2014 - Japanese Government Is Forcing People To Move Back Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit

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2014 - Japanese Government Is Forcing People To Move Back Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit

2014 - Japanese Government Is Forcing People To Move Back Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit

Cataclysmic October 31, 2014 It is sad "how folks are going to be forced back to "decontaminated" sites…or they lose their government $.


"It appears to be a political operation, one designed to give the impression that even after a nuclear disaster the problem is "manageable". Radiation levels in Iitate show no prospect of falling to what is deemed acceptable. At not less than 96% of the locations we monitored radiation levels that exceeded the government's target level.
This is the overwhelming and unsolvable nature of a nuclear crisis. When a major nuclear disaster occurs, the damage is long-lived, pervasive, and impossible to rectify. It generates enormous amounts of waste for which there is no safe storage. It literally destroys entire communities and people's way of life.


This is not just a problem in Japan, as it is happening in other areas around the world.

'CORE' Program - 'Resettles' Chernobyl Radiation Refugees Back Into Radiation Contaminated Areas In Belarus; via @AGreenRoad


Fukushima's citizens are having to live with the gross injustice of having lost everything to a nuclear disaster for which they were in no way responsible. Now they are being stripped of the meagre and inadequate support they received as they are effectively forced back into radioactively contaminated areas." Why is the Japanese government forcing it's citizens to move back into radiation contaminated areas? 
Greenpeace reports that; ..."from the perspective of public safety and human rights there is only one just and fair policy: if citizens do not want to return to contaminated communities, where they cannot work safely in the fields or forests as many once did, they should receive adequate compensation that allows them to establish new lives for themselves elsewhere.

But, if the Abe government gets its way, not only will more Fukushima victims be stripped of their already inadequate compensation, but more Japanese citizens will continue to live with the looming threat of a similar disaster and the same grossly unjust and inhumane fate. Japan has been nuclear-free for over a year, and no electricity blackouts have occurred."

In the short video and news clip above, the Japanese government and nuclear industry have agreed to 'relax the limits' on radiation exposure and invite people back into former evacuation no go zones. But what does this actually mean, beyond the short 30 second sound bite, which sounds harmless? After all, who doesn't want to 'relax' more? That sounds relaxing, doesn't it?

Japan Lawmaker: “Children coming down with many health problems… this is reality” — CNN: “Many parents of Fukushima blame nuclear accident” for higher cancer rate (VIDEOS) November 9, 2013
Lawmaker warns emperor of reality facing Japan: “Children are suffering from health problems” — Another official reveals “the incidence of cancer in children has been increasing” and is heckled (VIDEO) November 2, 2013
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO) October 30, 2013
Video: 10 million people in Japan have been abandoned in high radiation areas after Fukushima — Kanto Region extremely contaminated March 13, 2013
Former Official: Fukushima radiation is killing children… heart problems, leukemia, thyroid — Terrible things are going on — Authorities hiding truth from world — We need to admit many people are dying, but we’re not allowed to say that (VIDEO) April 21, 2014


It is now well known and established fact that the Japanese government and TEPCO as well as the pro nuclear apologists have been caught covering up, lying about and hiding the high radiation levels resulting from the Fukushima mega disaster generally. 

Before we start reporting on what is actually going on in towns around Fukushima, it may be helpful to learn more about the normalcy bias and the 5 stages of grieving a loss of any kind.

Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad 

The Five Stages Of Grief In Response To Trauma, Abuse, Disasters Such as Fukushima, or Loss; via @AGreenRoad 

It turns out that what the pro nuclear 'experts' and Japanese government officials mean by 'relaxing' the limits is that they are moving people back into radiation contaminated areas that are more radiation contaminated than the worst radiation exclusion zones around Chernobyl, while claiming that this toxic high radiation exposure level is 'safe', even for children. Are these high radiation levels really "safe"?



A nuclear expert who worked at Fukushima Daichi measured the radiation in clothes of children living in Koriyama, and the average amount of radiation he detected on them was 470 Bq/kg, AFTER the decontamination efforts in the town. There should be no detectable radiation on clothing or hair more than background radiation. This level of contamination indicates serious radiation contamination problems for the children. Source; video above


Via Risky November 14, 2014 Greenpeace has done some new radiation measurements in Japan. Scroll down here to locate the pdf for October 2014.

Here is a summary from their website: "October 2014: Iitate, Kawauchi village, and Tamura city

The new radiation monitoring results from Iitate (40km from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant), Fukushima city (60km), Miyakoji of Tamura city (20km) and Kawauchi village (20km) showed that efforts at decontamination were still failing to reduce contamination in many areas to meet the Japanese government’s long-term decontamination target level of 0.23micro Sv/h. The decontamination efforts generate vast amounts of radioactive waste, being piled up at temporary sites throughout the prefecture."


Unbelievably, a judge is forcing children to stay in these areas, despite a court demand by concerned parents that the government evacuate the children from these highly radiation contaminated areas. For more information, click on; http://fukushima-evacuation-e.blogspot.jp/



In Radiation Fallout, ABC Australia; A stream is measuring nearly 5 u/Sv per hour and the forest floor measures up to 7 u/Sv per hour. A drain near a home measures over 1,000 counts per minute (CPM), as of 2014. The levels found after cleanup and decontamination both in the fields and in the woods are four times what the government set as a maximum limit, before people could move back.

Researchers with Safecast are finding that radiation from the mountains is washing downstream, and re contaminating the downstream and coastal areas that were previously contaminated, making them even more contaminated than before. 

Safecast is providing a community based radiation monitoring and measuring system that collects radiation data, by involving the public. Instead of trusting experts, the citizens involved with Safecast are taking their own future in their own hands, and making their own measurements, and then sharing them with the public via accessible online radiation maps. 


Via Sickputer July 31, 2014 "AILEEN MIOKO SMITH: Yes, we’re very concerned that a health study is starting at the end of this month. This is concerning the effects of the Fukushima residents, on the prefectural citizens. It’s headed by a Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, who’s at the Atomic Bomb Research Institute. He’s the radiological health safety risk management adviser for the prefecture. He’s widely shown on national TV.

He speaks widely in the prefecture, always saying there’s absolutely no concern with the levels of radiation in Fukushima. He says that mothers, even mothers exposed to 100 millisieverts, pregnant mothers, will not have any effect, health effect. Remember the number 100. Compared to that, the Soviet Union required a mandatory evacuation during Chernobyl at five millisieverts.

This doctor is quoted as saying, “The effects of radiation do not come to people that are happy and laughing. They come to people that are weak-spirited, that brood and fret.” This is a direct quote. And he’s heading the study. And so, the citizens in Fukushima are very concerned"


Gov’t officials are withholding Fukushima radiation data — Levels much higher than expected — Releasing numbers would “have a huge impact” — Over 2,000 millisieverts per year where residents are being encouraged to return
"The new results, however, were significantly higher than expected, with the largest gap coming in Kawauchi. There, the Cabinet Office team had predicted radiation doses of 1-2 millisieverts per day, but the data showed doses at between 2.6 and 6.6 millisieverts."

What does a 2,000 mSv per year external exposure mean (no internal radiation included)? For that we have to consult a radiation interpretation chart. The first "Radiation Dose Chart" was compiled by Randall Munroe, with assistance from Ellen, Senior Reactor Operator at the REED Research Reactor.

Radiation Dose Chart

Geiger Counter Interpretation

2,000 mSv per year = 2 Sieverts per year according to the above chart is FATAL over time, especially for children, who are up to 2,000 times more sensitive to the same dose.

1. The authorities and news media responsible for this news report retracted the 2,000 mSv/yr radiation figures after it was released, and said that they made a 'mistake'. Now they are saying that they actually meant that 2.6 to 6.6 was the mSv dose per year in Iitate. It seems like all of their figures keep changing up and down, and 'mistakes' around radiation readings are just an everyday thing. It seems that no one can count on anything the nuclear 'experts' say, especially around radiation figures. But let's take this 2-6 mSv/yr figure at face value as the 'official' government radiation exposure level for Iitate.

Let's take a deeper look at just this one town, called Iitate, which the Japanese government is inviting it's citizens back into. Iitate is about 40 km NW of Fukushima Daichi. As a next step, let's add several credible sources of radiation data on and compare those to what the government says, and then combine them all in a summary, to see how they compare in a simple, easy to see format. Here is the second source of information; via the Economist..

2. Economist: “Enormous spread of radiation” — Levels so high in hills of Iitate that locals dare not go near — 150 millisieverts/yr outside official’s home
"Outside Mr Sato's house, however, a reading of the equivalent of 150 millisieverts a year left your correspondent strangely reluctant to inhale."

Assuming the reading in a decontaminated downtown area is 150 mSv per year, what is the radiation reading up in the hills, where "no one dares to go"? Could the radiation in the hills where no decontamination work has been done be ten times as high, or 1,500 to 2,000 mSv per year? The only way to tell is to go there yourself and walk around with a high quality radiation meter. 

3. From PubMed published study; "Based on the measured density of radionuclides at the highest contamination location during the present survey, an exposure rate of about 200 μGy h (0.2 mSv) at 1 m above the ground was estimated at the time of the radioactive deposition on March 15. At this location, the cumulative exposure would reach 50 mGy (50mSv) in the middle of May 2011" March to May = 3 months = 50 mSv, so 3 months x 4 = 200 mSv per year, correct?


4. Fukushima - (PanOrient News) Greenpeace radiation experts said they have confirmed radiation levels of up to ten micro Sieverts per hour (10.000 µSv) in Iitate village, 40 km northwest of the crisis-stricken Fukushima/Daiichi nuclear plant, and 20 km beyond the official evacuation zone, and these levels are high enough to require evacuation, the group said in a statement.

So what is the real radiation reading in Iitate - Mura? All hourly or daily radiation readings above were converted to annual radiation totals below... 

Old civilian maximum dose    1 mSv/yr
Cabinet Office Team            2.2 - 6.6 mSv/yr
GreenPeace 10 µSv/hr =    87.66 mSv/yr
Economist article -           150 mSv/yr radiation reading in town, higher levels out of town
PubMed Study -               200 mSv/yr documented in scientific study
Cabinet Office Team     2,000 mSv/yr (later said it was a 'mistake')

MAX limit US nuclear workers = 20 mSv/yr

The average yearly human dose (American Nuclear Society) is 6.2 mSv/yr (0.71 uSv/hour)

An absolute maximum yearly dose of 50 mSv/year (5.7 uSv/hour)

"Researcher: Japan accepting 20 millisieverts of radiation as safe 'could lead to a public health disaster'"

In the documented evidence and reports above, you can see radiation readings or reports range all the way from a low of 2.2 mSv to a high of 2,000 mSv per year, so take your pick.. Who knows what the radiation dose per year really is? This shows how confusion and chaos reigns during and after a nuclear disaster, even up to 3 years later.

If we take just the middle range between 87 to 200 mSv/yr and throw out the highest and lowest readings, that is still way above the industry maximum for nuclear workers at US nuclear facilities of 20 mSv/yr, and up to four times higher than the 50 mSv/yr absolute maximum radiation dose ANYONE should get per year. Bottom line, this town and many others like it should be evacuated, not have people invited to come back and live in it, as the Japanese government and nuclear industry is doing now, in order to avoid paying compensation and emergency housing costs.


Actually, it is not that hard to believe that the Japanese government is doing this to civilians, because they also raised the 'limit' for Japanese nuclear plant workers from 20 mSv to...

250 mSv per year, (click on link to go to source) which is Orders of Magnitude higher than the maximum 20 mSv/yr allowed in the USA, and double the absolute maximum dose recommended. If the Japanese government and TEPCO can subject their own workers to inhumane radiation contaminated conditions like that, it is just another very small step to civilians also being exposed to the same or even a higher radiation dose. If radiation workers can absorb 250 mSv/yr, surely a civilian child can handle 200, right?

Another source for this same information comes from CBS News; "The Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare raised the maximum allowable exposure for nuclear workers to 250 millisieverts from 100 millisieverts. It described the move as "unavoidable due to the circumstances."

Why is the Japanese government and TEPCO doing what looks like a deliberate, cold, dark hearted thing like this, that will result in many people dying and getting all kinds of radiation related diseases and cancers, as well as birth defects? Actually, this radiation 'experimentation' with ordinary civilians is nothing new...

Remember that the nuclear industry is on the ropes. The Fukushima mega nuclear disaster was a kill shot for the nuclear industry. The nuclear industry allied with governments and corrupted regulators have to cover up this global nuclear ecocide/genocidal crime, pretend it never happened and get everyone to act 'normally'.

The pro nuclear apologists and the for profit nuclear industry has made a choice not to evacuate people from highly radiation contaminated zones. Instead, they are moving people back into these highly radiation contaminated zones. Then those people are farming and exporting that food on top of that. The one town specifically focused on above is NOT the only one and it is not an exception, but rather the rule.


Unbelievably, the effort to get people to move back into the worst radiation contaminated areas has reached it's zenith through a 'dark' tourism business. Tourists are given 'tours' of highly radiation contaminated areas, with a goal of getting people to move into these towns, such as Fukushima. 

CNN; Fukushima tourism aims to rebuild city

What you will notice is that no one is wearing protective clothing or masks. No one is told what the radiation levels are in this abandoned town. If it is so safe, why are the tours 'quick'? Why can't they stay overnight in a hotel, or maybe even wander around for a week and 'shop' in the abandoned buildings for souvenirs? Radioactive hot particles are more abundant the closer one gets to the place where a nuclear reactor melted down, so every one of the tourists going close to Chernobyl, or TMI, or Fukushima Daichi, is putting their lives at much greater risk. It only takes inhaling or ingesting one hot particle to initiate the cancer or other disease process. 

2014 - Fukushima Hot Particle (Fuel Flea) Found 300 Miles Away in Tokyo, Measured At 40 Quintillion Bq/kg

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad


Many cities around the world have become sacrifice zones to the nuclear industry.  Millions of people have been offered up on the sacrificial alter of nuclear power and atomic radiation via the nuclear industry. In generations past, people were sacrificed on alters by having their hearts cut out. Now the gods of nuclear power are worshiped in a different way, but the number of victims as increased radically. 

Sacrifice Zones, Nuclear Power and the Sacrificial Victims System Is Spreading Globally As Part Of Predatory Capitalism
ZDF Bureau Chief: Very high radioactive dose of 65 microsieverts per hour in Fukushima City — “Informed officials 3 month ago, nothing happened until today!” — Many children pass by everyday (PHOTO) May 17, 2013

The result of hubris, intense financial pressure, geographic limits, nuclear industry pressure, nuclear military needs and bankers wanting their investment to pay off, plus the normalcy bias has resulted in the greatest nuclear disaster cover up in the history of humankind, bar none.

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1% 

What is very clear from scientific and medical research done all around the world, is that as infant deaths and cancers increase, the background radiation dose also increases.

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults

German study on infants and effects of increasing background radiation

As a result of these high radiation readings documented above, wouldn't you agree that one would expect to see a lot of radiation exposure signs in the kids especially? Well, surprise, that is exactly what the parents and teachers are seeing inside of these high radiation areas....



113 microSv/h on Namie street dust, Fukushima, April 2014


Many videos of actual radiation levels are available at the following link; 
In 2014, a monitor showed 0.47 or 0.48 micro Sievert per hour in air at chest height around the nursery. The monitoring place is 60 km from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant. Measuring instrument is made of Ukraine, ECOTEST MKS-05. The monitorung post figures can be checked in the site of Nuclear Regulation Authority, http://radioactivity.nsr.go.jp/map/ja/


Japan is also a very tiny island. If they did evacuate everyone all the way down past Tokyo, the country would collapse financially, and it would doom the nuclear industry, if it had to admit the real danger of radioactive contaminated zones. Instead of telling the truth, the nuclear industry is combining efforts with the government and mass media to cover up the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster and keep people in areas that should have been evacuated. 

2014 - Tokyo, Japan Should Be Evacuated Says Dr Mita MD, Most Of Japan Radiation Contaminated After The Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad

Japan Should Have Evacuated At Least 40 Million People Due To Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Chris Busby; Consequences of Burning Radioactive Waste And Dumping Of Radioactive Ashes Into Tokyo Bay, Japan; via @AGreenRoad

Tokyo-area soil testing finds radioactivity up to Chernobyl relocation levels — 919,000 Bq/m² (MAP)

Tweet: Hospital worker leaks information about recent increase in acute leukemia — Tokyo area

229 millisieverts/year of cumulative radiation in town outside exclusion zone — Exposure limit for ordinary people is 1 millisievert/year

Evacuee from Outside Fukushima: “There’s a black dust absolutely everywhere” that’s highly radioactive — Gov’t would not evacuate children because they’d have to certify it was safe to return, and they could not — “It’s an ongoing crisis” (VIDEO) March 22, 2014

Fukushima Evacuee: 50% of class with nosebleeds at same time — Immune system problems reported by many families


The government and nuclear industry are assuring everyone that even locally grown Fukushima produce, mushrooms, berries, fish and other items are safe to eat. No one has to worry about radiation, because it is healthy and good for you, via the hormesis theory. Besides, all food is tested and the government promises that it is all passing tests, so no one has to worry any more. But is that the truth? 

"A 63-year-old TV newscaster has been diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia and is now hospitalized, getting ready for chemo. He felt a strange lump in his neck on October 28, he says. (Various news sources including: Zakzak 11/7/2011, Yomiuri Shinbun 11/6/2011)

In his morning program on Fuji TV he’s been promoting Fukushima produce by eating them in the show. He also happened to be in Fukushima in March 15. Just a coincidence. Never mind that ALL is predominant in small children, and an adult case is one in 100,000 annually in Japan.”

It is not just children who get much higher rates of leukemia when living in radiation contaminated areas. Adults get leukemia there too. How many studies does it take to prove the connection? How many radiation contaminated areas with higher levels of leukemia, cancers and thyroid cancers does it take to convince people that the pro nuclear PR spin shown on the mass media is nothing more than lies? 

Nuclear Power Plant Studies Show Child Leukemia, Breast, Thyroid Cancer Rates Increase RADICALLY Closer To Plants; via @AGreenRoad

The hormesis belief that radiation is safe and that it can be eaten and breathed in does not protect a person any more than a genie will protect a person if they choose to walk off a cliff that is 1,000 feet high. Gravity and invisible heavy metal radioactive poison do their work, no matter what the belief is.

Radium; The Epic Story That Disproves Hormesis And Medical Radiation Theory First Proposed By Madame Curie; via @AGreenRoad


A Fukushima mom explains how the government 'relaxed' the radiation standards from 1 m/Sv to 20 m/Sv per year for children. She talks about how they cannot go outside, pick flowers, or play with rocks, or go to the beach. All kids have to wear dosimeters, to make sure that they don't go above the 20 m/Sv per year amount.

Of course, if they exceed that amount, all they will get is an apology. Remember that this high level of radiation is normally the maximum level that adult healthy male nuclear workers receive per year, and children are up to 2,000 times more sensitive to the same dose of radiation when compared to adults, so this is a recipe for a public health nightmare. 

This tiny example also illustrates why you should buy a high quality pancake style Geiger Counter. That way, you never have to trust anyone, and you can just take your own radiation reading. The truth is really very simple. Trust your own Geiger Counter. If calibrated correctly, it will not lie to you, but many other people will lie to you and your neighbors, because Billions to Trillions of dollars are at stake in the nuclear industry.

Human lives are cheap by comparison, when a corporation has Billions in profits to make. Profits always come first with nuclear industry corporations it seems. GE makes profits from selling nuclear reactors, and then they make profits on the other end, by selling radiation medical treatment machines. They have a guaranteed increasing profit the more they sell of each type of machine.

People always come in last. Can humanity afford to have vulture capitalism corporations around like this?

Communication by: Matsui Eisuke (Japan) specialist in respiratory diseases and low dose radiation, Director, Medical Institute of Environment at Gifu

Title: Activities of Citizens and Scientists Concerned about Low Dose Internal Radiation Exposures in Japan

The accident of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused serious harm. Vast areas have been contaminated with radiation, and the lives of a large number of people are threatened. The major effects of radiation from the accident are caused by internal exposure by inhaling or ingesting food and drink. In measuring the doses of exposure to radiation, the government and its professional advisors have relied mainly on gamma rays which are easy to detect. 

But, in terms of internal radiation exposure, beta and alpha rays have a far more serious effect than gamma rays. The government and TEPCO hardly measure such isotopes as beta emitting strontium ­90 or alpha emitting plutonium­ 239.


They have been deliberately ignoring the characteristics of internal exposure. Behind this lie the nuclear strategies and nuclear power policies of the United States. Influenced by these policies, international organizations such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) were established. They have relied on the research by Radiation Effects Research Foundation which has been ignoring the effect of radiation exposures from fallouts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic bombs. With regard to the Fukushima accident they make such claims as “there is no statistically significant evidence to prove that the radiation doses under 100mSv cause diseases”, and continue to cover up the real facts on the effects of exposure to radiation. 

What is now needed is the promotion of truly scientific studies about the effects of radiation on the human body that are based on facts and actual radiation exposures including internal exposure, and not on policies that promote nuclear weapons and  pro nuclear power. This is an international issue and a task for all human kind. And it is now required that the effects of the Fukushima accident are to be dealt with scientifically and democratically from the viewpoint of citizens. This includes appropriate measures to protect food and drink from radiation contamination, compensation for the damage, and safeguards so that people can live and work without radiation exposure. 

The right of every citizen to live safely must be recognized. For this, we must establish the sovereignty of the people who are rightly provided with correct information about radiation exposure.


The question is; do people have a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT to live in areas free of radiation? And if that area is contaminated by radiation, does that person have a right to be compensated for that harm? This is the question being asked by those who know the harm being caused and negative health and DNA mutating consequences of low dose radiation. The nuclear industry is claiming that the answer to this question is no, people have no basic right to live in a contamination free environment, and that no, they have no responsibility, financial or legal, for the contamination and deaths that are caused. Do you agree?

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2014 - Japanese Government Is Forcing People To Move Back Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad

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