'Muslim Mafia' Targeting Religious Freedom?

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'Muslim Mafia' Targeting Religious Freedom?

We as Christians need to be vigilant and watchful of what the Islamic world is doing. Where ever the religion of Islam becomes dominate, religious freedoms for others disappear. Islam is not just a religion but also an ideology that is diametrically opposed to both Judaism and Christianity.

We can love the Muslim people and continue to pray for their eyes to be opened to the word and ears to hear the gospel message. However we still need to ready to take a stand for the principals in which we believe, which includes a healthy respect for free speech, including the criticism of religions and belief systems. Criticism of religious belief is not always synonymous with persecution for religious belief.
If the Islamic world has its way, criticism of religion, (which mainly means Islam), would result in persecution for the offender.

From the articles:
Free speech and religious liberty are two of America's most cherished protections. But if the Organization of Islamic Cooperation gets its way, that could change not only in the United States, but around the world. The Muslim group is pushing a United Nations resolution that would criminalize criticism of religions. Speaking at a recent international religious conference intended to advance the resolution, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to convey that freedom of religion and expression go hand-in-hand. "There is no contradiction between having strong religious beliefs and having the freedom to exercise them, and to speak about them and to even have a good debate with others," she said.
The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution to combat intolerance, discrimination and violence on the grounds of religion or belief, declaring these actions a violation of human rights. The resolution was prepared by the 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which had won majority approval in UN rights bodies in Geneva and at the UN General Assembly for annual resolutions on “combating defamation of religions” since 1998. The call on countries to prohibit “defamation” had been included in a non-binding resolution on combating religious intolerance passed annually by the 193-nation assembly. The resolution, approved on Monday, also expressed concern about the incitement to religious hatred and the failure of some states “to combat this burgeoning trend.”
UN adopts Islamic organization's scheme on religious tolerancehttp://www.todayszaman.com/newsDetail_getNewsById.action?load=detay&newsId=266218&link=266218

'Muslim Mafia' Targeting Religious Freedom?

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