Middle East unrest spreads to Saudi Arabia

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Middle East unrest spreads to Saudi Arabia

Prophecy Sign: Saudi Arabia's, (or parts of it), involvement in the Psalm 83 war

According to bible prophecy, there are several wars yet to be fought which will take place in the Middle-East; Psalm 83, Gog/Magog, Daniel 11 and the war to end all wars, Armageddon. Whether these will be separate wars with a time period between each, or simply several escalating battles leading to Armageddon remains to be seen.

The first of these wars/battles is that of Psalm 83 which foretells of a coming battle between Israeland an alliance of Arab nations. Included in this alliance is a people group called the Ishmaelites which most bible historians have determined to be from the northern parts of Saudi Arabia.

The following article is quite interesting in that the report indicates that Saudi Arabia is experience some of the same unrest and uprisings that have hit much of the Arab world. Saudi Arabiais certainly no fan of the state of Israel, but is considered an ally of the West. Should the House of Saud fall like many of the other long in power Arab dictatorships have, could we see a far more radical Islamic leadership take the reigns of power on the Arabian peninsula? One that would have no problem with breaking ties with the West and joining an alliance of nations bent on destroying Israel?

With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against you—the tents of Edomand the Ishmaelites, of Moaband the Hagrites, Byblos, Ammon and Amalek, Philistia, with the people of Tyre. Even Assyria has joined them to reinforce Lot’s descendants. Psalm 83:5-8 NIV

From the articles:
Videos have been posted online that are purported to show protesters in Saudi Arabia being shot at by security forces as reports emerge of violence in the east of the country. Saudi police sealed off the village of al-Awamiya in the east of the country on Monday night after using live fire to disperse Shia protesters, according to exiled Saudi dissidents. A group calling itself “arabianrevolution” have posted videos on YouTube which they claim show Saudi security forces in al-Awamiya, home to much of the Sunni kingdom's Sunni minority, firing on protesters on Monday evening.
Middle East unrest spreads to Saudi Arabia

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