"There's a great apathy and a false idea that we're out of all danger of a nuclear attack, and that's not so," he counsels. "What we have at play in the world is a lot of foreign powers, once part of the Soviet Union, and a lot have nuclear arsenals. And the danger is [nuclear weapons] proliferating to third world countries and enemies of the U.S."
Via Shane Connor "Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness report determined that “the U.S. remains unprepared to cope with the possibility of an attack on a major city by terrorists capable of acquiring and detonating an improvised nuclear device”. The study, “Regional Health and Public Health Preparedness for Nuclear Terrorism: Optimizing Survival in a Low Probability/High Consequence Disaster,” says in part;
"In the United States, virtually no public education has taken place about what an individual should do in the event of a nuclear detonation, although there is urgent and critical need for such education, especially for those living in potential target areas... A public education campaign that addressed these issues could save lives and reduce injury in the gray zone by empowering the public to initiate life-saving actions without the need for official advice, which may never arrive. Immediate protective actions in the first moments after a detonation are critical. Considering that it might be impossible to get emergency messages to the public after a detonation, it is sensible to equip the public now with basic information on how to best protect themselves and their family should they ever confront this type of disaster."
In case of any kind of terrorist nuclear attack, regional nuclear war, or nuclear accident, Communist China has a very good plan to shelter and/or evacuate a large majority of their citizens, even in their major cities, such as Bejing. Millions of people in Bejing can move underground in case of a asteroid strike, nuclear attack, natural disaster such as earthquake, or even a nuclear accident. They have even made elaborate and very well thought out plans to move large numbers of people underground from one radiation contaminated area to another area that is not radiation contaminated in case of nuclear accident or nuclear war.
Why can't Japan, the USA or many other countries do that? Oh, right, the US dismantled all of the nuclear bomb shelters, even in large cities, so civilians are left to figure it out for themselves. But that same thing does not apply to US and Japanese government and military officials, of course, because US military and government leaders all have deluxe nuclear bomb shelters to go to with years worth of supplies for them, their families and close friends. Why do they have shelters and no one else does?
Via Rich Fleetwood "An excellent article from 2006, from the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 11, Number 3, authored by Dr. Jane Orient.... "The apparent strategy of the U.S. federal government, in the event of the use of nuclear weapons on American soil, is to provide for continuity of government” while civilians largely fend for themselves. Early in the nuclear age, the federal government funded extensive research on nuclear weapons effects and protective measures, but a national civil defense does not exist, partly owing to opposition from some physician groups. Expedient methods could still save millions of lives at minimal cost."
Japan can't be bothered about planning for radiation disasters either, just like the US, because unsafe radiation is just a harmful rumor. Secrecy laws prevent anyone from even talking about this subject, or they risk being arrested if they try. In the US, the media has a sacred cow rule about not discussing anything nuclear and negative in the same breath.
By comparison, explore the example offered by China, and their nuclear bomb shelter system. (click on link for picture)
Japan’s secrecy law passes lower house — AP: Prison for ‘inappropriate reporting’ — Official: We’re on path to be fascist state — Fear Fukushima cover-ups to worsen
According to History.com; "President John F. Kennedy, speaking on civil defense, advises American families to build bomb shelters to protect them from atomic fallout in the event of a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union. Kennedy also assured the public that the U.S. civil defense program would soon begin providing such protection for every American." President Kennedy made good on his promise. But then, they all disappeared. Who got rid of them all?
The need for nuclear bomb and/or natural disaster public shelters for all US citizens has not changed, despite the end of the 'Cold War'. (see first strike, terrorists and global nuclear war close calls section below). So why were all existing nuclear bomb shelters dismantled?
How many nuclear bomb shelters are there in the us? For all practical intents and purposes, there are ZERO nuclear bomb shelters, and supplies, well forget about that as well. The city of Chicago is making some efforts to maintain at least a few of their shelters, but there is no central, federal listing of all nuclear bomb shelters in the USA. http://www.answers.com/mt/bomb-shelter
Now comes the question: What will you do in case of a natural disaster, or a nuclear disaster? The official US government guidance is to shelter in place. You go to the nearest and most protective building and stay there for 24 hours unless told to evacuate sooner. Do you know where to go, or what to do?
Even FEMA has discontinued all references to nuclear war, nuclear bombs, or nuclear terrorist attacks and what do in regards to them since around 2006. Why delete useful information, especially since the risk of a dirty bomb attack is one of the highest threats existing right now?
How does a nuclear emergency policy of no information, no warnings, no sirens, and no shelters work in practice? Here are a couple of articles that may give a small taste of what it might end up looking and feeling like.... First, from Gaza..
http://observers.france24.com/content/20140711-air-raids-gaza-no-warning-sirens-shelters-israelIsrael Under Fire – The Fellowship Responds!
"Sheltering in place" is a fancy term for; there no plan.. You figure it out. Good luck with that. People go into a panic mode from just small rockets and 'regular' bombs. What would happen if one or more nuclear bombs were on the way, and people found out? What if a dangerously radioactive plume from something upwind like Fukushima came over your city, and you knew about it? If there are no shelters to go to, it would just cause panic among the population, right?
If you need a plan and information about very basic things that anyone can do, the link below provides one example. The federal government could do this at very low cost. Click on the link to get the free report about positive things you can do or implement in your local neighborhood, community, in your school, at your college, or at your workplace, despite the federal lack of any action.
Maybe the following very sad statistic is why the EPA 'turned off' radiation detectors and did not warn anyone as the Fukushima radiation plume went over the US, and caused at least 14,000 casualties, just in the first few months. Of course, they claimed that these detectors suddenly 'quit working'. Really? They had mobile units that could have been deployed to substitute for the 'non working' radiation detectors, but they did not deploy even one of those. Why not?
If you need a plan and information about very basic things that anyone can do, the link below provides one example. The federal government could do this at very low cost. Click on the link to get the free report about positive things you can do or implement in your local neighborhood, community, in your school, at your college, or at your workplace, despite the federal lack of any action.
Maybe the following very sad statistic is why the EPA 'turned off' radiation detectors and did not warn anyone as the Fukushima radiation plume went over the US, and caused at least 14,000 casualties, just in the first few months. Of course, they claimed that these detectors suddenly 'quit working'. Really? They had mobile units that could have been deployed to substitute for the 'non working' radiation detectors, but they did not deploy even one of those. Why not?
EPA Covered Up And Hid Fukushima Radiation Plume Hitting USA; via @AGreenRoad
An example of their radiation detector network is provided via the picture below. This picture shows just one average day, just recently, in 2014.
EPA Alert levels are 100 CPM, but no one is alerted.
EPA Evacuation levels are 300 CPM, but even when those levels are exceeded, no one is warned, and no one is evacuated.
What is the EPA actually doing, if they don't measure or pass on dangerous radiation levels to the public?
What is FEMA doing? The answer is; nothing.. Do you still believe your government is protecting you?

FRIDAY, Aug. the 27th of 2014 These numbers was pulled at 4:45 P.M. Central Time ....Aug. 27th 0f 2014... Maps are from http://www.netc.com/...
Japan Researchers: Models show North America hit with ‘very high’ levels from Fukushima plume — Radioactive material in ocean off West Coast was up to 500 times more than expected (VIDEO)
Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation, Radiation Exposure Prevention, Reversal, Chelation
What would have happened if KI tablets had been handed out in the US before the extremely 'hot' Iodine laden Fukushima radiation plume showed up in the US? How many of the following 14,000 infants would have survived, if a public shelter system and an effective radiation warning, and KI tablet distribution system had been in place and working?
Granted, an all out global nuclear war was is NOT survivable, even for people inside good nuclear bomb shelters. But a local nuclear accident, a very small regional nuclear war or a single nuclear bomb terrorist attack on a city is survivable, and these are just a few of many reasons for public shelters and information. For more on the subject of global nuclear war, click on the link below...
First Strike Policy, Nuclear Bombs, Down Winders, Acute Radiation Sickness, Nuclear War, Dirty Bombs
Wikipedia; "The Underground City (Chinese: 地下城; pinyin: Dìxià Chéng), also known as Dixia Cheng, is a bomb shelter comprising a network of tunnels located beneath Beijing, China, which has since been transformed into a tourist attraction. It has been called the Underground Great Wall because it was built for the purpose of military defense.
The complex was constructed during the 1970s in anticipation of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union,[1][2] and was officially reopened in 2000.[3]Visitors were allowed to tour portions of the complex,[3]which has been described as "dark, damp, and genuinely eerie".[4] Dixia Cheng has been closed for renovation since at least February 2008.[1
The tunnels comprising Dixia Cheng run beneath Beijing's city center, covering an area of 85 square kilometres (33 sq mi) 8 to 18 metres (26–59 ft) under the surface.[1][2] At one time there were about 90 entrances to the complex, all of which were hidden in shops along the main streets of Qianmen.[5] Known entrances include 62 West Damochang Street in Qianmen, Beijing Qianmen Carpet Factory at 44 Xingfu Dajie in Chongwen District, and 18 Dazhalan Jie in Qianmen.[1]
At the height of Soviet-Chinese tensions in 1969, Chinese chairman Mao Zedong ordered the construction of Dixia Cheng during the border conflict over Zhenbao Island in the Heilongjiang River. It was one of the bomb shelters constructed in case of a nuclear attack.[2] The Underground City was designed to withstand either a nuclear orconventional attack.[1] The complex would enable Beijing's population to hide from air raids, and could allow China's leaders to flee safely to military bases in the hills.[6] The government claimed that the tunnels could accommodate all of Beijing's six million inhabitants upon its completion.[4]
The complex was equipped with facilities such as restaurants, clinics, schools, theaters, factories, a roller skating rink, a grain and oil warehouse, and a mushroom cultivation farm, for growing foods that require little light. There were also more than 70 sites inside the tunnels at which water wells could be dug.[2] Elaborate ventilation systems were installed, with shafts that could close to protect against water and chemicals,[7] and gas and waterproof hatcheswere constructed to protect people in the tunnels from chemical attack and radioactive fallout.[2] The complex also had thick concrete doors, which help protect the tunnels from intruders or a flood.[7]
There is no authoritative information on the extent of the complex's tunnels,[2] but one tourist explained that they link Beijing's central railway station with Tiananmen square, the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City and the Western Hills,[6] while the China Internet Information Center asserts that "they supposedly link all areas of central Beijing, from Xidan and Xuanwumen to Qianmen and [the] Chongwen district", in addition to the Western Hills.[2] It is also rumoured that every residence once had a secret trapdoor nearby leading to the tunnels.[2] In the event of a nuclear attack, the plan was to move half of Beijing's population underground and the other half to theWestern Hills.[1]
How many other cities in China are ready and prepared for a nuclear attack or a major nuclear accident?
Wikipedia; "With the increase of tensions between the PRC and the USSR in the late 1960s, the Chinese leaders deemed it prudent to construct a number of underground facilities to protect the country's population, military, as well as its command and control bodies, in case of a nuclear conflict. The best known of these facilities is Beijing's Underground City. (plural, meaning there are potentially MANY MORE of these shelters, under other Chinese cities.)
On January 31, 1969, a decision was made to construct an underground command headquarters for the country's military; the codename "131" for the project stems from this date (01-31, in the usual way of ordering dates). The PLA Chief of Staff, General Huang Yongsheng (黄永胜) himself was in charge of the construction.[1]
Bejing hardens subways for nuclear and chemical gas attacks
China built a hardened submarine base, capable of withstanding a nuclear bomb attack and holding 20 nuclear submarines, which can then launch a counter attack.
"Facilities.. used for storing and hiding missiles and nuclear warheads, and for command bunkers, hardened against nuclear attacks. China has been tunneling and hiding its nuclear forces since the early 1950s but the first public disclosure of the effort came in 2010 during the anniversary of the Second Artillery Corps. Until then, both Beijing and the Pentagon kept most details of Chinese underground nuclear facilities and arms secret."
Bottom line, China offers a real world example that worst case planning and preparations for mega nuclear accidents such as Fukushima, dirty bomb attacks or for limited nuclear war are both plausible and can be accomplished, if the goal is set and a plan is made.
Certainly, the US government and the military branches have built huge underground nuclear bomb shelters, but only for themselves. Sorry, there is NO room in these shelters for all of those hundreds of millions of people that they are supposed to serve, protect and, God forbid, save from the worst effects of a radioactive accident or attack.
The Raven Rock Mountain Complex(RRMC) is a military installation with an underground nuclear bunker near Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, at Raven Rock Mountain that serves as an "underground Pentagon".[3] The bunker has emergency operations centers for the Army, Navy, and Air Force. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raven_Rock_Mountain_Complex
There are many underground US government and military facilities, but none for civilians, according to Wikipedia:
Mount Weather → Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (Used temporarily for Members of Congress in Sept. 2001)
United States Strategic Command Center (Offutt Air Force Base) → United States Strategic Command(USSTRATCOM)
National Audio-Visual Conservation Center (Mount Pony) → Department of Treasury/Federal Reserve (sold off in 1997 to the National Audiovisual Conservation Center)
Project Greek Island (Greenbrier Bunker - Exposed in press and removed from service)
The problem with NOT planning for sheltering all of the lowly and average people for nuclear emergencies is that the cities are then caught unprepared and exposed to the worst peaks of radiation that can easily be avoided by sheltering in underground shelters. Fukushima radiation hitting an unprepared Tokyo is a good example of the dangers posed with not planning or preparing for radiation worst case scenarios.
The only reason that the US and the Soviets reduced the stockpiles of nuclear weapons was due to the heroic efforts of medical doctors, led by Dr. Helen Caldicott, who noticed the epidemic rise in cancers, birth defects, genetic diseases and other diseases, plus a few notable politicians who took a brave stand.
Dr. Helen Caldicott MD On Nuclear Weapons, MAD/Nuclear Armageddon; via @AGreenRoad
From Infinity Room, Plutonium Bombs, 25,000 Warheads, Nuclear Armageddon, To Millions Of Years Of Radiation Contamination; via @AGreenRoad
The problem with the lack of focus on radiation information, education and preparation planning is that NO ONE knows anything about radiation, or the dangers posed by it. Myths, lies and misinformation is rampant because the only people talking and being interviewed on mass media TV are the pro nuclear experts, who keep repeating false information that all radiation is like bananas, and you can eat plutonium safely, etc.
Despite the end of the Cold War, the probability of a global nuclear war is rising, not falling. The only way to prevent the use of these nuclear weapons is to abolish and destroy them all. On the way towards that goal, everyone should be informed about the dangers of low dose radiation, and what to do in case of nuclear emergencies. Public shelters should be available for everyone, in all cities.
20 Close Calls; Why MAD Total Nuclear Global World War III Almost Happened 20 Times So Far; via @AGreenRoad
What Is The Statistical Probability Of A Major Nuclear Accident Like Fukushima Happening In The USA? via @AGreenRoad
What Is The Statistical Probability Of A Major Nuclear Accident Like Fukushima Happening In The USA? via @AGreenRoad
The only option left with NOT planning and preparing is evacuating some small part of the population, because realistically, that is all that can be done. After Fukushima, the lucky informed few left Tokyo on jets, while everyone else was left to hunker down and just suck those peak radiation plumes down, and take it. Basically, anyone who could afford to leave Japan, and was smart enough to figure out what was really happening, did so.
Tokyo; Anyone Who Could Afford To, Left After Fukushima Meltdown; via A Green Road
Bottom line the only realistic solution is to dismantle all nuclear weapons and get rid of nuclear power plants. Since that is not happening currently, wouldn't you agree that minimizing the risk and increasing the number of people who survive would be a good idea, via public emergency natural disaster and nuclear bomb shelters?
The US has an official military policy that allows it to use nuclear weapons FIRST, rather than in response to an attack, which is what US policy used to be. The US used to have a purely defensive posture, which means it would never attack first, but it would respond to any attacks made on it, such as Pearl Harbor, for example. For more information around the offensive first strike policy in place now, click on links..
First Strike Policy; How President Obama Has Moved Us Closer To Global Nuclear War (MAD); via @AGreenRoad
First Strike Policy And The Samson Principle; Holding The World Hostage With Nuclear, Chemical, Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction; via @AGreenRoad
Bottom line, this first strike policy increases the risks of nuclear war, and also increases the odds that more people will be exposed to radiation at some point, from open air use of nuclear weapons. If the US does strike some other nation 'first', odds are great that someone will respond in kind, with one or more nuclear missiles hitting the US.
Basically, many foreign countries told their citizens to leave Japan after 3/11, and the upper class elite also left Japan, because they could afford to. This happens after every nuclear contamination accident or disaster, so it is nothing new. The people left behind in highly radiation contaminated areas are the people who cannot afford to move, the poor and mostly blue collar workers. It is very hard to find rich people living in ANY highly radiation contaminated areas, anywhere in the world.
2014 - Tokyo, Japan Should Be Evacuated Says Dr Mita MD, Most Of Japan Radiation Contaminated After The Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
The downside of this non planning for radiation disasters, is that it then requires covering up the radiation disaster and hiding it completely from the gullible masses of people who will believe whatever is on mass media global corporate controlled TV, radio and newspapers.
Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists
The justification used in covering up a radiation disaster is to 'not cause a panic', especially since people can't go anywhere, since there are no shelters for them. But then to make that 'no panic thing' happen, it also means not handing out KI tablets as well, and not providing any helpful information about how to avoid radiation dangers, because if one does that, it may cause a panic as well. So what ends up happening after EVERY single nuclear disaster, is that a huge cover up happens, starting almost immediately.
Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists
Odds are that no one will ever hear about the REAL discussions that went on at high levels behind closed doors, because that would mean a huge legal and financial liability, for anyone 'left behind' or left out of the limited evacuation that did happen immediately for the families of nuclear plant workers, plus the smart connected folks and the very financially well off.
Only the Japanese US embassy handed out KI tablets to civilians, but only to US citizens. And only the Fukushima hospital staff took KI tablets as part of a nuclear disaster response plan. Everyone else, well, they were told NOT to take anything, as there was nothing to worry about.
Only the Japanese US embassy handed out KI tablets to civilians, but only to US citizens. And only the Fukushima hospital staff took KI tablets as part of a nuclear disaster response plan. Everyone else, well, they were told NOT to take anything, as there was nothing to worry about.
Govt. Had 1 Million Potassium Iodide - KI Pills Available, But Refused To Hand Them Out After 3/11 Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
Yes, it is difficult to imagine how one would plan and then what process would be used to choose to evacuate if there are no shelters to go to. The lucky chosen few that would be evacuated would have to be a tiny portion of the population of a major city, correct? Imagine this; you are in charge of disaster response for a city with 40 million people. How do you evacuate them in 48 hours?
In case of a nuclear disaster, there might only be a couple of hours before a radiation plume hits. Who will be the lucky few that get a seat on a jet and be flown out? Who will be able to find a very rare radiation shelter? How many would get inside of these shelters to ride out the peak radiation plumes? Only a few, very smart, prepared people, and a few financially well off and well connected people, would end up doing the right thing, correct?
It Took Authorities Two Months After Fukushima Melted Down To Announce 'Hope' That People Would Evacuate 20 KM; via @AGreenRoad
Japan Should Have Evacuated At Least 40 Million People Due To Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
In case of a nuclear disaster, there might only be a couple of hours before a radiation plume hits. Who will be the lucky few that get a seat on a jet and be flown out? Who will be able to find a very rare radiation shelter? How many would get inside of these shelters to ride out the peak radiation plumes? Only a few, very smart, prepared people, and a few financially well off and well connected people, would end up doing the right thing, correct?
In case of a nuclear disaster, everyone other than the lucky privileged and elite few in government, military and the nuclear industry are told that nothing bad is happening, shelter in place and they are told to NOT take KI tablets. And that is EXACTLY what happened after Fukushima, despite it being much worse than Chernobyl.
Japan Should Have Evacuated At Least 40 Million People Due To Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
Do you know where you would shelter or evacuate to in case of a nuclear disaster? What is YOUR plan? Certainly the military and political leaders have their plan, and they spent YOUR money to prepare for themselves and their families. How about you? Are you included on the special 1% 'list'?
This article is difficult to write. The subject matter is so very hard to even think about, much less imagine happening. But a major nuclear mega disaster did happen in Tokyo Japan, right after 3/11. A tiny but lucky portion of that city was evacuated.
Tokyo; Anyone Who Could Afford To, Left After Fukushima Meltdown; via A Green Road
This mini evacuation was done in secret, which is about the only way it could be done, without causing a major panic, wouldn't you agree? The bottom line is that the way it happened in Tokyo is about the only way an evacuation can happen in a major city, if there is no plan to shelter people underground, wouldn't you agree? This leads to the question; who will survive a regional or global nuclear war? Do you know the answer? Do you care?
This article is difficult to write. The subject matter is so very hard to even think about, much less imagine happening. But a major nuclear mega disaster did happen in Tokyo Japan, right after 3/11. A tiny but lucky portion of that city was evacuated.
Tokyo; Anyone Who Could Afford To, Left After Fukushima Meltdown; via A Green Road
This mini evacuation was done in secret, which is about the only way it could be done, without causing a major panic, wouldn't you agree? The bottom line is that the way it happened in Tokyo is about the only way an evacuation can happen in a major city, if there is no plan to shelter people underground, wouldn't you agree? This leads to the question; who will survive a regional or global nuclear war? Do you know the answer? Do you care?
Inside The Doomsday Plane; Who Will Survive A (MAD) Global Nuclear War? via @AGreenRoad
http://agreenroad.blogspot.com/2013/06/inside-doomsday-plane-who-will-survive.htmlWHAT IS YOUR CITY, AND/OR YOUR LOCAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS GROUP DOING TO PREPARE FOR NUCLEAR ACCIDENT OR NUCLEAR WAR?
Now let's come back to the present moment. Tokyo city officials experienced a major radiation disaster. Tokyo was caught unprepared and flatfooted. If a major Fukushima type radiation disaster happened RIGHT NOW, and then a major radiation plume was headed towards YOU and over your city where you live now, you would be shocked, right? So what is the plan for your family, and/or YOUR city, in case this happens?
What preparations are being made? Who has the radiation detectors to monitor the plume or fallout from each shelter? Who knows about decontamination? Where is the fresh water, blanket, medications, bandages and food going to be stored? Who knows about and can train the emergency responders about the dangers of fallout, radioactive gas, hot particles, and more? Who is going to hand out KI tablets and other helpful modalities and information?
What preparations are being made? Who has the radiation detectors to monitor the plume or fallout from each shelter? Who knows about decontamination? Where is the fresh water, blanket, medications, bandages and food going to be stored? Who knows about and can train the emergency responders about the dangers of fallout, radioactive gas, hot particles, and more? Who is going to hand out KI tablets and other helpful modalities and information?
All US cities were exposed to Japanese fallout from Fukushima. The peak radiation plumes could have been avoided by measuring them as they came over the Pacific ocean, and then getting people into underground nuclear bomb shelters to avoid the worst of the peaks. But nothing was done, because there was no place to go to, because all of the public access nuclear bomb shelters have been dismantled. In the US, there is no plan, no place to go, nothing known, and no KI tablets will be handed out, to anyone.
5 Reasons Why Public Nuclear Bomb Shelters Are Still Needed In The USA Today, Why Were They All Closed? via @AGreenRoad
Fallout Shelter History, Construction Details, Radiation Shielding, Locations; via @AGreenRoad
Pets, Animals And Radioactive Contamination In Shelters Or Homes; via @AGreenRoad
The coverup of the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster had to happen, or heads would roll in the government and the nuclear industry, if the public ever found out how bad it really got in the days and weeks after 3/11.
14,000 US Infant Mortality/Deaths From Fukushima Nuclear Disaster - Peer Reviewed Study; via @AGreenRoad
How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad
What are the lessons that should have been learned from Fukushima? What kind of radiation disaster plan is your local, regional, national and/or international government drawing up to protect your community, the PUBLIC, your neighbors, friends and family from another radiation accident, terror attack or regional nuclear war?
The current plan for the public (no plan) is to 'shelter in place', which means everyone stays in their house and sucks up the radiation, while the government and military go to their nuclear bomb shelters that they have built for themselves, with filtered air, clean water and years of supplies.. Sorry, there is no room for you. Figure it out. Too bad for you and your loved ones.
The current plan for the public (no plan) is to 'shelter in place', which means everyone stays in their house and sucks up the radiation, while the government and military go to their nuclear bomb shelters that they have built for themselves, with filtered air, clean water and years of supplies.. Sorry, there is no room for you. Figure it out. Too bad for you and your loved ones.
Is everyone just going to completely ignore this real world risk and stay in apathy or denial? Will the few that do respond label anyone who brings this subject up; a fear monger and conspiracy theorist?
Time will tell. Spread this message, if you care about the future and protecting children from harm. Share it on Facebook, twitter, other social media. Print it out and mail it to your local officials. Talk about it at the coffee shop.
Time will tell. Spread this message, if you care about the future and protecting children from harm. Share it on Facebook, twitter, other social media. Print it out and mail it to your local officials. Talk about it at the coffee shop.
Communist China Has Public Emergency Nuclear Accident Or Bomb Shelters For It's Citizens, But The USA Has NONE - Why Not?
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