Newest Signposts Newsletter now posted

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Newest Signposts Newsletter now posted

Along with our prophecy blog, and now our prophecy YouTube channel, we also put together a quarterly newsletter.  The newsletter is simply a 10 page summary of new articles from over the last 3 months which relate to different bible prophecy topics.

The newsletter is an easy way to introduce Christians and non-Christians to bible prophecy, many of whom may have never heard the term before or have no idea how events playing out on the world scene today are fulfilling prophecies written thousands of years ago.

Why not print off a few copies and hand them out to your friends and family as well as leaving a few copies in your church lobby.  If you would like to be on our email mail-out list, just drop us a line and request your email address be added to the list. (there is no charge to the newsletter)

Contact us by email at:

This quarters newsletter can be downloaded in PDF format by following the link below, or clicking on the link under the Newsletter banner on the right hand side of this page.

2nd Quarter 2012 Signposts of the Times Newsletter

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