Prophecy Sign: The deviant society that will be emboldened during the Tribulation
Ever stood near someone that was cursing up a storm using every profanity in the book, including the name of God? Didn't it make you want to quietly step back away from the person, for fear that a giant thunderbolt would soon strike the person dead in their tracks? Well that's kind of how we little old Canadians feel up here as we watch the exponential deterioration of the Godly nation that once was America. We are warily watching the skies expecting the proverbial giant thunderbolt to soon strike American.
All kidding aside, this is not just an America contagion. In fact Canada has had a 35 year head start on America, as we had our own version of Barack Obama as our leader. His name was Pierre Trudeau and was the catalyst to many of our laws that contravene God's word, (eg. abortion on demand and gay marriage are very legal here).
However it is sad to see how America has gone in the same deviant direction as the rest of the world in such a short period of time. And you think its bad now? Not even close, as we are told that during the darkest days of the Tribulation, even after many of the horrible judgements, mankind will still not repent of the wicked ways, which includes sexual immorality.
However it is sad to see how America has gone in the same deviant direction as the rest of the world in such a short period of time. And you think its bad now? Not even close, as we are told that during the darkest days of the Tribulation, even after many of the horrible judgements, mankind will still not repent of the wicked ways, which includes sexual immorality.
The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts. Revelation 9:20-21 NIV
From the articles:
General Mills is taking a stand against a proposed state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, becoming the most prominent corporate voice making such a public declaration. Chief executive Ken Powell voiced the company's opposition Wednesday at a General Mills function attended by 400 gay and lesbian professionals, followed Thursday by a Web letter from the company's vice president for global diversity and inclusion, Ken Charles. "We do not believe the proposed constitutional amendment is in the best interests of our employees or our state economy," Charles wrote. "We value diversity. We value inclusion."
The Pentagon on Tuesday saluted open gays in the ranks, with a civilian lawyer calling on fellow homosexuals to “stretch a little” and become more visible inside the military in the drive for benefits for same-sex couples. “We need to be as visible as we can be,” Gordon Tanner, principal deputy general counsel of the Air Force, said at the Defense Department’s first gay pride event. “Let us be a bridge to our straight allies.”
It's taken over four years for film director Paul Verhoeven to get anyone to turn his 2008 book "Jesus of Nazareth" into a movie, but numerous sources last week say he's finally done it. Deadline reported last Tuesday that Muse Productions will produce the film claiming Jesus Christ was the product of Mary being raped by a Roman soldier.
Jesus might have been the product of his mother being raped by a Roman soldier, which Verhoeven said was commonplace at the time, and that Jesus was a radical prophet who performed exorcisms and was convinced he would find the kingdom of Heaven on earth, and did not know he would be sentenced to die on the cross by Pontius Pilate. That, and the discounting of the miracles that pepper the New Testament, has made this a daunting project to set up.
General Mills against gay marriage ban
Oreo Pride: Rainbow-Stuffed Cookie Sparks Threats of Boycott
Pentagon holds first gay pride event
New Film to Claim Jesus Was Born After Mary Was Raped By Roman Soldier
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