Ptophecy Sign: The European Superstate, (the revived Roman Empire of bible prophecy)
What we now know as the Euro-Zone , (the 17 states that presently use the Euro currency), will shortly be no more. In its' place the final world empire of bible prophecy will emerge from which 10 kingdoms, (nations or economic zones), will come out of. These entities will be pivotal in allowing the Antichrist to implement his agenda of a global economic new world order. One which will control who can buy or sell.
It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. Revelation 13:16-17 NIV
From the article:
Stick a fork in it, the eurozone as we know it is done. That’s the message we’re hearing from every media outlet and talking head this morning. But whether the EU survives in its current incarnation or takes on a new form, the agenda remains the same, the evisceration of all national sovereignty and the centralization of power into a dictatorial federal superstate.
We know that the agenda is to create a centralized European economic government that would dictate decisions to all member states. Whether that takes the form of a newly stripped-down eurozone or whether it will come into being as a result of Brussels exploiting the current crisis to pose as saviors matters little – the goal remains the same.
Eurocrats are keen on exploiting the debt crisis in a bid to create a “United States of Europe” led by European Council president Herman van Rompuy, a move that frighteningly parallels plans by top Nazis, may of whom went on to found the EU, and their mission to build a continent-wide economic government.
_________________________________________ Now more than ever, the European Union is staring into a financial abyss as more experts are talking about the end of the euro. European officials have bet everything on the euro and many find it inconceivable that the currency could ever go away in its present form. But some economists warn that's exactly what's coming. The strength of the euro helped perpetuate a debt crisis that has spread like a contagion, from Greece to Italy and now France and Spain .
It’s The End Of The Eurozone As We Know It Debt Crisis Reaching Financial Meltdown
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