encompasses global inequalities of exploitation, within and among states. About 75% of the world’s mining companies are registered in Canada, and most operate in the so-called Global South (Deneault et al. 2012). Extractive industries in the North rely on alliances with national elites to exploit natural resources of peoples and places historically marginalized from power politics.

Queen Of England Uranium Mines, Nuclear Plants, Nuclear Weapons; via @AGreenRoad

3,200 Abandoned Uranium Mines in Just 4 States, Broken Treaties, Uranium Dust Blowing Over US Mount Rushmore Monument; via @AGreenRoad

Uranium Mining and Enrichment - Nuclear Bomb -Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing - Fracking

18 Spy Agencies, Surveillance

Everyone who has a cellphone is being tracked by their GPS signal. Everywhere you go with your cellphone is tracked and recorded.  All your calls are monitored and recorded. All of your emails are monitored and/or read. All of your purchases online or via credit/debit card are recorded and tracked. Everywhere you go online is monitored and tracked/recorded. It is even possible to turn on cameras and microphones in cellphones and computers as well as other devices remotely and listen/watch you anytime, anywhere. All of your purchase information and Facebook posting identity information, picture plus posting habits/information is for sale to the any corporation that want to know who you are. 

Everyone working at sensitive positions in government, the military and nuclear industry must sign secrecy agreements and must agree to never talk with reporters. Combine the above (which whistleblower Snowden revealed) with the fact that reporters must talk in secret with whistleblowers who are exposing corruption or illegal things. How does a reporter do this when all calls, emails and more are recorded and monitored globally, by a super secret spy technology and agencies with black budgets so secret, no one even knows what they are, much less what the money is spent on.

The strange thing about spy agencies with secret budgets and no public oversight is that it creates an upside down world where assassinations are common, interfering in other countries elections is common place and installing dictators via the CIA around the world is normal. The CIA was also responsible for renditions and torture under President Bush. Whistleblowers who are warning the public about the over reach and corruption inside the spy agencies are put in jail and punished, rather than the other way around. 

How Whistleblowers Are Punished And Arch Criminals Get Away Scot Free; via @AGreenRoad

The Panama Deception - Academy Award Best Documentary Movie

Peace, War, Human Rights, Justice, Prisons, And Violence Prevention



The business world is full of greenwashing products, services and more. For a quick overview, with links to many specific examples, click on the following link.

Greenwashing; Fake 'Green' Products, Services And Industries; Misleading Half Truths And Public Manipulations

All deception is ultimately greenwashing. If the whole financial, legal, energy, medical, food, income, banking, system is based on deception, then it is also easy to see how greenwashing would happen on multiple levels, in multiple ways, and in multiple directions, all at the same time. 

George Carlin -"Who Really Controls America"; via @AGreenRoad

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%

La Hague; France's Nuclear Waste Nightmare; via A Green Road

Top 100 Global Warming Denialist Groups Are ALL Funded By HUGE Corporations; via @AGreenRoad


The Big Ag system has enormous, huge negative consequences on both public health and the environment. For each calorie of food produced, it takes 12 calories to produce it, via a carbon fuel that creates global warming. Big Ag is responsible for water pollution, groundwater pollution, air pollution, clear cutting, desertification, river pollution, dead zones, and inhumane animal conditions, which then create side effects of superbugs, and antibiotic resistance. 

2014 - Dead Zones In World's Oceans And Large Lakes Report

GMO Food Studies; 100% Infertility in 3 Generations?

Seeds Of Death - Free Full Movie About GMO Seeds; via @AGreenRoad

Medical Insanity: Frankenfoods, BPA, Drugs, GMO's? via @AGreenRoad

GMO alert: top 10 genetically modified foods to avoid eating; via @AGreenRoad

Mother Beats Monsanto in Court; Indian Farmers Committing Suicide By Drinking Product; via @AGreenRoad

Big Pharma

The US medical system is based on a battle against all of Nature's and the bodies healing forces, using drugs, radiation, chemicals and surgery as the 'weapons' in this war against dis-ease. Root causes are not dealt with, but syptoms are 'managed'. The whole system is built on making money off of suffering and ill health, rather than the other way around. 

Rather than preventing problems, such as warning people to get out of a radiation plume and to hand out KI tablets, the medical industry is content to issue statements of no immediate harm, and then do surgery on thyroids and make profits off of the resulting thyroid disorders.  

Drugs, Medicine, Medical Radiation and GMO's

MD Gives Quack Science Speeches - Claims Smiling Is Protection From Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

Govt. Had 1 Million Potassium Iodide - KI Pills Available, But Refused To Hand Them Out After 3/11 Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Medicine 

Photons In Light, Photons In Nuclear Reactors And Photons In Nuclear Medicine; What Is The Difference?; via @AGreenRoad

List Of Radiation Induced Diseases Caused by Low Dose And High Dose Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

Pandora's Box Opened; 1,946 Lethal Radioactive Man Made Elements Created By Nuclear Industry Coming Out; via @AGreenRoad


Freedom Of Speech In Mass Media

Due to the growth of the multinational corporate power structure, and their take over of the mass media globally, truth is no longer allowed on the mass media in the US or most other civilized nations, as well as in dictatorial states. The appearance of democracy and freedom of speech is there, but the reality is that the 1% controls the mass media and does not allow the 99% viewpoint to be aired in an equal time fashion. How can democracy exist if people do not get the truth of what is actually happening? Who can make the right, much less sustainable decisions if only lies, spin and deception are the norm?

How Corporations Control Governments, Media, Politicians; Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man; via @AGreenRoad

Truthium And Factiums Being Made Illegal By Nuclear Industry Experts Such As Dr. Yamashita And Prime Minister Abe; via @AGreenRoad

Those who speak the truth are punished and/or shunned. Even in Denmark, the tentacles of power extend into it via NATO and the global banking systems. The tipping point was reached when small media consolidated into just a few, and big global banks and financial institutions took control. Their top down, pro 1% mass media policies and practices are driving the negative feedback loops globally and speeding them up while corrupting governments, regulators, media agencies such as the FTC, and more. Corporate spin, propaganda and lies are the norm, rather the exception in many countries, certainly around some subjects, such as nuclear energy and safety of low level radiation contamination or exposures.  

Fake Mass Media News; The Many Ways The Viewing Public Is 'Programmed' And TV Programming Is Censored; via @AGreenRoad

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%

Greenwashing; Fake 'Green' Products, Services And Industries; Misleading Half Truths And Public Manipulations

All deception is ultimately greenwashing. If the whole mass media, financial, legal, energy, medical, food, income, banking, system is based on deception, then it is also easy to see how greenwashing would happen on multiple levels, in multiple ways, and in multiple directions, all at the same time

Violent Revolution 

Due to top down repression by the 1%, peaceful change is not possible in any meaningful way in most of the world today. When peaceful revolution, or positive sustainable change is no longer allowed, violent repression, violent revolution, war and never ending battles with 'terrorists' are the only other possibility that are seen by most people. 

The current top down 1% power structure does not allow healthy or needed sustainable changes via natural methods. The 1% want to impose their top down control and via debt/fiat money and environmental destruction on everyone, without allowing any positive, meaningful and sustainable changes. Greenwashing is being practiced extensively to minimize change and get people to believe that change is happening, but in reality, most of that seeming change is just deception, with business going on as usual, and things keep on getting worse. 

This tipping point was reached when the GDP, fiat currency, and fractional reserve, short term profit oriented system was chosen as the primary vehicle for creating value and unsustainable growth.


Global Transportation

How much energy does it take to get food and other products to you or your business? It may cost 10,000 calories of carbon energy to transport a salad or a single .50 cent toxic chemical laden toy around the world 3,000 miles to serve it in a restaurant, or offer it for sale in a store where you shop or eat. The global supply chain consists of aircraft, ships, cars and trucks. It is possible to do many things to reduce or eliminate this transport generated carbon cost, which may make up 50% of a carbon footprint for an average person or organization. 

CO2 is created globally is due to the transportation sector, and the amount of CO2 being released by this category on a global level is increasing, in just about every country. The negative feedback loops from this increase in CO2 emissions are self reinforcing, triggering methane generation, oxygen loss, CO2 acidification of soils, air, oceans, plants and humans, just to name a few.  

Source: http://www.internationaltransportforum.org/Pub/pdf/10GHGTrends.pdf

(13% of 2004 global greenhouse gas emissions) - Greenhouse gas emissions from this sector primarily involve fossil fuels burned for road, rail, air, and marine transportation. Almost all (95%) of the world's transportation energy comes from petroleum-based fuels, largely gasoline and diesel.


Toxic Chemicals 

Click on live link above to see the total amount of toxic chemicals globally that have been dumped into the environment this year, up to today.

Over 5 million tons of chemicals are released into the global environment per year. Toxic chemicals are the rule, not the exception. Growth in the use of more and more toxic chemicals is the norm, not the exception. The net impact of creating and emitting more and more toxic chemicals is a net overall global warming and species loss effect, due to environmental destruction and a negative impact on the health of all living things. 

"Recent gains in per acre yields are highly dependent on chemicals. The "use of fertilizers increased by roughly 700% between 1960 and 2000, with similar increases in pesticide use, but cereal production only increased by 167%. This means a fourfold increase in the use of chemical inputs was required to achieve each unit of production gain."

The increased use of chemicals has increased negative effects on the environment, and the tipping point was reached many years ago. Increased irrigation is not sustainable, and this tipping point will further add to the negative feedback loops of desertification, increased toxicity of water run off and heavy metal/chemical pollution of groundwater, air and drinking water, as well as creating more and larger dead zones in the world's oceans. 


Public Military Expeniture  

Click on live link above to see the total amount of money globally that have been spent this year, up to today. 

Globally, all nations are spending 1.6 Billion Dollars per DAY on the military industrial complex; a for profit enterprise.  The more that is spent on the military, the faster the negative feedback loops are created and grow, because the money for the military comes out of the public commons and taxpayers pockets, thus displacing needed public services and programs. The negative feed back loop created by spending a higher percentage of the budget on the military also creates a larger government. A monopolistic, secret, deceptive military industrial complex tends to take over government and restrict freedom as well as democracy, the more money it gets.

Peace, War, Human Rights, Justice, Prisons, And Violence Prevention

Because the money for military uses is not spent to address global warming or environmental destruction, every dollar that goes in this direction increases the speed of global warming and climate change. The US military is the 2nd largest CO2 emitter in the US overall.

Environmental destruction is also sped up due to DU dust, nuclear weapons proliferation and numerous MAD trigger events. 13 close calls have been experienced that got humanity close to a terminal tipping point, which is called a global nuclear war or Mutual Assured Destruction - MAD.

13 Close Calls; Why MAD Total Nuclear Global War Almost Happened 13 Times So Far; via @AGreenRoad

A quick and final terminal trigger point is getting closer and closer the longer nations refuse to dismantle all nuclear weapons. Eventually nuclear weapons will be used and create MAD, either by accident or on purpose. As long as these weapons exist, the threat is there. To reverse this tipping point and keep it from happening, all nuclear weapons must be dismantled. The US has the largest number of nuclear weapons. The US is the largest exporter of weapons, and the largest promoter of DU weapons, which equals a constant, low level nuclear war.

Nuclear Bombs, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear War

"The world has arrived at a nuclear tipping point," a Carnegie Endowment for International Peace study warned. "We are at the tipping point," former Senator Sam Nunn, co-founder of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, has said, "and we are headed in the wrong direction."

The US spends more money on its military than the rest of the world combined. With the world’s top 10 military powers spending a total of $1.19 trillion in military funding in 2011, a whopping 58 percent of that total came from the US expense on its military.

War is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler - Warned That Military Industrial Complex Is Taking Over Levers Of Power; via @AGreenRoad

U.S.A. Is Fighting 74 Different Wars Globally, Banksters Profiting From Afghanistan Poppy Production via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear War 

There is a constant low level nuclear war going on in the world today, via depleted uranium weapons. The threat of nuclear war either on a regional or global level exists and grows with each passing day that nuclear weapons are allowed to exist. Numerous close calls have already happened, but are unknown and not reported via the mass media. The US is the only nation to use 2 nuclear bombs on civilians cities up to this point. 

Dalai Lama - Greatest Single Danger Facing Humankind Is Threat Of Nuclear Destruction

Nuclear Winter - Consequence Of Nuclear War; via @AGreenRoad


Carrington Event 

400 nuclear reactors will melt down, this is a global extinction level event when it happens. This will be a sudden tipping point, reached when the Carrington Event happens, as predicted by all solar scientists. It is not if, but when this tipping point will be reached. 

Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth - 'Carrington Effect'; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode; via @AGreenRoad

Background Radiation

Background radiation has increased 600% since start of atomic age. The average amount of low dose radiation from cosmic rays and other very small sources of radiation used to amount to 1 m/Sv or less per year on average, despite local variations depending on things like altitude, uranium content of soils, etc. Since then the background radiation has increased in both amount and lethality, due to release of massive quantities of radioactive man made elements from radiation producting facilities, such as the release of plutonium and up to 9 tons of 1,200 other radioactive elements from Fukushima, just as one example. The global background radiation is now 6 m/Sv per year. 

Background Radiation Has Increased 600 Percent - 1 mSv In 1950 To over 6 mSv In 2014; Where Is This Coming From?

Global DU Depleted Uranium Dust  

DU weapons use is contaminating an unknown number hectares of soil and air each year. Once released, DU dust contaminates the area for over 1 million years. The use of DU weapons is increasing globally. The US is the largest exporter and user of DU weapons.

Dr. Rokke Former Military Reveals Dangers Of 2,000 TONS of (DU) Depleted Uranium Dust In Middle East; via @AGreenRoad

Depleted Uranium (DU) Dangers And Effects On The Human Body, via A Green Road Blog

Beyond Treason: The True Story of Depleted Uranium; via @AGreenRoad

Depleted Uranium - Physicians For Social Responsibility; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Bombs, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear War

Nuclear Power Plants 

The number of nuclear power plants peaked in 2002, at 444, and has dropped since then. The consequences of having 400 plus nuclear power plants are severe, growing and negative. See accidents, background radiation, low dose radiation, Carrington Event and nuclear weapons sections. 

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

List Of Countries And Nations With NO Nuclear Power Plants Is Growing; Decline of Nuclear Power; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming; via @AGreenRoad

Low Dose Radiation 

Low dose radiation does have a negative effect on all living things. As the amount of radiation increases, so does the harm on a global level. There is no safe dose of radiation. For more information and articles, click on the following links.

Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Disease And Death Of Plants and Trees Globally; via @AGreenRoad

Low Dose Radiation Causes Oxygen Depletion Globally, Kills Trees, Corals, Fish, Algae; via @AGreenRoad

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults

2011 - 2013 Mass Die Off Of Starfish, Chitons, Abalone, Mussels, Sun Stars, Salmon In Pacific Ocean S California To Alaska; via @AGreenRoad


Petrochemical Based Agriculture

Scientific American; "According to Pollan, for every calorie of food that is produced in the United States, 10 calories of fossil fuel energy are put into the system to grow that food. By no means a break-even system.."

This tipping point was reached long ago. This system is not sustainable and will eventually collapse. This system of artificial, carbon based fertilizers and chemicals being applied to crops and soils produces dead rivers, and dead ocean zones, demineralization of the soil, killing of soil organisms, destruction of health, loss of species diversity, as well as acidification. All of these externalities are negative and life extinction producing. 

Demineralization of Soil 

Due to the petrochemical-driven industrialized factory farming agricultural techniques that have been used so rampantly on vast amounts of land in recent times, soils the world over have become drastically depleted of many trace and macro minerals, as well as other nutrients, during the past century.
The end result of this unsustainable farming method is the extinction of the human race long term. On the way, due to loss of minerals coming in with food, humanity will experience increasing amounts of diseases, infertility, cancers, genetic effects, birth problems, and mental/emotional problems. 

"The alarming fact is that foods -- fruits and vegetables and grains -- now being raised on million acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us, no matter how much of them we eat. -- U.S. Senate Document 264, 1936....

In The Healing Power of Minerals, Special Nutrients and Trace Elements (20) by Paul Bergner includes USDA figures that show a decline in mineral and vitamin content of several fruits and vegetables between 1914, 1963, and 1992. Table 1 is a summary of mineral decreases in fruits and vegetables over a 30-year period, adapted from Bergner’s book.

Table 1. Average changes in the mineral content of some fruits and vegetables†, 1963-1992

Mineral                  Average % Change

Calcium                              -29.82 
Iron                                     -32.00 
Magnesium                         -21.08 
Phosphorus                         -11.09 
Potassium                             -6.48

† Fruits and vegetables measured: oranges, apples, bananas, carrots, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, celery, romaine lettuce, broccoli, iceberg lettuce, collard greens, and chard"

The Price Pottenger Foundation has more information about the role of minerals and modern agribusiness chemical based food production, and how current large agrifarm practices are unsustainable, based on numerous human and animal studies. http://ppnf.org/

Desertification of Soils  

Click on live link above to see the total number of hectares of land globally that have been lost this year, up to today.

3.8 million hectares per year become unproductive due to desertification globally. Due to loss of CO2 absorbing plants, trees and habitat for animals, this is another self reinforcing negative feedback loop for accelerating global warming and environmental destruction. 

Land Degradation

Globally, "farmland is being lost to land degradation. Productive farmland is being lost to soil erosion, salinization and other forms of land degradation at an average annual rate of 35,000 km2, equivalent to 95 km2 per day or 1,109 m2 per second. This is equivalent to an area roughly the size of Tokyo, Singapore or New York every week or one International Football Association standard football pitch every 7 seconds. At current rates, total losses could exceed 30% of all agricultural land by 2020."

Food Supply Volatility

The "global food supply is becoming more volatile, as climate changes increase in severity, global coverage, intensity and length. Due to climate change related extreme weather events affecting yields, food production levels are becoming more volatile." http://linkis.com/landcommodities.com/9TuG4



GMO Seeds - Due to GMO seed monopolies, the number and variety of heirloom seeds has been shrinking globally, with severe, numerous and serious negative feedback loops being created in numerous directions. Many nations have outlawed GMO seeds. 

Seeds Of Death - Free Full Movie About GMO Seeds; via @AGreenRoad


Legal Immunity 

Various industries, such as the portions of the vaccine and nuclear industries, among others, have persuaded legislators to pass laws via ALEC, so that they are now immune to most or all lawsuits, despite being a monopoly and having undue influence as well as huge profits from being in their position. The effect of these 'immunity' laws is to squelch a natural progress to more sustainable answers.

Lawsuits are for the most part only pursued due to harm caused. Sustainable solutions and industries do not cause harm sufficient enough to be taken out of business from lawsuits. Since the number of industries pursuing legal immunity is increasing, this indicates a lack of evolution towards sustainable solutions, a resistance to positive change and a continuation of a series of choices that result in harm to seven future generations. 

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Education

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%

The Corrupt Price Anderson Act, JPMorgan, GE, Edison Electric, And Thompson Houston Corp. Connection; via @AGreenRoad

Jury Rights 

Secret dealings behind the scenes result in judges not allowing juries to do what they were originally intended to do; protect the public common, protect seven future generations and administer justice. The process of transferring power and rights to judges who can easily be corrupted or influenced by huge corporations whose only focus is on one bottom line further accelerates and increases the speed of global warming and environmental destruction. 

Secret Jury Rights And Ignored Constitutional Duty; via @AGreenRoad



There is a lot of money in war for a few people, war is now a constant, never ending for profit, no bid contracts and huge profits enterprise. The military used to be completely disbanded between wars. Wars were fought only for defensive purposes and people were called up to defend the country after it was attacked. No standing armies used to exist.

This tipping point was reached many years ago, when the military industrial complex took over the US government and a standing army was kept in place. 60% or more of US budget is now going to the dept. of war, and this level of funding is unsustainable. There is no money for a dept. of Peace. This tipping point intersects with the peak oil tipping point, because illegal invasions, takeovers, assassinations and wars are required to feed the oil addiction of a US empire and take control of nations who have this oil. The war machine is also used as a personal tool to enrich the 1%, who control the largest US corporations inside the military industrial complex. 

U.S.A. Is Fighting 74 Different Wars Globally, Banksters Profiting From Afghanistan Poppy Production via @AGreenRoad

War is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler - Warned That Military Industrial Complex Taking Over Levers Of Power; via @AGreenRoad

1,000 US Foreign Military Bases In Foreign Countries - 2 Trillion Dollars And Rising Cost; via@AGreenRoad

President Eisenhower - Farewell Warning About Military Industrial Complex

JFK's Speech About The Danger Of Secret Societies And Huge Monopolies

Weapons Of Mass Destruction 

The US military industrial complex is responsible for the US spending more on it's military than all over civilized nations combined. The US is driving the global violence trade as the world's biggest arms exporter. The US is blocking all attempts at banning weapons of mass destruction, such as cluster bombs, phosphorus bombs, DU weapons, land mines, etc. The consequence of the development and use of these weapons of mass destruction is a delay in dealing with the largest issues humanity is facing, while increasing human suffering and environmental destruction. The military is also the largest emitter of CO2 on the planet, but serves no useful purpose other than speeding up the destruction of humanity. 

Which Nation Is Worst And Using The MOST Weapons Of Mass Destruction? via @AGreenRoad



The use and reliance on of gross domestic product (GDP), and other tipping points and structure of the Capitalistic system have created severe and long lasting distortions in terms of negative effects on unemployment, bubbles, boom/bust cycles, jobs, careers, and education, just to name a few. There has been a gradual loss of meaningful, local, fulfilling and healthy sustainable green jobs globally, due to the growth of the global corporate monopolistic power structure with a focus on short term profits, with no regard for externalities or negative impact on communities. 

Communist China Winning War Against USA, Without A Shot Being Fired; via @AGreenRoad


Knowledge of Herbal Medicines And Other Healing Modalities Being Lost

"There were an estimated ten million Indians living in the Amazonian Rainforest five centuries ago. Today there are less than 200,000. In Brazil alone, European colonists have destroyed more than 90 indigenous tribes since the 1900's. With them have gone centuries of accumulated knowledge of the medicinal value of rainforest species. As their homelands continue to be destroyed by deforestation, rainforest peoples are also disappearing. The same thing happens in every country that large corporations and for profit enterprises enter, including the US. 

Most medicine men and shamans remaining in the Rainforests today are 70 years old or more. Each time a rainforest medicine man dies, it is as if a library has burned down. When a medicine man dies without passing his arts on to the next generation, the tribe and the world loses thousands of years of irreplaceable knowledge about medicinal plants."

There is a basic underlying bias and pressure being used by Big Pharma against the spreading of information, education, use, and sales of herbal phytomedicines, despite them being much safer and better that patent medications. Because medicine is a for profit monopoly, all other competing forms of healing are seen as threats, to be put out of business using any means necessary. 

The corporate controlled media and insurance industry goes along with this monopoly due to their own profit motive, which adds even more pressure to ignore, exclude and demonize the use of any traditional health methods, nutrition, lifestyle factors or modalities. What has been proven to work to permanently reverse and cure heart disease for example, is completely ignored, because it means the loss of huge and repeated profits for heart surgery. Can you imagine herbalists and homeopaths plus chiropractors in a clinic or hospital? No? Why not? Why doesn't insurance pay for low cost of free solutions? 

Drugs, Medicine and GMO's

Income Inequality

Income inequality is growing worse globally, and is not getting better. The tipping point has already been reached as jobs are exported, and the 1% grow richer and control more resources plus property, thus creating more and more suffering for the 99%. 

People Collecting 'Entitlements' - Who Are They? Links To 1%, National Debt And The Federal Reserve via @AGreenRoad

Wealth Distribution In America; Myth Vs Reality; via A Green Road


If humanity has a chance, it is going to have to be while thinking globally, and acting locally, and considering the impact of actions/decisions on seven generations, without causing harm. Measure your personal and organizations carbon, chemical, and resources footprint.

Make a goal of reducing these as much as possible both personally, in your family, in your neighborhood, in the organizations you belong to, and at work. Use recycling, reusing, reducing consumption and finding creative solutions to avoid buying things in the first place, and avoid throwing out anything in the second place. Move towards a zero carbon, zero chemical use, zero throw away lifestyle and business operations practice as fast as possible. 

As anyone can see, there is a death happening on a global scale, but there is also a birth of a new, rainbow oriented, heart centered, conscious lifestyle cultural creative living global village tribe that is moving towards a lifestyle that lives in harmony with the Earth and all other living beings on a miracle filled, very mysterious planet.

The challenge is to give birth to this new sustainable lifestyle, by teaching the science of sustainable health and success to this and future generations. Can we give birth to this new reality in time to prevent total global destruction? You may be the person that tips the balance in a sustainable way and triggers the 100th monkey effect. Every person is important. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?  Stay positive, do what you can and keep making a difference. A small difference can add up to a huge impact, just like a very tiny seed can grow a huge redwood tree.  Never give up. 


2014 - List of 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points; via @AGreenRoad


For more articles;

2014 - Positive Or Neutral Global Tipping Points; via @AGreenRoad


Click in search box in upper right to find any subject quickly



Spiritual, Interfaith, Consciousness; How To Create Heaven On Earth

Holistic Living And Green Energy 

Exploring the Inner and Outer Mysteries of Life

Peace, War, Human Rights, Justice, Prisons 

Drugs, Medicine and GMO's 

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation Exposure Prevention and Reversal, Music

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults

Uranium Mining and Enrichment - Nuclear Bomb -Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing

Low Level Nuclear Radiation In Food And Water

Effects Of Internal Low Level Nuclear Radiation

Animals and Low Level Radiation Effects

Nuclear Reactor Recertification

Long Term Storage Of Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Waste 

"Do not go where the freeway may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave A Green Road for others to follow."

Social Media Links

Share these links above by copying and pasting them into email, Facebook and Twitter, or click on the share buttons below each article/video. Thanks for doing your part. Keep shining your light and sharing this information with friends, co-workers, politicians, doctors, professors, and other leaders! 

“Never give up, never.” Every person is important.

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