At least 13 neutron beams were seen coming from the Fukushima complex as it melted down, specifically from Units #1 and #3. How did TEPCO know that neutron radiation was coming from Fukushima?
The pro nuclear apologists claim that because no fast neutrons were 'detected or reported' nothing bad really happened at Fukushima. So who reported the neutron rays at Fukushima above? You cannot detect those neutron rays with a standard radiation detector. Neutrons can travel through long distances of solid ground and still be detected, as proven by articles below, (J Parc Neutron Beam).
Why is it so hard all of a sudden to detect neutron radiation when there are MULTIPLE facilities around the world that are experts in detecting neutron radiation from active radiation sources?
Fast Neutron/Neutrino Emissions, Gamma Rays From Nuclear Power Plants, Mines, Recycling Facilities, Their Effect On Human Health And Climate; via @AGreenRoad - What Does A Neutron Beam Look Like? via @AGreenRoad
13 Neutron Beams Came Out Of Fukushima; Direct Evidence Of Holes In Reactors And Multiple Melt Throughs; via @AGreenRoad
Excessive Neutron/Neutrino Emissions From Nuclear Power Plants, Mines, Recycling Facilities And Their Effect On Human Health; via @AGreenRoad
Could J Parc Neutron Beam Have Caused Fukushima Daichi Mega Nuclear Disaster?
J-PARC Hadron Accelerator Released 100 Billion Becquerels Radiation Through Vent Fans via @AGreenRoad
Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation Exposure Prevention and Reversal, Music
Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%
October 18th, 2012 Kyodo: “If we find where the molten nuclear fuel is located, it will give us a clue” says researcher — Detectors to locate corium already placed near Reactors 1 and 2 in May by Los Alamos Lab
October 18, 2012 Los Alamos Lab: We can find Fukushima corium with x-ray type image — “No core” a possibility? (PHOTOS)
Nuclear Engineer: New way to locate Fukushima molten fuel “means they’re expecting to find this stuff very deep into the ground”… unless it’s just an experiment (VIDEO)
Cosmic rays to pinpoint Fukushima cores
Is it possible that TEPCO is lying about not knowing where the lost coriums are? Could it be that they already know the really bad news, but are unwilling to share it with the public? Everyone knows that TEPCO lies and covers up the truth, so this would be no surprise at all.
Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%
October 18th, 2012 Kyodo: “If we find where the molten nuclear fuel is located, it will give us a clue” says researcher — Detectors to locate corium already placed near Reactors 1 and 2 in May by Los Alamos Lab
October 18, 2012 Los Alamos Lab: We can find Fukushima corium with x-ray type image — “No core” a possibility? (PHOTOS)
Nuclear Engineer: New way to locate Fukushima molten fuel “means they’re expecting to find this stuff very deep into the ground”… unless it’s just an experiment (VIDEO)
October 19, 2012
A gamma radiation camera could be used to find lost coriums, through the gas emissions from those coriums. Gamma rays can go through a thick steel plate, so they should be able to easily map where those emissions are coming from and calculate how big a mass of corium is creating gamma radiation, correct? They have the best and brightest minds in the world working on this issue, correct?
Why did it take TEPCO 5 months or longer to find, and mark and take pictures of gamma radiation 'hot spots' at the Fukushima site like this one?
TEPCO obviously mapped gamma ray hot stops on the Fukushima site. Why is there no information being released on what they found in terms of gamma ray hot spots?
A gamma and/or infrared camera can be inserted via robots, into areas of the reactor buildings or via holes drilled into the reactor vessel, which can easily show where fissioning (or cooled off) corium is, and where it is not, just due to gamma ray emissions alone. Coriums underground will release gamma radiation as well, through fissures, cracks and steam coming up out of the ground. This is not rocket science and even a five year old could figure this out.
Maybe they have already done all of this, but are keeping it secret, just like all of the other secrets at Fukushima.. Any nuclear engineer or 'expert' knows that 5,000 degree Fahrenheit coriums melt through concrete like butter, and that even water does not put out this kind of fire.
Fukushima Coriums Melted Through The Concrete Base Mat Under Multiple Nuclear Reactors In 18 Hours, According To NRC Study
At Fukushima Daichi, 3 Or More Coriums Melted Out Of Containment, Compared To 1 At Chernobyl; Why Can't TEPCO Find The Lost Coriums? via A Green Road
A gamma radiation camera could be used to find lost coriums, through the gas emissions from those coriums. Gamma rays can go through a thick steel plate, so they should be able to easily map where those emissions are coming from and calculate how big a mass of corium is creating gamma radiation, correct? They have the best and brightest minds in the world working on this issue, correct?
Why did it take TEPCO 5 months or longer to find, and mark and take pictures of gamma radiation 'hot spots' at the Fukushima site like this one?
TEPCO obviously mapped gamma ray hot stops on the Fukushima site. Why is there no information being released on what they found in terms of gamma ray hot spots?
A gamma and/or infrared camera can be inserted via robots, into areas of the reactor buildings or via holes drilled into the reactor vessel, which can easily show where fissioning (or cooled off) corium is, and where it is not, just due to gamma ray emissions alone. Coriums underground will release gamma radiation as well, through fissures, cracks and steam coming up out of the ground. This is not rocket science and even a five year old could figure this out.
Maybe they have already done all of this, but are keeping it secret, just like all of the other secrets at Fukushima.. Any nuclear engineer or 'expert' knows that 5,000 degree Fahrenheit coriums melt through concrete like butter, and that even water does not put out this kind of fire.
At Fukushima Daichi, 3 Or More Coriums Melted Out Of Containment, Compared To 1 At Chernobyl; Why Can't TEPCO Find The Lost Coriums? via A Green Road
What are the odds that TEPCO owns one of these cameras, or that one was provided to them to 'rent' after the meltdown? Who reported on the neutron radiation coming from Fukushima initially? That was a neutron radiation detector or camera, which can also be used to find the lost coriums, in a matter of just a few minutes.
What is not known by many people is that a neutron radiation camera exists also. It can take pictures of neutron radiation given off by actively fissioning reactors, or corium lost underground, or spent fuel pools with corium inside of them. Why hasn't TEPCO released any neutron ray camera pictures of all of the different reactors, spent fuel pools and grounds around Fukushima? They could find the lost coriums very quickly, within several hours, if they wanted to, with this kind of camera.
What is not known by many people is that a neutron radiation camera exists also. It can take pictures of neutron radiation given off by actively fissioning reactors, or corium lost underground, or spent fuel pools with corium inside of them. Why hasn't TEPCO released any neutron ray camera pictures of all of the different reactors, spent fuel pools and grounds around Fukushima? They could find the lost coriums very quickly, within several hours, if they wanted to, with this kind of camera.
The fact is that the US has nine satellites that can find and locate these lost coriums in a few minutes, but for some strange reason, the Japanese don't want to know where they are. They are also not doing anything about finding them, like asking the US to send those satellites over the Fukushima site. With the importance that this mega disaster has, wouldn't you agree that the US knows where the coriums are already, and that they would have sent the satellites over the site to see for themselves where the coriums went, and to track them over time?
Where is the US military in all of this? Or do they already know, and are they helping the Japanese government and TEPCO keep the secret, for fear of what would happen if the public found out how bad it really is?
Whatever happened to all of those fancy devices that the organizations involved in the non proliferation of nuclear weapons use to detect active fission anywhere in the world in a few minutes?
Whatever happened to all of those fancy devices that the organizations involved in the non proliferation of nuclear weapons use to detect active fission anywhere in the world in a few minutes?
This device can also be used to detect underground coriums, with some modifications.Cosmic rays to pinpoint Fukushima cores
Promising the muon: Scientists to map Fukushima nuclear hotspots with cosmic radiation
EKO K£AP$€ August 18, 2014 "Where are the results of the Tokyo university muon scattering radiography examinations of the Fukushima plant; they should tell us exactly where the cores are?"
PhilipUpNorth August 28, 2014 "Even those broke cheapskates at TEPCO ought to be able to come up with the $10,000 to buy ground penetrating radar equipment.
Probably should make that side-scanning ground-penetrating radar equipment, so they can run it around Reactor Ruins 1-3 to visualize the corium lava tubes, which is all that remains in the immediate vicinity.
Here is the type of image produced by ground-penetrating radar:
As Bobby Seal was fond of saying: "If all you can do is spit, then spit!"
So, spit, TEPCO! 

Like everything else that TEPCO touches, the effort to find and disclose where the coriums went from the multiple melted down and out reactors is shrouded in secrecy denial, deception and outright lies. Whatever happened to the detectors that were in place around at least two buildings back in May of 2012? News reports said that they were there, as proven by news stories.
Why would they place these detectors at Fukushima and then NOT use them? Wouldn't it make much more sense that they actually used these detectors, found out where the coriums were, and then kept it all secret, because it meant disclosing really bad news? Or alternatively, if they did NOT use detectors that were already on site, it would be because they already know that multiple coriums melted down and OUT of the reactor buildings, and they don't want the public to know..
TEPCO, where are those multiple melted out coriums? When are you guys going to block the massive holes and leaks coming directly out of multiple nuclear reactors, with highly radioactive water pouring out of them and going into the Pacific ocean, which is the bread basket for billions of people? Nothing like poisoning the well people drink from, eh?
Why would they place these detectors at Fukushima and then NOT use them? Wouldn't it make much more sense that they actually used these detectors, found out where the coriums were, and then kept it all secret, because it meant disclosing really bad news? Or alternatively, if they did NOT use detectors that were already on site, it would be because they already know that multiple coriums melted down and OUT of the reactor buildings, and they don't want the public to know..
TEPCO, where are those multiple melted out coriums? When are you guys going to block the massive holes and leaks coming directly out of multiple nuclear reactors, with highly radioactive water pouring out of them and going into the Pacific ocean, which is the bread basket for billions of people? Nothing like poisoning the well people drink from, eh?
12+ Methods That TEPCO Could Use To Find Lost Coriums At Fukushima - Could It Be That TEPCO Already Knows?
Nuclear Bombs, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear War
12+ Methods That TEPCO Could Use To Find Lost Coriums At Fukushima - Could It Be That TEPCO Already Knows?
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