Radioactive Plutonium Plume Coming Out of New Mexico's WIPP – Geological Nuclear Radioactive Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

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Radioactive Plutonium Plume Coming Out of New Mexico's WIPP – Geological Nuclear Radioactive Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Have you heard about the uncontrolled airborne release of radioactive plutonium and other toxic radioactive elements that originate from a geological nuclear waste storage facility in New Mexico? This nuclear catastrophe started in 2014, and according to SRIC, the radiation plume is coming from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) located near Carlsbad, New Mexico. That 'leak' continues even today, according to at least one source.

To start with, a basic video about WIPP is offered below, to explain how the facility works and give an inside view of the facility.


According to WIPP, the radiation leak was 'identified' by WIPP at 11:30 pm on Friday, February 14, 2014. After the leak was discovered via an automatic radiation alarm system, it triggered a filtration system, so that air coming out of WIPP would be filtered before being released. Radiation was detected outside and 3,000 feet NW of the ventilation shaft.

The radiation 'leak' and whatever caused it was covered up for days... The important and critical piece of this is that unfiltered radiation came out of the facility, and then blew down wind. No one was warned. No one was notified. Everyone who was downwind was exposed, in a radioactivity experiment, with unwilling participants. But this is no surprise, because that is how it works with all nuclear accidents; and this is nothing new or different. In addition, no independent monitors or researchers were allowed on site, which makes it even worse. It would be like a traffic accident or an airline crash, but no NTSB officers or highway patrol cops are allowed to get to the accident site.

WIPP Radioactive Plutonium/Americium Plume Release Covered Up For Six Days, Researchers Denied Access; via @AGreenRoad


How much radioactive plutonium and americium is still coming out? What amount and length of time did a 'puff' of unfiltered radiation get above ground and leave the site before the HEPA filters kicked in? How long will radioactive plume continue? How will this 96,000x above background radiation level affect 'downwinders'? How effective are these HEPA filters? Do they really filter out 99.97% of the radiation, or is that just a computer model? Is there also radioactive gas being released, or just particles of plutonium and americium? One estimate and warnings to downwinders is coming from the following blogger;

"DEADLY WARNING: Initial Plutonium Cloud Size ~110 MILLION Bq, On Going Releases @ ~6,667 Bq PER MINUTE"

Another estimate and figures of radiation being released are provided here;

One blogger calculated the amount of plutonium released, has a link to the 'official' amount of plutonium released, a conversion calculator and the potential death count, from just what has happened so far, and using the official numbers. WIPP released 461 grams of Plutonium, about a pound, aerosolized into the air. Calculations for potential casualties are here also.

New tests show plutonium reached millions of times normal levels at WIPP site — Concern air filters at plant may not have worked — Gov’t accused of lying about radiation leak (VIDEO)

Official ongoing measurements of radiation in air filters at WIPP site, by CEMRC

Via ISeePinkClouds September 12, 2014  "I have been doing radiological surveys East, Northeast, North, Northwest, and West of WIPP over the past month on my days off from my Geological consulting job on a mining project in that area. I just left Carlsbad today. I can say that I found the area from Eunice NM, West, along Highway 176 to the intersection with Highway 180 and into Carlsbad NM heavily contaminated with radioactivity. I worked as a radiation safety officer for a geophysical consulting firm for 12 years. I have been licensed to possess, transport, and use radioactive materials including cesium, americium, and iodine. I am not an expert in the field of Plutonium Contamination, but I know how to use a Gieger or Scintillation Counter. The same levels of contamination I found can be found by anyone with a Alpha,Beta,Gamma detector. There is no need to take my word for it. I drove a lot of back roads, and I got very close to the plant, but the levels of radioactivity, along the highways I mentioned, more than doubled, the government's levels for seeking "safety." I also concluded that the releases are ongoing, due to the fact that at night readings surpassed, by more than double, the readings I took at specific locations during the day time. By government standards, the area I mentioned, should be evacuated. The WIPP, in my personal opinion, should be filled with borated cement, entombed in steel and concrete, and quarantined. This is the truth to the best of my knowledge. peace"


Fukushimatruths; "The DOE desperately wants the word PLUTONIUM left out of the public's ears. DOE would prefer to have the public think the release was AMERICIUM. Hell can't nothin be bad that for somethin' named after America, especially when everybody keeps a little bit of the stuff in the smoke detector in their home. Its the updated version of the lie that inhaling Plutonium is like eating a Banana.

"But don't take our word for it. DOE funds an radioactive monitoring organization which goes by the acronym CEMRC. Now CEMRC is no prize pig, we see obvious deception in their reports too. Things like making the release look smaller by averaging it out over the whole 7 days their measurement device was running, instead of just using the smaller 30 second period in which they claim the radioactive release occurred. Not only do we think that it is purposefully deceptive; we think improperly mixing units of measure speaks lowly of their Engineering Program."


Where did that initial covered up plume of plutonium radiation go? The above graphic shows some details, and the live weather map below shows current winds across the US.,33.24,387

The graphic picture above is a computer model of what the radioactive plume may look like, 3 days after the Feb. 14th leak, assuming just a one time, short 1 hour 'puff' of radiation from WIPP.


Video of Town Hall meeting at Carlsbad, Monday evening, Feb 24th, 2014

From the video above; DOE rep lives locally, says  numerous samples have been taken, soil, air, etc, amounts so low, they have to be sent to the lab to analyze. The recovery plan is being put together, and they brought in people from all over the nation. DOE will put out data, when they do get them, also will have an 800 number and website. DOE 'owns' the facility. (In other words, minor incident, nothing to worry about, little or no radiation released)

From video above; 2nd speaker; Lives locally. On Wed. Feb 5th, we got a fire in underground alarm. We evacuated both shifts, 86 people, and 6 people were treated for smoke inhalation. Shut down ventilation system, and starved the fire until it was out. Approved plan for reentry. Established plan. Sent two teams in and used fire truck to douse truck on same day. Started a ventilation fan in normal mode. Accident investigators walked around whole mine and ensured it was all stable, last entry day for them was on Feb 14th. (why did it take 7 days to shut down site and investigate a simple truck fire? The radiation leak was identified at 11:30 pm on Friday, February 14, 2014.) Doing surveys and samples around the site. Environmental samples taken with small paper air filters, collected several hundred samples, smears for radiation, water, air, ground and plant samples; will take 3 weeks to get results. Numbers are low so it takes awhile to get results. Working hard to make sure employees are protected and involved. Distance between waste and fire is 3,000 feet. We believe it is two separate and distinct events. 

From video above; 3rd speaker. Lives locally. .... talked about testing the paper filters by digesting it with acids, separating it into two parts, and doing gamma radiation 48 hour survey on one, and then doing isotopic analysis on the other sample, then boil it down to a dry state, and do an alpha count on it for extended period. SEMERC does environmental testing for WIPP site, does air samples with round paper filters, before and after the HEPA filters, drinking water and sediment samples, and desert soil samples. Air is our main focus at this point. Should we leave Carlsbad? I am going to WIPP site, standing right below exhaust site where air is coming out, and I send people out to collect air filters every 8 hours. We believe what happened underground, is still underground and is not getting out. We went out on Sunday and pulled an ambient air sample to the SW, and another SE, we pulled both air filters. We took hand held radiation detection units with us. Detector showed 500 counts per minutes on the filter.

Detector has 20% efficiency. So you multiply by five and it gives you 2,500 disintegration's per minute. So now we get it in Bq/sec, so we divide this 2500 by 60 and get 42 Bq/second. This gross count includes uranium, radon, plutonium from atomic weapons test and a lot of other stuff we are all breathing, which makes up the natural background that we have to subtract from what is going on now. What was left after subtracting that is .64 disintegration's per second of americium, which is safe, and nothing to worry about, because the HEPA filters are working. The second sample we tested showed .007 disintegration's per second for a two day period.

The onsite air sample filter is right to the exhaust station B, and it resulted in readings about twice as high as the field air sample filters. It ran from the 11th to the 18th, we pulled it and it registered twice what the field air filters did. Also, there are some scare stories about the free whole body radiation measurement service saying this must be twice as bad as Fukushima, since in Japan, they only offer a 50% discount, but this has been offered since the 90's, and is nothing new. It takes about an hour to get the scan, you lay down in a chamber, we turn the lights off and put music on and after it is done, we give you the results and show you what may be in your body. This service has always been free, and will continue to be free.

Q and A; Is the radiation from room 7? All other rooms are sealed, so odds are that radiation is not coming from any other room, other than #7, which is where we have a live radiation detector, and the radiation levels are dropping there. We have not gone back in due to safety rules, and there are three sets of rules we have to follow, so we are creating a plan to go into the mine following safety protocols.

Why did any radiation come out? Answer; first of all, there is nothing leaking in the underground. We have a nuclear facility. We have a documented safety analysis for any nuclear facility, and we have mitigated actions that are in place. If a container is ruptured, how do we protect the employees and the public, the environment outside? For example, as soon as an alarm goes off, the air goes through a HEPA filter, at 99.7% efficiency, instead of straight out into the air. Because the air from the facility goes through the filter, there is a little bit that still goes through. We do not take liquid waste. Something happened in the underground, but we do not know what it is. People certify the waste where it comes from, and then it comes here. People left the facility at 5 PM and then something happened.

Was there anything in transit to the WIPP facility when the truck fire happened? The answer is no.

What about the radiation test; where is that? Answer; you can come in and count the radiation that is in your lungs as well as your whole body and it will tell you what the activity is. (also gives location, see link below).

How can you get an answer in one hour with the whole body radiation counter, and why does it take 3 weeks for the other testing? Answer; the whole body counter only measures gamma radiation and nothing else, and that can be done quickly, in one hour. The other counters we use measure alpha, beta and gamma and that takes longer to measure and analyze.

Incomplete rough transcript... link below to more transcript of questions and answers


Monday, Feb 24th, 2014  Radioactive contamination now reported in city over 20 miles from leaking U.S. nuclear site #WIPP — 10th largest population in state of New Mexico (MAP)

Via jec September 12, 2014  "Those NIGHT releases are easily seen on the high radiation spikes on NETC, and that only captures a small percentage. Have mentioned and shown the graphs several times on this site. They are systematically VENTING out the air at WIPP just before shift work and over the non-working hours if needed. You can not have sudden spikes of radiation of 300 or more CPM in a steady pattern once a day at dawn and NOT be venting into the atmosphere."

Via ISeePinkClouds September 12, 2014 "Carlsbad is a lovely resort city that I have visited many times over the years. The people there are easily approachable and talkative. It really has a small town atmosphere with the inherent understanding that they rely heavily on tourism. I visited Carlsbad as often as I could, and took the opportunity to inquire about WIPP. Amazingly, very few had ever heard of WIPP, and far fewer knew there knew there had been radioactive releases from the plant. I did my best to get the word out, and to guide people to ENENEWS. I spoke with one person in the health field that told me the young people there were beset with illnesses uncommon to their age group. The radiation levels were too high for me to stay. It is sad, and difficult to bear, but that is the way it is. peace"


There was also a fire at this same facility about a week earlier that released thick black clouds of smoke out of the ventilation shaft. The cause of this fire was claimed to be nothing more than 'a vehicle'. This video was not released by WIPP, but rather by a private, anonymous source. Why hide this picture and videos of the smoke and the fire department putting the fire out if there is nothing to worry about, especially a simple, small, inconsequential truck fire? Isn't that what the news media is there for?

Best video:

Does anyone else think that it is a bit suspicious that just a few days after a 'truck fire' we have a disclosure of a 'small' radiation plume or 'puff' coming out of this same nuclear waste facility? The fact that a radiation release was hidden for SIX days is confirmed.

It could be that these two things (truck fire and radiation release) are actually one and the same thing. At the town meeting, DOE said the truck fire and the radiation release (not a 'leak) according to DOE, are two separate incidents. What do you think, knowing that they covered up the radiation release for at least SIX days?

When did the radiation release actually start? Maybe, just maybe, this was a truck carrying a container of radioactive high level waste, which then broke open, exploded or melted due to the heat of the truck fire..The authorities are saying they don't know the cause and one potential cause is a ceiling collapse onto a pile a nuclear waste barrels. Since it is highly radioactive underground, no one can go down to check things out. They have 'live' cameras down there, so they should know what happened. Why is it that no one ever knows what happened at any nuclear accident, and the truth of it only dribbles out months or years later? Could it be that they are covering this up too, and they KNOW what happened?

Who knows why this happened, because it does not seem that the DOE is in the habit of transparently disclosing negative things, just like the rest of the nuclear industry. Minimizing, delaying bad news, denying everything and saying nothing dangerous is happening are all part of the 'spin' that happens after every nuclear accident. So protect yourself and don't wait for 'official' warnings of radiation dangers or plumes coming over. Like all nuclear accidents, sometimes the truth of what really happened does not come out for 20-40 years. 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%

The authorities did not disclose this radiation for SIX days, according to the article above, but finally did admit the release of plutonium and americium from the facility in unknown (but small) and 'safe' amounts. Other news reports indicate that a monitor 1/2 mile away detected the radioactive plume. According to the community meeting information, all of the air radiation monitors measuring radiation were upwind of the release, so any readings will be artificially low and not reflect the amount of radiation that is being released downwind.


False Advertising And Fraud

WIPP was originally designed, approved and permitted to be just a waste isolation PILOT plant where DOE could store ONLY low level transuranic nuclear waste.. LOW LEVEL nuclear waste was what the original permit allowed, nothing more. This was supposed to be a small 'test' facility, for small amounts of transuranic waste, such as rags, clothing, wipes, etc. Here they can test run safety processes, procedures, techniques, and develop on a small scale what is needed to safely store high level more dangerous and volatile stuff in another facility, built with a permit for that more dangerous stuff and a full scale operation, with the bugs worked out of it. 

The problem is that the DOE stayed with the 'pilot project' in the WIPP name. Meanwhile, the DOE just ramped up operations and increased the lethality and toxicity of what they were stuffing into it, illegally. This facility is no longer a 'pilot' project, but the false advertising, and putting stuff down there illegally and getting permits after the fact makes it all ok, right? 

What is not to love about this false science? this fake advertising? Where killing giving babies leukemia passes for great advances in mankind's ability to engage in collective suicide?

Plume Covered Up For Many Days

WIPP Radioactive Plutonium/Americium Plume Release Covered Up For Six Days, Researchers Denied Access; via @AGreenRoad

Ventilation System Damaged, Possible Explosions

Up to now, the WIPP news accounts have downplayed this disaster. But, slowly, the truth may be coming out. According to a recent news report by the WIPP operations team, the ventilation system has problems. Although it has not been made public, at least one blogger believes it is because the plutonium release is not due to a ceiling collapse, but due to a gas explosion, which ruptured a radioactive waste container, (possibly one of the high level waste containers)?.

Methane, radioactive hydrogen and tritium gas are coming out ALL of these containers, and the first two gases are explosive. If we go with this theory, because the ventilation system was damaged in the first explosion, another larger explosion is also possible and that would knock out all HEPA filters, thus allowing full blown radioactive particles and gases without filtering into the air, and exposing millions of people downwind to plutonium, americium and many more transuranic elements plus radioactive gases. 

Upwind monitors

At the community meeting, the speaker talks about monitors to the SE and SW, but the plume went NE, so these two monitors would not have caught the plume, according to wind maps during this time published above. The onsite monitor may also not have caught it, depending on whether it was upwind or downwind. So the 'low radiation readings' as they talked about at the community meeting may actually be 'real', but not indicative of what was released, due to being upwind. Are there no radiation monitors to the NE of the facility?

Plutonium too heavy

Of course, the PR person for WIPP claimed at first that plutonium is too 'heavy' to go very far, but that is exactly what they said after Fukushima released between 600 to 6000 pounds of plutonium and that plutonium was confirmed to have gone all around the world. 

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; It Was Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium-238 From Fukushima Traveled Around The World - ‘Misleading’ Experts Said It Would Stay Close By, Or Did Not Happen; via @AGreenRoad

So how dangerous is a hot particle of plutonium? Arnie Gunderson provides us a short lesson in the difference between exterior and interior radiation via the following video.

Plutonium is 'natural'

The pro nuclear PR person for WIPP also claimed that plutonium is 'natural' because plutonium has been released via the atomic age from atomic bomb tests and a plutonium satellite crash, just like any pro nuclear PR person will say after any other nuclear accident.

Using the word 'natural' with plutonium makes it sound like plutonium is just ordinary household dust, and that it is harmless. Bottom line, there is no 'natural' plutonium, and this "plutonium is natural" claim is a bald faced lie, designed to deceive people, and to minimize this event. 

Is There 'Natural' Plutonium And Are There 'Natural' Fission Reactions? via @AGreenRoad

Live in San Francisco? You, Your Dog And Your Kids Inhaled Billions Of Radioactive Plutonium Atoms; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium Is The Most Toxic, Radioactive, Man Made Element, With No Natural Biological Role In The Human Body; via @AGreenRoad

Comparing plutonium to bananas

Video above: New Mexico's Nuclear Waste Pilot Site Releasing Massive Amounts of Banana's According to Dr. John Nail, at Oklahoma City University. News channel 4 posted a story called : Could a leak at New Mexico's nuclear waste site reach the Sooner State?  They interview Dr. John Nail, at Oklahoma City University chemist. Surely the Oklahoma City University site must have one nuclear professor there that knows what they are talking about. 

Why did Ed Doney from KFOR news-channel 4 seek out a chemistry professor named Dr. John Nail, at Oklahoma City University, and why did Dr. Nail demonize and hammer on bananas with a fabricated statement that most people will get more radiation exposure from eating bananas than they ever will from this New Mexico nuclear dump site leak and plume of man made plutonium radiation?

If KFOR news-channel 4 Ed ass Doney bothered to fact check he would know that bananas are not a byproduct of nuclear enrichment. Bananas are not a man made radioactive element —so bananas are a really stupid way to explain radiation exposure, radiation leaks and even nuclear plant melt downs, but that is what they try to do, every time. 

If you eat a banana with 12 bq a second decay of potassium 40 in it you off gas or get rid of the exact same amount of potassium 40. Potassium in a banana does not build up in the body, cause cancer or heart attacks as man made radioactive elements like cesium, plutonium, tritium, uranium, and strontium do. If you eat 40,000 Bq of potassium in a banana, nothing happens to you. But if  you eat or breathe 40,000 Bq of cesium, plutonium, strontium, you will get sick and die. Trying to compare internal radiation exposure from hot particles of plutonium to eating bananas is like trying to compare the moon with cheese you eat. They have almost NOTHING to do with each other. 

Meanwhile, the fire is claimed to be from a salt truck, and the radioactive leak that happened several days later, is claimed by them to be completely separate from the truck fire. The only problem is that two different news agencies confirmed that the DOE covered up the radiation release for at least six days and maybe even more. After all, if you can cover up something and lie about it for six days, why not make up a truck fire story to cover up what REALLY happened? What are they covering up in those many days, or more?


Sept 11, 2014 Plutonium found in city nearly 30 miles from US nuclear site — Newspaper: Explosion ‘melted through’ container causing radioactive release — More Pu-241 went airborne than all other types of plutonium combined, yet not included in test results

“Plutonium… about half a mile from the facility”? Recently published air monitoring data from the state of New Mexico indicates that soon after the WIPP radioactive release 3 types of plutonium were found nearly 30 miles away in Carlsbad, the state’s 10th largest city. The levels were similar to those found within the nuclear site’s boundary:
WIPP NW Border, 2/21-2/28: Plutonium-238 = 0.015 pCi/sample (Lab minimum detectable activity [MDA] = 0.0082)
WIPP site, 2/21-2/28: Plutonium-239/240 = 0.0092 pCi/sample (MDA = 0.0062)
WIPP site, 2/28-3/11: Plutonium-238 = 0.027 pCi/sample (MDA = 0.024)
Carlsbad, 25+ mi. away, 2/28-3/11: Plutonium-238 = 0.016 pCi/sample (MDA = 0.0074)
Carlsbad, 25+ mi. away, 2/28-3/11: Plutonium-239/240 = 0.022 pCi/sample (MDA = 0.0074)

More Plutonium-241 was released from WIPP than all other plutonium isotopes combined, yet officials have not included it in any publicly available test results:
Plutonium-241 = 15,900 dpm
Plutonium-239/240 = 11,600 dpm
Plutonium-238 = 514 dpm


So why did this radiation 'accident' happen, when this facility is not supposed to have anything more than low level radioactive waste in it, consisting of rags, wipes and solid radiation contaminated nuclear garbage? DOE said in the community meeting that there is nothing in the facility other than 'low level' solid waste, and that six of the seven 'rooms' were sealed, so the odds are that the radiation came from 'room' #7, which was actively being filled with nuclear and other toxic waste garbage.

The link below leads to a map showing where all of the nuclear waste came from; it is a list of the worst of the worst radioactive facilities across the US. Their incentive is to get rid of not only their low level stuff, but also the worst of the worst of what they have, because it is their biggest, and most expensive, and most dangerous headache.

No one asked these officials what the highest levels per kilogram or liter radiation levels are in this waste, which is contained in the site.. A good question to ask them is; "Is any of the nuclear waste in WIPP class 7 waste? And is any of it LIQUID or sludge Class 7 waste?

A previous manager of the radiation tracking organization is quoted as saying that the site contains waste that is more radioactive than what is left in the underground tanks at Hanford, which are screaming hot; more than 7 Ci/liter (Billions of bequerels per liter.) Low level waste indeed!

"The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) ships highly radioactive materials between former production sites, research reactors, power reactors, storage and other facilities throughout the United States. Two types of highly radioactive materials are spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste that resulted from reprocessing spent fuel. Transportation of these radioactive materials includes both highway and rail modes. For highway shipments, these materials are subject to specific regulations on routing. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has addressed highway routing requirements in their regulations on the transportation of Class 7 (radioactive) materials. The regulations contain specific requirements for Class 7 material for which placarding is required, and for a “Highway Route Controlled Quantity” of Class 7 material, as defined in 49 CFR 173.403 (1). Regulations on routing, like those for highway shipments of Class 7 material, do not exist for rail transport. 

II. Current Rail Routing System A. Regulatory Structure DOT/Federal Railroad Administration 

Rail routing of large quantity radioactive materials such as spent nuclear fuel is treated differently from highway routing from a regulatory standpoint. Regulations like those for highway shipments do not exist for rail transport; instead, a shipper and rail carrier normally jointly plan the route considering factors important to service and operational requirements. Physical protection requirements for safeguards and security, specific to routing shipments of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, are covered under DOT 49 CFR 173.22 (c)(2)"

Now we know for sure that high level wastes are being transported across the country both by rail and truck to get to WIPP, and to be hidden away inside the mine, out of sight, out of mind. But what happens if there is an accident on the way? Well, that is ok, and radiation releases are expected. But no worries, they will be handled just like this accident and all others are too, by being covered up, minimized and/or denied.


One low level nuclear waste container that went into WIPP in 2008 is detailed above by the EPA. As you can see, it contains cesium, americium, neptunium, plutonium, strontium, uranium and beryllium, (transuranic waste products). Transuranic is defined as anything in the periodic table higher than uranium. But in addition to these things, other toxic chemicals including small amounts liquids were also allowed in, despite them having high VOC levels, including combustible elements that offgas explosive and flammable gases such as hydrogen, methane, toulene and many more.

They 'certify' that no liquids are present on another page. But the question that comes up is; why are they only talking about plutonium, when these containers seem to contain MANY radioactive and chemical items that offgas, all mixed together? This seems to be another form of minimization, which also happens after every nuclear accident. 

In other words, the PR people always focus on only ONE or two of hundreds of things coming out of a nuclear accident/disaster. Then they minimize those as much as possible, while denying or avoiding talking about all of the other stuff coming out. The first tactic of course, is to just deny anything is happening, which is exactly what happened at this nuclear disaster. And as proven in the article links above, even after a nuclear disaster happened, the worst radioactive element is not even tested for, so only the most minor releases, and least harmful ones are reported.

The doses of all of the nuclear waste particle products and gases have to be added together, as nothing happens in isolation. It is not fair to just talk about dose rates for just one thing, because MANY things are coming out of a nuclear disaster all together, usually combined with radioactive gases too, not just solid particles. All of these waste containers emit tritium gas for one thing, but they may also emit other gases, such as methane, and VOC's coming off of liquid chemicals, depending on what is in those contains and what the decay or VOC products are of whatever is inside of them. After all, every radioactive or chemical element decays or changes, and some of them go through a gas phase.

"A few of the radioactive isotopes in the mix of spent fuel are gaseous and need to be carefully contained so that they do not escape to the environment and cause radiation damage to living things. Other types of nuclear waste exist, such as low level waste from other applications.."


The dark and hidden side to this story seems to be that the DOE wanted to put high level radioactive wastes into WIPP, despite the fact that the facility was not permitted, designed or legally allowed to do this.. The link below leads to a story about where this process seems to have started, and it seems according to the following sources, that high level radioactive waste then did go into WIPP either before and/or after the following news story.

But who is going to check this potential horror story out, because the rooms with the  potential evidence are all sealed up, and the high level waste containers are now sealed up in the walls and plugged with concrete? Is this a case of; out of sight, out of mind? Who is certifying the waste that goes in here, and where are those records? Who checks what is in those containers? More information about the certification and approvals process here...

In the video at the top of this article, it shows some 'special' containers being put into the walls, and then being sealed up with a plug of concrete. These containers ALL have high level waste in them, with radiation that exceeds what is left in the bottom of the Hanford tank sludge material (VERY high radiation levels), containing more than 7Ci/Liter.

Forbes reported that; "The drums they handle—filled with scraps of machinery, rags, sludge and clothing contaminated with plutonium— have been packed at the Energy Department’s labs in Idaho and South Carolina. You can stand next to most drums without concern. Others are so hot they can only be handled by heavily shielded machines"....This article also claims that "all the air that circulates out of the WIPP buildings passes through HEPA filters."

So are these high level nuclear waste containers really all just solids, or did they 'accidentally' include some high level liquid waste and semi liquid sludges as hinted at in the Forbes article above? The comment by a former WIPP official above seems to indicate WIPP contains LIQUIDS and/or sludge, not just solids. Why did he say more than 7Ci/Liter, instead of more than 7Ci/Kilogram? Is liquidy sludge measured by the kilogram, or by the liter?

But even if just high level solid wastes went into WIPP, who allowed it, who signed off on it, and why did it go in there, when the original environmental and permit process specifically did NOT ALLOW ANY OF IT?


via stock February 27, 2014 "I caught the former director bragging about the super high level waste they are storing in there. "7 Ci/liter" A Ci is Curie, it is a HUGE amount. Using the Wolfram Calculator 7 Ci equals 2.59 E11 Bq. Science lesson, the E11 means you simply move the decimal place over by 11 digits, adding zeros as needed. Now keep in mind, this is in liters;

7 Ci/liter = 239,000,000,000 Bq/liter  (BILLIONS/bq/liter)

They have stated that up to 4% of the WIPP is such high level wastes."

Is this what these government officials are calling 'low level' waste? Basically, it sounds like anything with radiation and/or chemicals in it is now 'low level', even something with BILLIONS of bequerels of radiation per liter or kilogram.

If only 4% of the 400,000 55 gallon drums theoretically possibly at WIPP consist of high level nuclear waste, that means it does or will contain 16,000 drums of this high level radiation stuff. How many bequerels of radiation is that in total?;

Bottom line, it is way too many too count.. it is mind boggling amounts of radiation and the potential of something bad happening to this while it is underground are also mind boggling.


The facility manager said that the whole place was so safe, he could walk around out there with no protection. So why is it, that 13 employees were found to have been exposed to radiation? Where did they get that radiation contamination? Remember the official account is that the radiation release happened with NO ONE on site, late at night, 11 PM, when everyone was gone. "NWP spokesman Donavan Mager said that "there is no way the radiation could be spread" because workers were only exposed to an internal dose of radiation." How did they get an internal dose of radiation that can only be breathed in, if no one was around when this happened?

This story also does not make sense, they way they present it. It does make sense of airborne radiation particle and/or gas plumes came out of the mine and exposed workers who were above ground at the time. It also makes sense if employees are exposed to radioactive gases coming out of the containers 24 hours a day. Since only a small number of employees have been tested so far, no one knows how extensive this radiation contamination is or what percentage of workers have internal radiation exposure.


And why is it that plutonium was detected upwind on two detectors 1/2 mile away from the WIPP facility? As Kevin Blanche says, this has never happened before in the US. What was the downwind reading of radiation in the first five days when everything was covered up?
Below is a 1 hour documentary is also included below for those who want to really dive into the history of the only working geological storage facility of high level nuclear liquid waste products and high level mixed products, despite it being permitted only for low level waste, such as rags, clothing and wipes.


Plutonium release at U.S. nuclear facility: “We don’t know what happened… don’t know whether it could happen again” — “Big problem is…how much is continuing to be released?” — Officials“know very little about extent of problem or how to solve it”
KUNM (NPR affiliate), Feb. 20, 2014: Highest Ever Radiation Levels Detected In Air Above Nuclear Waste Facility [...] Russell Hardy, director of the Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center, said Wednesday a monitor near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in southeastern New Mexico has detected trace amounts of the radioactive isotopes americium and plutonium. He says the levels are the highest ever detected at or around the site [...]

Albuquerque Journal, Feb. 20, 2014: [...] “It’s still below what EPA considers actionable levels, but it’s important to know that some material did get out of the facility,” Hardy said. [...] Plutonium and americium are cancer-causing when inhaled or consumed, Hardy said. [...] WIPP said Wednesday that it is developing a plan to safely re-enter the underground facility. Radiological professionals from other Energy Department locations and national laboratories are also assisting in the recovery, WIPP said. [...] Hardy said CEMRC is in the process of testing 10 additional filters from an exhaust shaft at WIPP.

RT, Feb. 20, 2014: Spokeswoman Deb Gill said [...] officials know very little about the extent of the problem or how to solve it.

New Mexico's WIPP – Waste Isolation Pilot Plant – The WIPP Trail (Documentary)

Plutonium detected half-mile outside New Mexico nuclear waste facility
February 20, 2014 
Four days after a radiation alert shut the nation’s only underground nuclear waste facility, an independent monitoring center said Wednesday it found radioactive isotopes in an air sensor about a half mile from the southeastern New Mexico plant.

US Gov’t: EPA specifically allows radioactive waste to be dumped in salt caverns — Exempted from hazardous waste requirements

How is it that the EPA is working with the DOE on this illegal high level nuclear waste project? The EPA is supposed to be protecting the environment, but now it seems to be involved in an illegal high level nuclear waste facility. The DOE is the 'owner' of this site, so it is now responsible for the release of airborne plutonium and americium, one of the most deadly substances on Earth.

Bottom line, taxpayers are footing the bill for the garbage produced by the for profit, private military/nuclear industrial complex. According to the above source(s), high level radioactive liquid waste  is now being disposed of illegally despite WIPP originally being permitted for only non liquid, low level nuclear waste. If this is going on here, how many other places like WIPP are having the same thing happen?

As recently as 2011, "the Department of Energy (DOE) said it would abide by those restrictions (low level waste only allowed). “Legislation and legally binding documents specifically prohibit … other waste forms from being disposed of at WIPP,” the statement said."

Numerous, Severe Geological Problems Identified At WIPP Site, DOE Went Ahead Anyway With Illegal High Level Waste; via @AGreenRoad

Besides, what other industry besides the military nuclear industry has it's garbage and hazardous waste bill paid for by taxpayers and disposed of for free by the DOE and EPA? See the evidence for the above in the following video....


Legally, technically, and in terms of just plain old design, WIPP could not and still cannot handle high level nuclear waste, but somehow, it ended up there anyway. Legally it was AGAINST THE LAW. WIPP WAS NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO TAKE HIGH LEVEL WASTE, but somehow solid and potentially also liquid high level waste ended up there anyway, as detailed previously So what amount of low and high level high level nuclear waste went in there, and where did it come from?

Defense #Nuclear Waste Gone from Hurricane Sandy's Path - Forbes - "In fact, more nuclear waste has gone into WIPP than was ever destined for that other famous nuclear repository, Yucca Mountain. The equivalent of about 400,000 55-gallon drums." 

Here is what the low level waste containers look like that are going into WIPP and how many shipments have gone there; 

EnergySolutions ‏@EnergySolutions 17 Jul 2012 DOE's Savannah River site in South Carolina made 1360 shipments of radioactive waste to New Mexico's #WIPP for disposal

2 - 7 truckloads per week of #Hanford's waste bound for #WIPP in New Mexico, starting this month

According to Nukeprofessional, WIPP has high level nuclear waste stored away in it, that is much hotter than anything left in the tanks at Hanford; greater than 7Ci/Liter

AGRP wonders what kind of positive, community health protecting action will the DOE take in response to this invisible, airborne plutonium plume coming from what could very likely be caused by illegal high level nuclear wastes containers that have broken open, burned through or got squashed? If their previous history is any indication, the prospects do not look good.

What will happen as these screaming hot containers of waste break down and intermingle with the water, the salt and natural geological processes? It seems like they have not thought these things through.

Plutonium - Several Compounds Of This Toxic, Radioactive Heavy Metal Are Pyrophoric And Burn When Exposed To Air; via @AGreenRoad

AGRP's prediction is that based on the above scientists geological studies and warnings, water is going to enter this facility eventually, no matter what. It is just a question of when, not if. Water combined with salt will degrade and dissolve the containers, leaving open high level nuclear waste and chemical toxins exposed to water, which then goes where it goes; above ground into the river, into the water table, into the air above ground, etc. It is not a question of if, just a question of when. This process has already happened, starting on Feb 14th 2014. The 'leaks' and uncontrolled exiting of radioactive particles, gases and chemicals will continue on from here, just in larger amounts, and in potentially catastrophic ways, such as criticalities, explosions and fires, over the longer term. 


According to NuclearActive; "Brother, Can you Spare $32 Billion? least another $29 billion will be spent to fill WIPP. Oddly, the DOE can't find the $420 million needed for cleanup of TA-21 at Los Alamos - just one of an estimated 1,800 sites needing attention..

Does WIPP effect your community? Consult the Route Map.

US Nuclear Weapons policy encourages other nations to continue testing.

The supposed justification for implementing the WIPP program is that the facility is already built.

Why? To secure a nuclear weapons program into the next century.

Choices must be made. Pork-barrel economics, corporate profits, or the lust for new gadgets should not guide these choices. In proceeding with WIPP, DOE is choosing to support increased nuclear weapons production, while ignoring the human and environmental costs.

Our National Security is Threatening our National Security

In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. Politicians announced that the Cold War was over, we were led to expect a "peace dividend." But between 1989 and 1998 the DOE continued to increase nuclear weapons spending significantly. DOE's new "Stockpile Stewardship Program," ostensibly to maintain our aging arsenal, will in fact focus on new design and production weapons technologies - at a cost greater than the original Manhattan Project.

Other nations recognize the true meaning hidden within this misnomer. Several countries have asked for US participation in an effort to find some process that could lead toward elimination of nuclear weapons. In response to our refusal, these nations continue aggressive testing and nuclear weapons development programs.

U.S. nuclear weapons policy that authorizes increasing funds for nuclear weapons production trades new nuclear weapons for school, health care, and environmental cleanup funding. The result is that individual efforts to lead responsible, caring lives are being undercut both at home and abroad by a misguided national nuclear weapons policy."

Of course, none of these costs that come out of the DOE budget are included in the cost of power at any nuclear power plant. This is just one tiny piece of the hidden cost of nuclear power that is NOT shared by renewable energy sources. 


Savannah River and Hanford are two of the most radiation contaminated areas on the planet, and there is a huge amount of money going into both of these sites, but very little being done to actually clean up the sites and protect the public. DOE claims that this WIPP facility has NO liquid high level waste in it, just low level solids.. Well, we already know that is a lie, so maybe they also lied about putting liquid high level wastes in there as well. After all, if you start with one lie, it leads to ten, which then leads to 100, and after awhile, who cares about the truth anyway? Just do whatever you want..

So where do these reports come from that say high level liquid waste went into the facility? Who is going to double check all six sealed rooms? Even low level rad waste emits radioactive gases as the organic material and radioactive elements break down. Where is this gas going, if the whole place will be solid salt within a period of years, due to the 'creep effect'? When this radioactive gas pressure builds up, and the high level waste containers dissolve or rust away in an extremely corrosive, hot salt environment that will act like a pressure cooker, where does all of this high level radiation go? Odds are, it will go up, because that is where gas likes to go. But water may turn to steam, or the water may go down and contaminate the Pecos river.

There is little or no financial incentive to warn citizens, as proven by their denial of any radioactive leak for six days. There was no effort made to protect anyone from dangerous radiation levels when this disaster happened. There is much more incentive to slow it all down and make little or no progress, hide the radiation and cover everything up. Why? The pro nuclear industry has the public over a barrel and is holding everyone hostage financially speaking and they have all of the instruments to measure this radiation; no one else does.. After all, if these nuclear industry 'experts' do not agree to get paid through no bid contracts with BILLIONS in taxpayer money to clean up their own garbage, who will do it?

The cost of cleaning up these sites and storing the waste is NOT included in the calculations of what nuclear power costs and risks, along with many other hidden costs and risks on top of these. None of these costly risks or the bill for spills, or the costs of storage are disclosed or made public. But nuclear power plants are bottom line built to produce what is needed for nuclear bombs and other items, such as depleted uranium, for the nuclear military industry. For more problems and issues surrounding the nuclear industry, click on one or more of the following links....

Long Term Storage Of Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Waste Problems/Issues

Nuclear Power; EXPENSIVE, Dirty, Dangerous And Toxic; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Plants Are Six Times More Expensive To Operate Than ANY Other Type Of Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth; 'Carrington Effect'; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming; via @AGreenRoad

What are the DOE and EPA going to do to monitor and 'clean' up the WIPP site? Hopefully they will do more than what they did with this 'tiny' radiation leak, found at Hanford.....

Evidence The Federal Govt Refused To Take Action On Radiation Leak At Nuclear Waste Storage Facility


Bottom line, there is no answer for nuclear waste long term. No one is willing to pay to store the nuclear industry garbage for 800 million years. Plutonium 244 has a half-life of 80 million years, while Pu241 has a half-life of 14 years.

A plutonium half life of 80 million years means that this WIPP nuclear garbage site would have to maintain integrity and keep all contents secure for 800 million years, because that is how long it would take for plutonium 244 to decay fully, (assuming that plutonium 244 is what went in there). Of course, this facility was theoretically designed to only last for 10,000 years, so maybe you can even predict what happens after that... Humans cannot even remember what happened 2,000 years ago. What chance does WIPP have of doing anything positive that lasts longer than 50 years?

Dr. Busby lays out why this or any other geological waste dump will not work, ever, in the linked article below, even if everything works perfectly, which we already see it is not. 

Long Term Nuclear Waste Storage Fatal Flaw By Dr. Busby; via A Green Road

Dry Cask Long Term High Level Nuclear Waste Storage Problems And Issues; via @AGreenRoad

The Fallacy Of High Level Nuclear Waste Geological Storage; via @AGreenRoad

Into Eternity; A Movie About Nuclear Waste Permanent Repository Issues; via @AGreenRoad

As we have seen with this incident, putting low and high level nuclear waste underground is not the answer. Let's assume for a second that nothing but low level waste is down in WIPP, and this plutonium release happened around that. Now we know that high level waste is stored at WIPP also. What happens with high level waste if this is how something went wrong?

When something bad happens underground, no matter what caused it, there is no way to get in there to 'fix' it. Whether it happens within weeks, months or years of putting the waste down there, or a radiation disaster happens after 10,000 years, does it really matter? All of the people and companies responsible will be dead, gone, moved, changed their names or have the records conveniently 'lost'. Once the source and the toxic, radioactive garbage link is severed, it is almost impossible to trace it back.

Whether the problems (short or long term) end up being gas emissions, fire, explosion, liquids, or contamination of river drinking water, makes little difference. The end result of any problem at WIPP is almost unsolvable, and creates even larger problems than are present now at the contaminated Hanford and Savannah River sites.

Having nuclear waste materials stored above ground in spent fuel pools or casks is a terrorist risk but at least you know what it is, who made it and what company is responsible. Storing this same toxic, radioactive garbage below ground in salt caverns or mines like WIPP is even worse, because the nuclear waste material can leak liquids or gases, explode, catch on fire, or be 'squashed', but there is no way to hold anyone responsible, because no one will do down there to figure out which companies waste product started the nuclear chain reaction that led to the disaster, so no one can be held accountable.


You now know that the whole site is designed to be 'squashed' by the salt eventually, through a process called 'salt creep'. See the initial video at top of this article, where they show this happening. It is not if a ceiling collapse happens, it is just a matter of WHEN ceilings and walls collapse or 'creep' on top of and around the liquid low and high level waste containers. Obviously they are not designed to handle walls and ceilings collapse on top of them, since one or more of them is leaking already. Think about what this means.. 400,000 radioactive containers emitting radioactive gases, solids and possibly liquids as they get squashed, near a water supply, on top of a brine lake, with underground water, and no access when things go wrong.. Hmmmmm... who dreamed this nightmare up as a good idea? DOE?

"The wastes, contained in steel containers, are placed into the salt formation and surrounded with a backfill material. The salt formation's natural properties take care of the long-term isolation of the waste: geological salt environments have a very low rate of groundwater flow, making them suitable for containing the long-lived radionuclides. The salt itself is plastic, meaning that the excavations are gradually self-sealing: at WIPP, a panel naturally begins to close at a rate of about 7.5-15 cm per year. This feature means that the waste effectively becomes permanently encapsulated in the salt formation and isolated from the biosphere."

Very few people understand or realize that these salt storage facilities are designed to 'close in' on the wastes and completely 'entomb' all of the waste with solid salt. It seems that these containers and the contents are not made to resist this 'squashing' effect, especially if it happens suddenly, as in the ceiling caving in on them. These containers will be squashed as walls and ceilings collapse onto them. If we are seeing right now what happens as salt walls and ceilings squash these 'low level' waste containers, this is very worrying. If this involved just one container, what happens when 400,000 of them get squashed and release radiation, from 2,000 feet underground?

The result of the salt walls and ceilings squashing containers can be predicted to escalate and involve the whole complex eventually, resulting in a potentially massive release of ungodly amounts of whatever is in there; low AND high level nuclear waste.

With high level waste,  is it possible to get a criticality explosion or releases that cannot be shut off, much like the corium releases from Fukushima? Liquid wastes can be forced up into groundwater, or even up to the ground. After all, we have evidence of that happening already when they drilled into a brine lake below this facility and it squirted up to the surface and created a lake. What happens to the heat, and the gas and whatever else is released from these 400,000 55-gallon drums and/or other containers, if there is no way 'out'? Isn't this a potential recipe for an explosion or some other catastrophe? It sounds like they did not think this through very well.

Having highly toxic, very radioactive things underground creates a situation where no one can check on what is going on, unlike exploding, leaking or melting down nuclear reactors, which are at least above ground. In a collapsing salt mine, no one can even get to the material, because the high radiation levels from squashed and leaking containers prevents humans from even getting close, just like at Fukushima. The net effect when things go wrong is that one gets a permanent 'leak' of highly radioactive stuff going into the environment, through groundwater, and/or air, and/or water routes, just like at Fukushima.


DOE is Funding FREE Whole Body NUKE Scans For People Living Within 100 Miles of the Airborne Plutonium Disaster
"CEMRC provides a free lung and whole body counting service to adult citizens living within a 100-mile radius of the WIPP facility. Concerned citizens can be measured to see what radiation may exist in their lungs and whole body. This service is available by scheduling an appointment with the CEMRC Internal Dosimetry Lab at 575-234-5530"

Actually, this kind of testing whole body internal radiation scan should be available at no cost to everyone on the planet, due to the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster, which is still ongoing and getting worse.

The problem with these whole body internal radiation scans is that they look for gamma radiation, but the plutonium and americium emits almost 100% alpha radiation, which does not show up on these whole body radiation scans. A piece of paper will block alpha radiation, so if plutonium is inhaled, the alpha radiation emitted from that plutonium inside the lungs will not show up on a scanner outside of the body. 

AGRP predicts that nuclear storage facilities starting with WIPP will end up being just like Fukushima in the long term, because of lax oversight, poor planning, no testing for 'squash resistance' of containers, the hazard of high level radioactive liquids and gases leaking from containers and dozens of other risks not addressed by the 'planners' of these facilities. What are the 'experts' going to do if and when dozens of these underground storage facilities start leaking high level radioactive elements like plutonium, and the leaks cannot be shut off, just like at Fukushima? This WIPP radiation release is bad, but imagine dozens of these all over the nation involving 400,000 55-gallon drums of high level nuclear waste instead of low level waste and the odds of something bad happening with those.


The question is, how long does it take to turn on the HEPA filters after a radiation alarm goes off? How sensitive is the alarm and what is it set at? Does someone manually have to turn the filtering system on or is it automatic?

How long did unfiltered, radiation contaminated air pour out of the facility? What was the cause of this radiation plume? Was it an explosion, a ceiling collapse, a leak or something else? This disaster happened sometime in early February 2014, and still no one has gone down to check on the cause. The longer this goes, the worse it is. If it was just a minor thing, someone would have gone down there within a day or two.

Thank God that the WIPP facility has HEPA filters in place, on the vents coming to the surface. These filters take out a large percentage of the particulates (but not any gases). The question is; what happens when the filters clog or get full? Do they REALLY take out 99% or more of the particles? Who is going up to that vent and change out the HEPA filter? Will the public get to see the radiation levels contained on the HEPA filters?

At a nuclear power plant, if there is a vent filter, these get clogged, full or overwhelmed very quickly in case of an accident and then no longer function as designed. What if any gases are coming out, and is anyone checking for those? It is one thing to check for particles, but quite another to check for radioactive gases. ALL radioactive waste facilities emit radioactive gases, but no mention of these have been made at all. 

Anyone can see that the smoke pouring out of three vents at the facility due to the 'truck fire' was not 'filtered'. The pictures of the smoke pouring out were also not disclosed to the media by WIPP, but rather by an anonymous source. If they can cover up an innocent and harmless truck fire, what are they going to do when something serious happens? Oh, yea, they covered that up too, for five days (or more).

After a certain point, the people in charge may also decide to turn off the filters and just vent out radiation and lots of air as a tactic to try and save the facility and clear out the radiation. After all, who is sitting around monitoring this? No one can see the radiation monitors that they are looking at and there is no check and balance for this temptation, such as Internet based live radiation monitors around the site. This same temptation exists at all nuclear facilities.

To just dump invisible radiation and ignore or deny what happened is a huge temptation, because the radioactive gases and particles are all invisible.  No one would ever know, except for the one or two people actually involved in throwing a switch, when the wind is right, to avoid the paper air filters that would all be upwind. Do you trust the DOE to do the right thing, when TRILLIONS of dollars and Billions in profits or savings are at stake in the nuclear industry? People are killed for a million dollars. What would they do for Billions or Trillions of dollars?

Just because there are HEPA filters there, that is no reason to assume they are all working 100% of the time, turned on, or still functional. And knowing the nuclear industry, the public will be the last to know that the filters are not working, clogged or turned off, especially if this situation gets worse.

If there is a massive explosion and/or radioactive fire underground, which is highly likely viewing what has gone into the facility so far, the HEPA filters will be destroyed, bypassed or made useless. The whole vent system may also be destroyed. Some people think that the vent system may already have been damaged by either the truck fire, or by the subsequent radiation release and/or explosive event that happened.

Bottom line, the filters in place are no guarantee at all. They are a stopgap measure if everything goes as planned, which it never does. There is no way to 'plan' for all of the ways technology can fail. We know this from the airline industry. Planes crash due to technology failures. All it takes is one small but critical piece of technology failing at this facility and it can quickly turn into a major mega nuclear disaster with no end in sight, just like Fukushima and it's three melted coriums burning away underground, totally out of control.

Do we have any examples of this worst possible outcome? Yes, in the coal industry coal seams have caught on fire, and these fires cannot be put out. They burn until there is nothing left to burn. But a coal fire is one thing. An out of control radioactive 'fire' going on underground with no way to shut it off, no way to get to it and major emissions coming out of the ground is quite another thing entirely.


Before the radiation alarms switched on the filters, a 'puff' of unfiltered radioactive air went out of the site and downwind. There do not seem to be any measurements of what happened to the NE of the site, as all air monitors were upwind. 

Who is going to measure the radiation in towns downwind, other than DOE, which 'owns' this site? Plutonium and Americium both emit alpha radiation, which many cheaper models of Geiger Counters will not pick up. And alpha radiation is especially hazardous when breathed in compared to gamma or beta radiation, even though externally this type of radiation is blocked by the skin.

The above graph is where the main radioactive plutonium plume from this 'accident' is going; from 

Any potential plutonium radiation casualties will be downwind of WIPP, not spread all over the nation. Of course, no one will die immediately, as plutonium is inhaled and then incubates for years before manifesting health issues, but in children or a fetus, this damage may show up much more quickly, due to them being much more sensitive. Of course, the nuclear PR machine has said that no one was harmed, no one will die and that the plutonium that was released is just like ordinary house dust.


Just make sure that if you do get tested via a radiation scan that is looking for alpha radiation plutonium, and that you get a printed out copy of the results, because what has commonly resulted from 'government' free testing is that they tell you verbally everything is ok, and no one ever gets anything in writing. This may be an exception to the historical 'rule', and that is a good thing.

Another issue is that the whole body scanner measures only gamma radiation, but plutonium and americium emits alpha radiation, so the whole body scanner might not even pick up plutonium contamination. Urine or other tests may be needed to pick up plutonium contamination, and your medical doctor can advise you further. A whole body radiation scan is helpful, but it is just one test, and other tests are needed to measure alpha radiation. Hopefully the doc you see has training and experience with this.

What can people do to protect themselves? If you are downwind, and you see the wind is coming from the facility straight over you, stay inside as much as possible. Turn on a HEPA air filter with a negative ion generator and keep it turned on and working. Stay out of any rain that may be downwind of the facility while this situation is still happening.

Increase foods that contain iron, because plutonium mimics iron, and 'dosing' up with higher amounts of iron may help protect the body from absorbing plutonium. 

More radiation protection strategies and lifestyle choices plus alternatives to nuclear power are available at link below...

Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Environment And Renewable Energy

Turn on your pancake style radiation detector and keep the audible alarm set at 100 CPM. Only a sensitive pancake style detector probably will do any good for alpha radiation plutonium. Only a very sensitive pancake style radiation detector has any chance of picking up alpha radiation and then only at close range. More details about how to measure alpha radiation are at this link;

With any radiation detector, always take it with you if you go out, so you will (hopefully) be warned if a 'hot' plume comes over your location. But remember that most cheaper tube type radiation detectors cannot detect alpha radiation, just beta and/or gamma radiation. If a radiation alarm does go off, trust the detector and drive out of the plume or get inside. Remember, all radiation is invisible, odorless and tasteless, so your senses will not warn you. There are exceptions to this 'rule', but don't count on it. In all of the following civilian radiation accidents accessible via the link, no one saw, heard, smelled, or felt anything, but many people died or were harmed anyway.


Lots of links to groups, scientists, oversight organizations, etc.

Quotes From Famous People About Nuclear Energy And Low Dose Radiation Dangers; via @AGreenRoad


Links to local newspapers, where you can comment and expose the lies. Share some of the links above, or the link to this article. Everyone is important. Every action matters. Do what you can to expose this nuclear disaster, and the disaster that makes up the whole nuclear industry.

For Media Inquiries;

Deb Gill
U.S. Department of Energy
Carlsbad Field Office
P.O. Box 3090
Carlsbad, NM 88221-2078
Phone: (575) 234-7270


And to close out this material, we leave you dear reader with a poem by a famous poet, called Or-well.

Poem by or-well
February 25, 2014

Puff -
the Magic Dragon
escapes in the air
to poison land
and all our food
and water everywhere.
Puff – the Magic Dragon
will live on and on
and sooner if not later
will get in
your children's lungs.
But Puff the Magic Dragon
has those who sing his song,
who tell us all
he's in control
and can do us no harm.

February 25, 2014 

It doesn't matter
how much is released -
you WILL be told
it's perfectly safe
or well within
acceptable risk
as determined by pros
who's job this is
unless, of course,
shit the fan hits
and then they'll say
shelter in place
for a few days
and then they'll replace
that with a haze
of media faces
saying OK
come on out and
go back to work
there's taxes to pay
and if you get sick
it's not radiation
it's something you ate
or probably stress
and there's drugs for that
and here's a viral vid of a cat!


Radioactive Plutonium Plume Coming Out of New Mexico's WIPP – Geological Nuclear Radioactive Waste Isolation Pilot Plant; via @AGreenRoad 

More articles like this;

WIPP Ventilation System 'Unstable', Possibly Due To Underground Explosion, Another Explosion Possible AT ANY TIME via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium - Several Compounds Of This Toxic, Radioactive Heavy Metal Are Pyrophoric And Burn When Exposed To Air; via @AGreenRoad

Numerous, Severe Geological Problems Identified At WIPP Site, DOE Went Ahead Anyway With Illegal High Level Waste; via @AGreenRoad

Long Term Storage Of Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Waste Problems/Issues


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