American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 200,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?

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American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 200,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?

Who are the real US citizens and how long have they lived here?

"Until the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act, most (Indians) were not citizens of the United States and were still just citizens of our own nations within the borders of the United States. But for many, full citizenship with voting rights did not come about until the Voting Rights Act of 1965. So for most of U.S. history, the only real citizenship Native Americans could claim was for their respective Native nations."


Archeologists in the video above are showing that American Indians lived, made fire and created tools at least 200,000 years ago.

American Paleo Indians have lived in North American for the last 200,000 years. They hunted the mastodon back when it roamed the land. They were replaced by the Archaic Indians, who lived on the North American continent from 5000 BC to 1000 BC. These hunter gatherer tribes gradually evolved into an agrarian culture, with many cities spread out all over the continent. These various tribes and Indian cultures were the true citizens of this nation.

If seniority counted for anything in today's elections, the few remaining American Indians today could outvote the relative newcomers by huge margins. Doesn't it seem quite odd, and quite possibly racist, that the original citizens living here before any 'settlers' lived here, were not even allowed to be citizens and vote until 1965?

At one point, before the 'settlers' arrived, there were an estimated 60-80 million buffalo living across the US. The number of people living in the area of the US continent ranged all the way up to 100 million people, before the US continent was 'discovered' and 'settled'. 

The buffalo are magnificent creatures that are the only leftover from the Pleistocene Age, when elephants, lions, lamas and other strange creatures inhabited the US continent, but they were almost wiped out and made extinct, by a bounty placed on their heads by the US government. Like the buffalo, the original American Indian citizens were not willingly volunteering to be fenced in and coralled away from their ancient homelands and traditional homes, so they needed to gotten rid of somehow.


The aborigine and Indigenous cultures around the world have (mostly) lived in harmony with Nature and the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. Why can't modern 'civilized' cultures accomplish what seems like a very simple and easy to achieve goal, especially when one considers the tremendous advantage, power, help and assistance of modern education, enhanced intelligence, a 'modern' religion, technology, innovation and the supposed benefits of a highly 'advanced civilization'?

One would think that all of these things together would make it much easier to live in a green and sustainable fashion, but these things actually seem to make it almost impossible to accomplish living in a green and sustainable manner that does not harm seven future generations, just based on what has happened in the last 100 years, compared to the previous 39,800 years without any such 'advantages'.

The US Is Still The Greatest Nation On Earth, Right? via @AGreenRoad


It is not just American Indians that have lived in harmony with Nature. People all over the world have done this same thing for tens of thousands of years or even much longer.. Here are a few photos of these people who have honed their skills around living WITH Nature, instead of fighting against it..

Will this modern civilization have to collapse and disappear and leave the aborigines and Indians to once again live in harmony with Nature? Or will this modern civilization destroy this planet and all living things on it, including all of these various original tribal people featured above, through misuse of the nuclear weapons of mass destruction or through the Carrington Effect?


The Holocaust of Native Americans happened in the United States, but most people do not fully realize the full scope and depth of what happened.

19 To 100 Million Native American' Indians Exterminated By Illegal Immigrant 'Settlers'; via @AGreenRoad


What happens to nuclear plants after the Carrington event arrives very soon? What right does the nuclear industry have to destroy this evolution of life that took millions of years to get to this point, in the blink of an eye?

Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth - 'Carrington Effect'; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode; via @AGreenRoad 

Will humans' carbon fuel burning at the rate of 1 cubic mile of oil per year, release a methane gas cloud that destroys 95% of all life on the planet?


Methane Gas Levels Rising Catastrophically Fast, Abrupt Climate Change Now Initiating; via @AGreenRoad


If these changes are not made, the destruction and fall of this modern global civilization is assured, through multiple negative feedback mechanisms and tipping points, two of which are pointed at above. Here is the more complete list of negative tipping points. 

2014 - List of 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points; via @AGreenRoad

All civilizations have within them the seeds of their own destruction. Whether we allow those seeds to grow and destroy what has been built is up to us. We have the power to change and become a bright light shining on a hill, but if we continue to proceed the way we have been without any changes, the seeds of destruction will grow.

Maybe, just maybe, we can learn a thing or two from the 'wisdom' contained in a culture that did accomplish living successfully in environmental harmony with Nature for 40,000 years? After all, our 'modern' society has been on this continent for only a few hundred years and has pretty much destroyed what was there before modern civilization arrived. 

Isn't it time we turned to these experts in the area of sustainability and let them teach us what we need to know? They can teach how to make sure that seven future generations are around to enjoy this 'better' world we are supposedly building for future generations. 

Certainly, they may not have all of the answers, and they had their own share of human problems and they too had wars plus disagreements, but why ignore a very large part of the solution and a huge success story, when it is right in front of us? 

These original US continent citizens are waiting for us to ask them, and they will surely help us get out of this HUGE mess that we created in just a nano second of geological time. (WMD, garbage dumps, nuclear waste, fracking, DU, radiation, carbon fuel addiction, uranium mines, air pollution, polluted water, sterilized ground, hormone disrupting chemicals, GMO's, global corporations, fiat currency, nuclear power plants, coal power plants, species destruction, and many more)

After all, we cannot solve a problem by thinking about it in the same way that we thought when we created it. A closed mind is like a parachute that is never opened after one jumps out of the plane.

The US government is actually based on the Indian nations form of government, but at least one important thing is missing. The Indian Congress met and held meetings to decide on the future. In their representative democracy, they always discussed the impact of various decisions on seven future generations, before casting their vote. They knew that they were caretakers of the land, sky, water and animals/trees for future generations, and then acted appropriately. 

Our US Congress, Senate and Presidents, as well as the courts, could make a huge paradigm shift for the positive, if they only incorporated thinking and talking about what would work for seven future generations, instead of just focusing on short term profits and local benefits for just a few people. 


Time will tell, but if this modern civilized society that makes up all humans on planet Earth wants to live in a green and sustainable fashion, many large and paradigm shifting changes will need to be made. The choices need to be made now, not 20 years from now.

Yale: Chief Arvol Looking Horse at U.N. to speak about Fukushima crisis and threat to future of humanity — 2001 Quote: “Contamination of our food and land now affecting way we think… disease of the mind has set in World Leaders… faced with chaos, disasters, diseases… end of life as we know it”?

Message from Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Oct. 28, 2001 (emphasis added): [...] To allow continual contamination of our food and land is now affecting the way we think. A “disease of the mind” has set in World Leaders [...] In our Prophecies it is told that we are now at the Crossroads: Either unite Spiritually [...] or be faced with chaos, disasters, diseases, and tears from our relatives eyes. [...] This new millennium will usher in an age of harmony or it will bring the end of life as we know it. Starvation, war, and toxic waste have been the hallmark of the Great Myth of Progress and Development that ruled the last millennium. [...] You yourself are the one who must decide. You alone – and only you – can make this crucial choice, to walk in honor or to dishonor your relatives. 

On your decision depends the fate of the entire World. Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind. Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger? Know that you yourself are essential to this World. Believe that! Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this World. Did you think you were put here for something less? In a Sacred Hoop of Life, there is no beginning and no ending!


The Cherokee used a council 12 wise elder women to 'elect' a man to be their chief or other form of leader. In this way, the women could put in a place of power a man who would govern wisely, instead of just representing men and/or his own short term political ambitions, or getting a position due to greed.

If the person elected chose to turn his back on seven future generations, and make short term, profit, power or other ego based decisions, the council of wise elder women had the power to 'fire' the representative, immediately. Maybe we need this kind of American Indian elder council in place around our current politicians, since they seem to enjoy making decisions that are contrary to the benefit of seven future generations, while causing them immense harm. Certainly, it would help to have a policy in place that a government should be dissolved and a whole new set of officials should be elected if it is going in the wrong direction and does not meet at least 50% approval ratings by the citizens is is supposed to govern, correct? Right now the approval ratings of Congress are in the single digits, so the whole government should be dissolved and everything should be redone, from the ground up. 

Let's keep our minds open to green sustainable solutions offered by these wise elders, who passed down their wisdom of how to live life in a sustainable way for 40,000 years. The answer may not require living in teepees and dressing in deer skins. But there are sustainable answers to the problems face by humanity today. Living in harmony with Nature and thinking about what works for seven future generations, without causing them harm, sounds like a good idea, wouldn't you agree?

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American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 200,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?

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