Why Are 4,000 Fukushima Peer Reviewed Studies By Elsevier, Springer And Wiley Hidden From Public View?

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Why Are 4,000 Fukushima Peer Reviewed Studies By Elsevier, Springer And Wiley Hidden From Public View?

The big three publishing houses -- Elsevier, Springer and Wiley -- own most of the world's more than 20,000 academic journals. Your taxes paid for the scientific studies that they own. 

You paid these educational institutions and student's bills to produce them. You pay for universities to peer review them. 

But then you are not allowed to see these studies or read the studies that the public paid for. Students are not even allowed to show families anything related to these studies. 

These studies are priced out of reach at a $30 to $4,000 cost each. To make these studies happen at taxpayer expense, they costs billions a year. 

There are 3 peer review studies produced every minute, 1.6 million a year. It takes 1,000's of days, 1000's of man hours, unimaginable amounts in just equipment, heat, space, wages, and expendables to produce these studies. Do you know anyone that can afford to pay to just read 1 million studies once, at $30 each? 

There are 4,000 peer reviewed studies about Fukushima. To read them all just once would cost you $120,000. The equivalent would be like a children's book published for the government with taxpayer money, but then they charge you $30 at the library to check it out for just one hour, every time you do that. If you check out 10 books so your children can read them, it would cost you $300, just to read them once.  How often would the average person use ANY library?

But once these studies are peer reviewed and published, a few corporations reap all the benefits and you get the bill. These publishing houses give nothing back. There are no kickbacks to schools  students, educational institutions or anyone else. 

They use these taxpayer funded studies to make money on every single copy sold.  You are not even allowed to own the copy after you paid for it. Does this seem right to you? 

Only the rich can afford to do scientific research.. Only the 1% get the benefits of scientific peer reviewed studies. Average people are locked out of research and science, cannot afford it and are kept in ignorance. What the public is left with is watching Faux News, which is the opposite of science and logic. 

Why bother with universities and colleges, if all of the supposed scientific progress is locked away and no one can afford to see it? Where is the public benefit? What good is coming from this for seven future generations? 

Then if activists want to fight back against a monopoly such as the nuclear industry, they cannot afford to get access to scientific peer reviewed information, so they are left with what is outside of that. As a consequence, the activists are put down by the nuclear scientists, because they have no 'scientific peer reviewed studies' that they are using. 

If this does not generate some feelings of anger in you, well, good luck with that one... 


Why Are 4,000 Fukushima Peer Reviewed Studies By Elsevier, Springer And Wiley Hidden From Public View?

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