Highly Radioactive Fukushima‬ Tsunami Ocean Debris, One Sample Tested 2 Million Bq/kg

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Highly Radioactive Fukushima‬ Tsunami Ocean Debris, One Sample Tested 2 Million Bq/kg

A huge tsunami debris field is coming to the US and Hawaii. 


The big elephant in the room question is; how dangerous is this debris? In this article, evidence is presented that at least a part of the floating debris may have absorbed radiation from being downwind of Fukushima. More radiation testing of this debris is needed before people are needlessly exposed to invisible radioactive poisons. 


via; D'un Renard The Rainbow Warriors; "(Now They Tell Us) Highly Radioactive Pieces Found in Naraha-Machi in June/July 2013 Came from Fukushima, TEPCO Now Says

Specifically, four small pieces of debris found at the river mouth in Naraha-machi 15 kilometers from the plant may have come from Reactor 3.

The first piece of debris were found in June 2013, but TEPCO didn't mention the discovery until July after three more such high-radiation pieces were found. Even then, they published a half-baked result of the analysis, which was nothing more than the measurement of gamma radiation and beta radiation in microsieverts per hour. (See my post on July 2, 2013 for the first discovery.) 

TEPCO disclosed the result of the analysis of the debris done by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (of Monju fame) during the regular February 12, 2014 press conference, and no major news outlet has reported the news so far. Only bloggers took note. (I suppose the mainstream media is busy educating themselves on the intricacies of the State Secrecy Protection Law, even though it hasn't gone into effect yet.) 

According to TEPCO, the pieces of (floating) debris were not only highly contaminated with radioactive materials released from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant but they actually, most likely came from the plant. The degree of contamination from radioactive materials found on the small pieces of debris is similar to that on the debris found around the Reactor 3 building.
From TEPCO's handout for the press, 2/12/2014 (in Japanese):

Very high contamination from cesium-134, cesium-137, and presence of cobalt-60/ Note the unit is Bq per sample, not kilogram. For example, Sample No.3 (0.4 gram) has 2.0 x 10^6 Bq, or 2 million becquerels of cesium-137:

TEPCO and JAEA's conclusion:

1. These small pieces of debris came from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, most likely from the Reactor 3 building.

2. The high-beta radiation found on the pieces are not from beta-nuclides but from beta radiation from cesium-134 and cesium-137, judging by the composition of the radioactivity.

3. How they got to the river mouth is unknown. It could be by the ocean, or by land. The analysis is inconclusive on that point.

These pieces of floating debris were found to contain; 

Cesium 137 - 2 Million Bq/kg

Cesium 134 - 920,000 Bq/kg

Since the above samples were found and tested, two more highly radioactive floating debris samples were found with the following levels of radiation contamination, including Plutonium 238 and Americium 241; both alpha radiation emitters. 

7,300,000,000 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 and 6,000 Bq/Kg of Pu-238/Am-241 measured from the “hot” substance found in Naraha

How are they finding these pieces? Is someone actually looking for them, or are they just being found accidentally? Who is finding these things? 

What is the take away? The building #3 criticality explosion threw fuel rod bits and pieces around for 2 kilometers in all directions. But the highly radioactive plume that came out also settled on anything floating in the ocean, (or on land) such as the wooden and plastic bits and pieces above. 

Obviously, a reactor does not have plastic and wood inside of it, so the radiation had to 'settle' on this floating garbage. TEPCO is trying to say these pieces came from inside of the building. While that is possible, it is also just as possible that these floating bits are part of the ocean tsunami debris field. After all, how much wood and plastic is inside of a reactor building and inside of a reactor specifically? None, right? 


Because these pieces were only found recently (2013) over 15 kilometers away from the Fukushima plant, it means absolutely for sure that the radiation on floating objects made largely of plastic and wood does not 'wash off'. 

The only question left is whether these pieces floated down the river from somewhere upstream (unlikely), or whether these pieces are part of the larger body of tsunami debris that went downwind of Fukushima while it was exploding, leaking, fuming and melting down/out. 

It does not take a brain scientist to understand that everything in that Pacific ocean garbage patch very likely was hosed with huge doses of hot radiation particles, neutron showers, gamma ray 'shine' and more. Even the nuclear experts admit that 80% of the total Fukushima radiation went out into the ocean, so it makes logical sense that these pieces are part of the larger garbage patch floating around out there. 

Event                                                                     Peak Radiation Reading In Bq/m³

2,400 Nuclear weapons testing peak -              100 Bq/m³
Chernobyl caused a peak reading of -            1,000 Bq/m³
Fukushima caused a peak reading of - 180,000,000 Bq/m³ 

Chernobyl was around ten times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

Fukushima was around 180,000 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

2014 - Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via @AGreenRoad

We do have evidence from the USS Ronald Reagan incident, that huge amounts of radiation came out of Fukushima and went downwind. The carrier got dosed with this radiation for only a brief time and now somewhere between 70 to 200 sailors are suing TEPCO for diseases and cancers caused by that radiation.

USS Ronald Reagan Sailors/Crew Exposed To High Doses Of Fukushima Radiation, File Lawsuit; via @AGreenRoad


Doesn't it make sense that the garbage plume drifting out in the ocean also contains at least some more of this highly radioactive pieces of wood and plastic like this? That means extreme caution is in order for anyone dealing with this garbage patch coming from Japan and washing ashore anywhere in the world, because the radiation may not be not 'washing off' or wearing off as some 'experts' believe.

Just because a piece of garbage on a beach is small, does not mean it is safe, as now see from the above examples. One small piece of highly radioactive garbage like this can kill, especially if the radiation from it gets inside the body somehow via the hands touching it, then touching food that goes in the mouth, or a piece of this contaminating food/drinks somehow, etc.. Do not approach, handle or touch anything that came from Japan via the ocean, unless you have a pancake style detector and test the object first. 

More radiation tests on more pieces of floating japan tsunami debris will confirm or deny whether the larger debris field is this radioactive or not. We need more citizen and regular scientists (with extreme caution) to test the Japanese debris floating up on Pacific ocean shores, because no one seems to be doing any testing so far, other than these four samples. 


Video: Fukushima debris “waist high” on Canadian island; “Catastrophic death” trapped in nets, it’s horrifying; 15-mile long lines of floating trash — Journalist: Radioactive tsunami debris found far from Fukushima plant — Global concern over spread of contamination

The beginning of the main debris field seems to be hitting Canada right now, in 2014. Whether this debris field will start hitting the western USA coastline is unknown. But to stay safe, AGRP's advice is; don't get near or touch any debris on the beach unless you have a high quality Geiger counter with you and can test it first. 


Highly Radioactive Fukushima‬ Tsunami Ocean Debris, One Sample Tested 2 Million Bq/kg; via @AGreenRoad

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