700 CPM From Ceramic Dish; Radioactive Uranium And Thorium Found In Some Ceramics Can Lead to Radiation Exposure

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700 CPM From Ceramic Dish; Radioactive Uranium And Thorium Found In Some Ceramics Can Lead to Radiation Exposure

The above radiation reading was less than one minute and the tester moved the meter around and away from the uranium glazed dish, but one can safely project a reading of 700 CPM from this uranium glazed ceramic dish. 

Just because uranium, radon and thorium come from the Earth and are not man made radioactive elements such as tritium or plutonium, does not mean that they are safe to be around when the CPM count goes way up, like in this case, especially for children. 

The dust from a broken dish or glass would present special dangers as well. Any particles scraped off and going into the food or air would also be hazardous if ingested or breathed in. 

Radioactivity and associated radiation hazards in ceramic raw materials and end products.

Viruthagiri G, Rajamannan B, Suresh Jawahar K., Author information Abstract; Studies have been planned to obtain activity and associated radiation hazards in ceramic raw materials (quartz, feldspar, clay, zircon, kaolin, grog, alumina bauxite, baddeleyite, masse, dolomite and red mud) and end products (ceramic brick, glazed ceramic wall and floor tiles) as the activity concentrations of uranium, thorium and potassium vary from material to material. The primordial radionuclides in ceramic raw materials and end products are one of the sources of radiation hazard in dwellings made of these materials. By the determination of the activity level in these materials, the indoor radiological hazard to human health can be assessed. This is an important precautionary measure whenever the dose rate is found to be above the recommended limits. The aim of this work was to measure the activity concentration of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K in ceramic raw materials and end products. The activity of these materials has been measured using a gamma-ray spectrometry, which contains an NaI(Tl) detector connected to multichannel analyser (MCA). Radium equivalent activity, alpha-gamma indices and radiation hazard indices associated with the natural radionuclides are calculated to assess the radiological aspects of the use of the ceramic end products as decorative or covering materials in construction sector. Results obtained were examined in the light of the relevant international legislation and guidance and compared with the results of similar studies reported in different countries. The results suggest that the use of ceramic end product samples examined in the construction of dwellings, workplace and industrial buildings is unlikely to give rise to any significant radiation exposure to the occupants.

The study above found no signficant 'hazard' with decorative or covering materials for walls, in the form of non uranium glazed ceramics. In other words, just the average clay that many ceramics are made out of, may contain a small amount of something radioactive, but it is not high enough to worry about.

The dish was made with an average clay and then glazed with a high uranium material, (like paint). The dish featured above is something different entirely than most ceramic/clay based materials for sale in your average store, so don't stop buying clay based materials just because of this video.

But just because it is ceramic, does not mean it is guaranteed 'safe'. The only way to tell, is to test it with a Geiger counter. Even the decorative design paint with various colors and designs, as used on a ceramic piece, can be radioactive, or it may contain a toxic heavy metal such as lead, particularly if it is made in China for example.

Remember also that bentonite clay and zeolite are earth based materials that are used to counter the effects of radiation contamination. 

The summary and take away is to buy a pancake style Geiger counter, (and a lead tester). Then test things in your home and business, so that you do not become exposed to more radiation or heavy metals than necessary just in every day activities. If you do choose to be exposed to radiation from items like this, then you will do it with knowledge, rather then through ignorance. 


700 CPM From Ceramic Dish; Radioactive Uranium And Thorium Found In Some Ceramics/Glasses, Can Lead to Dangerous Radiation Exposure; via @AGreenRoad

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