This article will start with a short history of Fukushima, and then go into some of the things that have been completely covered up by TEPCO and the mass media, before presenting the evidence of melt downs in Buildings #5 and #6. Have you heard of any evidence of melt downs in those buildings? No? Why not?
There is plenty of evidence from multiple sources around the melting down of buildings #5 and #6, despite all of the attempts by TEPCO to cover them up and deny them completely. Why not at least look at the evidence, and then make up your own mind?
There is plenty of evidence from multiple sources around the melting down of buildings #5 and #6, despite all of the attempts by TEPCO to cover them up and deny them completely. Why not at least look at the evidence, and then make up your own mind?
Apr 12, 2011 "Top Scientist: Fukushima Meltdown Could Trigger Atomic Explosion
A British professor and expert on the health effects of ionizing radiation told Alex Jones back in April of 2011, that the evidence pointed towards a nuclear explosion occurring at the Fukushima Daiichi complex. Two explosions at the plant in March were described as hydrogen gas explosions by Japanese officials and the pro corporate mass media. On the Alex Jones Show, April 12, 2011, citing data collected by two Russian scientists, Professor Chris Busby told the world that the explosion(s) at Fukushima were nuclear."
Guess what? Dr. Busby was right, and he is an example of a truth teller. This article will go into the details and prove just how right he was. To this day, the nuclear industry experts and mass media attack him and portray him as a liar, just like they do with Dr. Helen Caldicott and AGRP. The truth gets almost no air time on the corporate controlled mass media.
Historically, in any country and in it's government, wouldn't you agree that when the truth becomes a lie, and the lies become 'truth', it is a sad state of affairs, because it means that democracy in that country is lost. Democracy can only exist when there is an informed citizenry. If lies are paraded as truth and people believe the lies, how can they make the 'right' decision regarding government or anything else for that matter?
Back in the days of Plato, this was also the case. Plato wrote a parable called 'The Cave'. He described how many people were stuck in a dark cave, looking at shadows, which were nothing more than illusions. Meanwhile, the truth was far away. Any truth tellers who came into the cave were viciously attacked, just the same as Dr. Busby is being attacked and discredited today.
Historically, in any country and in it's government, wouldn't you agree that when the truth becomes a lie, and the lies become 'truth', it is a sad state of affairs, because it means that democracy in that country is lost. Democracy can only exist when there is an informed citizenry. If lies are paraded as truth and people believe the lies, how can they make the 'right' decision regarding government or anything else for that matter?
Back in the days of Plato, this was also the case. Plato wrote a parable called 'The Cave'. He described how many people were stuck in a dark cave, looking at shadows, which were nothing more than illusions. Meanwhile, the truth was far away. Any truth tellers who came into the cave were viciously attacked, just the same as Dr. Busby is being attacked and discredited today.
What Plato was pointing at (in part) is called normalcy bias these days. Even in the case of non nuclear disasters, normalcy bias is the rule, not the exception. In other words, the lie is believed more than the truth by the average person, even when thousands of lives are immediately at stake. The following article provides proof of how and why this normalcy bias happens, with every disaster, and even more so with a nuclear disaster.
Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
Normalcy bias is one thing, but deliberate deception and cover up is completely something else.
Cognitive dissonance and deception with intent is quite another more sinister force. When reality refuses to intrude despite lots and lots of evidence, plus generations of time to let the reality sink in, that could be called a mental illness. The nuclear industry could be described as having this mental illness, because reality does not seem to intrude into their view of the world. Are they deceiving the world on purpose? Could what they are doing be called fraud and causing harm with intent?
Cognitive dissonance and deception with intent is quite another more sinister force. When reality refuses to intrude despite lots and lots of evidence, plus generations of time to let the reality sink in, that could be called a mental illness. The nuclear industry could be described as having this mental illness, because reality does not seem to intrude into their view of the world. Are they deceiving the world on purpose? Could what they are doing be called fraud and causing harm with intent?
For those who do not know how the deception works, it is worth diving into the articles at the following link, to explore the vast and organized deception practiced by the nuclear industry. Unless a person understands this basic fundamental fact about the industry, the rest of the article will not make much sense, and may just trigger a knee jerk reaction of; "This can't be true, it is too outrageous."
Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%
It took TEPCO three months to finally admit the meltdowns of 3 reactors at Fukushima. The nuclear industry claimed that this could NEVER happen, of course. TEPCO still has not admitted to what Chris Busby was talking about one month after 3/11/2011, which is the non hydrogen (nuclear criticality) explosion happened at building #3, as of 2014. TEPCO issued no warnings from 3/11 to now, to anyone about anything dangerous coming from Fukushima. They are acting and talking as if the whole Fukushima mega nuclear disaster site is just a picnic that has a minor ant problem, nothing more.
TEPCO did not hand out KI tablets and lied about the severity of the accident, right from the beginning all the way through to present day, with no exceptions. In doing this TEPCO had the support of the complicit medical community, the nuclear regulators and the Japanese government. Almost no one one called them on this initial deception and coverup that had severe health consequences. There were a few brave individuals that stood up to this Matrix like nuclear machine, such as Dr. Busby, Arnie Gunderson, and Dr. Helen Caldicott MD, among others.. These few truth tellers, (among others like deserve your support and encouragement, by the way.
Govt. Had 1 Million Potassium Iodide - KI Pills Available, But Refused To Hand Them Out After 3/11 Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
There is a price and consequence to lying and covering up a mega nuclear disaster; especially when human lives are at stake. Japan sacrificed their children, by worshiping at the alter of nuclear power. They 'burned' their children with radiation on the nuclear industry alter, almost the same way as people in the Old Testament burning children as sacrifices to the God Molech.
Fukushima Press Conference: “To the people of the world… dangerous developments… we need your help” — I vomited blood, skin inside mouth peeled out… no limit to radiation damage… contamination is all over Japan — Speaker nearly cries when revealing babies in rain waiting for food after explosion, “Gov’t didn’t issue any warnings” (VIDEO)
43% of Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Problems, Could Be Much Worse Than That; via @AGreenRoad
Diabetes Caused By Low Level Radiation - 6 In 10 Fukushima Children With Diabetes; via @AGreenRoad
Diabetes Caused By Low Level Radiation - 6 In 10 Fukushima Children With Diabetes; via @AGreenRoad
Almost universally, the mass media downplayed the nuclear disaster. Little or no investigative reporting has been done around this mega nuclear disaster. The corporate controlled mass media refused to get into any debates around the issues that this mega disaster should have brought up, which proves that the US mass media is very dysfunctional at this point, and democracy has been lost in the USA, as well as other countries where this issue is not covered or debated at all.
Right after the Fukushima mega disaster happened, the Fox News network even went so far as to feature Anne Colter, who said all radiation is good for you, and the more, the better. She was promoting the discredited hormesis theory, as all pro nuclear apologists do. The mass media went along with the PR spin handed out by the nuclear industry and reported that all radiation is harmless, and it will cause no damage to anyone, which is the exact opposite of the truth. When deception becomes the truth, and the truth becomes a lie, democracy and freedom is lost.
Right after the Fukushima mega disaster happened, the Fox News network even went so far as to feature Anne Colter, who said all radiation is good for you, and the more, the better. She was promoting the discredited hormesis theory, as all pro nuclear apologists do. The mass media went along with the PR spin handed out by the nuclear industry and reported that all radiation is harmless, and it will cause no damage to anyone, which is the exact opposite of the truth. When deception becomes the truth, and the truth becomes a lie, democracy and freedom is lost.
Hormesis; What Does Not Kill You, Is Good For You
The whole Fukushima mega nuclear disaster does not exist according to the mass media, and still doesn't even today, in 2014, three years later. The mass media and official account is that Fukushima is only 10% of Chernobyl. The pro nuclear shills claim that no one has died, and no one will die due to Fukushima radiation. Good grief! The coverup of Fukushima is more than 99%, and less than 1% has been revealed, but now AGRP has to prove that is the truth, correct?
The mass media is a very effective propaganda outlet and PR spin machine for huge corporations.
The mass media is a very effective propaganda outlet and PR spin machine for huge corporations.
Fake Mass Media News; The Many Ways The Viewing Public Is 'Programmed' And TV Programming Is Censored; via @AGreenRoad
The way that this mega nuclear disaster has been almost completely covered up is WORSE than Chernobyl, by orders of magnitude. The coverup of Chernobyl was and still is huge, but it pales by comparison with Fukushima.
IPPNW - Global Health Effects And Number Of Deaths Caused By Chernobyl Nuclear Planet Meltdown - 69 Million Victims; via @AGreenRoad
Chris correctly said the exclusion zone should be extended 100 to 200 miles, down to Tokyo. This means that TEPCO is again lying about the dangers of low dose radiation and the consequences that people will experience from this radiation in the future.
Why did Dr. Busby say that everyone down to Tokyo should have been evacuated? Well, maybe it has something to do with this basic fact, as reported by the same scientists who are trying to say that Fukushima was no big deal..
Using their own numbers, see what you think... is Fukushima 10% of Chernobyl, or something MUCH, MUCH, MUCH WORSE?
2,400 Nuclear weapons testing peak – 100 Bq/m³
Chernobyl caused a peak reading of – 1,000 Bq/m³
Fukushima caused a peak reading of – 180,000,000 Bq/m³
Chernobyl was around ten times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.
Fukushima was around 180,000 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.
2014 – Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via @AGreenRoad
Number of Deaths From 2,400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998; via @AGreenRoad
3 Nuclear Reactors Bombed; Just One Reactor Melting Down Is Much Worse Than 2,400 Nuclear Bombs Going Off; via A Green Road
Don't these numbers make sense, when one considers that Chernobyl was only one reactor, no spent fuel pools and a massive response that involved sacrificing 1 million people?
Compared to Chernobyl, Fukushima had SIX reactors melt down, one nuclear explosion, plus numerous spent fuel pool fires and at least one melted out. Japan sacrificed only 50 people, compared to the 1 million in then Soviet Russia. TEPCO was willing and ready to walk away completely. This shows evidence of the total unwillingness to accept reality and do what is necessary right from the beginning of this mega disaster, which was orders of magnitude WORSE than Chernobyl.
Don't the peak radiation readings match the scenario comparing nuclear bombs, Chernobyl and Fukushima?
Now you have yet another TEPCO lie exposed. Do you still believe that Fukushima is only 10% of Chernobyl? Are you sure you can handle the truth, and go further down this rabbit hole of reality? Sometimes the truth is hard to face and even harder to feel.
TEPCO and the Japanese government is opening up the former radiation exclusion and evacuation zone. They are demanding that people to 'return' to highly radioactively contaminated towns near Fukushima. The UN was extremely critical of TEPCO before they decided to put people back into harms way.. Things are getting worse for people in Japan, not better...
2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad
Few people understand the scope and scale of the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster. Areas beyond Tokyo to the south are so radiation contaminated that evacuating the whole city of Tokyo was contemplated as the Fukushima disaster was happening. It was decided that this was not an option, due to the expense and loss of income and taxes to japan, so the cover up began right there. The scope and scale of the cover up is so large, it takes some investigating to understand how broad and deep it was.
Japan Planned To Evacuate 40 Million Citizens; Russia Was Shocked; via @AGreenRoad
Japan Suffered 3 Mega Disasters, Now Suffering From 4th Mega Nuclear Disaster, USA Will Be Next; via @AGreenRoad
Another TEPCO lie is exposed here... Can you handle more of the truth? If yes, keep on reading... otherwise, come back to it later.. this is a lot to digest and absorb all at once.
TEPCO also claims that #4 was empty and in cold shut down. Just like 5 and 6, they say nothing bad happened to that building, except for a little hydrogen that leaked from #3 and caused #4 to explode. This is a ridiculous, bald faced lie, and AGRP explodes that lie in the following article.
AGreenRoad - TEPCO/Fukushima Lies Exposed Around Building #4, SFP, Core. Equipment Pool, Melt Out; via @AGreenRoad
If TEPCO can lie about this, how many other bald faced lies have they been telling?
Few people understand the scope and scale of the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster. Areas beyond Tokyo to the south are so radiation contaminated that evacuating the whole city of Tokyo was contemplated as the Fukushima disaster was happening. It was decided that this was not an option, due to the expense and loss of income and taxes to japan, so the cover up began right there. The scope and scale of the cover up is so large, it takes some investigating to understand how broad and deep it was.
Japan Planned To Evacuate 40 Million Citizens; Russia Was Shocked; via @AGreenRoad
Japan Suffered 3 Mega Disasters, Now Suffering From 4th Mega Nuclear Disaster, USA Will Be Next; via @AGreenRoad
Another TEPCO lie is exposed here... Can you handle more of the truth? If yes, keep on reading... otherwise, come back to it later.. this is a lot to digest and absorb all at once.
TEPCO also claims that #4 was empty and in cold shut down. Just like 5 and 6, they say nothing bad happened to that building, except for a little hydrogen that leaked from #3 and caused #4 to explode. This is a ridiculous, bald faced lie, and AGRP explodes that lie in the following article.
Building #4 suffered a catastrophic melt out from at least one spent fuel pool and multiple SFP fires, plus an explosion that blew out 4 foot thick concrete walls, without any fuel in the reactor all, according to TEPCO.. Yea, nothing bad happened at Fukushima according to TEPCO, there was just a wee leak, 10% of Chernobyl, right?
If TEPCO can lie about this, how many other bald faced lies have they been telling?
Building #3 suffered from an explosion that created a huge mushroom shaped cloud, that looked a lot like a nuclear explosion, but see what you think.....Chris Busby predicted that this is what happened, and indeed, it did.
Of course TEPCO is saying that none of that happened, and everything is in cold shut down. They say #3 just had a hydrogen explosion and nothing bad came out of #3. Can you still agree with TEPCO, after reading the above article and watching the video?
Oops, TEPCO caught in another lie.. how many more are there? Are you sure you can handle the truth?
Oops, TEPCO caught in another lie.. how many more are there? Are you sure you can handle the truth?
Why is the ground and building still steaming away around building #3, and other areas, three years later, in 2014?
Radioactive Smoke/Steam Coming Out Of Ground And #3 Reactor Building At Fukushima 2011- 2014 via @AGreenRoad
Nuclear Engineer: “Very huge catastrophe” for melted fuel to burn into ground — Radioactive material “will go all around the world” once in underground water — Chernobyl made cement barrier below reactor, #Fukushima did not (VIDEO) February 1, 2014
TEPCO knows that there are coriums underground, and that multiple melt outs happened from both building #3, and #4, and there are pictures of this which provides the evidence. But evidence does not matter in the upside down world of nuclear, where computer models trump truth and evidence.
Another pack of lies by TEPCO are exposed... how many more lies are there?
Building #2 never blew up, but the reactor in that building melted down just as fast as the reactors in other buildings.
"On 29 March, Richard Lahey, former head of safety research for boiling-water reactors at General Electric, speculated that the reactor core may have melted through the reactor containment vessel onto a concrete floor, raising concerns of a major release of radioactive material, while failing to divulge the report by Dale G. Bridenbaugh which condemned the design as "unsafe".[98] On 27 April, TEPCO revised its estimate of damaged fuel in Unit 2 from 30% to 35%.[99] TEPCO reported on 23 May that Reactor 2 suffered a meltdown about 100 hours after the earthquake.[100]" example of building #2 provides direct and confirmable evidence that a nuclear reactor did melt down without blowing up the building. Why wouldn't the nuclear reactors and/or spent fuel pools in buildings 5 and 6 do the same thing, for the same reasons?
TEPCO today is claiming that nothing bad happened at #2 and it did not melt down (much), despite evidence that it did melt down 100%. If a reactor can melt down without the building blowing up, what happened inside #5 and #6? How many more lies are they telling?
TEPCO today is claiming that nothing bad happened at #2 and it did not melt down (much), despite evidence that it did melt down 100%. If a reactor can melt down without the building blowing up, what happened inside #5 and #6? How many more lies are they telling?
TEPCO has been caught in so many lies around just about everything that happened from the very beginning of this mega nuclear disaster all the way up to now, why would anyone believe anything they say around buildings #5 and #6?
Most of what they say is coming from the altered sense of reality that the nuclear industry has which has very little to do with actual reality. As shown with evidence, most of what happened at the Fukushima site has been completely covered up and denied. They keep changing radiation readings, and they are constantly being forced to come clean on something they lied about, but way down the road.
What happened to the other buildings at Fukushima that have not been covered in this article yet? Why would anyone blindly believe a pathological liar named TEPCO?
Most of what they say is coming from the altered sense of reality that the nuclear industry has which has very little to do with actual reality. As shown with evidence, most of what happened at the Fukushima site has been completely covered up and denied. They keep changing radiation readings, and they are constantly being forced to come clean on something they lied about, but way down the road.
What happened to the other buildings at Fukushima that have not been covered in this article yet? Why would anyone blindly believe a pathological liar named TEPCO?
TEPCO claimed both units #5 and 6 were in 'cold shut down' on 3/11, but then again, they claimed a lot of things that did not turn out to be true at all, both on that day and since then, all the way up to the present day. TEPCO claims that the whole site is in cold shutdown, but that is not true either.
Fukushima; Is It REALLY In 'Cold Shutdown'? Plus; What Is The Rest Of The Story? Via @AGreenRoad
In court, if someone lies, you can safely dismiss just about everything they say after that especially if they are lying chronically and pathologically, as TEPCO is right up to today. The burden of proof is actually TEPCO to PROVE that 5 and 6 did NOT melt down.. So let's see what the evidence shows, compares to what they are claiming.
Why would it be so hard to conceive that reactors or one or more spent fuel pools in buildings #5 and #6 melted down at least partially and/or that their spent fuel pools also suffered from melt downs, just like all of the other buildings in the complex at Fukushima Daichi?
Another lie exposed that TEPCO is telling; how many more lies are there?
Another lie exposed that TEPCO is telling; how many more lies are there?
A melt down happens within 15 minutes after a nuclear reactor cooling system is lost, which happens after cooling pipes break due to, oh say, something like a level 9 earthquake. The buildings themselves were built on earthquake pads, which meant that the pads moved around. The problem is that the pipes connecting all of the buildings and pads to each other were not flexible. Those rigid cooling pipes broke as the pads moved around during the earthquake, between ALL of the buildings. The ground movement was estimated to be 8 feet horizontally and 2 feet vertically.
Worker accounts of the disaster were that pipes were breaking INSIDE of the buildings as well, so there are two documented places where pipe breakages happened, either one of which is doom to a reactor cooling system.
TEPCO knew that before the tsunami hit that the reactors were melting down at Fukushima. So would 5 and 6 be any exception to that rule? Where did all of the RADIOACTIVE water in the basements of these buildings come from, if that water did not come from a leaking or busted up cooling system? And for sure, the regular electrical and water pumps were not working, not with all of the damage that both the earthquake and tsunami caused.
The whole Fukushima site lost power, to all buildings. After the tsunami knocked out the generators and pumps located right next to the ocean, nothing was left to cool any buildings, and all of the cooling water pipes were busted in many places, both underground and inside of the buildings.
Worker accounts of the disaster were that pipes were breaking INSIDE of the buildings as well, so there are two documented places where pipe breakages happened, either one of which is doom to a reactor cooling system.
TEPCO knew that before the tsunami hit that the reactors were melting down at Fukushima. So would 5 and 6 be any exception to that rule? Where did all of the RADIOACTIVE water in the basements of these buildings come from, if that water did not come from a leaking or busted up cooling system? And for sure, the regular electrical and water pumps were not working, not with all of the damage that both the earthquake and tsunami caused.
The whole Fukushima site lost power, to all buildings. After the tsunami knocked out the generators and pumps located right next to the ocean, nothing was left to cool any buildings, and all of the cooling water pipes were busted in many places, both underground and inside of the buildings.
Now we get into the actual evidence of what happened at these two buildings. Wouldn't you agree that at this point, TEPCO has lost all trust and credibility, when they say anything at all? So why would anyone believe them when they say nothing happened at these two buildings?
bo July 6, 2014 the current condition of SFP5 and 6 –workers witnessed white smoke coming out of #5 and #6 after the quake (but before the tsunami), on 3/11
July 2, 2012. White smoke from Fukushima Daiichi Reactor No. 6 turbine building.
Isn't this exactly what happened at the other building as well, and they were MELTING DOWN?
July 2, 2012. White smoke from Fukushima Daiichi Reactor No. 6 turbine building.
bo September 6, 2014 " this is just a blog but it notes accounts by residents who lived nearby who had a good view of units 5&6 observing white smoke coming out of them after quake ( & before tsunami ) see if googletranslate works..
Isn't this exactly what happened at the other building as well, and they were MELTING DOWN?
Evidence such as the picture of the #5 spent fuel pool with molten fuel inside of a pipe, suggests reactors 5 and 6 had meltdowns, and possibly melt outs, because this melted fuel is no longer inside of the container, correct?
Cesium found near drainage gates at Reactors No. 5 and 6 May 16, 2011
October 24, 2011. Fukushima reactors No. 5, 6 now in crisis — cesium outside release up 1,000% in recent days — local says Hitachi engineers coming to help.
PhilipUpNorth July 11, 2014
Study: Fuel damage not ‘major’ at Fukushima Reactors No. 5 and 6 — Emissions from cores and spent fuel pools not ‘large’ March 2, 2012
Major Study: Reactor No. 5 releases may explain why so much radioactive xenon detected… or “recriticality has occurred in one of the reactor units” October 28, 2011
Radioactive noble gases are the first things released after a nuclear accident, and a melt down. Once corium is melting down, it keeps fissioning, which means that radioactive xenon would be detected, as it was in Oct. of 2011, many months after 3/11. This would also match the picture of melted fuel in the the buildings somewhere, whether in the spent fuel pools or reactors, because water does not stop or cool down a corium blob that is fissioning.
Reactors No. 5 and 6 were NOT in cold shutdown after quake, implies report by US nuclear industry — Cooling at Spent Fuel Pool No. 5 stopped until cables installed — Fresh fuel had been loaded into both reactors November 13, 2011
bo September 6, 2014 Oh – this is better in depth blog on units 5&6..
Fifth chart down – temps for units 5 & 6 after 3/15/11
red: unit 5 reactor cooling water temp
orange: unit 6 reactor cooling water temp
They're both reaching close to 200 degrees celsius ( which I don't understand.. so it's already no longer water.. they measure steam ?)
data for cooling water temps for reactors 5&6 btw 3/11 -3/15 are missing.
These charts linked to official tepco documents but looks like it has been removed from tepco's website.
Description of cooling pump failure for #5,6, for extended length of time.
Building #4 was also in 'cold shutdown' just like buildings 5 and 6, but it exploded, melted down and out. The proof is in the article above. Why would buildings 5 and 6 be 'immune' to melting down?
"It was confirmed that panels had been removed from the roofs of Units 5 and 6 to allow any hydrogen gas to escape"
It was not just radioactive hydrogen/tritium gas that escaped.. Lots and lots of radioactive gases and smoke came out of buildings 5 and 6, but most of the attention was focused on the exploding buildings in another section of the site.
Reactor No. 6 now has over 6 feet of contaminated water in turbine building — Water in reactor building may cause cooling system to fail May 18, 2011
There is no difference between these buildings, other than the building did not blow up. But #2 also did not blow up, because they cut the opening in the wall and let the explosive tritium/hydrogen gas out, so that means almost nothing.
via Joni Rae 5 and 6 basement tepco pics
Reactors No. 5 and 6 contain 8,000 tons of radioactive water — Will be transferred to megafloat over next few months July 1, 2011
A US military barge came in and took 'away' the radioactive water from these two buildings. Where did it go and what happened to that highly radioactive water? What was the radiation reading of that water?
A US military barge came in and took 'away' the radioactive water from these two buildings. Where did it go and what happened to that highly radioactive water? What was the radiation reading of that water?
Kevin Blanch has been right about everything he predicted or called so far at Fukushima, and in this video, he is calling Fukushima a 6 reactor melt down mega disaster. Watch and listen for yourself. He does not say things like this lightly.
....Arnie Gundersen: “They should also talk about just how damaged Fukushima Daiichi 5 and 6 are but we’re not hearing that either” (VIDEO) December 10, 2012
On 3/11; 15-28 Nuclear Reactors/SFP’s In Japan Were Damaged, Not 3 or 4 ; via A Green Road
TEPCO Loses ALL Insurance Coverage; Japanese Nuclear Plants; Via A Green Road
....Arnie Gundersen: “They should also talk about just how damaged Fukushima Daiichi 5 and 6 are but we’re not hearing that either” (VIDEO) December 10, 2012
Gundersen: The tsunami that knocked out the Daiichi cooling pumps also knocked out a lot of the cooling pumps Daini. […] In particular the pumps that cool Unit 1 were destroyed and the diesels for Unit 1 didn’t work. That implies there has to be core damage at Daini Unit 1. This is one of the big secrets that Tokyo Electric isn’t talking about, is just how damaged is Fukushima Daini. They should also talk about just how damaged Fukushima Daiichi 5 and 6 are but we’re not hearing that either.
But Daini went for a period of time with no way to cool it. It had no diesels. Because the loss of the ultimate heat sink. And now in this earthquake we see an increase in pressure in the containment. These things are related. […] Let’s not just look at Fukushima Daiichi 1, 2, 3, and 4 we need to look at Fukushima Daiichi 5 and 6, what happened to them. And then the Daini units as well. I think Daini 1 is going to have core damage. TO 28 REACTORS WERE DAMAGED ON 3/11, NOT JUST 3
On 3/11; 15-28 Nuclear Reactors/SFP’s In Japan Were Damaged, Not 3 or 4 ; via A Green Road
TEPCO Loses ALL Insurance Coverage; Japanese Nuclear Plants; Via A Green Road
Who are you going to believe? TEPCO, who at this point have been proved to be pathological liars? Or are you going to go with Arnie Gunderson, the evidence presented here, and Kevin Blanch? Are you sure you can handle the truth?
TEPCO has been covering up the extent of the damage to all of the buildings at Fukushima Daichi and Daini, plus many other reactors all over japan. They are hiding what happened inside buildings #5 and #6. They have not even bothered to figure out where the melted out coriums are, three years after this mega nuclear disaster. Do you think they care about anyone, much less the truth, after so many lies that it is hard to count them all by now?
If one reads the TEPCO provided reports about the damages at buildings 1 - 6, unless one got information from another source, one could assume that absolute nothing bad happened at all, and the buildings are still there, ready to be turned on again at a moment's notice. Read their 'official' reports on their site if you don't believe it..
Those TEPCO provided reports are nothing more than minimizations and denials of what really happened. Huge nuclear explosions are shown in the report to be 'loud bangs', and corium melt outs plus spent fuel rods out in the air and laying on the ground clearly visible in pictures are hidden and not even mentioned at all.
If one reads the TEPCO provided reports about the damages at buildings 1 - 6, unless one got information from another source, one could assume that absolute nothing bad happened at all, and the buildings are still there, ready to be turned on again at a moment's notice. Read their 'official' reports on their site if you don't believe it..
Those TEPCO provided reports are nothing more than minimizations and denials of what really happened. Huge nuclear explosions are shown in the report to be 'loud bangs', and corium melt outs plus spent fuel rods out in the air and laying on the ground clearly visible in pictures are hidden and not even mentioned at all.
At Chernobyl, the Soviet government threw one million people into finding and stopping the ONE corium from reaching the groundwater, in order to save the world. At Fukushima, 50 people tried to save the world from SIX coriums. Everyone else ran away. No one tried to stop the coriums from melting out, and no one even cares where they are now.. No one is even trying to stop the highly radioactive water that leaks out of all of the melted down reactors, from poisoning the Pacific ocean and killing all life in it.
Fukushima - 200 MILLION Gallons Of Highly Radioactive Water Are Pouring Into Pacific Per Day, Or More; via @AGreenRoad
TEPCO has admitted multiple leaks in all melted through reactors with zero pressure in all of them. That means those melted coriums are open to the air and water. This highly radioactive water is going to the ocean, even with TEPCO's claim that nothing melted out. No attempts have been made in 3 years (up to June of 2014) to stop ANY of these highly poisonous and illegal leaks into the ocean. Even the open drain channels are 'too hard' to block.
The Battle Of Chernobyl Movie; via @AGreenRoad
3 Million Children Require Treatment Because Of Chernobyl, Many Will Die Prematurely - 7 Million Total Victims - U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan; via @AGreenRoad
Japan is not even making any meaningful or real attempts to count the casualties of their inaction and denial. They keep on going with open and in your face deceptions. They are not even making any attempt to protect their children and get them out of harm's way. Because Fukushima is much worse than Chernobyl, how many children around the world will end up suffering and dying? This is a global mega nuclear disaster, not just a local mini leak, that is 10% of Chernobyl, as TEPCO likes to claim. This mega global nuclear disaster is just starting, and it has no end.
Are you sure you can handle the truth?
Let's talk about another lie that TEPCO keeps repeating. TEPCO says that the whole complex made it through the earthquake in good shape, and that this level 9 earthquake did not damage anything, in any building. Certainly, the earthquake did not cause any meltdowns. If you believe that lie, maybe it is time to dig a little bit deeper.
Massive 9.0 Earthquake Caused Multiple Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Reactors To Meltdown And Out in 2011; via @AGreenRoad
TEPCO claims all of the buildings at Fukushima made it through a level 9 earthquake, with no damage., other than a few cosmetic cracks in walls. Who believes this lie, other than those who blindly believe any PR spin told by TEPCO? Of course, to make this outrageous claim, they rely again on computer models, rather than actual inspection of broken cooling pipes in all of the buildings.
Workers saw and heard the pipes snapping as they ran for their lives while the ground, the buildings and the pipes was heaving, snapping, breaking and buckling. Where are the MULTIPLE leaks from each of the various reactors coming from if those are not broken cooling pipes due to the earthquake? What kind of evidence does a person need if this is not enough?
Let's go the logical conclusion. Buildings 5 and 6 cooling pipe systems were ripped up and broken by the massive 9.0 earthquake, just like in ALL of the other buildings on site at Fukushima. The pipes in between the buildings got snapped, crushed and broken from the massive amount of lateral and horizontal movement of the pads that these buildings were sitting on.
Due to the earthquake, the power goes out. Now the back up generators kick in.. but the pipes are broken, so the water pours into the basements and out of the reactors and/or spent fuel pools. Bottom line, even if the generators worked, they could not cool these reactors and spent fuel pools due to broken pipes, just like all of the other buildings, per the worker reports.
Then a massive tsunami hits the whole site and all of the buildings about 50 minutes later. Even if a couple of the generators were working up to this point, now they are are knocked out along with all of the electrically operated pumps that are either in the basements (which filled up with water) or on the first floor, or near the ocean. Are you starting to see the ridiculousness of TEPCO claiming nothing happened in buildings 5 and 6?
Within 15 minutes after the earthquake, any reactor with fuel in it was melting down and they KNEW IT. The buildings 5 and 6 were no exception, even if they were not in operation, the fuel in them was still hot. That heat had no place to go, just like in building #4, where everything was in cold shutdown and the reactor was empty of fuel, according to TEPCO. Every other reactor melted down and out. Many of the fuel pools in other buildings got overheated and burned, fuel melted, including #4, so why wouldn't these?
The story about temporary sea water being pumped into 5 and 6; well, let's see some pictures. No pictures, no proof, just a pretty story made up in someone's head. Sea water only goes into reactors via pipes if the pipes are in good shape, and they were NOT in good shape in any of the buildings.
All of the cooling was lost to buildings 5 and 6, just like all of the other buildings, no exception. No electrical, no pumps, no pipes connected to anything anymore. How would something NOT melt down in that situation?
How can a force 9 earthquake NOT cause a meltdown in all of these buildings, because whatever caused the pipes to break in #1, 2, 3 and 4, also caused the same damage in #5 and #6. The tsunami just put the icing on the cake.
The court of public common sense opinion rests. The verdict please.... Are you sure you can handle the truth?
Workers saw and heard the pipes snapping as they ran for their lives while the ground, the buildings and the pipes was heaving, snapping, breaking and buckling. Where are the MULTIPLE leaks from each of the various reactors coming from if those are not broken cooling pipes due to the earthquake? What kind of evidence does a person need if this is not enough?
Let's go the logical conclusion. Buildings 5 and 6 cooling pipe systems were ripped up and broken by the massive 9.0 earthquake, just like in ALL of the other buildings on site at Fukushima. The pipes in between the buildings got snapped, crushed and broken from the massive amount of lateral and horizontal movement of the pads that these buildings were sitting on.
Due to the earthquake, the power goes out. Now the back up generators kick in.. but the pipes are broken, so the water pours into the basements and out of the reactors and/or spent fuel pools. Bottom line, even if the generators worked, they could not cool these reactors and spent fuel pools due to broken pipes, just like all of the other buildings, per the worker reports.
Then a massive tsunami hits the whole site and all of the buildings about 50 minutes later. Even if a couple of the generators were working up to this point, now they are are knocked out along with all of the electrically operated pumps that are either in the basements (which filled up with water) or on the first floor, or near the ocean. Are you starting to see the ridiculousness of TEPCO claiming nothing happened in buildings 5 and 6?
Within 15 minutes after the earthquake, any reactor with fuel in it was melting down and they KNEW IT. The buildings 5 and 6 were no exception, even if they were not in operation, the fuel in them was still hot. That heat had no place to go, just like in building #4, where everything was in cold shutdown and the reactor was empty of fuel, according to TEPCO. Every other reactor melted down and out. Many of the fuel pools in other buildings got overheated and burned, fuel melted, including #4, so why wouldn't these?
The story about temporary sea water being pumped into 5 and 6; well, let's see some pictures. No pictures, no proof, just a pretty story made up in someone's head. Sea water only goes into reactors via pipes if the pipes are in good shape, and they were NOT in good shape in any of the buildings.
All of the cooling was lost to buildings 5 and 6, just like all of the other buildings, no exception. No electrical, no pumps, no pipes connected to anything anymore. How would something NOT melt down in that situation?
How can a force 9 earthquake NOT cause a meltdown in all of these buildings, because whatever caused the pipes to break in #1, 2, 3 and 4, also caused the same damage in #5 and #6. The tsunami just put the icing on the cake.
The court of public common sense opinion rests. The verdict please.... Are you sure you can handle the truth?
The evidence consists of;
Radioactivity in the drains, in the gas/air and in the water in the basements comes from melting down fuel rods, not normal operations from a shut down and cooled off reactor and spent fuel pools, wouldn't you agree?
And where did all of that highly radioactive water from the basements of the #5 and #6 buildings go, by the way, in that US supplied barge? Where did the high level radiation in the water come from? Where did that melted fuel in the pipe go?
In all of the other buildings, the high level radiation in the basements comes from broken reactors with melted down fuel in them. Certainly radioactive water does not come from the tsunami, because the tsunami wave was clean, pure ocean water. And pray tell TEPCO, what was the radiation level in that water, from buildings 5 and 6, hmmmmmm?
- massive amounts of hydrogen/tritium gas released out of holes cut in the buildings
- high levels of cesium in the drains coming from 5 and 6
- radioactive water in the basements, hauled away by US military barge
- white smoke from both buildings
- melted fuel in pipe picture
- broken pipes in all buildings
- report of melted down fuel
- report of radioactive xenon gas releases months after disaster
Radioactivity in the drains, in the gas/air and in the water in the basements comes from melting down fuel rods, not normal operations from a shut down and cooled off reactor and spent fuel pools, wouldn't you agree?
And where did all of that highly radioactive water from the basements of the #5 and #6 buildings go, by the way, in that US supplied barge? Where did the high level radiation in the water come from? Where did that melted fuel in the pipe go?
In all of the other buildings, the high level radiation in the basements comes from broken reactors with melted down fuel in them. Certainly radioactive water does not come from the tsunami, because the tsunami wave was clean, pure ocean water. And pray tell TEPCO, what was the radiation level in that water, from buildings 5 and 6, hmmmmmm?
Someone who is willing to tell the truth would of course also confirm for certain whether a meltdown happened in #5 and #6, due to busted up pipes from an earthquake and then the tsunami hitting and destroying whatever was left.
Of course, TEPCO still denies that the earthquake did any damage anywhere on the Fukushima site. Add that lie to the long list of TEPCO inspired lies as well... The problem is that no one is willing to talk about what REALLY happened, and that is a larger problem at Fukushima, which will make the problems that they are facing there even worse than if they just told the truth and dealt with what is a very large problem, never faced by any country in the history of human kind. The cover up and trying to maintain the lies just makes the situation 1,000 times worse.
Of course, TEPCO still denies that the earthquake did any damage anywhere on the Fukushima site. Add that lie to the long list of TEPCO inspired lies as well... The problem is that no one is willing to talk about what REALLY happened, and that is a larger problem at Fukushima, which will make the problems that they are facing there even worse than if they just told the truth and dealt with what is a very large problem, never faced by any country in the history of human kind. The cover up and trying to maintain the lies just makes the situation 1,000 times worse.
IAEA, WHO, NRC And Others; A Web Of Deception? via @AGreenRoad
It seems the nuclear industry in general is incapable of telling the truth, and the regulator; (IAEA) is acting more like a fox guarding the henhouse. They want TEPCO to dump all of the water onsite into the ocean.
The corporate controlled mass media is not covering Fukushima anymore, despite the fact that things are going downhill fast there. TEPCO is pouring high level nuclear waste directly into the ocean from open to the air and in contact with ocean and groundwater 100 ton lava coriums.
Fukushima - Growing Alarm, Things Going Downhill Fast; 2 BILLION Bq/Liter Cesium 137 Radioactive Water Going Into Ocean; via @AGreenRoad
What should TEPCO be called at this point, besides a pathological liar?
Via nedlifromvermont July 12, 2014 "Tepco: Transnational Epic Pollution Company; should have stayed away from the scheisters at GE, non?
Truth does not need the support of government or in this case, nuclear experts. Are you sure you can handle the truth?
Truth does not need the support of government or in this case, nuclear experts. Are you sure you can handle the truth?
AGRP is putting buildings #5 and #6 in at least a partial meltdown category, based on the available evidence, as limited as it is from the numerous categories above. Why? Because TEPCO has been lying about everything around Fukushima from day one until now. The whole mega disaster has been a huge coverup of epic scale, never seen before in the history of human kind. TEPCO still claims that Fukushima is 10% of Chernobyl, which is so ridiculous an assertion, it is beyond belief.
The odds are very high that something at least partially melted down in buildings 5 and 6, no matter what TEPCO claims. Odds are very high that they will swear people to secrecy, go in and clean up the mess, spend a bunch of taxpayer money to sweep it all under the rug and bury the melted fuel, so no one can ever find out what really happened. They cannot afford to admit 5 melt downs or melt outs happened, because that would doom the nuclear industry. They have to keep lying. The IAEA and other nuclear 'experts' are supporting them in this cover up, because they would ALL be out of business and out of jobs, if the truth came out.
The odds are very high that something at least partially melted down in buildings 5 and 6, no matter what TEPCO claims. Odds are very high that they will swear people to secrecy, go in and clean up the mess, spend a bunch of taxpayer money to sweep it all under the rug and bury the melted fuel, so no one can ever find out what really happened. They cannot afford to admit 5 melt downs or melt outs happened, because that would doom the nuclear industry. They have to keep lying. The IAEA and other nuclear 'experts' are supporting them in this cover up, because they would ALL be out of business and out of jobs, if the truth came out.
So until someone proves otherwise, add two more buildings to the meltdown list. The public may never find out if it was the spent fuel pools, the fresh fuel in the reactors, or the equipment pool, but something bad happened in those buildings too, based on the evidence above..
You cannot have a picture of melted fuel in a pipe, massive amounts of radioactive water in the basement (just like all of the other melted out reactors in 1,2,3) plus high radiation levels, plus white smoke, plus high cesium levels found, plus holes cut in the buildings to let hydrogen/tritium gas escape, with no problems whatsoever and normal cold shutdown cooling operations. None of the evidence provided above makes sense at all, unless at least a partial meltdown happened.. But it all fits if at least a partial meltdown and/or fuel rod fire happened.
Are you sure you can handle the truth?
Are you sure you can handle the truth?
The scary part of Fukushima is the sheer epic scale of this mega nuclear disaster. Let's total up the melt out's, melt downs and nuclear explosions.....
Building 1 - melted out
Building 2 - melted out
Building 3 - melted out and exploded
Building 4 - melted out from at least the equipment pool
Building 5 - melted down
Building 6 - melted down
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Building 4 - melted out from at least the equipment pool
Building 5 - melted down
Building 6 - melted down
Total; 6 or more melt downs or melt outs at Fukushima Daichi, plus 1 nuclear criticality explosion in Building #3.
Fukushima was a 7 sledge hammer wake up call for humanity. If this does not wake up people, nothing will, short of a Carrington Event.
Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth - 'Carrington Effect'; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode; via @AGreenRoad
What will it take to wake up humanity? When will everyone realize that this is NOT the way into a bright, healthy, happy, joy filled future? What will it take to convince nations, states and individuals that nuclear anything is nothing more than a dead ender future, with only suffering, disease and death at the end of it?
Humanity has a choice. The global village can all take massive action and move in the direction of a sustainable future that works for 7 future generations, via learning about and using the Science Of Sustainable Health. Or everyone in the global village can die by committing global suicide via nuclear technology, which is a dead ender.
The future of humanity is very bright, and that hopeful future is our birthright. But we can throw our birthright away, because we do have free will and choice. For more details, see links below..
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Fukushima; Reactors And/Or SFP's In #5 And #6 Melted Down - Total of 7 Melt Down's, Melt Outs, Nuclear Explosions
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What is Needed? Top Down Champions Of Sustainability With $; via @AGreenRoad
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