2014 - Is Radiation From Fukushima Causing Massive Die-Off Of Oysters And Scallops - B.C. And Pacific Ocean Coast?

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2014 - Is Radiation From Fukushima Causing Massive Die-Off Of Oysters And Scallops - B.C. And Pacific Ocean Coast?

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The above video describes how an acidic ocean is deadly for Vancouver Island scallop industry. Although they seem to be very clear in blaming CO2, things may not be as they appear. Read the rest of the article below to dive into this sticky wicket that involves the mass die off of many ocean species. 

First off, many nuclear experts and other pro nuclear apologists are claiming that absolutely no radiation from Fukushima reached the US, and that even if it did, it can cause no harm to anyone or anything. It is easy to say something, but how do they prove that claim, without extensive testing of the whole food chain, from algae all the way up to humans? No testing like this has been done, so how can they make this assertion, with no proof to back it up? Let's tackle these issues one at a time. First let's establish that radiation from Fukushima has been found in the ocean off the west coast. 


April 1 2014 Radio: “Surprisingly, high concentrations [of Fukushima cesium] found in Vancouver area” since ocean currents slow down — Levels are increasing — “Might be hotspots where radiation concentrates” — “Chances are high for marine life to absorb it… concern about mussels… clams, oysters” (AUDIO)

February 25, 2014 Fukushima's Radioactive Ocean Water Arrives At West Coast
Two radioactive cesium isotopes, cesium-134 and cesium-137, have been detected offshore of Vancouver, British Columbia, researchers said at a news conference. Via John Smith, a research scientist at Canada's Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

California Nuclear Plant Engineer: We were hit by explosion at Fukushima Unit 3 (MAP) — “The public started to freak out” — Tell colleagues what radioactive material is coming their way… don’t notify public — Don’t release initial data to officials until they’re ‘on board’

2014 - Fukushima Radiation Found In Alaska Lichen, Caribou, Arctic Snow, Plus Sea Animals Like Salmon, Clams, Seals, Walruses, Polar Bears

2014 Update - Total Fukushima Radiation Released Into Ocean, Air, Groundwater, Storage Tanks, etc; via @AGreenRoad


Now let's explore how much radiation went into the Pacific, and what kind of effect that radiation from Fukushima can have on the food chain. A massive amount of radiation was released from Fukushima, orders of magnitude more than Chernobyl. To review the scientific studies showing just how much was released in terms of peak ocean water radiation readings, click on the following link

2014 - Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via @AGreenRoad

Radiation Expert: Enormous amount of contamination flowing from Fukushima will probably imperil entire Pacific Ocean — Threatens other countries, food chain — Absolutely can reach U.S. and Canadian shores (VIDEO) Dr. Sherman: Well both cesium and strontium have a half-life about thirty years. It takes 10 half-lives for each of these isotopes to decay down to nothing. We contaminate the plankton, and that’s eaten by shrimp and oysters and fish and mammals. And as most of these move up the food chain they get concentrated. Particularly strontium-90 gets concentrated in the bones.

Buessler and other experts say this much is clear: Both short-lived radioactive elements, such as iodine-131, and longer-lived elements — such as cesium-137, with a half-life of 30 years — can be absorbed by phytoplankton, zooplankton, kelp, and other marine life and then be transmitted up the food chain, to fish, marine mammals, and humans. Other radioactive elements — including plutonium, which has been detected outside the Fukushima plant — also pose a threat to marine life. A key question is how concentrated will the radioactive contamination be. 

So far, the evidence shows that massive amounts of radiation have been released by Fukushima and that it can travel up the food chain. But what other effects can radiation have on ocean water?


Now let's explore the proof that algae and small organisms absorb even diluted amounts of radiation from the ocean and concentrate/magnify it to the next step up on the food chain.

Plutonium And Cesium Bioaccumulation Up To 26,000 Times In Ocean Algae, Up To 5,570,000 Bq/Kg in Land Algae, Biomagnification From There; via @AGreenRoad

FXofTruth August 31, 2014 To think the best explanation that the experts can come up with is, "This is also very weird… not sure exactly why it’s happening". Big college degrees, big funding, big marine technology, big databases and the only "expert opinion" is it's weird? No it's not weird. It's actual really clear if, you think of how a drop of black ink works in a glass of water.

One concentrated, single drop of ink dropped into a glass of clear water will disperse and seem to disappear but, it didn't disappear it's just became diffused in the water. But keep adding drop after drop and the accumulation becomes more visible. If the drops continue endlessly the glass will end up as black as the original bottle of ink was.

Radiation contamination accumulate in the same way. Just because it can't been seen doesn't mean it isn't there. Each "dispersed" ton of deadly contaminated water from those melted cores is now bio-accumulating in ALL sea life and surface life. Since the cores will never cease contaminating the ocean, eventually the entire ocean will be as deadly to life as the cores themselves. The radioactive "black ink effect" will be throughout the entire ecosystem.

So, the only "weirdness" is the constant game of playing stupid when the answer is all around and has been "dripping" into the ocean for over 3 years. Many people figured out that we were going to end up this way, right after the plants blew up."

AGRP could not have put it any better than this... 


It has been known since the early 1950's that radioactivity in high concentrations makes water acidic. The attempt to blame this pending catastrophe on the "greenhouse gases" boogyman of the moment is a distraction from the real, manmade cause that portends a catastrophe of global proportions, but has little or nothing to do with CO2.  For more details, see: www.orgonomicecology.blogspot.com 

The Vancouver Aquarium has been doing just that – and its records show the pH level in Vancouver’s harbour steadily declining, from 8.1 (1954-74) to a low of 7.3 by 2001.

Can you see a pattern starting to emerge? Yes, the rising CO2 levels in the air from burning carbon fuels are absorbed by the ocean, and that is a fact. But what is being ignored 100% by all of these biologists and scientists is that radiation from nuclear accidents and other sources is also a contributor to acidic oceans.

In addition, massive amounts of acid are used during processing and reprocessing of nuclear fuels. Where did the millions of tons of highly concentrated acid go after it was used to produce nuclear fuels? Want to bet it all went into the ocean?


Now let's look at the effects of Fukushima radiation on the ocean, since 2011.

2011 – 2014 Mass Die Off Of Sea Stars, Starfish, Chitons, Abalone, Mussels, Sun Stars, Salmon In Pacific Ocean, S. California To Alaska; via @AGreenRoad

2014 Salmon Second Mass Die Off In Progress From Fukushima Radiation? First Mass Die Off From Dams, Running The Gauntlet; PBS Nature; via A Green Road

Alaska Fisheries In Midst Of An Economic Collapse


Is 200 Kilometers Of Canadian Pacific Coast Line Dead Zone Devoid of 99% Of All Life, Almost All Tidal Zone Species Missing Entirely?


There is no news covering radiation in scallops, clams or other filter feeders on the west coast since 2011. Promises were made to test filter feeders, but no news came out after that, and nothing has been published. So to show that filter feeders do absorb radiation, AGRP had to dig up an old study from 2006, which shows that filter feeders to concentrate radiation by up to 17,000 times. 

The Effects of Atomic Radiation on Oceanography and Fisheries: Report By National Academy of Sciences (U.S.). Committee on Effects of Atomic Radiation on Oceanography and Fisheries
Study showing that oysters and scallops concentrate radioactive cesium and zinc in ocean water between 3,500, to 17,000 times.


Via arclight May 8, 2012  Radioactive Bioaccumulation in Clams along the Hanford Reach 2005
Flesh [pCi/kg(wet)]  N-Springs [>BKG] 1600 Sr90
Shell [pCi/kg(wet)] N-Springs [>BKG]  268,000. Sr90
300 Area [>BKG]  396. Cs137

Uranium Concentration TRAC Patton (2003) Factors in Clam Shells                            median maximum
300 Area Location 9 / Vernita (BKG): 24.                                                                    61.      102

Above background in clamshell at 300 Area Location 9 [pCi/g(dry)], from Table 1:
radium [(0.56–0.14) + (0.380–0.06)] = 0.74
uranium (0.86–0.036) = 0.82

What happens if the algae and plankton that are in the water are already highly radioactive, because they concentrate and accumulate radiation also? Who is testing the clams, scallops and abalone, plus other filter feeders, as was being done at the Hanford Reach above?

So far, no studies, no results, but lots and lots of mass die offs, closed beaches to clamming and mysteries, plus befuddled scientists.


What do you think is happening? The evidence is there; radiation has been found in ocean water off the coast. Algae concentrate that radiation, and filter feeders concentrate/magnify it some more. At some point it all becomes toxic and deadly, which causes mass die offs. Add in the acid creating effect of radiation on ocean water, and you have a double whammy. If the radiation does not get you, the acid plus the radiation will. Is there evidence of something deadly moving up the food chain from the tiniest organisms, all the way up to the top of the food chain? Let's explore that...


A short news snippet below details a NW organization that is losing their funding, which is testing mussels and what they found, but no mention is made of anything radioactive, despite using a machine that would detect everything radioactive. They also never mention acid water. They do talk about mussels not 'surviving' something, but the reporter is not clear exactly how many are dying, why, or what exactly happened. This could be a reference to just a couple of mussels dying in a small tank, or a mass die off event. 

7/2014 -Mussels: Unlocking secrets to what's in the water
By Jeff Burnside Published: http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Mussels-Unlocking-secrets-to-whats-in-the-water-267569071.html?tab=video&c=y

3/2014 Tens of millions of scallops die off on west coast, but no problem on east coast

More news about the scallops dying off. This crop was planted between 2009 to 2011, and now there is a mass die off, just like the starfish, the seals, the polar bears, the walruses, the salmon and herring. 

If this is acid ocean water from global warming, then this same thing should be happening all around the world, especially downwind of all of the CO2 being produced, right? So why is it happening UP WIND of the CO2 being generated in the USA? Wouldn't it make more sense that the East Coast would be hit the hardest from CO2 emissions and acid ocean water, seeing how all of the carbon dioxide from the entire US ends up going right over all of the rivers and bays of the Atlantic ocean? 

2/2014 - Mystery surrounds massive die-off of oysters and scallops off B.C. coast

6/2014 - Seattle Times - Oyster die off is getting worse, not better

9/2/2014 TV:: ‘Zombie’ starfish found along Pacific coast — Experts: “Much spookier than in past” — Babies “die so quickly… they just disappear”

September 2, 2014 Heart of the Rose; "Because of deaths of such keystone predators, the mussel populations have grown substantially, Lahner said. That could result in an overpopulation allowing mussels to take over less hardy species.http://www.thenewstribune.com/2014/08/07/3320878_disease-killing-sea-stars-reaches.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy

Not every ocean species is experiencing die offs. Because seastars have almost disappeared from many areas, the hardy mussels are taking off and experiencing a population boom as are the spiny urchins, which feed on the tall wavy fronds of seaweed that many others species depend on for habitat and food. But the fact that sea stars as a key stone species, one would think that more alarms would be raised. First it was the soft bodied sea stars dying. Then it was the medium bodies sea stars, and now it is the hard bodied sea stars, according to one source. After the hard bodied sea stars are all dead, there are no more. In some areas the only sea stars left are a few hardy purple ones. 


SEATTLE AREA, Sept. 2013 Oysters dying as coast is hit hard | Sea Change: Ocean acidification

Sep 4, 2013 Cracking the Case of the Vanishing Oyster Larvae « Great American ...
Researchers believe that increasing ocean acidity was to blame for the die off of oyster larvae.

Northwest Oyster Die-offs Show Ocean Acidification Has Arrived
Oyster Farming ... Elizabeth Grossman, interviews Dr. Richard Feely and Dr. Chris Sabine about Ocean Acidification and the Oyster die-off's on the West Coast.

China Bans Shellfish From West Coast

December 13, 2013 Unprecedented’: China bans all imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast — Official: “They’ve never done anything like that that I’ve ever seen” — Includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska and N. California — Gov’t says it will continue indefinitely (AUDIO)

Maybe the Chinese know something that even US citizens are not allowed to find out about. Why would China ban shellfish imports from the WEST COAST, but not the EAST COAST?

Socrates August 31, 2014 "Radiological oncologists frequently pre-dose with arsenic those tumor cells they wish to target because heavy metals enhance the effects of radiation on cells. If the fertilization with iron-based fertilizers was used, and the toxic algae bioaccumulate both radionuclides and heavy metals, then the effects of the Fukushima radiation would be magnified in marine animals by the bioaccumulation of the heavy metals by the toxic algae and the Fukushima radiation combined.

The Chinese have banned West Coast seafood because of arsenic and DA. Much of the arsenic is organic. It takes many months to dissipate in the ocean. However, the algae bioaccumulate the heavy metals. On top of that is the radiation. The cells of the animals would be primed for cell death by the heavy metals. Then comes the radiation. It would take far less radiation to start killing cells. Ionizing radiation releases free radicals and creates peroxygenation of DNA. Immunity is destroyed by interfering with redox signaling and cytokines, Cascading effects on the cellular functioning occurs, including mutations and infection by opportunistic pathogenic organisms. Many things operate synergistically to cause cancer. Smoking and asbestos is just one example. Heavy metals and radiation exposure is another."


2012 - The oyster die-off — What do the Pacific Northwest's ...

Published on May 8, 2012 Washington State DOHofficials (the same people who brought you "whooping cough epidemic" are now testing salmon and clams for radiation. Alaska says it doesn't have to test anything.

TV: “Could it really happen?” State of Washington testing CLAMS for Fukushima radiation — Salmon and steelhead also — Will continue “until public concern abates” (VIDEO)
Jon_NY May 8, 2012 "Alaska Says Testing Fish for Radiation is Unnecessary
Probably not necessary to test the seals and polar bears that have been exhibiting signs of CRS (cutaneous radiation syndrome) for months now."

Where are those testing reports, showing the radiation testing results and how they performed the tests and on which animals? It has been years since they announced that they were going to do a test on clams and salmon, but nothing has come out in the news yet about what they found or did not find. Why not? 


Wild oysters in Puget Sound and off the east coast of Vancouver Island also have experienced ... Courtesy of NOAA/Taylor Shellfish Farms.

Nov 2011 An article in Yale Environment 360, written by Elizabeth Grossman, interviews Dr. Richard Feely and Dr. Chris Sabine about Ocean Acidification and the Oyster die-off ...
Northwest Oyster Die-offs Show Ocean Acidification Has ...

August 19, 2011 Marine biologist in Canada: Salmon species needs to be tested for radiation — Gov’t doesn’t want us to know


There is a problem, all right, but it may not be from just CO2 or heavy metals or acid alone. These biologists are so ardently trying to blame just one thing for the demise of all oysters. One cause of increased acidity of sea water is radioactivity from all the nuclear acid waste dumped into the oceans, drums of high level nuclear waste, nuclear-powered ships passing through the water, and fallout falling into the water from all the things the nuclear industry and armed forces of the nuclear-armed nations are doing, including the use of radioactive ammunition (DU)  in wars around the world and for target practice at home.

Fukushima is still pouring a large amount of high level liquid waste into the ocean on top of the huge dump that happened right after 3/11. The nuclear disaster in Japan is getting worse and worse, but is being completely covered up. How much worse will things get, before the real issues are addressed and studied? Time will tell, but now you know more than just about all of the pro nuclear biologists, scientists, the public and mass media combined. 


2014 - Is Radiation From Fukushima Causing Massive Die-Off Of Oysters And Scallops - B.C. And Pacific Ocean Coast?

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