Prophecy Sign: Mystery
The Catholics certainly have one mixed up end-times eschatology. Determining that the woman clothed in the Sun noted in Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation is none other than the Roman Church, the giver of Jesus to the world. Nothing could be further from the truth. The woman in chapter 12 who gives birth to the child, (Jesus), is of course the Jewish Nation. Jesus came out of the lineage of the Jewish people and was of course a Jew himself. The Christian Church on the other hand is the chaste Bride of Christ and in no way should be pregnant with anything or anyone.
The Catholics also venerate the woman clothed in the Sun, (Revelation 12), as Mary the Mother of Jesus. Catholicism is often associated with the Mother/Son religious system that was established eons ago at the time of Nimrod. Nimrods wife, Semiramis gave birth to a son called Tammuz. The wife of Nimrod became known by many names and titles over the centuries, including the "Queen of Heaven", which is the current title Catholics give to Mary.
It is into this cultish form of Christianity, the Mother/Son religion otherwise known as Catholicism, that some Protestant Evangelical leaders are looking to join up with in an ecumenical movement, (see video below). This is simply not what true biblical Christianity should be doing, and in fact Jesus Christ calls Christians out of this false form of Christianity, not to become part of it:
Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; Revelation 18:4 NIV
It may all sound wonderful for all tenants of Christendom to come together as one, but not when that would require the debasement of what true biblical Christianity is all about and is also an affront to the many millions of true Christians that had to endure the evils of the Holy Roman Empire over the centuries. It is also an affront to the Reformation movement that saw many good men die by the hands of the Roman Church for uttering the words, "Saved by grace alone"
After watching the video below, we would suggest that you follow this link to a half hour radio program hosted by Chris Pinto who will refute and make light of this non-biblical ecumenical movement between the Roman Church and some within the Evangelical Churches. This ecumenical movement is the beginning manifestations of the coming system we are foretold of in the book of Revelation, (chapters 17/18). The false religious system that will work alongside the Antichrist to deceive mankind into accepting this false Christ as the true Messiah of the world:
From the article:
Pope Benedict XVI reflected on the biblical description of a “woman clothed with the sun” in his remarks at Rome 's Spanish Steps on the 2011 Feast of the Immaculate Conception. “What is the meaning of this image? It represents the Church and Our Lady at the same time,” the Pope told the crowd assembled before the nearby statue commemorating the 1854 definition of Mary's Immaculate Conception. “Before all, the 'woman' of the apocalypse is Mary herself.” The 12th chapter of the Biblical Apocalypse – also known as the Book of Revelation – describes the glorification and persecution of “a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”
_________________________________________James Robinson sounds like the new spokesperson for Catholicism on his TV broadcast show Life Today. Robinson praised Fox News Contributor Fr. Jonathon Morris, claiming the Lord was upon him and we should listen to him. Robinson says everything that comes out of Fr. Morris’ mouth is consistent with the word of God and the heart of God. He said: “I wish that most protestant preachers had the same sensitivity, discernment and gift of communication that you have, don’t you agree (audience)?” The audience claps in agreement. Fr. Morris states that Protestants and Catholics need to work together no matter what anyone says.
James Robison: The Lord wants Protestants and Catholics to unite as one
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