Prophecy Sign: The coming new economic model of the Antichrist
A very interesting article from 3 years ago was reposted on the "Living in the Last Days: News" site today. The article, (see below), reported that Pope Benedict called for a new world political authority, in place of the United Nations, complete with a new economic system aimed at the common good of mankind. We were absolutely startled when we read the article as it summarizes exactly what will occur during the rule of the Antichrist. This coming Man of Sin will indeed establish a new world political authority, (Revelation 13:7), along with a brand new economic system which will at first, appeal to a great many people, (Revelation 13:16-17). Makes you wonder just what side the Pope is working for, doesn't?
It has been the belief of many prophecy experts that this new coming economic system will be a form of State Capitalism, (a state run and administered profit seeking economic system). The new system will also have overtures of Socialism, (wealth distribution through a plethora of entitlement programs). And sure enough, an article today, (below), reports that a leading European politician is calling for Capitalism to be replace with something he calls Socialism 2.0. The exact type of system we believe will be the economic model of the future Antichrist.
From the articles:
Pope Benedict XVI has proposed a new world political authority "with real teeth", possibly in place of the United Nations, to enforce an ethical financial order and end the global financial crisis. Calling for more aid, a bigger role for trade unions and an economic system aimed at the common good as well as profit, the Pope said only a moral market could end the crisis and solve world poverty. The proposals were in his long-awaited encyclical - the second-highest level of papal teaching - released in Rome yesterday morning Australian time, before the G8 leaders gathered in Italy to discuss the global crisis.
The future of humanity depends on whether “too big to fail” sectors of the economy are taken under public control, creating a step-up socialist model, believes Peter Mertens, Belgian politician and author, the head of the Workers’ Party of Belgium. The root of the ongoing crisis is overcapacity in the production, Mertens believes. He says the policy of creating artificial consumption was a stopgap measure and it has failed. Europe is at a crossing point, Mertens told RT. The choices are, keep the euro at the expense of renouncing national sovereignties to live in an authoritarian German-led Eurozone, or split up into several conglomerates. Yet there is a third way, when strong mass movements find political translation to go for something like a socialist Europe with public banking and energy systems and true democracy.
Pope calls for a new world order - July 2009
'Capitalism to be replaced with Socialism 2.0'
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