Rainbow Warriors Global Village Tribe Sacred Commons Wisdom Versus Intelligence, High IQ, And Advanced College Degrees

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Rainbow Warriors Global Village Tribe Sacred Commons Wisdom Versus Intelligence, High IQ, And Advanced College Degrees


"When the earth is ravaged and sick, and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the "Rainbow Warriors".

These souls must be courageous, strong, wise, and have integrity, if they are to teach the others how to defend and reconnect to Mother Earth, and heal the planet... We all walk different roads, but the ultimate goal is the same."
- Native American Prophesy

Rainbow warriors make up the Rainbow Tribe, which exists in the global village. We are all One inside of a very mysterious wisdom, that could also be called The Science Of Sustainable Health And Success.  

Peter Coyote reveals the role and power of a mysterious, very unscientific wisdom. 

What the US values currently is a trust and faith in scientific 'certainty' and formulas so complex, that no one but the 'experts' can understand them or their special language. What is the price that people are paying for this blind worshiping at the alter of science and the dogma it's proponents must believe?

What is the role and power of an invisible world that may be full of mysteries? Are there powers and dimensions not accessible to science? What happens to a culture that values only materialism and the physical senses of sight, sound, touch and smell? What is the value of love? Who can measure love? Who can live without love, and exist solely in the world of 'science' and certainty, where everything must be proven through peer reviewed 'studies'?

The invisible dimensions such as love and intuition or consciousness are NOT just the domain of religions. These invisible but valuable parts of life are a common heritage that is shared alike by not just humans, but also by animals, plants, and yes, even rocks.

The values of the invisible dimensions include but are not limited to such things as all beings being equal and having an equal right to exist. Science claims that some people are 'special', namely nuclear scientists and the corporations representing them.

The corporations representing nuclear scientists must be held up and worshiped, both with money, power, money and influence in politics, plus media control. Meanwhile, those who are not 'special', and who hold only 'wisdom' or common sense, are demonized, attacked, demeaned, made fun of, ignored, and smeared, just as imported religions demonized, attacked and squelched the American Indian wisdom, culture and traditions 200 plus years ago. 

The ancient wisdom contained in the commons states that all people have an equal voice and say in what should be their fate, not just a special few, the 1%, or any other 'special' group, such as the pro nuclear scientists. Everyone has an inner hero, and everyone has a very important part to play.

Who Is Dr. Goodheart And Why Everyone Needs To Find Their Inner Hero

Another part of the commons and wisdom code is that people are not masters of the present universe, but stewards of this world and all it contains, taking care of it.

Our one duty as stewards is passing on what we were given by those who came before us in the form of air, water, soil, animals and plants, in as good a shape or better than it was received by us, for many future generations. (Obviously, this is not happening, in part due to a combination of hyper focusing on the 'value' of science, math and technology as the ONLY solutions.) 

A their part of the commons and ancient wisdom code is that people value culture. Culture consists in part of music, dance and art above all else. In sustainable cultures, these things are held in high regard and valued above science and technology, because they hold the secrets and sacred mysteries. There are multiple dimensions, not accessible to scientists, mathematicians and nuclearists within the arts.

When civilizations stray too far from the core commons and ancient mysterious wisdom contained and held within the 99% there is great danger. When the 1% take or are given too much power, too much control, too much money, the result will be disaster and ecological suicide on a global scale, because of the dis-ease of greed, which the American Indians pointed at when the 'settlers' came to claim and take what they felt 'entitled' to. 

Will the modern day rainbow tribe learn and teach what it takes to live in harmony with Nature? There will be an awakening of consciousness fast enough to save humanity and planet Earth.

We are all part of the awakening, so keep resisting the urge to go back to sleep. Keep growing in awareness and consciousness, because that is really the only thing that offers any hope to humanity at this point. 

“The longest road you will ever have to walk is the sacred journey from your head to your heart.” 
-Chief Phil Lane Jr. Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations 


Rainbow Warriors Global Village Tribe Sacred Commons Wisdom Versus Intelligence, High IQ, And Advanced College Degrees

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A Green Road is where heart and paradigm shift happens. Featuring sustainable green living news, movies, articles and videos from cutting edge minds and hearts, AGRP asks the question; what will benefit seven future generations without causing harm? AGRP teaches the Science of Sustainable Health, through articles, videos and books. 

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