Propaganda Film "Fukushima Unchanged to this day" U.S. High Schoolers Visit Fukushima and eat the produce. They say "Lies in U.S. about Fukushima being bad."

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Propaganda Film "Fukushima Unchanged to this day" U.S. High Schoolers Visit Fukushima and eat the produce. They say "Lies in U.S. about Fukushima being bad."

I am simply amazed at the propaganda that has been put out by the Japanese and TEPCO.

A new video that is pure propaganda and utilizes U.S. High School students has just been released. Funny how the video does not allow ratings nor comments to it.

I would like to know how the parents of these kids could allow them to be part of a trip to Fukushima and the propaganda?

The kids say "They see

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