FCC official: ‘Internet freedom’ threatened

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FCC official: ‘Internet freedom’ threatened

Prophecy Sign: The coming global police/surveillance state

Someday a global authority will seek and gain control of the internet. This authority will be usurped by the future Antichrist and he will use it to shut down the voices that attempt to warn the world as to who and what the Antichrist is and what he represents. Such voices as this website and others like it.

From the article:
The United States is unprepared for an international fight that’s brewing over whether the Internet will remain free from government regulations or fall increasingly under the control of emerging global powers, Federal Communications Commissioner Robert McDowell warned Monday.
The 193-member International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a U.N. agency, will meet in Dubai next December to renegotiate the 24-year-old treaty that deals with international oversight of the Internet. A growing number of countries are pushing greater governmental control and management of the Web’s availability, financial model and infrastructure. They believe the current model is “dominated” by the U.S., and want to “take that control and power away,” Mr. McDowell said. China and Russia support the effort, but so do non-Western U.S. allies such as Brazil, South Africa and India.

FCC official: ‘Internet freedom’ threatened


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