MOX Plutonium Fuel Burning, Reprocessing Nuclear Waste Fantasies, Reality And Dangers

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MOX Plutonium Fuel Burning, Reprocessing Nuclear Waste Fantasies, Reality And Dangers

What is MOX Fuel? 

According to Greenpeace; "Nuclear reactors normally burn enriched uranium fuel, with no plutonium in it to start with at least. When MOX is used, around 30% of the enriched uranium is replaced by the MOX fuel, which is high in plutonium. 

The reason for the manufacture of MOX was a political one - the countries involved like Japan had to be seen to be doing something about their useless stockpiles of plutonium, produced by reprocessing spent nuclear fuel. For more about the problems around reprocessing facilities, click on the link and scroll to the bottom, to the recycling section. 

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

To understand the history and rationale behind British Nuclear Fuel's (BNFL) production of plutonium Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) is one of the best ways to understand an industry living in a nuclear fantasy world, out of control, and oblivious to the reality of the deadly business they are involved in. 

Fantasy: producing MOX fuel to burn in nuclear reactors will use up our growing stocks of plutonium. 

Reality: To eliminate the plutonium, MOX fuel must be reprocessed and re-used many times. This is expensive because each time the MOX is used and reprocessed, the quality of the plutonium is degraded, making it increasingly difficult to re-use. Also, the share of MOX in a reactor core is around 30%. The other 70% of the core contains enriched uranium fuel, in which new plutonium is formed. The result: a net increase of plutonium. 

Fantasy: recycling nuclear fuel is a good thing.

Reality: separating out plutonium at the Sellafield THORP plant creates 180 times the volume of waste that you start with. The highly radioactive by-products are held in inadequate storage facilities and discharges have made the Irish Sea the most radioactive sea in the world, and the Arctic Ocean the most radioactive ocean in the world, thanks to this facility, the Russian one at Mayak and the French facility on their coast. 

La Hague; France's Nuclear Waste Nightmare; via A Green Road 

Fantasy: producing MOX will save nuclear waste storage costs.

Reality: Spent MOX fuel is much more radioactive because it contains on average five times more plutonium than spent uranium oxide fuel. After 10 years, the heat generation from spent MOX fuel is twice as high as that of spent uranium fuel. After 100 years, it is three times higher. 

Given the very long half-life of Pu-242 (380,000 years), and Neptunium-237 (2.14 million years), it is much more complicated to store MOX than normal spent fuel. Instead of partially solving our high level waste problem, MOX creates even bigger waste problems: it needs more and longer cooling; it has to be stored much longer; it is more dangerous; and the costs are therefore higher. 

At Fukushima, MOX fuel containing spent fuel pools burned and/or melted out. 

TEPCO/Fukushima Lies Exposed Around Building #4, SFP, Core. Equipment Pool, Melt Out; via @AGreenRoad

Spent Fuel Pool #4 Allegedly Being 'Unloaded' By TEPCO Nov. 2013, The Coverup Continues; via @AGreenRoad

Fantasy: it will be cheaper to produce Mox fuel than enriched uranium suitable for nuclear reactors. 

Reality: recent studies in Germany show that MOX fuel is four to five times more expensive. And that's before considering the reprocessing costs of separating the plutonium in the first place. 

Fantasy: no additional safety concerns over MOX fuel. 

Reality: MOX in a reactor is more unsafe because plutonium is more reactive and this hotter fuel can cause increased localized melting of fuel in the reactor. Nuclear reactors have to be adapted and re-licensed. About 30% of the uranium fuel is replaced with MOX. Wrong size pellets can also vibrate or expand, rupturing the fuel pins and causing a meltdown. 

Fantasy: the Sellafield MOX plant will be an economic benefit for the UK. 

Reality: The operation of the Sellafield MOX plant was forecast to make £200m profit. But the cost of building it was over £460m. 

Fantasy: plutonium MOX is no threat to non-proliferation because, even if it was reprocessed, it would not be weapons-grade material. 

Reality: In June 1994, U.S. Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary declassified further details of a 1962 test of a nuclear device using reactor-grade plutonium, which successfully produced a nuclear yield. The British Government itself has recognized this test, as it used British reactor-grade plutonium from Sellafield."

For an in depth analysis about MOX plutonium reprocessing facilities and the problems around them, listen to the above 1 hour program.

At Fukushima, building #3 suffered a massive explosion, releasing huge quantities of MOX plutonium fuel in nano particle form into the upper atmosphere. That plutonium went all around the world.


MOX Plutonium Fuel Burning, Reprocessing Nuclear Waste Fantasies, Reality And Dangers; via @AGreenRoad

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