2014 Fukushima Pacific Ocean Radiation And How It Concentrates In Mussels, Sea Stars, Chitons, Clams, Oysters, And Fish

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2014 Fukushima Pacific Ocean Radiation And How It Concentrates In Mussels, Sea Stars, Chitons, Clams, Oysters, And Fish

In the video above, Arnie Gunderson, a nuclear expert, talks about 'hot particles', Fukushima and the effect on human health. 

Chris Busby said; "there is a lot of argument about the effects from Fukushima on the Pacific and the US west coast. I have just been reading one site "true facts about ocean radiation and. . .blah blah ".

The total radiation concentration (activity) overall in Pacific ocean sea water overall is currently less than 30 Bq/cubic meter. The calculation I made show that its unlikely that the total radioactivity levels in the Pacific will be higher than those in the Irish Sea or the Baltic Sea, but the problem is both the hot particles, and these are not described by "radioactivity levels", and bio accumulation up the food chain, which can and is lethal over a longer period of time. Without monitoring for internal radiation in children, this problem cannot be tracked. 

Below is a picture of an edible mussel (myrtilis edulis) from the Irish Sea. The tracks are from a hot particle, which would end up inside you if you ate it."

The leukemia rate in children tripled due to Sellafield dumping radioactive waste into the Irish Sea. Plutonium can still be measured and found on the beaches in that region, and up to three miles inland due to sea spray and wind moving the radiation from the ocean to inland. The bottom sediment in that area is still contaminated with radiation and heavy metal poisons of all kinds. Those things are not going away and travel up the food chain back to man, gaining lethality on the way up. 

Just a few hot plutonium particles cannot even be measured by a high quality pancake Geiger counter in food, humans, animals or plants, but the plutonium hot particles are there, in all humans and in all sea creatures, and in plants, right now. Plutonium mimics iron, so it is attracted to liver, bone marrow and anywhere else iron goes in the body. 

Fukushima launched tons of this deadly plutonium material into the air and it went all around the world. Just how dangerous is plutonium? 

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium Mimics Iron In Body - 2 Million Times More Dangerous Than Uranium, MOX Planned For Use In All Future Nuclear Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Alpha Radiation Dangers; Polonium, Radon, Radium, Plutonium, Uranium; via@AGreenRoad

So what is a hot particle? 

Wikipedia; "A hot particle is a microscopic piece of radioactive material, which can become lodged in living tissue and deliver a concentrated dose of radiation to a small area. 

One theory is that hot particles within the body are vastly more dangerous than external emitters delivering the same dose of radiation in a diffused manner. Other (pro nuclear) researchers claim that there is little or no difference in risk between internal and external emitters.

The 'hot particle' theory has gained most prominence in debates over the health effects of nuclear accidents, dirty bombs or fallout from atomic weapons, all of which can spread hot particles through the environment. The current ICRP risk model for radiation exposure is derived from studies of victims of external radiation, and detractors claim it does not adequately estimate the risk of hot particles.

Hot particles contained in far-traveled nuclear fallout range in size from 10 nanometers to 20 micrometers, whereas those present in local fallout may be much larger (100 micrometers to several millimeters). 

Hot particles can be identified by a Geiger counter, or by autoradiography, i.e., fogging X-Ray film. Their age and origin can be determined by their isotopic signature.

Due to their small size, hot particles maybe swallowed, inhaled or enter the body by other means. Once lodged in the body, cells very near the hot particle may absorb much of its radiation, and be bombarded in a very sustained and concentrated fashion. By contrast, an external radioactive source delivering the same total amount of radiation over the whole body would give a relatively minute dose to any one cell.[1][2][3][4]

Hot particles released into the environment may originate in nuclear reactors. The Chernobyl disaster was a major source of hot particles, as the core of the reactor was breached, but hot particles are found near undamaged nuclear reactors as well.[7] They are also a component of the black rain or other nuclear fallout resulting from detonations of a nuclear weapon, including the more than 2000 nuclear weapons tests in the mid-20th century.[8]

Radiation can spread from a more radioactive substance to a less radioactive one by the processes of neutron activation and photodisintegration; this induced radioactivity increases the potential number of hot particle sources.

Cold War nuclear tests included safety trials in which fissile material was not detonated, but was sometimes dispersed, including plutonium vapor, plutonium aerosols of various sizes, plutonium oxide particulates, plutonium-coated particles, and sizeable lumps of plutonium-contaminated structural material.[8]

Accidents involving the nuclear engines used in submarines, satellites and other devices are another source. The crash of the Kosmos 954 satellite released hot particles from its nuclear engine.[8]

Accidents during transportation of nuclear weapons or nuclear waste are another potential source. A Boeing B-52 Stratofortress nuclear-armed bomber crashed in the area of the northwest Greenland town of Thule (since renamed to Qaanaaq),[9] releasing hot particles.[8]

4 Hydrogen Bombs Exploded, Scattering Plutonium Across Arctic Region In 1968 via Thule Air Base B-52 Crash; via @AGreenRoad

Common failure of nuclear fuel may result in fuel fleas, which can be found in some facilities that process spent nuclear fuel."

Studies have also found plutonium in sea stars, sea lions and other sea life including seaweed, in that area to this day. Just as sea life concentrates radiation up the food chain there, so it may be happening in the Pacific as well. Only testing of food products from the ocean can tell everyone for sure, but the US government so far, seems unwilling to do want to do any regular or systematic testing on seaweed, fish or other products. 

Radioactive Seaweed Found With 40,000,000 Bq per Kilogram - Seaweed Put Into Many Food Products; via @AGreenRoad

The Pacific will dilute the poisons that Fukushima as well as other nuclear plants are dumping into the Pacific via air or water. There are still MANY questions left despite the 'dilution effect', such as how will the creatures in the ocean be affected? How will the 'diluted' radiation be concentrated and move back up the food chain to humans? Will there be more concentrated radiation coming over on the tsunami trash plume? What will be the effect on the most vulnerable, our children, as they eat the radiation that concentrates back up the food chain, from this 'diluted' radiation in the ocean water? The only way to get answer is to do whole body internal radiation scans on massive numbers of children, and that is not being done in the USA, as of April, 2014.

Plutonium And Cesium Bio-Concentrates 26,000 Times In Ocean Algae, Up To 5,570,000 Bq/Kg in Land Algae; via @AGreenRoad

The question about people eating Pacific ocean sea food is not just about asking what the radiation level of fish, clams, oysters, and other sea life is, but about whether or not they have 'hot' particles inside of them, what those 'hot' particles are made of, and what effect these hot particles have on humans. Plutonium hot particles will have a different effect than cesium, strontium or uranium for example. Children and fetuses are much more sensitive than adults to these plutonium hot particles. What effect is this having on them? Again, there are no human/child studies being done to the knowledge of AGRP in this direction, in the USA.

These human made radioactive elements DID NOT EXIST before scientists invented them and unleashed them on humanity and all living things. Plutonium was not detectable anywhere on the planet before the atomic age. Now we have a deadly poison, plus a highly dangerous alpha/beta emitter that killed 100% of all dogs inhaling nano particles of it, within 5 years present in our global environment, exposing everyone to it. This radioactive element has no business being on the planet, but the nuclear industry wants ALL nuclear reactors to burn plutonium instead of uranium. Did you agree to this? Did your children agree to this risk?

It comes down to asking yourself the question, is the risk of eating Pacific ocean seafood worth it anymore, since Fukushima happened on 3/11, quite possibly unleashing 3 coriums underground plus leaking 400 tons of highly radioactive water into ocean per day from then until now, plus unknown air emissions? 

Because no one is testing these creatures to find out how many hot plutonium or other radioactive particles they have per cubic centimeter, no one knows what to tell you. Sellafield showed that cancer and disease rates went up as a result of dumping radioactive trash materials (including plutonium) into the Baltic and Irish Sea. 

What do you think of this plan? Did anyone ask you permission? Did anyone ask your kids permission? Did anyone ask 7 future generations permission to do this, as it will harm them as well? Make your voice heard. Email, petition, write, call, protest, and gather together with others to put an end to this insane death by invisible radioactivity worshiping cult. If not you, then who? If not know, then when? 

The Deep Pacific Ocean Is Broken/Dead; Devoid Of Life For Thousands Of Miles, Where It Used To Be Filled With Life; via @AGreenRoad

It could still get a WHOLE LOT worse, if the report from this lone sailor is true. What happens if (worst case) this huge toxic dead zone area hits the Pacific coastline, and no one is measuring radiation levels, much less anything else? It might be a good idea, to set up a semi regular or regular citizen scientist radiation monitoring network on the west coast, to keep tabs on this, and provide some early warning in case it does hit, because if it is this bad, something will show up.

Dead sea creatures covered 98% of seafloor last year about 150 miles off California coast; Unprecedented, had been below 1% prior to event — ‘Major’ changes began in spring 2011
Click on the link below to review the scientific studies related to this chart. 

Having 98% of all living micro living things in quite possibly the whole Pacific ocean die right after the Pacific got dosed with radiation from Fukushima is not a good sign of what might be coming up the food chain. A massive amount of radiation entered the ocean after 3/11. The amount of radiation that was dumped into the Pacific is orders of magnitude greater than what went into the ocean from all 2,400 nuclear tests and from Chernobyl combined.

The whole food web relies on plankton and this basic bottom step of the food chain. Could it be that this huge dump of Fukushima radiation into the Pacific is why the herring disappeared? Maybe this is why the seals had a mass die off. Maybe whatever killed 98% of all living things may also have killed off the sea stars from Alaska to Mexico. Maybe whatever this is also is making the polar bears, walruses and seals lose their fur, have skin ulcers and act lethargic. Maybe whatever this is, may also have caused China to ban all shellfish imports from California. 

Meanwhile, things still look like they are getting worse at the Fukushima Daichi plant, and surrounding areas. Radiation levels continue to rise at the plant itself. When will the radiation levels get up to the point where workers can no longer work there? 

As of May 2014, Pacific ocean radiation levels are spiking to their highest levels ever, which means that the situation at the plant are totally out of control in the area where it really matters, but nothing about that is featured in the nightly mass medial news. 
If the plant were in cold shutdown and things were getting better, we should not be seeing the above or the below kind of report either: 

Asahi, Jan. 11, 2014: Fish with very high levels of cesium found near Fukushima [...] extremely high levels of radiation [...] The Fisheries Research Agency said Jan. 10 the black sea bream had 12,400 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium, 124 times the safety standards for foodstuffs. The fish was caught at the mouth of the Niidagawa river in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, on Nov. 17 (2013). The site is 37 kilometers south of the stricken power plant. [...] The research institute said it will study the fish further to try and determine when it became contaminated with such high levels of radioactive cesium.

Of course, at the same time, mass media outlets are reporting no radiation is being detected at all in any fish, that all food is safe, with no more radiation, and that Japan is safe to visit because it is back to normal, as evidenced by the Japanese government encouraging people to move back into highly radioactive contaminated areas, via financial pressure of cancelling their radiation refugee payments, etc. Meanwhile as of 2014, approximately 200,000 people are still living in 'temporary' emergency shelters in Japan, 3 years after the mega disaster. How temporary are these shelters? Maybe this is the new normal housing situation; 2-4 people per tiny room. 

The video above shows a standard Geiger counter test of salmon patties tested on 1/8/2014 by Dutchsince. He is doing a ten minute test, with a pancake style detector, so the results should be accurate. He did find an increase in radiation in fish over background at 37 to 42 CPM. Background radiation averages below 30 CPM in his area. It could be debated that this is within the 'error' range of the meters. It is also important to understand that a food radiation testing machine is necessary to really get an accurate reading, but he is doing the test the same way that you would be doing it within your own household, so it is included here for instruction purposes. 

Hopefully the Fukushima situation will not get any worse. Wouldn't you agree that there is a good chance that this is just the beginning of what is coming? Wouldn't you agree that it may pay to prepare for it, just in case? Best case, nothing changes and everything gets better from here, and only time will tell us all which way it will go from here. But even if it doesn't get any worse than it already has, it is time to put an end to the nuclear industry. 

Wouldn't you agree that your kids deserve a better future than what the fairy tale that nuclear industry is promising, and then failing to deliver on? They have failed enough. They have been paid to fail over and over again. They have sickened and killed enough kids, veterans and even healthy adults. The nuclear industry death machine is done. It is time to put it out of business, completely. 


2014 Fukushima Pacific Ocean Radiation And How It Concentrates In Mussels, Sea Stars, Chitons, Clams, Oysters, And Fish; via @AGreenRoad

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Animals, Insects, Birds And Plants; Low Level Radiation Effects

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