A Green Road Project Is People Powered - teaching the Science Of Sustainable Health; what works for 7 future generations without causing harm?
A Green Road Project is the peoples investigative press and the people's college - powered and funded by an army of Davids and Dr. Goodhearts.
A Green Road Project is a tiny David, facing huge Goliaths, such as the carbon fuel, nuclear energy, military, GMO, and other monopolies. Who do you want to win? Who's side are you on? Have you stood up and been counted? Are you an active supporter or just a passive bystander, watching the titanic and epic struggle Between David and Goliath?
The Battle Between David And Goliath; An Army Of Davids Is Arising
A Green Road Needs Your Help To Thrive, Grow And Educate More People Around The Science Of Sustainable Health. What is education worth? Do you believe in giving a man a fish, or teaching him to fish, in a sustainable manner that benefits 7 future generations?
Thanks for your generous and very appreciated support!
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Get Magazine Delivered To Your Email Address - AGRP App For Smartphones
Thanks for your generous and very appreciated support!
1 Time Donation - AGRP Online Magazine - Monthly Donation - AGRP Online Magazine
A Green Road Eco Clothing/Products Store - Shop At A Green Road Amazon Store
More ways to support A Green Road Projects - Follow AGRP - Twitter - Facebook
Get Magazine Delivered To Your Email Address - AGRP App For Smartphones
A Green Road Projects Needing Benefactors And Sponsors To Kick Start A New Green Sustainability Paradigm Via The Science Of Sustainable Health
A Green Road Project is the best source of independent investigative journalism, education and green living information, oriented to what works for 7 future generations. To see the specific mission, purpose, and vision statement, plus learn much more about this organization, click here.
A Green Road Project is tiny in size, but it is international, with a reach to over 200 countries that make up the global village. But size doesn't matter, as the story above about David versus Goliath illustrates. AGRP teaches the Science of Sustainable Health and Success, breaking it down the categories in an organized fashion that any researcher or student will find easy to navigate and use.
The total number of readers for articles on the AGRP magazine site alone is between 2,000 to 10,000 per day, and up to 300,000 per month. AGRP consists of a network or web of interconnected sites, groups and services (such as Youtube Channel, Twitter, and Facebook) that boost this number by an unknown number.
By donating, you help Dr. Goodheart teach the Science of Sustainable Health and Success, and reach out to more people. What is this very valuable and needed education oriented towards protecting and benefiting 7 future generations worth? What is teaching someone this science worth? Is this educational endeavor worth donating to?
By donating, you help Dr. Goodheart teach the Science of Sustainable Health and Success, and reach out to more people. What is this very valuable and needed education oriented towards protecting and benefiting 7 future generations worth? What is teaching someone this science worth? Is this educational endeavor worth donating to?
AGRP is totally reliant on contributions from people just like you. An army of David's is rising up, and AGRP is among them, teaching the David's of this world how to slay and conquer the Goliaths, both inner and outer.
What is the teaching the Science Of Sustainable Health and Success worth? AGRP operates very efficiently and makes even $1 count. AGRP needs a financial contribution from you, or AGRP may not be around next year. A cup of coffee can easily total between $2 to $10. Isn't this project worth at least as much as a cup of coffee?
What is the teaching the Science Of Sustainable Health and Success worth? AGRP operates very efficiently and makes even $1 count. AGRP needs a financial contribution from you, or AGRP may not be around next year. A cup of coffee can easily total between $2 to $10. Isn't this project worth at least as much as a cup of coffee?
Please contribute or subscribe! AGRP and Dr. Goodheart needs your help. Every dollar makes a difference. What do you feel led by your intuition to contribute? Get quiet, listen inside, and follow that still small voice. If you don't know how to access your intuition, Dr. Goodheart teaches this as well....
How Meditation Plus Intuition Can Help Solve The World's Most Pressing Problems via @AGreenRoad
You can use your debit card or any credit card.
AAA Enterprises
PO Box 1311
Windsor, CA 95492
If you prefer to send a check or money order, (US Funds), make the check out to the publisher of A Green Road Project; (AAA Enterprises) and then send it to the address below. Drop a note or letter in with it and let AGRP know what you would like to see more of. If you have a specific cause you would like to see more articles published about, make sure to say that.
AAA Enterprises
PO Box 1311
Windsor, CA 95492
Coming soon (under construction)BOOST AN ARTICLE ON FACEBOOK
A Green Road Project has an official Facebook Page where many articles from the online magazine are posted.For $10 per DAY, any particular AGRP article at Facebook can be put in the form of an ad, to an additional 4,100 - 11,000 people. Donate what you can to educate more people.
1 day = $10
5 days = $50
10 days = $100
20 days = $200
30 days = $300
Employer Charitable Gift Matching Program
Some companies offer a matching gift programs for their employees. If your company does have such a program, please register your donation to us with them. Ask them if they can match it.
Do you have services or stuff to donate?
Examples: a Go-Pro Cam, a Yacht (why not?), securities, hosting, web design, a blogger template, online store, tax preparation services, establish a non profit or foundation, products, laptop, media outreach, or whatever comes to mind that you think would help spread the Science Of Sustainable Health and reach more people. What do you feel led by your intuition to share with A Green Road Project?
Contact AGRP by mail address
Or contact by email. agreenroad (atsymbol) gmail.com
Contact AGRP by mail address
Or contact by email. agreenroad (atsymbol) gmail.com
Contact us to make a stock donation or send to address below;
Contact AGRP at;
Or contact by email. agreenroad (atsymbol) gmail.com
Contact AGRP at;
AAA Enterprises
PO Box 1311
Windsor, CA 95492Or contact by email. agreenroad (atsymbol) gmail.com
We can send a notice to the recipient of your choice to let them know that you have sent them a gift in the form of a donation to A Green Road Project, send us an email to let us know who you would like to donate in honor of.
Contact AGRP by mail address
Or contact by email. agreenroad (atsymbol) gmail.com
Contact AGRP by mail address
Or contact by email. agreenroad (atsymbol) gmail.com
Thinking of Estate And Planned Gift Giving?
You might consider leaving assets to A Green Road Project in your will. If so, contact us.
Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Contact AGRP by mail address
Or contact by email. agreenroad (atsymbol) gmail.com
Contact AGRP by mail address
Or contact by email. agreenroad (atsymbol) gmail.com
AAA Enterprises
PO Box 1311
ARGP Is Working On Accepting Bitcoin - (under construction)
Every little helps pay for hosting, bandwidth cost and other expenses. You may prefer to mail a donation to.
So far, AGRP website, social media and video channels do not use advertising, banners or pop-up windows. A Green Road Project is completely financed by donations and subscriptions from ordinary folks just like you, in the same way that Wikipedia is for example. A free service is provided, and the trust is there that generous people like you will respond.
Never before has there been a global extinction level threat not only to children, but also to animals on the planet. Never before have humans developed and used technologies that can destroy all life on the planet in a matter of weeks. There is still time to save it. What other cause compares to the importance of this one? If you don't know what AGRP is pointing at, you may want to click on this link;
AGRP provides Dr. Goodheart types of news, videos, movie reviews, stories, fables, articles and more, to inform and educate a global village with a focus on the Planet Emergencies. AGRP also teaches how to solve these problems, with a focus on what benefits 7 future generations of children and animals. The goal is to save the planet and all life on it, and at the same time, teach the science of sustainable health to a global village.
Who Is Dr. Goodheart And Why Everyone Needs To Find Their Inner Hero
AGRP teaches how the human village can live in a green and sustainable and successful fashion, after dealing with the extinction level GOLIATH threats realistically, rather than denying them, and/or pretending everything is normal, as almost all other organizations do.
A Green Road Project AGRP features the best and brightest David and Dr. Goodheart types of minds, hearts and spirits in the world, who are in alignment with the goals and mission of AGRP. These experts teach how to live in harmony with Nature and not cause harm to seven future generations of children and animals; and that is AGRP's raison d’être.
AGRP accepts no (Goliath) monopolistic corporate or controlling governmental funding, although donations from green organizations are welcome. Is this noble David versus Goliath cause worth supporting? Is the planet worth saving? Are your children and pets worth saving? Do you want to learn how to access the Dr. Goodheart within you?
Do seven future generations of children and animals deserve to have their voice be heard and be given the opportunity to live a world that is more sustainable than this one? Does David deserve and have a plan to win against Goliath?
AGRP accepts no (Goliath) monopolistic corporate or controlling governmental funding, although donations from green organizations are welcome. Is this noble David versus Goliath cause worth supporting? Is the planet worth saving? Are your children and pets worth saving? Do you want to learn how to access the Dr. Goodheart within you?
Do seven future generations of children and animals deserve to have their voice be heard and be given the opportunity to live a world that is more sustainable than this one? Does David deserve and have a plan to win against Goliath?
Please make a generous donation to A Green Road Project. Your donation will help this community based, grass roots, bottoms up oriented global village oriented organization grow and flourish! Without your support, seven future generations are voiceless and unheard. AGRP is the only voice representing 7 future generations, as (David) is facing the Goliath of huge corporate interests that want to control and dominate every nation, and your community specifically. Will you allow Goliath to keep on taking over and controlling everyone more and more, or will you take a stand with AGRP and be a David, standing up against the Goliath?
Goliath; Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%
Without your support, AGRP cannot continue to teach the Science Of Sustainable health. You are what makes the positive difference in this noble and very valuable educational outreach, no matter how much or how little you give. What is the value of education? What is teaching this science worth?
Giving a donation or subscribing to AGRP is one way that you 'vote' about what matters and what will grow in the future. Give a generous, positive donation below, one time only, or via a monthly donation subscription.
How Pro Nuclear And Anti 99% Corporations Control Eco Environmental Organizations Like Greenpeace, Sierra Club, 350.org via @AGreenRoad
Compare this cause to all of the others you could donate to and make a decision about which one focuses on the needs of seven future generations in the most specific manner, without selling out or diluting the message for corporate interests who have only short term profits in mind.
Thank you for caring enough about seven future generations of animals, children and the 7 million species of living things, to make a financial statement of support, through your contribution and generous giving!

The name that will appear on your account statement is; PAYPAL*AAAENTERPRI
Care enough to leave a larger legacy, or to be a major sponsor, benefactor or ? Click here...
A Green Road Projects Needing Benefactors And Sponsors To Kick Start A New Green Sustainability Paradigm Via The Science Of Sustainable Health
A Green Road Project is where heart and paradigm shift happens.... Featuring sustainable green living investigative and/or parody news, articles, movies, articles and videos from cutting edge minds and hearts..... We ask the question; what benefits seven future generations without causing harm? 2,000 + Videos/articles at; http://tinyurl.com/agrindex ......
To view A Green Road Project Magazine online, visit: http://tinyurl.com/agrindex
* A Green Road Project Magazine is an independent online only publication, distributed globally. Our website is available online at http://www.agreenroad.com
* All societies are evil, sorrowful, inequitable; and so they will always be. So if you really want to help this world, what you will have to teach is how to live in it. – Joseph Campbell
A Green Road Project Magazine looks at issues from a perspective that asks the question, how does this affect seven future generations, and teaches the sustainable solution that does no harm.
* A Green Road Project Magazine covers international, national, state and local issues, offering news, analysis and opinion's but with a unique focus of asking what the sustainable solution is for seven future generations.
* All societies are evil, sorrowful, inequitable; and so they will always be. So if you really want to help this world, what you will have to teach is how to live in it. – Joseph Campbell
A Green Road Project Magazine looks at issues from a perspective that asks the question, how does this affect seven future generations, and teaches the sustainable solution that does no harm.
* A Green Road Project Magazine covers international, national, state and local issues, offering news, analysis and opinion's but with a unique focus of asking what the sustainable solution is for seven future generations.
* A Green Road Project Magazine offers a completely unique point of view that is different, special. You cannot find this on corporate-owned mass media or other alternative media.
* A Green Road Project Magazine is committed to raising public awareness about the science of sustainable health. AGRP promotes sustainable solutions, such as local generation of clean, 100% carbon free renewable energy, local green jobs and sustainable living practices as well as environmental solutions that do no harm to seven future generations.
* A Green Road Project Magazine teaches and promotes government as well as organizational transparency. AGRP teaches why people should vote and get involved at the federal, state and local level.
* You can support A Green Road Project Magazine by making a generous donation..
Thanks for your generous and very appreciated support!
1 Time Donation - AGRP Online Magazine - Monthly Donation - AGRP Online Magazine
A Green Road Eco Clothing/Products Store - Shop At A Green Road Amazon Store
More ways to support A Green Road Projects - Follow AGRP - Twitter - Facebook
Thanks for your generous and very appreciated support!
1 Time Donation - AGRP Online Magazine - Monthly Donation - AGRP Online Magazine
A Green Road Eco Clothing/Products Store - Shop At A Green Road Amazon Store
More ways to support A Green Road Projects - Follow AGRP - Twitter - Facebook
Get Magazine Delivered To Your Email Address - AGRP App For Smartphones
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, can be achieved."
Napolean Hill
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