A clerk at Goldman Sachs was blamed and arrested for bringing down the entire global financial system. The clerk was determined to have caused Trillions in losses around the world in pension funds. Good, finally the REAL culprit behind the 2007 global financial collapse is being brought to justice. (sarcasm)
A vulture speculator, Paul Singer is known to be the top donor for the Republican Party, along with other billionaires like the Koch Brothers. He is the go to guy who organized a band of billionaires who fund most of the Republican political campaigns and the Tea Party activities.
His latest caper is picking the still living corpse of Argentina apart. 3% of Argentina's debt was bought by Paul Singer. He got the Conservative Supreme Court to agree to have Argentina pay him 100% of the debt, plus interest, plus penalties, despite everyone else having agreed to settle for much less.
His latest caper is picking the still living corpse of Argentina apart. 3% of Argentina's debt was bought by Paul Singer. He got the Conservative Supreme Court to agree to have Argentina pay him 100% of the debt, plus interest, plus penalties, despite everyone else having agreed to settle for much less.
He wants the other banks involved 97% of the debt, to give up their profits, and give it to him. If Singer gets his way, it can bring down the entire global financial system, and the huge banks that make up the league of vultures that created the 2007 financial collapse.
Now there is a global war being waged between vultures, with huge vulture banks on one side, and huge vulture hedge funds controlled by Paul Singer on the other side. Who will get to feast on the still living corpse of Argentina? Which vulture will 'win'? No matter who wins, the people of Argentina will lose, as usual.
Now there is a global war being waged between vultures, with huge vulture banks on one side, and huge vulture hedge funds controlled by Paul Singer on the other side. Who will get to feast on the still living corpse of Argentina? Which vulture will 'win'? No matter who wins, the people of Argentina will lose, as usual.
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In the video above, is Paul Singer's side of the story.. now this article is fair and balanced, correct?
AGRP recommends going to www.gregpalast.com and purchasing his books, movies or donating to his fund. There are very few investigative journalists left in the US, and Greg Palast is one of the best and brightest out there.
People from all political parties, all religions and all points of view would agree that Roosevelt has a point. At what point is free market Capitalism a threat to the entire world, to the future of 7 generations to come, to the environment today, to the financial stability of all countries? This example indicates how higher taxes, rules and laws are needed to hem in the unrestricted 'rights' of corporations that keep humanity on a path towards self destruction.
Paul Singer, A Vulture Capitalist, Forces Argentina Into Default And Threatens Entire Global Financial System
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