Prophecy Sign: The Cashless society. The coming "mark of the beast" monetary system
Under the new global financial/economic system that the Antichrist will implement, there will be no need for cash monies. In fact the world will likely be converted to a new digital global currency that will require each person to have a new identification mark implanted on their body, (right hand or forehead). Some have surmised that this mark could be a RFID chip or some other coming technological breakthrough. Already the RFID chip is in all the new debit and credit cards, and is required by the new payment systems in order to perform transactions.
It wouldn't take much to make this chip, (which could also contain all biometric information), a permanent "mark" on each person. Without which daily transactions would become impossible, especially with a new digital currency.
From the article:
The major world governments are in the process of destroying the value of the money their citizens hold. On Nov. 16, the Cato Institute held its annual monetary conference. Speakers included high-ranking officials from the Federal Reserve and monetary experts from the academy, think thanks and financial institutions. There was unanimous agreement that the world monetary system is in deep trouble, which is obvious to anyone who keeps up with the news. It is easier to observe the problem than to come up with a solution.
Under the new global financial/economic system that the Antichrist will implement, there will be no need for cash monies. In fact the world will likely be converted to a new digital global currency that will require each person to have a new identification mark implanted on their body, (right hand or forehead). Some have surmised that this mark could be a RFID chip or some other coming technological breakthrough. Already the RFID chip is in all the new debit and credit cards, and is required by the new payment systems in order to perform transactions.
It wouldn't take much to make this chip, (which could also contain all biometric information), a permanent "mark" on each person. Without which daily transactions would become impossible, especially with a new digital currency.
It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. Revelation 13:16-17 NIV
From the article:
The major world governments are in the process of destroying the value of the money their citizens hold. On Nov. 16, the Cato Institute held its annual monetary conference. Speakers included high-ranking officials from the Federal Reserve and monetary experts from the academy, think thanks and financial institutions. There was unanimous agreement that the world monetary system is in deep trouble, which is obvious to anyone who keeps up with the news. It is easier to observe the problem than to come up with a solution.
The real solution to the money dilemma is for governments to give up their monopolies on the issuance of money and allow free competition to determine who produces the best money.
Making money disappear
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