1969 - Lucens + 2 Plutonium Fast Breeder Reactors Melted Down In Switzerland

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1969 - Lucens + 2 Plutonium Fast Breeder Reactors Melted Down In Switzerland

German video about this reactor melting down. It talks about how the US and Canada helped Switzerland set up it's nuclear program. Switzerland built their first research reactor underground in Lucen, with river water pumped to the reactor for cooling. Of course, the nuclear experts said nothing could ever go wrong, no one would ever be harmed and women would never have to worry about having deformed children. They promised that no nuclear reactor would ever blow up, as that was impossible with all of the safety systems built into it. (Of course, it did blow up)

According to the above researcher, TWO major nuclear reactor melt downs happened in Switzerland, but they got totally covered up, because the government officials are all pro nuclear and do not want bad news about it to get around to the public. Another third smaller reactor was brought in from the US, but it was not large enough to produce plutonium, like the other two breeder reactors that burned and produced weapons grade plutonium.

The 2 fast breeder nuclear reactors that melted down (in complete secrecy) are now being 'disposed' of by burning in a plasma furnace, with radioactive emissions going into the air. The town closest to the incinerator has levels of radiation high enough to warrant being evacuated like Chernobyl exclusion zones, but this too is being covered up, along with all of the Chernobyl low dose radiation contamination of the whole country. Many genetic mutations are being documented, but these are also being covered up completely.

The researcher asked for the records of what kinds and amounts of emissions were coming from the plasma furnace that was burning the melted down reactor contents, but they said it 'top secret' and would not release the information. This about sums up the situation all around the world, in every country, where concerned citizens are trying to figure out why so many more children are dying at birth, getting birth defects, mental issues, emotional issues and health problems that were never seen before.

The money to build these nuclear reactors came from government, both local, regional and national, as well as various industry associations. The money went back to many different local and regional businesses, so no one was really responsible or accountable for anything, because so many companies were involved, with really no one in charge.

In 1969.... the Lucens reactor in Switzerland, melted down.

According to Wikipedia; "The Lucens reactor at LucensVaud, Switzerland, was a small pilot nuclear reactor destroyed by an accident in 1969.

In 1962 the construction of a Swiss-designed pilot nuclear power plant began. The heavy-water moderated, carbon dioxide gas-cooled, reactor was built in an underground cavern[1] and produced 30 megawatts of heat (which was used to generate 8.3 megawatts of electricity).[2] It became critical in 1966 and the plant was decommissioned in 1988.[3] It was fueled by 0.96% enriched uranium alloyed with chromium cased in magnesium alloy (magnesium with 0.6% zirconium) inserted into a graphite matrix. Carbon dioxide gas was pumped into the top of the channels at 6.28 MPa and 223 °C and exited the channels at a pressure of 5.79 MPa and at a temperature of 378 °C.

It was intended to operate until the end of 1969, but during a startup on January 21, 1969, it suffered a loss-of-coolant accident, leading to a partial core meltdown (plus an explosion) and massive radioactive contamination of the cavern, which was then sealed. (Some radiation did get out)

The accident was caused by water condensation forming on some of the magnesium alloy fuel elementcomponents during shutdown and corroding them. The corrosion products from this accumulated in some of the fuel channels.

One of the 73 vertical fuel channels was sufficiently blocked by it to impede the flow of carbon dioxide coolant so that the magnesium alloy cladding melted and further blocked the channel. The increase in temperature and exposure of the uranium metal fuel to the coolant eventually caused the fuel to catch fire in the carbon dioxide coolant atmosphere.

The pressure tube surrounding the fuel channel split because of overheating and bowing of the burning fuel assembly, and the carbon dioxide coolant leaked out of the reactor.[4][5]"

Six days after the meltdown and explosion, a team went in, but could only stay for 1 and 1/2 minutes due to the high radiation levels. The reactor was completely destroyed, and they spent the next six years dismantling it, with workers that could only stay inside working 100 seconds at a time. The sump underneath the reactor had 2000 Roentgen per hour radiation levels. After it was all pulled out, the cave was cemented over, but was still leaking radioactive water out of it many years later. The research director called this reactor a great success story.


1969 - Lucens + 2 Plutonium Fast Breeder Reactors Melted Down In Switzerland; via @AGreenRoadhttp://agreenroad.blogspot.com/2014/04/1969-lucens-reactor-melted-down-in.html

For a more complete list of all nuclear plant meltdowns globally, go to;

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

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