Live in San Francisco? You, Your dog, And Your Kids Inhaled Billions Of Radioactive Plutonium Atoms

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Live in San Francisco? You, Your dog, And Your Kids Inhaled Billions Of Radioactive Plutonium Atoms

The title of the video above: Live in San Francisco? You (and your dog) Inhaled 75 MILLION Plutonium Atoms In Just 4 days

People, kids (and dogs) living in San Francisco inhaled 75 million plutonium atoms or 'hot' particles in just 4 days, according to PorterBlog analysis of EPA data. This data is VERY conservative, and is based on a 1 second inhalation/exhalation with no particles sticking in the lungs, which is not realistic, and is discounted by a huge factor. No one breathes in and out in just one second.

Remember that these dozens of different types of invisible radioactive gases and particles came out of Fukushima for MONTHS, not just 4 days. Need proof? 

"1,500 atoms of sulfur-35 per cubic meter of air" were found in La Jolla which was "a significant increase over normal levels."

Geochemical Journal, Vol. 46, pp. 335 to 339, 2012 - An estimation of the radioactive 35S emitted into the atmospheric from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by using a numerical simulation global transport

Lawrence Berkeley Labs found 132.4 Bq/kg in samples taken in Berkeley, California. There is no doubt that California got hammered by Fukushima radiation.

Wouldn't you agree that one can safely multiply these figures by 2 for a one week period, (150 Million) then again by 4 for one month, (600,000,000 atoms) then again by 2 or 3 for the several months (1,800,000,000) because Fukushima was on fire, exploding, leaking and steaming with large amounts of radiation for months after 3/11, not just for 4 days? As a matter of fact, Fukushima is still spewing hot particles today, and unit #3 is still steaming radioactivity into the air on an almost daily basis even today. Fukushima Daichi is still out of control and highly radioactive water is still being dumped or leaked into the ocean at a rate of 400 or more tons per day.

Radioactive Smoke/Steam Coming Out Of Ground And #3 Reactor Building At Fukushima 2011- 2014 via @AGreenRoad

Remember also, that this analysis is only counting ONE radioactive element, and there were many more. Now you can multiply the above by the number of different radioactive elements. Let's say we multiply this one element by at least a very conservative 1,000, to count for a portion of the 1,946 radioactive elements that are documented to come out of nuclear accidents? Read about just one other radioactive element; namely Xenon, via the link below. 

Radioactive Xenon Gas; Dangerous And Lung Cancer Causing Isotope; via A Green Road

1,946 Lethal Radioactive Man Made Isotopes Are Created By Nuclear Plants And Atomic Bombs; via @AGreenRoad

What effect will this inhaled, uncountable numbers of airborne atoms of plutonium, sulfure, iodine, strontium, uranium, xenon and 1,940 other toxic, radioactive elements that came out of Fukushima have on you, your children, and your grandchildren, and your pets? 

"Donald Geesaman, has made an extensive analysis of the scientific data related to the hazard of these highly radioactive particles. His analysis pointed up a very sobering fact: The experimental data indicated that when small portions of tissue are exposed to extremely high dosages of radiation, cancer is an almost inevitable result. In other words, irradiation by plutonium oxide particles appears to represent a unique carcinogenic hazard. Somewhere between a few and a few hundred such particles would be enough to double an individual's chance of developing fatal lung cancer. An ounce of plutonium can form 10 trillion such particles."

Time will tell, but the negative effects of low dose radiation from Fukushima seem to be showing up in our wild ocean companions on this planet, via die offs of star fish, herring, seals, larger fish, birds, and sickened sore covered hair losing polar bears, seals and walruses. Is it possible humans can be exposed to all of these and have zero effects? 

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; It Was Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium-238 From Fukushima Traveled Around The World - ‘Misleading’ Experts Said It Would Stay Close By, Or Did Not Happen; via @AGreenRoad

Add this up; we are now up to 1,800,000,000 (1.8 billion) plutonium atoms multiplied by 1,000 = one trillion, eight hundred billion radioactive element atoms were breathed in by an average child, pet and adult in San Francisco and quite possibly by everyone in the USA. The next step is converting this to some kind of recognizable figure. As we can see below, for a healthy adult, what was breathed in through our very rough calculations may not be lethal.. 

by Anonymous on Sun, 2012-06-17 "1 microgram of PU-239 = (2360 Bq) = 46 micron diameter sphere = 2,518 Trillion atoms of PU-239. The range of a 5.8 MeV alpha particle in water is 50 microns. So every cell from the surface of the Pu-239 sphere out to 50 microns is going to be killed pretty much instantly by the alphas. The cells outside of that range are shielded from the alphas and don't receive any dose from them. Interestingly enough if you dissolve that amount of Pu-239 and evenly disperse it throughout the body then you would deposit 5.8MeV * 2360 * 60 * 60 * 24 *365 = 43e9 MeV/year = 0.0068 Joules/year. Assume a 100 kg person and include the factor of 20 because alphas are more damaging and you get 1.3 mSv/year. The same amount of Plutonium is more dangerous when it's clumped together into "hot particles" than when it's dispersed as a gas. Bottom line....if you tell me there's plutonium "fuel fleas" in the air I will run screaming for the hills."

Bottom line, the opinion of most posters in the Berkeley forum is that 3,500 tons of plutonium have already been 'distributed' across the world thanks to the atomic age and open air nuclear bomb testing. In their opinion, since no one is being affected, so how can another 600 - 6,000 pounds of plutonium that was delivered from Fukushima kill or harm anyone? They claim Dr. Helen Caldicott MD is lying about 1 microgram of plutonium being a lethal dose for a human being. 

So the cancer death rate of 1 out of 3 people is not proof of the damage caused by all of the 2,400 open air nuclear bomb tests? 

2400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998; via @AGreenRoad 

According to a study published by the National Insitute of Health; "Plutonium is a toxic synthetic element with no natural biological function, but it is strongly retained by humans when ingested (or inhaled). For more information about this, click on the following link. 

Plutonium Is The Most Toxic, Radioactive, Man Made Element, With No Natural Biological Role In The Human Body; via @AGreenRoad

The regulations below seem to show the opposite of what these Berkeley folks seem to believe.

Via; "Subject: Quantity of Plutonium that an Atomic Radiation Worker and the Public may Inhale to Reach their Respective Limits

Dear Ms. Ostling: The Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) does not set maximum permissible quantities of radionuclides for workers or the public. Regulatory protection criteria are expressed in terms of effective dose limits.

In this context, we understand your question to mean: "What is the quantity of plutonium oxide, if inhaled, would give rise to an effective dose of 50 mSv [ millisieverts ] to a worker or 5 mSv to a member of the public?"

As the result of an intake, these doses will be received over 50 years by a worker and over a period ending at age 70 by a member of the public. These calculations have been made for insoluble (in lung fluid) plutonium oxide of 1 micrometer size. These assumptions are very conservative (restrictive); in other words the worst case scenario has been assumed.

1.4 micrograms for 50 mSv committed effective dose 
(over 50 years after intake)
0.1 microgram for 5 mSv committed effective dose 
(up to age 70)"

The link below talks about the legal limits and 'overdose' of plutonium when applied to human beings.

The numbers presented in the video are more than likely very conservative, because the EPA radiation detection network was turned off in the worst hit radiation areas, at the very times and days when the worst of the radiation plume was coming over them. 

What is the take away? Massive amounts of plutonium and other radioactive elements were released from Fukushima. Everyone in the northern hemisphere breathed at least some of these things in; plutonium, strontium, iodine, uranium, etc... 

Here are some medical and scientific studies that provide a faint idea of what plutonium and other radioactive elements such as iodine may be doing both to dogs and kids. The Berkeley folks seem to think plutonium can be eaten and breathed in at much larger doses than 1 microgram, with no problems at all, ever. Do you agree with the pro nuclear scientists, or with the medical doctors that say radiation is dangerous even at very low doses? 

Dog Studies And Inhaled Plutonium Radiation Effects; via @AGreenRoad

Toxicity studies of plutonium in human beings

Global Infant Mortality Count Due To Out Of Control Fukushima Nuclear Fires; via A Green Road

Fukushima Caused An 50,000 Additional USA Newborn Deaths 3/11 to 12/11; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Radioactive Iodine Caused 28% Increase InThyroid Problems, Babies/Infants Born After 3/11 In Alaska, Oregon, Hawaii, Oregon And Washington; via @AGreenRoad

Infant mortality Up To 40% Higher Than National Rate Around Brown's Ferry Nuclear Plant, 48% Higher After Fukushima In Philadelphia; via @AGreenRoad 

You get to decide (and will experience) what effect the Fukushima mega disaster will have on your family, because there are EXTREME and widely differing opinions about this subject, as you can see. The pro nuclear folks seem to think that radioactive elements are all as harmless as drinking water even if they are inhaled or ingested. One scientist even offered to eat 30 grams of plutonium, because it was so 'safe'. 

Meanwhile, the medical professionals and some scientists, seem to think that plutonium is extremely hazardous, and that 1 microgram will have a good chance of killing a person, long term, if inhaled. What do you think? 

Socrates September 4, 2014 "Pulmonary specialists and oncologists occasionally detect nodules in people's lungs. Many times pathologists can determine whether the fibrosis and malignancies are consistent with inhaled hot particles. If the epidemiologists see a huge spike in small cell carcinoma of the lungs, then it could be caused by inhalation of hot particles from Fukushima.

Fear of delayed health effects from nuclear fallout is not an irrational fear. I would not panic at this point in time. You can also state that the fear of smoking tobacco or inhaling asbestos is irrational, but millions get lung cancer. One in five die from complications of smoking. The industry lied for as long as it could find physicians to lie. The link to lung cancer from inhaling radioactive particles is better studied and stronger that for tobacco. Radon is a leading cause of lung cancer. Hot particles show up on CAT scans if the dose s are high. Hopefully, the hot particle doses were low in North America. True scientists will await the data and statistics and laboratory studies before making predictions. In ten to twenty years, the data will provide the answers."


Live in San Francisco? You, Your Dog And Your Kids Inhaled Billions Of Radioactive Plutonium Atoms; via @AGreenRoad

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