Prophecy Sign: The burgeoning UFO phenomenon - Return of the Nephilim?
One prophetic topic that is not often touched upon by many churches, or many prophecy scholars for that matter, is the topic of the Nephilim and their prophesied return during the last days, (Matthew 24:37). These demonic entities existed during the Antediluvian pre-flood world, and where the reason God had to destroy all mankind, except for Noah and his family. The King James version of the bible says that Noah was perfect in his generation, (Genesis 6:9), which some prophecy experts have concluded to mean perfect DNA, (without corruption). Thus Noah and his family where redeemable and were saved at the time of the flood.
The book of Genesis, (chapter 6:1-2), touches on this event when we read of the Sons of God mingling with the Daughters of Men, producing the mighty men of old, (the giants - Nephilim). In addition, the non canonical book of Enoch has a great deal to say about the fallen Angels that came to earth and made a mess of mankind by corrupting the creation of God.
This very same thing will once again happen in these, the last days, as demonic entities, (inter-dimensional beings), re-enter the earth as Alien visitors, and will endeavor to once again corrupt the creation of God. This is why we are now seeing an exponential growth in UFO sightings around the world, and why there is such a fascination with the topic in Hollywood with recent movies and television programs. Satan is now planning his program of deception which will both explain the sudden disappearance of millions of people at the Rapture, (Alien abduction), and which will begin the process of the corruption of God's creation of humankind.
For more information on this strange but very relevant of endtimes prophecy topics, we suggest searching additional material from the likes of Chuck Missler, L.A. Marzulli, Doug Hamp, Tom Horn and Steven Qualye.
When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Genesis 6:1-2 NIV
From the article:
Either Americans don't trust their government, or they have a lot of respect for aliens' stealthiness. Thirty-six percent of Americans think aliens have visited Earth, and almost 80 percent believe the government has kept information about UFOs a secret from the public, a new survey finds. The survey, conducted ahead of National Geographic's new series Chasing UFOs, asked 1,100 Americans 18 and older for their extraterrestrial opinions. As it turns out, the idea of aliens and UFOs isn't that farfetched to most Americans.
Most Americans Believe Government Keeps UFO Secrets, Survey Finds
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