WIPP Radioactive Plutonium/Americium Plume Release Covered Up For Six Days, Researchers Denied Access

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WIPP Radioactive Plutonium/Americium Plume Release Covered Up For Six Days, Researchers Denied Access


According to several news sources, the radioactive plutonium and americium accident, explosion or whatever REALLY happened down inside this facility was hidden from the public by WIPP authorities for many days. A local news report confirms that there was a 'delay' in reporting the radiation leak for many days. Click on link below to see short video of actual news segment. 

In the video below, RT News is another major independent news organization saying the same thing as the local news organization above. The radiation release was covered up for many days.  Now we have two credible sources saying there was a cover up about a radiation leak for a period of time; (up to a week).. If they managed to hide this for a week, maybe they even managed to hide something for longer than that.

If WIPP is so 'safe', and really nothing bad happened, and they are so transparent with all of their information, why did they hide and deny any radiation leak was happening for many days? Usually, the worst and largest radiation release is right at the very beginning of any nuclear disaster, and then improves from there.

"For SIX days after the Plutonium Cloud was released on February 14th, DOE reassured people that there was no above ground radioactive release". Of course this turned out to be a complete lie, and the worst of the radiation actually went out initially, before the HEPA filters could be turned on".

[...] Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Chairman Peter Winokur said that for six days after the (truck) fire, no underground air monitors were operational, meaning that if the system failed when the leak occurred Feb. 14, “or if the release event had occurred three days earlier, the release of radioactive material from the above ground mine exhaust would have been orders of magnitude larger.”

Combine the fact that radiation monitors were not working at the time of the 'truck fire', on Feb 7th, and the radiation release was measured right after they turned them on after Feb 14th, which was then covered up for another six days and not reported until the 19th of Feb. What are the odds of a truck fire happening, radiation monitors failing for a week and then a radiation release happening right after they turned them on again? Zero.

Why would they cover up the radiation release, if they had it handled so well, that only a few seconds of radiation got out unfiltered? The whole story does not sound 'right'. The story would fit if they had a massive radioactive fire on the 7th, and that was the black smoke pouring out for several days, and the truck was set on fire to act as a cover story. After all, have you ever seen a truck tire burn for 'several days'?

This nuclear industry cover up process after a major nuclear disaster or even a minor incident is not unique to WIPP. After every nuclear accident, this complete and total cover up process happens. TMI, Chernobyl, Fukushima, Santa Susana, and many more all have this in common. They were ALL covered up initially. After the nuclear disaster could no longer be covered up, then these disasters were minimized and spun to make them sound like they were inconsequential and minor with everything 'under control'.

By all appearances, what AGRP is predicting this Feb. event will turn out to be a major nuclear plutonium release disaster that went on for much longer than the minor few second 'puff' that WIPP is representing it was. AGRP is predicting that this nuclear disaster will follow in the footsteps of all of the rest of the major nuclear disasters. Deny, cover up, minimize and spin.. For more about this, click on the following link;

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%

It is one thing to deny and cover up a nuclear accident. It is quite another think to deny access to researchers who normally are allowed on site... How bad were things on site, to justify blocking access to researchers who monitor radiation at WIPP?


One thing that makes it even worse is; why did the DOE deny access to the WIPP site to the local university and their independent radiation monitors during this time when the worst radiation was coming out of the facility? (Source; video above.)

Bottom line, what were they so afraid of being found out by someone from 'outside'? No one covers up radiation and refuses access to independent monitors unless they have LOTS to hide. Just a minor 30 second release of radiation is no problem. A low level nuclear waste barrel full of dirty clothes, rags and other low level garbage that got punctured is not big enough thing to hide... This has the elements of a HUGE radiation release cover up and all the hallmarks of a major nuclear disaster, just with these two facts, and nothing else, wouldn't you agree?

"The DOE is giving us one tenth of a percent of the information they really know," he said. "In fact there is an awful lot more that should be known before we can assess the risk. The DOE has a long history of playing keep-away with the facts and promoting nuclear power."

Why would anyone trust anything that the DOE says, with their history of lying and covering up in other places? Why would anyone trust them after they refuse to warn anyone downwind of a plutonium plume for at least SIX DAYS and maybe even longer than that? If they lied about this for six (or more) days, maybe this happened on the same day as the 'truck fire' and it has been covered up ever since then? They also have had problems with the ventilation system, which they have not disclosed until now.

Now they are talking about 'stabilizing' the ventilation system. What does that mean? Does that mean the HEPA filter did not work at first, or the switch over system did not work, or is it a new problem with the HEPA filters, the fans, or something else? Would they warn anyone if the HEPA filters quit working?

Of course, this is all nothing new either, because no matter how big the nuclear disaster, it is ALWAYS covered up at first, and only when they cannot hide it any more, do they talk about something really minor, nothing to worry about.. Months or years later, the truth starts coming out.. Meanwhile the public is exposed to deadly, cancer causing radiation, with no warnings, no protective measures taken and no meaningful information provided. This nuclear disaster looks like it is right on track, with all of the others that have come before this..

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

What is the take away? Nuclear accidents are ALWAYS covered up, denied and spun to make them appear less than they really are. The rule and standard operating procedure is to cover up 99% and admit only 1%, while talking about how radiation equals bananas, dental xrays and airline flights, which is total hokum and baloney. 

Radioactive Potassium In Bananas Compared To Cesium, Plutonium, Uranium And Iodine via @AGreenRoad
None of these every day normal things have anything to do with nuclear disasters, man made radioactive elements, hot particles and radioactive gases. Let us compare the airline industry, accidents there, and the nuclear industry, and an accident at WIPP, shall we?

All large commercial airline jets have TWO black boxes, in case one is destroyed in a crash. One box records all conversations, and the other records all data around the flight. A jet aircraft involves only 300 or 400 people at most. These black boxes record EVERYTHING; what was said, who said it, when, the noises in the background, the air traffic controllers, the radio transmissions, the weather, wind speed, fuel guages, flap settings, and MUCH more.. An accident can be analyzed EXACTLY, within a day of it happening, as soon as the black boxes are found and taken to an NTSB lab. 

A nuclear power plant or a nuclear storage facility like WIPP could kill hundreds of MILLIONS of people over the long term, or more. NONE of these facilities have ZERO black boxes recording ANYTHING. Why aren't they held to a much higher standard than airline jets?

Instead, the 'accidents; at all nuclear facilities are covered up and denied, 100%. Everyone involved denies knowing anything, and no one is in charge of figuring out who is to blame, what REALLY happened, much less learning any lessons from anything. No one goes to jail, no company loses money and the public pays to clean up the mess. It is lose, lose, lose for the public, and win, win win for the nuclear industry, because they get paid to fail over and over again, plus they never get blamed for killing millions of people, and causing the millions of diseases and cancers that also result. 

The airline industry is very safety conscious. Every accident is investigated by the NTSB, and they figure out the root cause of what initiated the accident. Then the NTSB issues a formal report where they get witnesses to report officially and on the record what they saw, heard and/or did. This report is on the record and can be admitted into court, and/or used in lawsuits that go after companies who did not pay attention to safety concerns for example. This does not exist in the nuclear industry, despite MUCH higher risks. The IAEA and NRC and other regulators just whitewash the whole thing.

At this official public reporting session, the NTSB then recommends fixes to improve airline safety and fix defects found so that more people do not die unnecessarily. They work with the FCC, which then takes these recommendations and puts in place rules or laws, forcing the airline(s) to make changes to processes, procedures, actual aircraft, or whatever is needed to prevent more deaths and injuries. Again, nothing like this exists in the nuclear industry. 

In the nuclear industry, there is NOTHING like this. The IAEA is a marketing agency, and they investigate nothing. 

IAEA, WHO, NRC And Others; A Web Of Deception? via @AGreenRoad

EPA Covered Up And Hid Fukushima Radiation Plume Hitting USA; via @AGreenRoad

WHO/IAEA Collusion - Negative Health Impact of Fukushima: Warnings and Recommendations by Michel Fernex; via @AGreenRoad

The NRC is a captive agency staffed by nuclear insiders, who are intent on protecting the industry appearance, not improving safety and making changes to protect public health, as the airline or car industry is for example. Recently, the NRC has overseen the dismantling of all emergency shelters, relaxing exposure to radiation laws, and eliminating evacuation rules, among other things. 

NRC - Sleeping Nuclear Regulators Ignore Public And Community Safety Concerns; via @AGreenRoad

Defective nuclear plants and facilities such as WIPP are allowed to keep operating.

Numerous, Severe Geological Problems Identified At WIPP Site; via @AGreenRoad
Safety problems are swept under the rug and root causes of accidents are denied, covered up and nuclear accidents are completely whitewashed to the point where the industry claims no one died, when have been, still are and will be millions more deaths plus hundreds of millions of dis-ease casualties. 

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

NOTHING like the NTSB exists in the nuclear industry. There are no black boxes. There are no transparent radiation monitors that the public can access or see on any nuclear site, or on their vent stacks. 

The nuclear industry careens from one nuclear accident to another, killing millions, maiming tens/hundreds of millions more. Nothing about these accidents is recorded, no safety changes are made and none of them go out of business. No one is put in jail for what are crimes of ecocide and genocide.

Bottom line; 

Every nuclear facility should have a black box and the NTSB should investigate every nuclear accident, just like the airline industry. There should be radiation monitors around every facility and on all vent stacks that are Internet accessible and backed up with batteries in case of power loss, and able to read up to 10,000 SIEVERTS of radiation.

For more local information and how to make a difference around WIPP: 

Southwest Research and Information Center. (505) 262-1862. www.sric.org 

Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping. (505) 266-2663. www.cardnm.org 

Concerned Citizen for Nuclear Safety. (505) 986-1973. www.nuclearactive.org 

Nuclear Watch New Mexico. (505) 989-7342. www.nukewatch.org


WIPP Radioactive Plutonium/Americium Plume Release Covered Up For Six Days, Researchers Denied Access; via @AGreenRoad

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