PM Abe wants to restart all of the shut down nuclear plants in Japan. The first of what he hopes will be all of the shut down reactors in Japan have been approved for restart, despite having almost no public support, despite not having any insurance, and despite a court ruling that local people had a basic human right to demand a nuclear plant be kept shut down.
Kyodo News: Fukushima raises concerns over “viability of Japan’s future” — Former Prime Minister: Reactor restarts “a criminal act toward future generations”; “Fate of country” at stake; “Myth that nuclear power clean and safe has collapsed” Jan. 22, 2014
EDITORIAL: Too many vital questions need answering before restarting reactors
If he can succeed with restarting Japan's nuclear reactors without a national debate as called for by ASAHI, it will create a huge demand for uranium and plutonium fuel. That uranium has to come from countries like Australia, the US, Kazakstan, Canada, and Namibia. The following movie explores the numerous negative global consequences of his decision, on many foreign countries and their inhabitants.
Japan Correspondent: It’s very scary, officials trying to brainwash public about Fukushima crisis — Professor: We’re wrapping our heads more and more around Fukushima’s legacy… human impact becoming more clear… that’s a very big and serious issue here — “Virtually no public support for nuclear power” (AUDIO)
… People are very anxious about it… There’s virtually no public support for nuclear power, especially in the communities in which the plants are located. Full ABC broadcast here
Source; (click on link if video has been deleted)
Movie; Australia has the world's largest deposits of this resource. We will travel to the "land down under" to exemplify where uranium comes from, where it goes to and what is leftover from it.
There is plutonium (used mostly together with uranium) and thorium. And by now there is just one thorium nuclear reactor in India. (what concerns nuclear fusion, deuterium and tritium could be used, but this is just hypothetical).
By now the most used combustible for the nuclear energy production is uranium and the world has many problems and risks because of this. This film is about uranium and its use for the nuclear energy production. It doesn't want to be comprehensive of everything concerning nuclear reactors. And it is a very good film, based on a accurate inquiry about uranium.
Arizonan July 16, 2014 "The uranium industry is just praying Abe DOES re-start all those reactors in Japan. They are waiting like vultures to swoop in on the last remaining high grade ores on earth, about 30 years' supply (Caldicott, 2006). The majority of these ores are located primarily on Native lands in Kazakstan, Australia, Canada, Namibia, and the desert Southwestern United States, from Montana to New Mexico. If Abe succeeds in his grotesque and morbid re-start plans, all kinds of morbid consequences follow. We know this because the history of uranium mining in these areas and others, like uranium's native Czechoslovakia, are histories of death. They are without exception histories of increased cancers and birth defects, increased respiratory and immune system illnesses, kidney diseases and genetic damage to the third generation beyond the miners themselves. Their grandchildren suffer higher rates of poor health, heart disease and cancer, etc., than their 1940s generation ever saw. Abe's push to restart the Japanese reactors would have the morbid consequence of unleashing the uranium industry vultures, who feed off the dead, to go after profits in now moribund mines and refineries around the Southwest and elsewhere. That would further increase the aquifer contamination, also common in all these uranium mining regions. These vultures produce nothing but more death from the death they feed on. No more uranium mining! No Restart! The uranium market must die its inevitable death."
AP: Link between nuclear weapons and nuclear power is “becoming increasingly clear” says Japan professor — Nuclear power industry not thrilled people are talking about it July 31, 2012
2014 - PM Abe Plans On Restarting Nuclear Reactors Despite Close To 80% Opposition From Public Living Near Plants
davidh7426 July 16, 2014 "REPORT TO MOTHERSHIP on Project FUKUSHIMA – Testing ground – Japan…
Opportunity #1
On track, test subjects deteriorating as expected, test subjects are unaware that they have long passed the point of no-return.
Opportunity #2
Brainwashing failing to take on more and more test subjects… Suggest increasing techniques, or failing that abandoning test and withdrawing.
Opportunity #3
Due to failure of Opportunity #2, Opportunity #3 is also starting to show signs of failure… If all three Opportunities cannot be made to work, suggest abandoning command structure masquerading as national government to their ultimate fate… DEATH!!!"
Japan Physician: Parents should evacuate children from Tokyo; Danger from Fukushima radiation — “The threat has seemed to be spreading” — “I’ve seen a lot of patients badly affected” Feb 14, 2014
Many areas of the planet are being contaminated with radiation. That radiation goes into all foods and drinks, including the 'organic' ones. Because this poison is invisible, it is not detectable by the senses, so anyone can say whatever they want to around it, and your senses will not warn you that what they are saying is a lie. With a house burning down, ALL of your senses warn you. With radiation, you can get a killing dose or a hot particle that will produce cancer and kill you later, but none of your senses warn you about this, and your children may suffer and die, with the parents never knowing the radioactive source of what killed them.
Japan Physician: Parents should evacuate children from Tokyo; Danger from Fukushima radiation — “The threat has seemed to be spreading” — “I’ve seen a lot of patients badly affected” Feb 14, 2014
Many areas of the planet are being contaminated with radiation. That radiation goes into all foods and drinks, including the 'organic' ones. Because this poison is invisible, it is not detectable by the senses, so anyone can say whatever they want to around it, and your senses will not warn you that what they are saying is a lie. With a house burning down, ALL of your senses warn you. With radiation, you can get a killing dose or a hot particle that will produce cancer and kill you later, but none of your senses warn you about this, and your children may suffer and die, with the parents never knowing the radioactive source of what killed them.
2014 - PM Abe Plans On Restarting Nuclear Reactors Despite Close To 80% Opposition From Public Living Near Plants
Nuclear Bombs, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear War
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