Prophecy Sign: The Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 Arab/Israel War
The following article is conjecture, (a what if scenario). HoweverIsrael knows that this scenario is the dream of every radical Muslim, and of course is the ultimate goal of the Iranian leadership. It is for this reason that Israel must and will act to attempt to eradicate, or at the very least, put the brakes to Iran ’s apocalyptic plans to bring about the return of their Messiah, the 12th Imam. A plan that requires the world to be in utter chaos, (a middle-east nuclear war would certainly fit that plan)
While bible prophecy says nothing about future man-made apocalyptic events befalling any Israeli city or area of Israel, (there are however at least a pair of very big earthquakes that are foretold to strike Jerusalem - Revelation 11, Zechariah 14); The same can't be said about Damascus as the bible warns in Isaiah 17 of the coming annihilation of that centuries old city.
Even though these events are coming, (as the bible warns they are), we should still earnestly pray for peace for this region. While there is still peace, there can still be opportunity to witness to both Jew and Muslim alike.
From the article:
Erol Araf describes what could happen if a single nuclear missile got throughIsrael ’s defences:
The following article is conjecture, (a what if scenario). However
While bible prophecy says nothing about future man-made apocalyptic events befalling any Israeli city or area of Israel, (there are however at least a pair of very big earthquakes that are foretold to strike Jerusalem - Revelation 11, Zechariah 14); The same can't be said about Damascus as the bible warns in Isaiah 17 of the coming annihilation of that centuries old city.
Even though these events are coming, (as the bible warns they are), we should still earnestly pray for peace for this region. While there is still peace, there can still be opportunity to witness to both Jew and Muslim alike.
From the article:
Erol Araf describes what could happen if a single nuclear missile got through
The control panels glowed blood red in the dark. Missiles mounted on Mercedes-Benz launch trailers were driven to launch position above ground from hardened bunkers buried deep under a granite mountain. The launch officer removed security seals and inserted activation keys. Circuit breakers were set; operational codes entered. The missiles were armed, switches pressed, batteries activated. Launch keys turned — engines fired. Rockets armed with one-megaton nuclear warheads soared en route to Tel Aviv.
One missile got through Israeli defenses. The missile flying at the speed of 2,500 km per hour covered the 1,526 km distance in 36.6 minutes and detonated 7,200 feet over the city of Savyon , the Beverly Hills of the nation, located east of Tel Aviv. Seventy years after the first Holocaust, a second one was thus unleashed against the Jewish People.
The day Tel Aviv died
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