Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; Being Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities

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Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; Being Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities


High levels of plutonium were found in Japan, after the 3/11 nuclear mega disaster at Fukushima Daichi. Plutonium was found 50 kilometers away from Fukushima by a citizen monitoring group with an isotope identifier. The amount found was not due to fallout from Cold War era bombs, as TEPCO claimed. 

Group with SAM 940 isotope identifier detected high levels of Plutonium-239 near Iwaki a month after quake — 50km south of Fukushima Daiichi — Found at multiple locations (MAP/VIDEO) 

Report: Plutonium ratio 200 times higher than gov’t says — Detection made 50km south of Fukushima Daiichi (RESULTS)

Local Official: Japan gov’t did not reveal plutonium-241 detection — Radiation dose was 50 times higher than total of other three plutonium isotopes that were mentioned (VIDEO)March 31, 2012


Even the US government and a GE nuclear reactor designer plus many other credible sources have reported that plutonium was released from Fukushima. TEPCO still claims to this day that no plutonium was released, and that only hydrogen explosions happened.

US Gov’t: Plutonium is from Fukushima reactors, not fuel pools — Experts: Plutonium needs to be in U.N. assessment of radioactive releases 

Reactor Designer: “It was a nuclear explosion” at Fukushima Unit 3; Plutonium scattered after blast — ABC: “There’s willful denial and lying going on here, even at the highest levels” (AUDIO)

New Book: Nuclear explosion may have occurred at Fukushima Unit 3 after ‘supercritical condition’ — Sudden increase in plutonium, uranium recorded by U.S. at several EPA stations 

“Very high concentrations” of hot particles in Pacific NW during April, May — Includes plutonium and americium (AUDIO) June 29, 2011


Plutonium was also found and measured both in the Pacific ocean and inside the USA, in many US cities, not by citizen scientists, but by the EPA and the official RADNET government radiation monitoring network. Radioactive cesium, uranium, americium and plutonium was found on an island and in many creatures and plants in Alaska, after the Fukushima mega disaster. 

Japan Gov’t-funded Study: Fukushima has released up to 120 Quadrillion becquerels of radioactive cesium into North Pacific Ocean — Does not include amounts that fell on land — Exceeds Chernobyl total, which accounts for releases deposited on land AND ocean (MAP) June 30, 2014

US Gov’t: Alaska island “appears to show impacts from Fukushima” — “Significant cesium isotope signature” detected — Scientists anticipate more marine life to be impacted as ocean plume arrives (VIDEO)

via Mack - Radiation found via study

* Cesium-137 — 3.854 pCi/kg in Dolly Varden fish

* Cesium-137 — 5.312 pCi/kg in goose Egg no shell

* Cesium-137 — 5.199 pCi/kg Gull egg

* Cesium-137 — 8.094 pCi/kg Chiton

* Cesium-137 — 4.981 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp

* Cesium-137 — 2.365 pCi/kg Rockweed

* Cesium-137 — 13.254 pCi/kg Greenling

* Cesium-137 — .384 pCi/kg Halibut

* Cesium-137 — 125.381 pCi/kg Horse Mussel soft tissue

* Cesium-137 — 15.505 pCi/kg Irish Lord

* Cesium-137 — 1.425 pCi/kg Octopus

* Cesium-137 — .995 pCi/kg Pacific Cod

* Cesium-137 — 10.216 pCi/kg Rockfish

* Cesium-137 — 16.749 pCi/kg Sea Urchin

* Cesium-137 — 25.254 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen

* Americium-241 — .008 pCi/kg Dolly Varden

* Americium-241 — .106 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell

* Americium-241 — .05 pCi/kg Chiton

* Americium-241 — .024 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp

* Americium-241 — .024 pCi/kg Rockweed

* Americium-241 — .098 pCi/kg Greeling

* Americium-241 — .008 pCi/kg Halibut

* Americium-241 — 1.678 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue

* Americium-241 — .11 pCi/kg Irish Lord

* Americium-241 — .003 pCi/kg Octopus

* Americium-241 — .01 pCi/kg Pacific Cod

* Americium-241 — .085 pCi/kg Rockfish

* Americium-241 — .091 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen

* Americium-241 — .02 pCi/kg Sea Urchin

* Plutonium-239 — .039 pCi/kg Dolly Varden

* Plutonium-239 — .186 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell

* Plutonium-239 — .104 pCi/kg Gull egg

* Plutonium-239 — .298 pCi/kg Chiton

* Plutonium-239 — .093 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp

* Plutonium-239 — .084 pCi/kg Rockweed

* Plutonium-239 — .379 pCi/kg Greeling

* Plutonium-239 — .038 pCi/kg Halibut

* Plutonium-239 — 4.194 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue

* Plutonium-239 — .378 pCi/kg Irish Lord

* Plutonium-239 — .036 pCi/kg Octopus

* Plutonium-239 — .05 pCi/kg Pacific Cod

* Plutonium-239 — .279 pCi/kg Rockfish

* Plutonium-239 — .152 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen

* Plutonium-239 — .195 pCi/kg Sea Urchin

* Plutonium-240 — .039 pCi/kg Dolly Varden

* Plutonium-240 — .106 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell

* Plutonium-240 — .069 pCi/kg Gull egg

* Plutonium-240 — .149 pCi/kg Chiton

* Plutonium-240 — .037 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp

* Plutonium-240 — .02 pCi/kg Rockweed

* Plutonium-240 — .189 pCi/kg Greeling

* Plutonium-240 — .012 pCi/kg Halibut

* Plutonium-240 — 2.097 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue

* Plutonium-240 — .189 pCi/kg Irish Lord

* Plutonium-240 — .021 pCi/kg Octopus

* Plutonium-240 — .015 pCi/kg Pacific Cod

* Plutonium-240 — .139 pCi/kg Rockfish

* Plutonium-240 — .091 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen

* Plutonium-240 — .117 pCi/kg Sea Urchin

* Uranium-234 — 3.854 pCi/kg Dolly Varden

* Uranium-234 — 5.312 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell

* Uranium-234 — 3.466 Ci/kg Gull egg

* Uranium-234 — 4.96 pCi/kg Chiton

* Uranium-234 — 9.344 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp

* Uranium-234 — 7.885 pCi/kg Rockweed

* Uranium-234 — 4.906 pCi/kg Greenling

* Uranium-234 — 2.304 pCi/kg Halibut

* Uranium-234 — 58.721 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue

* Uranium-234 — 8.86 pCi/kg Irish Lord

* Uranium-234 — 7.127 pCi/kg Octopus

* Uranium-234 — 4.976 pCi/kg Pacific Cod

* Uranium-234 — 4.644 pCi/kg Rockfish

* Uranium-234 — 3.032 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen

* Uranium-234 — 3.906 pCi/kg Sea Urchin

Uranium-235, 236 and 238 was also found in the above items

Ken Buesseler, at Woods Hold Oceanographic Institution, researched this subject and also found plutonium. It may be hard to believe that all of this can be covered up, but the history of nuclear disaster coverups is also clear. 

Unpublished Data: Plutonium levels ‘slightly elevated’ in Pacific after Fukushima — Scientist: It’s ‘most likely’ flowing from plant into ocean — 2.5 trillion Bq of plutonium released to air in four days after 3/11, almost all blown out to sea (AUDIO)

The plutonium was measured inside of many cities within the USA. EPA/Radnet charts clearly show plutonium being measured in the air. 

SAN FRANCISCOCA3/18/20113/24/2011Plutonium-2390.0000065

Ken Buesseler (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA) and Michio Aoyama (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan), Aug. 4, 2012: Surface ocean in June 2011, see slightly elevated Pu -from direct discharge? -Pu removed on sinking particles, so Cs/Pu ratio increases over time (Kenna, Masque, Buesseler et al. unpublished) [...] Seafloor sedimentation is small, but important sink for Cs (Pu?)

Ken Buesseler Interview on WCAI, April 13, 2011 (at 6:45 in): As we basically cool these reactors down with seawater and that seawater leaks back directly into the ocean, through discharge canals or through groundwater, that also is most likely carrying with it things like plutonium.

The animated map above shows a simulated plume of radioactive materials coming out of Fukushima and how a cloud of radioactive plutonium or cesium or iodine would look from space. Notice how the entire northern hemisphere is covered eventually.

Arnie Gunderson, a nuclear expert how worked inside the nuclear industry for many years reported that plutonium 'hot particles' were being detected in the Pacific NW all the way into May 2013, and starting a few days after 3/11/11. 

Arnie Gunderson; “Very high concentrations” of hot particles in Pacific NW during April, May — Includes plutonium and americium (AUDIO)

The above picture is one example of a nano sized radioactive 'hot' particle.

The above picture is what a hot particle looks like inside the body, as it fries, damages, initiates cancer or mutates cells around it. This is what plutonium 'hot particles' do inside the body, where they end up... in the lungs, the liver, the bones, the blood, next to eggs, sperm or inside a fetus.

Seeing how the entire west coast is covered by many positive plutonium radiation detections, wouldn't it make sense that pretty much all US cities got dosed, without any exception, especially since this went on for many months?

All US cities are downwind of these major cities; San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Riverside, Nome, and Guam? Even Lithuania measured Fukushima plutonium in their radiation detectors, and that is another four thousand miles downwind. 

Fukushima Plutonium Detected In Lithuania - Toxicity Of Plutonium Scientific Animal Studies; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima accident raised levels of radioactive strontium off the east coast of Japan by up to a hundred times 

Release of Plutonium Isotopes into the Environment from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: What Is Known and What Needs to Be Known 

Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute : Release of plutonium isotopes from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident 

Finding the Fukushima fallout: Separating uranium from plutonium in marine sediment 


No US mass media news outlet reported on the building #3 ejection of MOX plutonium fuel. TEPCO never admitted that any plutonium was released, and neither did the major US news networks. Why not? Could the corporate controlled, corporate friendly news networks; ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and others, really orchestrate this massive of a cover up around multiple massive melt throughs and a nuclear criticality explosion that blew fuel rods all over a several square kilometer area, including into the ocean downwind? 

The answer is yes, because covering up nuclear disasters radioactive spills is easy. The mass media has done this continually throughout the history of the atomic age. After all, radiation is invisible. This coverup of a nuclear disaster is not an exception, but rather the RULE of how nuclear disasters are covered by the news media.

The truth is NEVER told, and coverups plus denials are the NORM. Most of the accidents and spills are never even reported or shown to the public, even if they are in plain sight right next to major cities. Need proof? 

An unshielded nuclear reactor actually melted down THREE separate times in the Los Angeles area, within the Simi Valley, but no one was warned, no one was notified, and there was zero news coverage about this. Those three meltdown events released not just cesium, iodine, strontium but also the super deadly plutonium into the air, over who knows how many millions of people, and the public never heard about it. 

Santa Susana Sodium Reactor In Los Angeles California Nuclear Plant Meltdown; Completely Covered Up And Worse Than Three Mile Island; via @AGreenRoad

Los Angeles-area Meltdown: Cesium-137 still up to 1,000 times higher than standard — Plutonium also detected — Located between Chatsworth and Simi Valley 

Plutonium and other radiation or plutonium leaks, spills and accidents at US nuclear facilities are routinely covered up and lied about. Just to give you, dear reader, one small example, Hanford has released massive amounts of radioactive iodine (and plutonium) over populated US cities and leaked massive amounts of all kinds of radiation into the Columbia river, with no warning or notice to the public. Even today, the nuclear industry is still DELIBERATELY lying about plutonium leaks at Hanford.

Hanford; Lethal And Leaking; A Race To Armageddon? via @AGreenRoad

TV: Leak at U.S. nuclear site “has grown substantially” — “The worst of the worst on planet” — “Much more bright green liquid than before” #Hanford 

‘Amazing’: Plutonium leak at U.S. nuclear site hidden from public — Official: “A very deliberate cover up… I will use the word that we were lied to” (VIDEO) 

So why would it be so hard for anyone to believe that Fukushima building #3 blew up, and that other reactors and spent fuel pools melted down, caught on fire, which resulted in the release of between 600 to 6000 pounds of plutonium, much of which went airborne?

The takeaway from all of this terrible and depressing news is that a massive amount of plutonium was released from Fukushima, and it went around the world. At least in the Northern Hemisphere, everyone breathed some hot plutonium particles into their lungs. Whether these 'hot particles' got stuck in the lungs or not is another question. Whether the ingested plutonium going into everyone with food and water will pass through or be absorbed and do damage or cause deaths is another question.


Plutonium mimics iron in the body. Plutonium is both a heavy toxic metal, plus an alpha emitting, cancer/leukemia causing radioactive element, never seen before, since humans developed modern civilizations.

Plutonium Mimics Iron In Body - 2 Million Times More Dangerous Than Uranium, MOX Planned For Use In All Future Nuclear Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Alpha Radiation Dangers; Polonium, Radon, Radium, Plutonium, Uranium; via@AGreenRoad

Humans have no defense against plutonium, because it is a man made and nuclear industry created radioactive element without any immune system or DNA defense, as does the radioactive potassium in bananas for example.

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

What is the take away?

Time will tell what negative consequences this mega radioactive plutonium Fukushima disaster will have on all living things on Earth. But one thing is for sure, those saying that no one will die from Fukushima are entirely ignorant about the dangers posed by plutonium, totally in very deep denial, or outright lying to your face, in order to stay in denial, or to protect the nuclear industry from being shut down IMMEDIATELY.


Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; Being Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities; via @AGreenRoad http://agreenroad.blogspot.com/2014/01/fukushima-released-massive-amounts-of.html

More articles at;

Plutonium-238 From Fukushima Traveled Around The World - ‘Misleading’ Experts Said It Would Stay Close By, Or Did Not Happen; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool #4 Contained A Full Load of MOX Plutonium Fuel; It Melted Down, Exploded And Burned; via @AGreenRoad

25% of #2, 50% of #3, 100% of #4 Spent Fuel Pools Burned Up And Vaporized, 100 - 1000 Tons Plutonium Per SFP; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Secret Nuclear Weapons Research- Plutonium Weapons Research - Breeder Reactor? via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Holger Strohm - Plutonium From Fukushima Will Kill Millions - Via Recycling Through Many Future Generations; via @AGreenRoad

Pu-239, The Half Life of Timofey Berezin; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Nano Bucky Balls Weaponized With Uranium, Plutonium, And Cesium; via A Green Road

CIA Lost A Plutonium Spying Device In Nanda Devi; Contaminating The Ganges River; via @AGreenRoad

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