Prophecy Sign: Perilous Times
Should Jesus Christ tarry and his return to earth is not for many, many years to come, then Christians around the world should ready themselves for coming perilous times as they struggle to survive and thrive under a growing Islamic threat.
Already many Arab nations are falling into the hands of new Islamic governments, (Tunisia , Morocco and soon Egypt and Libya ), with new religious police forces established to ensure Islamic law becomes a part of everyday life, (as is already the case in Saudi Arabia ). In those nations, Christians will be marginalized as second class citizens, will be muzzled, and will face harsh punishment for proselytizing the Christian faith to any Muslim. As for those nations not yet under the thumb of Islamic rule, the forces of Islam will try to implement laws that will see people arrested for simply criticizing Islam...even in nations such as America , Canada , Australia and Britain .
As Islam continues to grown exponentially around the world, and as true biblical Christianity slowly falls by the wayside in our politically correct western culture, standing steadfast as a true Christian may become a perilous endeavour 10, 20 or 30 years down the road.
Please continue to pray for persecuted Christians that live in the Muslim world. Pray also that God will move mighty across the globe rising up men and women of God who will preach the gospel and that many will be added to the Kingdom of God .
And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:7-8 NIV
From the article:
Islamic operatives have formed a police force in Tunisia . The so-called Salafists have established what was termed a religious police force. The force, called “Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice,” was meant to be modeled after the religious police force in Saudi Arabia .“This is not official, but it’s being tolerated by the government,” a Western diplomat said. The religious force appeared soon after the Islamic victory in Tunisia ’s parliamentary elections in November. The Salafists have already said they would seek to enforce Islamic law in public life, including a dress code for women, Middle East Newsline reported. “Is this the fate of Tunisia ?” Tunisia ’s Kapitalis news portal asked in an editorial. “Is this post-revolutionary Tunisia ?”
One of the fundamental laws of Islam deals with "slander ," which is defined in shariah as saying "anything concerning a person [a Muslim] that he would dislike." At the OIC's Third Extraordinary Session, held in Mecca , Saudi Arabia in December 2005, the organization adopted a "Ten-Year Programme of Action to Meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century." A key agenda item of that meeting was "the need to counter Islamophobia" by seeking to have the UN "…adopt an international resolution to counter Islamophobia, and call upon all States to enact laws to counter it, including deterrent punishments."
The word "Islamophobia" is a completely invented word, coined by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), a Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) front group. OIC adoption of the term reflects the close operational relationship between the OIC and the Ikhwan. Six years later, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is due to host OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu in Washington , DC in mid-December 2011 to discuss how the United States can implement the OIC agenda to criminalize criticism of Islam.
Religious police appears in Tunisia following Islamic victory at polls of Islam Could Soon be a Crime in
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